alongtrack | Data collected daily along the ship track in JGOFS format | SOGLOBEC | humidity |
alongtrack | Data collected along the ship's track for LMG1110, Antarctic. | Salp_Antarctic | rel_hum |
alongtrack | Data collected along the ship's track from cruise KN207-01 | SargassoSeaLipids | humidity, humidity_stbd |
alongtrack | Data collected along the ship's track during cruise KN207-03 (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | humidity, humidity_stbd |
Alongtrack Data NBP10-02 | Environmental data collected along the track of NBP 10-02 to the W Ant. Peninsula | Antarctic_micronek | rel_hum |
alongtrack New Horizon 2000 | Alongtrack sensor data from New Horizon 2000 cruises | NEP | humidity |
alongtrackel | Alongtrack ship data from the Edwin Link GLOBEC Georges Bank cruises, 1999 | GB | humidity |
alongtrack_AT15-61 | alongtrack data for AT15-61 | Syne_ETSP | humidity, humidity2 |
alongtrack_lmg0602 | Data collected daily along the ship track in JGOFS format from LMG0602 | SouthernSalps | humidity |
alongtrack_PS | Alongtrack data from Polarstern ANTXXIV/I | CMarZ_2004-2010 | rel_humidity |
alongtrack_RHB_m | Meteorological and flowthru data along the track from RHB0603 | CMarZ_2004-2010 | humidity |
Autonomous Weather Station - AWS-Kirkwood Is. | Surface met. data from Kirkwood Island | SOGLOBEC | humidity |
Autonomous Weather Station -AWS- Dismal Is. | Surface met. data from Dismal Island | SOGLOBEC | humidity |
Cassidy International Airport weather | Cassidy International Airport weather data | RAPID Kiritimati | humidity_fraction_high, humidity_fraction_low, humidity_fraction_avg |
Comparative Wind | Wind data from June to October 2012; recorded near the MBL Dock, Woods Hole. | Mnemiopsis feeding in turbulence | humidity |
DAS | Uncalibrated data from the ship's Data Acquisition System (DAS) | SOIREE | RelativeHumidity |
emet_W15_1995 | MET 15 minute averaged data from 1995 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W15_1996 | MET 15 minute averaged data from 1996 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W15_1997 | MET 15 minute averaged data from 1997 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W15_1998 | MET 15 minute averaged data from 1998 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W15_1999 | MET 15 minute averaged data from 1999 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W15_other | MET 15 minute averaged data from several non-GLOBEC cruises of interest | GB | humidity |
emet_W1_1995 | MET 1 minute data from 1995 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W1_1996 | MET 1 minute data from 1996 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W1_1997 | MET 1 minute data from 1997 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W1_1998 | MET 1 minute data from 1998 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W1_1999 | MET 1 minute data from 1999 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W1_other | MET 1 minute averaged data from several non-GLOBEC cruises of interest | GB | humidity |
emet_W60_1995 | MET 60 minute averaged data from 1995 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W60_1996 | MET 60 minute averaged data from 1996 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W60_1997 | MET 60 minute averaged data from 1997 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W60_1998 | MET 60 minute averaged data from 1998 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W60_1999 | MET 60 minute averaged data from 1999 cruises | GB | humidity |
emet_W60_other | MET 60 minute averaged data from several non-GLOBEC cruises of interest | GB | humidity |
EN589 Marine Aerosol Generator Operating Conditions | Configuration and Operation of Marine Aerosol Generator Deployed on R/V Endeavor during Sept./Oct. 2016 | Refractory DOC Recycling | Rel_Humidity |
Friday Harbor Labs - Weather Station Data | Friday Harbor Labs - Weather Station Data | Intertidal Temp Effects, Microscale Mussels | RH |
Meteorological Data | Meteorological Data | THMAO | RH_Avg |
Meteorological observations from NOAA station 8761724 | Meteo data | Louisiana E-scapes | Humidity_perc |
meteorology | Shipboard Meteorology | NABE | humidity |
MIDAS | MIDAS | GoMX - NGOMEX | Humidity |
MIDAS underway data | Cross shelf undulating towed vehicle (Acrobat with MIDAS) survey data | BenDiM | humidity |
NH1208_alongtrack | underway data from RV/New Horizon 1208 | OAPS | humidity |
OC473 alongtrack | Data collected along the ship's track for OC473. | OAPS | humidity_port, humidity_stbd |
Shipboard Standard Underway | Shipboard Standard Underway | ASPIRE | Humidity |
shipboard underway | shipboard underway data | AESOPS | humidity |
Sparging Chamber Testing: radon activity - control | Sparging Chamber Testing | Submersible Rn-222 | RelHumidity |
Sparging Chamber Testing: radon activity - experimental | Sparging Chamber Testing - Bell | Submersible Rn-222 | RelHumidity |
TI668 alongtrack | Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI668 to the Gulf of Maine, May 2013 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods, GoME OA Pteropods | humidity_port |
TI700 alongtrack | Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI700 to the Gulf of Maine, August 2013 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | humidity_port |
TI715 alongtrack | Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI715 to the Gulf of Maine, October 2013 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | humidity_port |
TI725 alongtrack | Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI725 to the Gulf of Maine, January 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | humidity_port |
TI729 alongtrack | Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI729 to the Gulf of Maine, January 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | humidity_port |
TI746 alongtrack | Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI746 to the Gulf of Maine, April 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | humidity_port |
UDAS | Underway Data Acquisition System (UDAS) data | Diatom Group Si Prod | Humidity_percent |
underway - AT26-15 | Underway data from cruise Atlantis 2615. | SEEPC | humidity_p, humidity_s |
underway - EN531 | Underway data from cruise Endeavor 531 | SEEPC | humidity |
Underway - MET | Underway - MET | GATEKEEPERS | RH |
underway - OC471-02 | Underway data from cruise OC471-02 | SEEPC | humidity_p, humidity_s, humidity |
Underway Data | Underway Data | OA - Canada Basin | Bridge_RH |
Underway Data - Filtered - AN10 | Filtered, hourly underway data from shipboard acquisition system | ANACONDAS | Relative_Humidity |
Underway Data - Unfiltered - AN10 | Unfiltered underway data from shipboard acquisition system | ANACONDAS | Relative_Humidity |
underway_met | underway MET data collected on GLOBEC LTOP cruises aboard R/V Wecoma | NEP | humidity |
underway_met_NH | underway MET data collected on GLOBEC LTOP cruises aboard R/V New Horizon | NEP | humidity |
Weather | Weather conditions recorded near the MBL Dock, Woods Hole on August 14, 2012. | Mnemiopsis feeding in turbulence | humidity |
Winds from Joubin and Wauwerman Islands | Wind data, Joubin and Wauwerman Islands January - March 2020 | Project SWARM | Rel_Humidity |