Blue crab acoustics | Hydroacoustic tracking data from blue crabs released in receiver arrays | Blue Crab Connectivity | Crab_ID |
clownfish log | clownfish log | Reef Fish Resilience | tag_id |
comparative lionfish growth | Data on lionfish juvenile growth patterns in the Bahamas, Guam, and Philippines. | Lionfish Invasion | tag_code |
comparative lionfish growth - Caymans | Data on lionfish juvenile growth patterns in the Cayman Islands. | Lionfish Invasion | tag_code |
Coral Biopsy Sample Log | Sample log of coral biopsy specimens for genetic analysis of algal symbionts | Response of ETP to ENSO | Tag |
Coral colony photos from 2015 bleaching event | | Bleaching American Samoa | TagID |
DEPRECATED: Optical properties | DEPRECATED: Optical properties 2016 & 2017 | Varadero Reef | Fragment_tag_color, Parent_tag_color |
dogfish_mortality | Spiny dogfish discard mortality using commercial hook gear - Gulf of Maine and Cape Cod, 2006 | NEC-CoopRes | tagid |
focal cluster lengths | Lengths of oysters in focal clusters | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | tag |
focal clusters | Counts and weights of live, gaping and spat of oysters focal clusters | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | tag |
groundfish tag data | Groundfish tag data from Western Gulf of Maine Closure Area and surrounding areas | NEC-CoopRes | tagid |
jumbo squid time-at-depth | Time-at-depth data (to generate histograms) from tagged jumbo squid. | Jumbo Squid Physiology, Jumbo Squid Vertical Migration | tag_id |
jumbo squid time-at-temperature | Time-at-temperature data (to generate histograms) from tagged jumbo squid. | Jumbo Squid Physiology, Jumbo Squid Vertical Migration | tag_id |
lionfish collections Eleuthera | Record of lionfish collected near Eleuthera, Bahamas during 2012. | Lionfish Invasion | tag_tbar, tag_num |
lionfish collections LSI 09-11 | Record of lionfish handled/collected near Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas, 2009-2011. | Lionfish Invasion | tag_streamer2, tag_tbar, tag_num, tag_elastomer, tag_streamer1 |
lionfish density dependence | Experiment testing for density dependence in lionfish growth, immigration, recruitement, and loss. | Lionfish Invasion | tag |
lionfish growth | Growth rates of juvenile lionfish on reefs with controlled abundances of Nassau grouper. | Lionfish Invasion | tag_elastomer |
lionfish sightings Cayman 2010 | Record of lionfish sighted and/or collected near Little Cayman Island, 2010. | Lionfish Invasion | tag_num |
monkfish tag_surgery survival | monkfish tagging methods - survival rates | NEC_ProjDev | tag_id |
oyster condition index | Condition index for bivalves recovered at the end of the cage experiment | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | tag |
oyster length | Shell length data for planted bivalves | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | tag |
Photosynthesis-Irradiance curve (P-E) | Photosynthesis-Irradiance curve | Varadero Reef | Parent_tag_color, Fragment_tag_color |
Pigment absorbance | Absorbance of coral Orbicella faveolata from Rosaria and Varadero reefs, 2016 & 2017 | Varadero Reef | Parent_tag_color, Fragment_tag_color |
PIT scan log | PITscan log | Reef Fish Resilience | tag |
red crab sex_size_condition | Red Crab stock assessment project, Northeast US slope waters, 2004-2005: sex, size, condition | NEC-CoopRes | tagid |
red crab tag_location and depth | Tagging data from the Red Crab stock assessment project, Northeast US slope waters, 2002-2005 | NEC-CoopRes | tagid |
red crab tag_returns | Tag return data from the Red Crab stock assessment project, Northeast US slope waters, 2002-2005 | NEC-CoopRes | tagid |
seals_general | General information relative to Seal data collection | SOGLOBEC, Crabeater Seal Foraging | tagid |
seals_morphometrics | Seal morphometrics | SOGLOBEC, Crabeater Seal Foraging | tagid |
seals_phys-bloodwork | Seal physiology | SOGLOBEC, Crabeater Seal Foraging | tagid |
seals_predicted mass | Seal predicted mass | SOGLOBEC, Crabeater Seal Foraging | tagid |
seal_dive_duration | Duration of dives made by harbor seals near Protection Island, WA, 2009. | Seal_response_to_prey | pttno |
seal_dive_time_per_depth | Proportion of time spent per depth range for dives made by harbor seals near Protection Island, WA, 2009. | Seal_response_to_prey | pttno |
seal_dive_time_per_temp | Proportion of time spent per temperature range for dives made by harbor seals near Protection Island, WA, 2009. | Seal_response_to_prey | pttno |
seal_diving_depth | Number of dives per depth range made by harbor seals near Protection Island, WA, 2009. | Seal_response_to_prey | pttno |
seal_location_tracking | Locations of satellite-tagged harbor seals in the San Juan Islands, 2007-2009 | Seal_response_to_prey | pttno |
Tagged kelp size and depth | | Linking Kelp to Beaches | Tag_id |