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DOI: 10.1021/ac050528s

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Vertical profiles of N2 gas concentrations in excess of equilibrium values along with the isotopic composition of total N2, NO3- and NO2- from R/V New Horizon cruise NH1410 in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from May to June 2014 Methods
Porewater measurements of nitrate and nitrite concentration and N and O isotopic ratios (d15N and d18O) collected from sites 3 and 10 on the North Atlantic Long Core Cruise R/V Knorr KN223 from October to December 2014 Methods
Ammonia oxidation, nitrite oxidation, and nitrate reduction rates from R/V Atlantis (AT15-61) cruise in Jan-Feb 2010 and R/V Melville (MV1104) cruise in Mar-Apr 2011 in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific Methods
Flow through sediment core incubations for nitrogen concentration and isotopic fluxes collected in 2013 on the Island of Sylt, Germany in the North Sea. Methods
Natural abundance N2O isotopomers measured from seawater samples collected in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific during R/V Sally Ride (SR1805) cruise from March to April 2018 Methods
Nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N) in amino acid standards and in four field-collected samples Methods
Nitrate (NO3-) and Nitrite (NO2-) d15N and d18O from R/V Atlantis cruise AT15-61 in Jan-Feb 2010 and R/V Melville cruise MV1104 in Mar-Apr 2011 in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific (ETSP) Methods
Nitrite (NO2-) isotopes and concentrations from the U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise (GP16, TN303) on R/V Thomas G. Thompson in the tropical Pacific from October to December 2013 Methods
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Citation Text: 
McIlvin, M. R., & Altabet, M. A. (2005). Chemical Conversion of Nitrate and Nitrite to Nitrous Oxide for Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Analysis in Freshwater and Seawater. Analytical Chemistry, 77(17), 5589–5595. doi:10.1021/ac050528s
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