Dataset: Zooplankton - Euphausiid Growth Rates
Deployment: W0605B

Zooplankton - Euphausiid Growth Rates
Principal Investigator: 
William T. Peterson (National Marine Fisheries Service, NMFS)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Stephen R. Gegg (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
09 November 2009
Deployment Synonyms:
 RISE06W4,  RISE-4,  RISE4W,  We0605b,  w0605b
Coordinated Deployments:
Version Date: 

RISE - Zooplankton - Euphausiid Growth Rates
The dataset contains measurements of growth rates of the euphausiids Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa spinifera.

Data collectors' identifying numbers, e.g., cruise and leg numbers, cast numbers
Rise cruises conducted aboard the R/V Wecoma are numbered sequentially: RISE 1W, RISE 2W, RISE 3W, RISE 4W, with the "W" for "Wecoma". There were concurrent RISE
cruises on the R/V Pt. Sur, hence the designation of the ship in the cruise name. Data in the spreadsheets associated with this metadata are identified by station
name. The station name is generally two letters and two numbers (eg: HR05) although some stations have only one letter (eg: P09) and some stations may have another letter following the numbers (eg: AC05c). The inclusion of a "0" in station names
with only one number was not followed consistently among different groups sampling
on the same cruises, so other data sets from these cruises (CTD, chl, nut, etc.) may
show a station name as P9 rather than P09. These differences in naming styles still
refer to the same sampling station.

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