Preliminary screening of the photoquadrats indicated that 16 scleractinian genera (Orbicella, Montastraea, Agaricia, Colpophyllia, Dendrogyra, Dichocoenia Diploria, Eusmilia, Favia, Madracis, Meandrina, Porites, Stephanocoenia, Siderastrea, Manicina, and Mycetophyllia), 12 octocoral categories consisting of 11 genera (Briareum, Erythropodium, Plexaura, Pseudoplexaura, Eunicea, Plexaurella, Muricea, Muriceopsis, Antillogorgia, Gorgonia,and Pterogorgia), and ‘‘unknown’’ colonies could be identified. Additionally, percentage cover of macroalgae and CTB from Edmunds (2014) was used to provide a more comprehensive analysis of overall community structure on the study reefs.
Site-specific descriptive statistics were calculated from raw data using photoquadrats as replicates (ESM). Overall differences in abundance (pooled genera within the Scleractinia and Octocorallia) between islands, shores, and sites were tested with three-way ANOVA in which islands and shores were fixed effects, and sites were nested in islands and shores. Prior to analyses, percentages were arcsine transformed, abundances transformed to stabilize variances when some of the observations are zero ([x + 3/8]^0.5 [Zar, 2010]), and the statistical assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity tested through graphical analyses of residuals.
Spatial similarity in community structure was visualized using principal coordinates analyses (PCO) and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS). Site-specific means were used to prepare resemblance matrices prepared using Bray-Curtis similarities for three groups of data: (1) overall community structure (scleractinians by genus, octocorals by genus, macroalgae, and CTB), (2) scleractinians by genus, and (3) octocorals by genus. Data were square-root transformed (for scleractinians, macroalgae, and CTB) or fourth-root transformed (octocorals) to adjust for extreme values (the problem was more acute for the octocorals for which many observations were zero). In both cases, the least stringent transformations were applied having verified that the multivariate outcome was broadly robust to the use of more stringent transformations. A PCO was prepared from the resemblance matrix for the overall community structure and was displayed in an ordination plot based on the first two axes. The PCO was combined with vectors with lengths (B 1) revealing the strength of the association between each dependent variable and the PCO axes (defined by Spearman correlation coefficients). The common origin for these vectors was arbitrarily placed on the PCO plot, the terminus of each vectors reveals the form of the relationship with each PCO (either positive or negative relative to the origin of the vector), and together these tools reveal the dependent variables most influential in determining patterns of similarity among sites.
The resemblance matrices for scleractinians and octocorals (separately) were used to prepare MDS plots with similarity contours (70, 80, and 90% levels) determined through clustering by means of group averages, and sites displayed as bubbles scaled to the combined cover of scleractinians or the combined abundance of octocorals. For octocorals, an additional MDS was prepared without Erythropodium in order to evaluate the impact of this taxon on the similaritybased analyses. Erythropodium was treated this way because estimation of its abundance based on number of colonies was made difficult by the challenges of using photographs to discern the boundaries of small encrusting colonies on topographically complex substrata. The resemblance matrices also were used to prepare PCO plots for scleractinians and octocorals in which the first two axes captured the multivariate structure of the resemblance matrices. When combined with vectors displaying the association between dependent variables and PCOs (as described above), this tool was used to reveal the taxa most influential in determining patterns of similarity among sites, shores, and islands.
Resemblance matrices were also prepared using photoquadrats as replicates, in these cases with the addition of a dummy value (=1) to accommodate paired observations of zero abundance. Transformations and similarities were applied as above, and the resemblance matrices used for three analyses. These resemblance matrices were used in three way PERMANOVAs (one for each of the overall community structure, octocorals, and scleractinians) testing the effect of islands, shores, and sites on multivariate community structure. Site was nested in islands and shores, and the results (Pseudo-F) displayed following 1000 permutations with a probability of occurrence by chance alone (Pperm). The photoquadrat-based resemblance matrices for octocorals, and scleractinians were statistically compared using a Mantel-type test (‘‘RELATE’’ in PRIMER 6 software) in a permutational format (1000 permutations). This test evaluated the extent to which the two resemblance matrices described similar multivariate variation among shores, sites, and islands. Inferential tests involving octocorals were repeated using a resemblance matrix in which Erythropodium was excluded as described above. Univariate statistics were completed using Systat 11, and multivariate analyses were completed using PRIMER 6 (Clark & Gorley, 2006) with PERMANOVA + (Anderson et al., 2008).
BCO-DMO Processing Notes:
- original file: 'All Data_Gorgonians_Scleract.xlsx'
- added conventional header with dataset name, PI name, version date, reference
- renamed parameters to BCO-DMO standard
- reformatted data from columns to rows to conform with database practices
- added lat/lon and photo columns