Data Processing:
The reported errors for radionuclide concentrations represent the propagation of one sigma errors based on the standard deviation of five sequences of isotope ratios collected by ICP-MS, estimated error in the 229Th or 233Pa spike concentration, and the blank correction of the individual isotopes for each sample batch.
Analysis of all samples was completed over the course of 2 years. A correction was made to account for the ingrowth of 230Th and 231Pa due to the decay of the natural 234U and 235U preserved in the acidified samples during the period of time between sample collection and U-Th/Pa separation during anion exchange chromatography. Thus, the reported 230Th and 231Pa concentrations have been corrected to represent their concentrations at the time of sampling. U concentrations in the samples were estimated using the bottle salinity (S) measured from the CTD and the U-Salinity relationship of North Pacific seawater (Chen et al., 1986), [U] = (0.1115*S – 0.6356) ng U (g seawater)-1. We used seawater U-isotopic compositions of 234U/238 U = 1.1468 activity ratio (Andersen et al., 2010), and 238U/235U = 137.824 mole ratio (Weyer et al., 2008), to calculate [234U] and [235U] respectively based on [U]. In our submitted manuscript (Hayes et al., submitted) we converted gravimetric concentration (fg/kg) into volumetric activities (dpm m-3) for easier comparison to historical data. The half-lives used were 75,690 yrs for 230Th (Cheng et al., 2000), 32,760 yrs for 231Pa (Robert et al., 1969), 245,250 yrs for 234U (Cheng et al., 2000), and 7.0381 x 108 yrs for 235U (Jaffey et al. 1971).
Related files and references:
Anderson, R.F., Fleisher, M.Q., Robinson, L.F., Edwards, R.L., Hoff, J., Moran, S.B., Rutgers van der Loeff, M.M., Thomas, A.L., Roy-Barman, M., François, R., 2012. GEOTRACES intercalibration of 230Th, 232Th, 231Pa, and prospects for 10Be. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods 10, 179-213.
Chen, J.H., Lawrence Edwards, R., Wasserburg, G.J., 1986. 238U, 234U and 232Th in seawater. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 80, 241-251.
Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L., Hoff, J., Gallup, C.D., Richards, D.A., Asmerom, Y., 2000. The half-lives of uranium-234 and thorium-230. Chem. Geol. 169, 17-33.
Hayes, C.T., Anderson, R.F., Jaccard, S.L., Fleisher, M.Q., Soon, M., Gersonde, R., submitted. The nature of boundary scavenging in the North Pacific Ocean. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.
Jaffey, A.H., Flynn, K.F., Glendenin, L.E., Bentley, W.C., Essling, A.M., 1971. Precision Measurement of Half-Lives and Specific Activities of 235U and 238U. Physical Review C 4, 1889-1906.
Robert, J., Miranda, C.F., Muxart, R., 1969. Mesure de la periode du protactinium-231 par microcalorimetrie. Radiochim. Acta 11, 104-108.