Dataset: Brault 2014: Compound-specific Carbon in sperm whale dentin
Deployment: lab_UCSC_Koch

Compound-specific Carbon isotopes from sperm whale dentin
Principal Investigator: 
Paul L. Koch (University of California-Santa Cruz, UCSC)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Matthew D. McCarthy (University of California-Santa Cruz, UCSC)
Emily K. Brault (University of California-Santa Cruz, UCSC)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
Version Date: 

To determine the effects of decalcification and the accuracy of untreated dentin analysis, compound-specific Carbon isotope analysis was performed on decalcified and raw sperm whale tooth dentin. The differences in the amino acid isotope values and molar composition are reported. The sperm whale tooth came from the California Current System.

Related Reference:
All sampling and analytical information are supplied in: Brault EK, Koch PK, Gier E, Ruiz-Cooley RI, Zupcic J, Gilbert KN, McCarthy MD (2014) Effects of decalcification on bulk and compound-specific nitrogen and carbon isotope analyses of dentin. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 28: 2744-2752.

Related Datasets:
Brault 2014 - Bulk Carbon and Nitrogen isotopes
Brault 2014: Compound-specific Nitrogen in sperm whale dentin

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