The value "notobs" indicates the phenomena was not observed for two possible reasons; either the phenomena did not occur that season or imagery was not available (e.g. MODIS visual imagery was only collected during daylit months). The value 'nd' indicates no data (e.g. SSM/I imagery was too coarse to distinguish east and west side minimums).
Data were processed using the bootstrap algorithm (National Snow and Ice Data Center, Comiso, 2000, Cavalieri et al. 2015) for the 1978/79-2014/15 seasons.
Comiso, J (2000, updated 2015) Bootstrap Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS. Version 2, 1979-2015. Boulder, Colorado USA: NASA DAAC at the National Snow and Ice Data Center.
Cavalieri DJ, Parkinson CL, Gloersen P, and Zwally HJ (2015) Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Passive Microwave Data, Version 1.1 Southern Hemisphere, 1978-2015. Boulder, Colorado USA. NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center. (doi:10.5067/8GQ8LZQVL0VL) Accessed 11 Dec 2015.
BCO-DMO Data Manager Processing Notes:
* added a conventional header with dataset name, PI name, version date
* modified parameter names to conform with BCO-DMO naming conventions
* blank values indicating no observed phenomena replaced with no data value 'nd'
* added approximate latitude and longitude of McMurdo Station
Data version 2 (2020-02-20)
* Data from data version 1 (2017-01-31) updated. Column values for “edge_dist_min, ice_min_west_year, ice_min_west_month” switched with “refreeze_begin_year, refreeze_begin_month, refreeze_begin_day” values where image_source was SSMI.