Dataset: dataset4_Krug_et_al_2012: Philine sequences
Deployment: Krug_lab

Accessions for 16S for Philine species
Principal Investigator: 
Patrick Krug (California State University Los Angeles, Cal State LA)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)

Sequences were generated for 10 Philine species sampled globally. Collection information, accessions and links to the GenBank pages are provided.

Detailed collection information and archival data for specimens of Philine spp.  ID codes are in-house labels. National Center for Bioinformatics (NCBI) accession numbers for unique 16S haplotypes are listed with a given haplotype. Museum voucher numbers are for the California Academy of Sciences (CASIZ), British Museum of Natural History (BMNH), or Auckland War Memorial Museum (AK). CA = California; OR = Oregon, U.S.A. Samples in parentheses were positively identified in the present study. Samples are from invaded sites are shown under 'invasion' column. Dashes indicate specimens that were not available for accessioning in a museum collection. 'Additional specimens' denotes vouchered material that was not sequenced in the present study.

Related Reference: Krug, P.J., Asif, J., Baeza, I., Morley, M., Blom, W., and T. Gosliner. 2012. Molecular identification of two species of the carnivorous sea slug Philine, invaders of the U.S. west coast. Biological Invasions, 14: 2447-2459. doi: 10.1007/s10530-012-0242-9.

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