Station |
Station number (1-41)
unitless |
sta_id |
Cast |
CTD cast number
unitless |
cast |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Datetime of CTD cast in UTC
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Latitude |
Latitude of cast location in decimal degrees; a positive value indicates a Northern coordinate
decimal degrees |
lat |
Longitude |
Longitude of cast location in decimal degrees; a negative value indicates a Western coordinate
decimal degrees |
lon |
Depth |
Depth value from CTD
meters (m) |
depth |
Temp |
Temperature value from CTD
Celcius (C) |
temp |
Salinity |
Salinity value from CTD
practical salinity unit (PSU) |
sal |
Fluorescence |
Fluorescence value from WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL
milligram per cubic meter (mg/m^3) |
fluor |
Total_Chl |
Total chlorophyll (chl) value measured through high-performance liquid chromatoraphy (HPLC)
microgram per liter (µg/L^1) |
chl_a |
Chl_SD |
Standard deciation of chlorophyll
microgram per liter (µg/L^1) |
std_dev |
Ammonium |
Ambient NH4 concentration
micromole per liter (µmol/L^1) |
NH4 |
Nitrate |
Ambient NO3 concentration
micromole per liter (µmol/L^1) |
NO3 |
Nitrite |
Ambient NO2 concentration
micromole per liter (µmol/L^1) |
NO2 |
Urea |
Ambient Urea concentration
micromole N per liter (µmol N /L^1) |
Urea |
Phosphate |
Ambient PO4 concentration
micromole per liter (µmol/L^1) |
PO43- |
Dissolved_free_amino_acids |
Ambient Dissloved free amino acids concentration
micromole N per liter (µmol N /L^1) |
amino_conc |
Cyanate |
Ambient cyanate concentration
micromole per liter (µmol/L^1) |
cyanate |
PC |
Initial particulate carbon concentration
micromole per liter (µmol/L^1) |
PN |
Initial particulate nitrogen concentration
micromols N per liter (µmol N/L^1) |
N |
NH4_avg_uptake_rate |
Ammonium average uptake rate
micromols N per liter per hour (µmol N /L^1/h^1) |
NH4 |
SD_NH4 |
Standard deviation of ammonium uptake rate (triplicates)
micromols N per liter per hour (µmol N /L^1/h^1) |
std_dev |
NO3_avg_uptake_rate |
Nitrate average uptake rate
micromols N per liter per hour (µmol N /L^1/h^1) |
NO2 |
SD_NO3 |
Standard deviation of nitrate uptake rate (triplicates)
micromols N per liter per hour (µmol N /L^1/h^1) |
std_dev |
NO2_avg_uptake_rate |
Nitrite average uptake rate
micromols N per liter per hour (µmol N /L^1/h^1) |
NO2 |
SD_NO2 |
Standard deviation of nitrite uptake rate (triplicates)
micromols N per liter per hour (µmol N /L^1/h^1) |
std_dev |
Urea_avg_uptake_rate |
Urea average uptake rate
micromols N per liter per hour (µmol N /L^1/h^1) |
Urea |
SD_Urea |
Standard deviation of urea uptake rate (triplicates)
micromols N per liter per hour (µmol N /L^1/h^1) |
std_dev |
AAs_avg_uptake_rate |
Amino acids average uptake rate
micromols N per liter per hour (µmol N /L^1/h^1) |
pAmino |
SD_AAs |
Standard deviation of amino acids uptake rate (triplicates)
micromols N per liter per hour (µmol N /L^1/h^1) |
std_dev |
Cyanate_avg_uptake_rate |
Cyanate average uptake rate
micromols N per liter per hour (µmol N /L^1/h^1) |
pCyanate |
SD_cyanate |
Standard deviation of cyanate uptake rate (triplicates)
micromols N per liter per hour (µmol N /L^1/h^1) |
std_dev |
Specific_NH4_uptake_rate |
Specific ammonium value independent from partiulate nitrogen concentration
per hour (h^-1) |
pNH4 |
Specific_NO3_uptake_rate |
Specific nitrate uptake rate value independent from particulate nitrogen concentration
per hour (h^-1) |
pNO3 |
Specific_NO2_uptake_rate |
Specific nitrite value independent from particulate nitrogen concentration
per hour (h^-1) |
NO2 |
Specific_urea_uptake_rate |
Specific urea uptake rate value independent from particulate nitrogen concentration
per hour (h^-1) |
pUrea |
Specific_AAs_uptake_rate |
Specific amino acid uptake rate independent from particulate nitrogen concentration
per hour (h^-1) |
pAmino |
Specific_cyanate_uptake_rate |
Specific cyanate uptake rate independent from particulate nitrogen contentration
per hour (h^-1) |
cyanate |