BATS HPLC pigments | HPLC pigment concentrations from the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) | BATS | p1 |
beaconII_bgc | Seawater biogeochemistry inshore and offshore the Bermuda coral reef | BEACON II | pig1 |
Biology | Biology | NP | Chl_c3 |
BVAL pigments (BATS Validation cruises) | BVAL pigments | BATS | p1 |
Chloro HPLC | Chloro HPLC | ON DEQUE | Chl_c3 |
Database Profile Data Products | Database Profile Data Products | ON DEQUE | Chl_c3 |
EN614 HPLC Pigments | Phytoplankton diagnostic pigments from HPLC from samples collected on R/V Endeavor cruise EN614 in the tropical North Atlantic | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | Chl_c3 |
EN640 HPLC Pigments | EN640 HPLC Pigments | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | Chl_c3 |
GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 1 | GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Chl_c3_HPLC_TP_CONC_BOTTLE_xghapc |
GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 2 | GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Chl_c3_HPLC_TP_CONC_BOTTLE_h5hp8d |
HOT Niskin bottle samples | Niskin bottle water samples and CTD measurements at water sample depths from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT) | HOT | CHL_C3 |
HPLC analysis | | HarveyCarbonCycle | Chl_c3 |
HPLC pigment data collected during the Tara Pacific expedition | HPLC pigment data collected during the Tara Pacific expedition | Island Mass Effect | Chl_c3 |
HPLC Pigments | HPLC pigment data from samples collected during SAV cruises 2015-2017 | B12 Impacts on DMSP | Chl_c3 |
HPLC Pigments - CTD | HPLC pigment analyses of CTD collected samples on NBP1302 cruise | TRACERS | Chl_C3 |
HPLC Pigments - Underway | HPLC pigment analyses of underway collected samples on NBP1302 cruise | TRACERS | Chl_C3 |
HPLC pigments OC | pigments from HPLC analysis of bottle samples collected aboard Oceanus | EDDIES | chl_c3 |
HPLC pigments WB | HPLC pigments, EDDIES WB cruises | EDDIES | chl_c3 |
HPLC_BBRS | CARIACO HPLC pigments from the Bermuda Biological Research Station (BBRS) | CARIACO | Chl_c3 |
HPLC_HPL | CARIACO HPLC pigments from Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) | CARIACO | Chl_c3 |
HPLC_MOTE | CARIACO HPLC pigments from Mote | CARIACO | Chl_c3 |
HPLC_NGSFC | CARIACO HPLC pigments from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | CARIACO | Chl_c3 |
HPLC_pigments | Pigments, HPLC method, sampled from bottle casts | Arabian Sea | chl_c3 |
HPLC_pigments | Pigments, HPLC method, standard casts | AESOPS | chl_c3 |
HPLC_pigmentsPP | HPLC measured pigments, Primary Production casts | Arabian Sea | chl_c3 |
HPLC_pigmentsTM | HPLC measured pigments, TM Primary Production casts | Arabian Sea | chl_c3 |
HPLC_sizefrac | HPLC measured pigments by size fraction | Arabian Sea | chl_c3 |
ISPP14C Synthesis | In situ primary productivity 14C | JGOFS NABE Primary Prod 20W, ON DEQUE, ARLINDO, PRPOOS Tracer Kinetics, Arabian Sea, NABE, KD490 Upgrade, AESOPS Primary Production, Arabian Sea Phyto Seasonality, Biowatt II, ISPP14C, PRPOOS logistics, Arabian Sea Primary Prod, AESOPS, ML-ML, Arabian Sea Photo-Ecology, Biowatt I | chl_c3, chl_c3_p |
Niskin Bottle Hydrography | Niskin Bottle Hydrography from CTD Rosette | NAB 2008 | chl_c3 |
Nutrients and pigments | Nutrients and pigments | FADCO | Chl_c3 |
Photosynthetic Pigments | Photosynthetic Pigments | Controls on Sea-Ice Algae (COSA) | Chl_c3 |
Phyto HPLC Pigments | Phyto HPLC Pigments | BLOOFINZ-IO | Chl_c3 |
phytoplankton | Discrete phytoplankton, HPLC, flow cytometry, and nutrient data from GLOBEC NEP mesoscale cruises. | NEP | chl_c3 |
pigments | Pigment concentrations | EqPac | chl_c3 |
Pigments | HPLC analyses of algal pigment concentrations. | CoFeMUG | Chl_c3 |
pigments | Pigment concentrations (HPLC) from the Sargasso Sea. | Trophic BATS | chl_c3 |
Pigments HPLC | | CICLOPS | Chl_C3 |
pigments_HPLC | Algal pigment concentrations in the Ross Sea as measured by HPLC | CORSACS | chl_c3 |
pigments_SF | Pigment concentration determined by size fractionation method | EqPac | chl_c3 |
underway T S fluor pigments | Underway data including T, S, fluor, pigments | CORSACS | chl_c3 |