2018 Ross Sea Crystal Krill Grazing | 2018 Ross Sea E. crystallorophias grazing rates | bio-acoustic plankton surveys | E1_Phaeopigment_ug_L, E2_Phaeopigment_ug_L, E3_Phaeopigment_ug_L, E4_Phaeopigment_ug_L |
AE1812 in situ Chl a | | North Atlantic Diatoms | phaeo |
AE1812 incubation Chl a | | North Atlantic Diatoms | phaeo |
AR16 Experiment Chl a | Chlorophyll a concentrations from addition incubation experiments performed on AR16 | North Atlantic Diatoms | phaeo |
AR16 in situ Chl a | Chlorophyll a concentrations along the cruise track of AR16 | North Atlantic Diatoms | phaeo |
BATS HPLC pigments | HPLC pigment concentrations from the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) | BATS | p17_Phae |
Bottle AR29 | Bottle data April 2018 | SPIROPA | Phaeo_x_0, Phaeo_y_0, Phaeo_x_10, Phaeo_y_10 |
Bottle Data | Bottle Data | ALEX-GoME | Phaeo |
bottle data - NBP1201 | Chemical and biological data from CTD Niskin bottle samples taken in the Ross Sea | PRISM-RS | phaeo, hplc_fluor_phaeo_a |
bottle data 2000 | Salinity, nutrients, and extracted pigment | NEP | phaeo |
Bottle RB1904 | Bottle dataset May 2019 | SPIROPA | Phaeo_x_0, Phaeo_y_0, Phaeo_x_10, Phaeo_y_10 |
Bottle TN368 | Bottle data, July 2019 | SPIROPA | Phaeo_x_10, Phaeo_y_10, Phaeo_x_0, Phaeo_y_0 |
bottle_data_2002 | Rosette Bottle Data | NEP | phaeo |
bottle_merged | Merged bottle and nutrient data | EqPac | phaeo |
BVAL pigments (BATS Validation cruises) | BVAL pigments | BATS | p17_Phae |
CarBoy Experiments | CarBoy Experiments | Great Calcite Belt | Corr_Pheo |
chl | CTD Fluorometric chlorophyll a and total phaeopigment | EqPac | phaeo |
Chl | Discrete samples of extracted chlorophyll and phaeophytin. | C-MORE | phaeophytin |
Chl - Summary | Measured Chlorophyll a and Phaeopigment concentrations | SOIREE | Phaeo_Total |
chlorophyll | Chlorophyll data from EN321 and EN325, Georges Bank, 1999 | GB | phaeo |
Chlorophyll | Chlorophyll a and Pheopigment Concentrations | GATEKEEPERS | phaeo |
Chlorophyll a - Eastern Tropical Pacific | Chlorophyll a data from the Eastern Tropical Pacific | ETP | phaeo |
Chlorophyll a fluorometry | Chlorophyll a fluorometry | BLOOFINZ-IO | Phaeo |
chlorophyll and phaeophytin | pigments; chlorophyll and phaeophytin | EDDIES | phaeo, phaeo_mg_l |
Chlorophyll and Phaeopigment | Chlorophyll and phaeopigment data collected in 2018 off the Oregon Coast | NCC Pyrosomes | Phaeo |
chlorophyll underway | Fluorometric chlorophyll from SCUFA underway sampling apparatus | SOFeX | phaeo |
chlorophyll_a | Long Island Sound chlorophyll a, phaeo, fluor | CiliateDivGenePop | phaeo |
chlorophyll_oxygen | Niskin bottle chlorophyll, phaeopigments and oxygen | EDDIES | phaeo |
chlorophyll_phaeophytin | pigments chlorophyll-a and phaeophytin sampled from Niskin bottles | EDDIES | phaeo |
chloro_Daly | Chlorophyll data (CTD water bottle data) from LMG0203 | SOGLOBEC | phaeo |
chloro_Vernet | Chlorophyll data from bottles, buckets and ice | SOGLOBEC | phaeo |
chlor_phaeo | Extracted Chlorophyll and Phaeopigment, Georges Bank, 1995. | GB | phaeo |
chlTM | TM cast Fluorometric chlorophyll a and total phaeopigment | EqPac | phaeo |
chl_a_3m | chlorophyll-a from salmon trawl cruises | NEP | phaeo |
chl_fluor | Chlorophyll-a and phaeopigments, fluorometric method | Arabian Sea | phaeo |
CLASiC Water Column | | CLASiC | Pheophytin |
Coastal Phytoplankton | | Phytoplankton MeHg | Pha_small, Pha_large |
Core | Core data | C-MORE | phaeo |
CTD - Discrete Samples | Discrete Samples from CTD Casts | COPAS08 | Phaeo |
CTD - Discrete Samples | CTD - Discrete Samples | Great Calcite Belt | Avg_Corr_Phaeo |
DDA nutrient acquisition | DDA nutrient acquisition | META-DDA | phaeophytin |
Diatom silica productivity rates | Silica production rates and concentrations quantified using 32Si and PDMPO | Diatom Group Si Prod | phaeo |
Dilution Experiments | Dilution Experiments | Great Calcite Belt | Corr_Pheo |
dist-pp | Productivity, PIC, Chl-a and Phaeo Pigments along ship's track | EqPac | phaeo |
Doliolid diet: lab chlorophyll, carbon, nitrogen | Nutrients and chlorophyll-a from CTD casts 2015-2017 | Doliolid Diet | gt8uml_phaeo_nr_bot_extr, phaeo_total_nr_bot_extr |
EN616 Discrete Data | EN616 Discrete Data | Cocco-Mix | Avg_Corr_Phaeo |
Exp and Survey Biogeochem and Microbial data | Experimental and survey biogeochemical and microbial data from SBDOM cruises in the Santa Barbara Channel. | SBDOM, SBC LTER | phaeo |
FeOA Profile Data | FeOA Profile Data | pH-Fe availability | PHAEO_FLUOR_TP_CONC, PHAEO_FLUOR_LP_CONC |
Field Physiochemical Parameters and Nitrogen Specific Uptake Rates | Field Physiochemical Parameters and Nitrogen Specific Uptake Rates | Creatine Cycling | Phaeo_gt_3um, Phaeo_gt_3um_Std, Phaeo_gt_3tenths_um, Phaeo_gt_3tenths_um_Std |
GoM WBTS 2012-2013 Calanus Chl a_Phaeopigment concentration | Chlorophyll a and Phaeophytin from two time series stations in the Gulf of Maine | GoM_Calanus_2012-2013 | phaeo |
Grazing experiment 4: Chlorophyll a | Chlorophyll-a data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | phaeo |
HOT Niskin bottle samples | Niskin bottle water samples and CTD measurements at water sample depths from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT) | HOT | PHEO |
HOT Primary Production | Primary productivity measurements from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT) | HOT | Pheo_mean |
HPLC pigments WB | HPLC pigments, EDDIES WB cruises | EDDIES | pheo_fluor |
HPLC_BBRS | CARIACO HPLC pigments from the Bermuda Biological Research Station (BBRS) | CARIACO | Fluor_Phaeo |
HPLC_HPL | CARIACO HPLC pigments from Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) | CARIACO | Fluor_Phaeo |
HPLC_MOTE | CARIACO HPLC pigments from Mote | CARIACO | Fluor_Phaeo |
HPLC_NGSFC | CARIACO HPLC pigments from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | CARIACO | Fluor_Phaeo |
Kinetics of Silicon uptake | Total silicic acid, gross silica production, and biomass-normalized measurements | Diatom Group Si Prod | phaeo |
LB_2012_Ship_Chl | Chlorophyll and pheopigments from filtered water samples | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | Phaeo_Avg |
March Incubation Chlorophyll a | | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Phaeo |
McMurdo Sound chlorophyll | Chlorophyll data from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica | McMurdo Predator Prey | phaeo |
MesoHux Chlorophyll | | E huxleyi Mortality | Pheo |
Montery Bay Time Series Data | | Contributions of AOA Ecotypes | Phaeopigments |
MUSiCC OC1504A - Nutrients, CTD, and silicon biogeochemical data | Molecular Underpinnings of SIlicification in the California Current - OC1504A | Diatom Silicification | phaeo |
MVCO environmental measurements and high throughput sequencing | Links to high throughput sequencing data and associated MVCO environmental measurements | Staining IFCB | Phaeo |
Niskin Bottle Hydrography | Niskin Bottle Hydrography from CTD Rosette | NAB 2008 | phaeo |
Niskin bottle samples | CARIACO time series Niskin bottle sample data | CARIACO | Phaeopigments |
Nutrients and chlorophyll | Nutrient and chlorophyll analyses from surface samples collected by container ships in the North Pacific | NPac Cont Ship | Phaeopigment |
nut_phyto | Phytoplankton chlorophyll + nutrient studies | GB | phaeo |
OOI Argentine Basin CTD and Water Sampling Data | | OOI Cruise Data | Discrete_Phaeopigment |
OOI Irminger Sea CTD and Water Sampling Data | OOI Global Irminger Array CTD and Discrete Water Sampling Data from R/V Neil Armstrong in the Irminger Sea | OOI Cruise Data | Discrete_Phaeopigment |
OOI Southern Ocean Array CTD and Water Sampling Data | | OOI Cruise Data | Discrete_Phaeopigment |
OOI Station Papa CTD and Water Sampling Data | OOI Global Station Papa Array CTD and Discrete Water Sampling Data | OOI Cruise Data | Discrete_Phaeopigment |
phaeopigments | Fluorometric chlorophyll-a & phaeopigments | AESOPS | phaeo |
phytoplankton | Discrete phytoplankton, HPLC, flow cytometry, and nutrient data from GLOBEC NEP mesoscale cruises. | NEP | phaeo |
Phytoplankton abundances | Phytoplankton abundances | IronExII | Phaeo |
Phytoplankton physiology | Physiology of phytoplankton collected in coastal waters near Palmer Station, Antarctica, 2012 | Phytoplankton Seasonal Dynamics | Phaeo |
pigments_CN | POC, PON and Pigments from LMG0414 and LMG0602 | SouthernSalps | phaeo |
Pseudo-nitzschia counts, nutrients and more | Pseudo-nitzschia counts, nutrients and more | C-AIM | Pheo_ug_L |
Reef biogeochemistry, metabolomics, and metagenomics | Reef biogeochemistry, metabolomics, and metagenomics | Coral Exometabolomes | Phaeophytin_mg_per_l |
RR2004 Bottle Data | RR2004 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | Avg_Corr_Phaeo_ug_per_L |
salp_chloro | chlorophyll data associated with salp swarm collections in the Slope Waters off northeastern USA | SalpSwarmDyn | phaeo |
SECM_nutrients_all | Time Series of nutrients and ctd data, 1997-2006 in Southeastern Alaska | NEP | phaeo |
SECM_nutrients_points | Nutrients and ctd data, 1997-2006 in Southeastern Alaska | NEP | phaeo |
Sediment chlorophyll and phaeophytin | Raw benthic chlorophyll and phaeophytin data. | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | phaeo, logphaeo |
Sediment trap C N and Isotope Flux | Sediment trap carbon, nitrogen, and isotope flux | Salp Food Web Ecology | Phaeo, Phaeo_stdev |
Shipboard incubations SKQ202209S | Shipboard incubations SKQ202209S | pH-Fe availability | PHAEO_FLUOR_TP_CONC_INC, PHAEO_FLUOR_LP_CONC_INC |
STING I and STING II extracted chlorophyll a and pheophytin | Chlorphyll a and pheophytin from two cruises performed as part of the STING project | Gulf of Mexico DON and Fe | Pheophytin |
TN376 Bottle Data | TN376 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | Avg_Corr_Phaeo_ug_per_L |
underway chloro | Underway chlorophyll data | SOGLOBEC | phaeo |
USVI Time-series | USVI Time-series | Coral Chorus | Phaeo_ug_per_l |