active surface bacteria | Microbial abundance, activity, and nutrient concentrations in Delaware Bay | Active bacteria in surface waters | Si |
aerosols_short | Aerosols, short irradiation neutron activation analysis | Arabian Sea | Si |
All Bottle | CTD bottle data (macronutrients, chlorophyll) | RISE | Si |
BIB Experiments | Bloom in Bottle (BIB) experiments; culture studies of the effect of Si and N stress on diatoms of the Santa Barbara Channel. | SBDOM, SBC LTER | Si |
Bottle Data | Stations | SoCalPlumeEx2012 | Si |
bottle_SIO | SIO-CTD Rosette bottle basic CTD hydrographic and nutrient data | SOFeX | Si |
bottle_TM_RR | Trace Metal Clean Rosette bottle hydrographic and nutrient data | SOFeX | Si |
Cellular Trace Elements | Cellular trace elements collected on cruise RR1604 (GO-SHIP transect IO9N) in the Eastern Indian Ocean from March to April 2016 | IO Phytoplankton | Cell_Si, Cell_Si_flag |
Cellular trace elements from IRNBRU and Line P | Cellular trace elements from IRNBRU and Line P cruises | Diatom Iron Storage | cellSi |
Cellular trace elements from TN280 | Cellular trace elements from TN280 | GeoMICS Bio, GeoMICS Chem | cellSi |
Chemistry - July 2008 | Chemistry - July 2008 | Anammox Black Sea | Si |
Chemistry - May 2007 | Chemistry - May 2007 | Anammox Black Sea | Si |
Chemistry - October 2007 | Chemistry - October 2007 | Anammox Black Sea | Si |
Chemistry and cell counts | Chemistry and cell counts of formation fluids from North Pond | North Pond Microbes | Si |
Cores - Gravity Cores - Pore Water Data | Pore water analysis obtained from gravity cores | ANACONDAS | Si |
Cores - Multi Cores - Pore Water Data | Pore water analysis obtained from multi cores | ANACONDAS | Si |
Discrete - Surface Samples | Discrete - Surface Samples | C-MORE | PSi |
Dorado 2014: OsmoSampler fluid chemistry | Spring and pore fluid chemistry from samples taken by OsmoSamplers | Dorado Outcrop | Si |
Dorado 2014: Pore fluid chemistry from gravity cores | Pore fluid chemistry from gravity cores | Dorado Outcrop | Si |
Dorado 2014: Pore fluid chemistry from push cores | Pore fluid chemistry from push cores | Dorado Outcrop | Si |
Estuarine Sediment Silicon Sorption Capacities | Estuarine Sediment Silicon Sorption Capacities | CLASiC | Stdev_32Si_in_solution_DPM, Si32_in_Particles_DPM, Si32_in_Particles_Blank_Corrected_DPM, Average_32Si_in_Particles_Blank_Corrected_DPM, Stdev_32Si_in_Particles_Blank_Corrected_DPM, Si32_Initial_isotope_Added_DPM, Si32_DPM_in_Solution, Average_32Si_in_solution_DPM |
Fall 2011 - Porewater Samples | Fall 2011 - Porewater Samples | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Si |
Fall 2011 - Water Column Samples | Fall 2011 - Water Column Samples | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Si |
Geochemistry | | SLW C Cycling | Silicon |
GN01 Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | GN01 Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | Arctic GEOTRACES bottle particles, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | cellSi |
GN01 Silicon Stable Isotopes | Depth profiles of the isotopic composition (d30Si) of silicon within dissolved silicic acid on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise GN01 (HLY1502) from August to October 2015 | GEOTRACES Arctic Si Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | SILICATE_30_28_D_DELTA_BOTTLE_5ib7da, SD1_SILICATE_30_28_D_DELTA_BOTTLE_5ib7da |
GP15 delta30Si Leg 1 | GP15 delta30Si Leg 1 | PMT Si, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | SILICATE_30_28_D_DELTA_BOTTLE_mmipkg, SD1_SILICATE_30_28_D_DELTA_BOTTLE_mmipkg |
GP15 delta30Si Leg 2 | GP15 delta30Si Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Si | SILICATE_30_28_D_DELTA_BOTTLE_1foxwp, SD1_SILICATE_30_28_D_DELTA_BOTTLE_1foxwp |
GP16 delta 30Si | Profiles of stable isotopes of silicon in silicic acid from the US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Silicon Isotope | SILICATE_30_28_D_DELTA_BOTTLE, SILICATE_30_28_D_DELTA_BOTTLE_STDEV, SILICATE_30_28_D_DELTA_BOTTLE_STERROR |
GP16 Particle Composition | Size-fractionated major and minor particle composition and concentration. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Particle Geochemistry | bSi_SPT_PUMP_CONC, bSi_LPT_PUMP_CONC, OPAL_SPT_CONC_PUMP, OPAL_LPT_CONC_PUMP |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Si | Porewater Si concentrations from sediment cores P3,P6,P10,P11,P12, and P13, collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin. | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | Si |
Inorganic Carbon Data | Inorganic Carbon Data from The Great Belt Cruises | Great Calcite Belt | Si |
Macronutrients | Macronutrients | ON DEQUE | SI |
Minor Ion Concentrations | | North Pond 2017 | Si |
MULVFS Particulates K2 | MULVFS data from station K2 | VERTIGO | gt51_Si_nM, gt51_Si_nM_sd, gt_0point4_Si_nM |
MV1405 Q Incubations | Q incubation data from MV1405 | Diatom Iron Storage | biogenic_silica, bSi_new, rho, Vb |
MVCO environmental measurements and high throughput sequencing | Links to high throughput sequencing data and associated MVCO environmental measurements | Staining IFCB | SiO2 |
Nitrogen and carbon isotopes | Seawater and filter sample Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes from coastal and off-shore sites | Regenerated Nitrogen | Si |
North Pond Pore Water Chemistry | Pore water chemical concentration data and location from push cores collected by the ROV Jason II on dive J2-773 | North Pond Microbes | Si |
Nutrients | Nutrients from Niskins | SO_GasEx | Si |
OA Lit Review | Literature review of Ocean Acidification (OA) effects on phytoplankton. | P-ExpEv | Si |
OFP Elemental | Mass flux and concentrations of bulk components (Carbonate, Organic Carbon/Nitrogen, Lithogenics, Opal and elements) in the flux at 500m, 1500m and 3200m depths | OFP Sargasso Sea | Total_Si_lt_1000 |
Oxic sediment V isotope signature | | Vanadium Isotopes | Si_pcnt |
Particulate silica, standing stocks, and productivity rates | Water column particulate silica, standing stocks, and productivity rates | Si_in_Syn | lSi_above_3, lSi_4tenths_to_3 |
pH internal Consistency Experiment: Measured pH and nutrients | Measured pH and nutrients | Inorganic Carbon Meaurements | Si |
Pore water geochemistry | | Antarctic Shelf Sediments | Si |
San Dieguito Lagoon Carbon export | San Dieguito Lagoon Carbon export | Nearshore CO2 | Si |
Sargasso Sea Hydrocarbons | | Cyanobacteria Hydrocarbons | silicone |
Sediment porewater and particulates of Louisiana Shelf | Sediment porewater and particulates on Louisiana Shelf Dec 2021-Aug 2022 | Extreme Si | PW_Si_ICPMS |
Si Depletion Experiment: BSi | | Coccolithophore Silicon Requirements | DSi |
Si Depletion Experiment: DSi | | Coccolithophore Silicon Requirements | DSi |
Si Depletion Experiment: EDS and SEM | | Coccolithophore Silicon Requirements | Si_Wt_pcnt, Si_At_pcnt |
Siderophore-enhanced olivine dissolution experiments | Siderophore-enhanced olivine dissolution experiments | Microbial Olivine Dissolution | Si_released |
Synechococcus Si uptake: additional nutrients | Synechococcus cell silica uptake from cultures with added nutrients | Si_in_Syn | uptake_rate |
Synechococcus Si uptake: phosphorous | Synechococcus silica uptake rates from cultures with and without added orthophospate | Si_in_Syn | uptake_rate |
Synechococcus Si uptake: silicic acid gradients | Silica uptake by Synechococcus cells in response to a gradient of silicic acid concentrations | Si_in_Syn | uptake_rate |
Synechococcus: cellular silicon water-soluble fraction | Water-soluble fraction of silica in Synechococcus cells grown in different silicic acid concentrations | Si_in_Syn | soluble_Si |
Tricho N Atlantic - OC469 | Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from OC469, 2010 | Trichodesmium | Si |
Tricho N Atlantic - OC471 | Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from OC471, 2011 | Trichodesmium | Si |
Water Column Data - CTD | CTD water column data from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. | ESAS Water Column Methane | Si |
West Mata 2009 DOC,13C-POC, DON | | West Mata Volcano | Si |