14C 32Si Experimental - from RR1813 | 32Si and 14C production data (experimental) | Diatoms and carbon export | PO4 |
2017-2018-2019 BBL_CTD/Rosette | | BBEDOS | PO4 |
32Si and 14C Production - Profiles - from DY131 | 32Si and 14C Production - Profiles | Diatoms and carbon export | Phosphate |
32Si Profiles - from RR1813 | 32Si data from EXPORTS cruise | Diatoms and carbon export | PO4 |
A scandium incubation experiment during the PUPCYCLE I cruise in the California Current System in 2019 | | Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics | PO4 |
Abiotic data | Physical environmental data. | LittleLagoonGroundwater | East_waterColumn_PO4, East_waterColumn_PO4_SE, West_waterColumn_PO4, West_waterColumn_PO4_SE, avg_waterColumn_PO4, avg_waterColumn_PO4_SE, Mouth_waterColumn_PO4, Mouth_waterColumn_PO4_SE |
active surface bacteria | Microbial abundance, activity, and nutrient concentrations in Delaware Bay | Active bacteria in surface waters | PO4 |
AE1620 bottles: Biogeochemical and Microbial data | bottle data AE1620 | Bacterial DOC cycling | PO4 |
AE1703 bottles: Biogeochemical and Microbial data | bottle data AE1703 | Bacterial DOC cycling | PO4 |
AE1812 Water column phosphate data | AE1812 water column phosphates | North Atlantic Diatoms, Phosphorus Redox Cycling | MAGIC_SRP |
AE1913 Macronutrients, dissolved and particulate trace metals | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | PO4 |
Alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from water samples collected at coral reefs in the equatorial central Pacific in 1973, 2012, 2015, and 2018 | Alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from sea water samples collected at coral reefs from equatorial central Pacific in 1973, 2012, 2015, and 2018 | Biophysics of Coral Reef Resilience | Phosphate |
All Bottle | All Bottle | ECOHAB-PNW | H2PO4 |
Aquaculture N Cycle | Measurements of nutrient flux and denitrification and DNRA rates in clam aquaculture sediments. | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | PO4 |
AR16 Water column nutrients | AE1812 water column phosphates | Phosphorus Redox Cycling | PO4 |
AR16_Water_Column | Phosphorus redox and water column phosphorus data | Phosphorus Redox Cycling | MAGIC_SRP |
Arabian Sea phytoplankton | Phytoplankton and nutrients from Northern Arabian Sea, 2009-2011 | Arabian Sea Noctiluca | PO4 |
Arctic Nitrogen Fixation Rates | Size fractioned nitrogen fixation rates | ArcticNITRO | Phosphate, Phosphate_SD |
AT37-06 Sediment Geochemistry Summary | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | PO4 |
AT42-05 Sediment geochemistry | Sediment geochemistry AT42-05 | Guaymas Basin Interactions | PO4_uM |
AT42-05 Water column chemistry | water column geochemistry AT42-05 | Guaymas Basin Interactions | PO4 |
Bacterial Growth ACTivity | New data and new versions of previous data: Bacterial growth rate ACTivity in Delaware Bay | Coastal Bacterial Growth Rates | PO4 |
BATS discrete bottle data | BATS discrete bottle data | BATS | PO4 |
beaconII_bgc | Seawater biogeochemistry inshore and offshore the Bermuda coral reef | BEACON II | phosphate |
Benthic DO and nutrient fluxes from sediment core incubations | Benthic DO and nutrient fluxes from sediment core incubations | Neotrypaea COP Effects, BBEDOS | PO4 |
Benthic flux data Gulf of Mexico shelf | | Sed Control on OA | PO4_flux |
Bergen MesoHux 2017 Dissolved Nutrients | nutrients | Light-dependent host virus interactions | Orthophosphate_uM |
biogeochem and biology | Biogeochemical and biological data from the Sargasso Sea. | Trophic BATS | PO4 |
Biogeochemistry | Biogeochemistry Data | ATP3 | PO4 |
Biogeochemistry FGBRR16 | Biogeochemical data collected during the Flower Garden Banks Rapid Response Cruise | Rapid Reefs Harvey | HPO4 |
biogeochemistry microbiology | Cariaco basin biogeochemistry and microbiology | CARIACO | PO4 |
biogeochem_microbes | Moorea Coral Reef algae, bacteria, DOC, inorganic and organic nutrients | Coral DOM, MCR LTER | PO4 |
BLOOFINZ-GoM nutrients and isotopes | BLOOFINZ-GoM Nutrients, Nitrate isotopes, DON isotopes | BLOOFINZ-IO | PO4 |
BLOOFINZ-IO nutrients and isotopes | | BLOOFINZ-IO | PO4 |
bottle | Hydrographic Data: temp, salinity, nutrients from Niskin bottles | Arabian Sea | PO4 |
bottle | Merged hydrographic, nutrient and Carbon/Nitrogen | NABE | PO4 |
bottle | Temperature, salinity, nutrients from CTD/Niskin casts | AESOPS | PO4 |
bottle | Niskin bottle data from RV/Pelagia-325 | Basin-scale Protists | PO4 |
Bottle AR29 | Bottle data April 2018 | SPIROPA | PO4 |
Bottle Data | CTD Bottle Data | DIAZOTROPHS | PO4 |
Bottle Data | Bottle Data | ALEX-GoME | PO4 |
Bottle data | bottle nutrients data | IVARS | PO4 |
bottle data - NBP1201 | Chemical and biological data from CTD Niskin bottle samples taken in the Ross Sea | PRISM-RS | PO4 |
bottle data 2000 | Salinity, nutrients, and extracted pigment | NEP | PO4 |
Bottle RB1904 | Bottle dataset May 2019 | SPIROPA | PO4 |
Bottle TN368 | Bottle data, July 2019 | SPIROPA | PO4 |
bottle_data_2002 | Rosette Bottle Data | NEP | PO4 |
bottle_merged | Merged bottle and nutrient data | EqPac | PO4 |
bottle_proc | Rosette Bottle Data (nutrients, chl), 2001 and 2003 | NEP | PO4 |
bottle_samples_PS | combined water sample data from variety of sampling devices | SOFeX | PO4 |
bottle_SIO | SIO-CTD Rosette bottle basic CTD hydrographic and nutrient data | SOFeX | PO4 |
bottle_summ | Niskin bottle summary product; basic hydrographic data, thorium-234, pigments and nutrients | VERTIGO | PO4 |
bottle_TM_RR | Trace Metal Clean Rosette bottle hydrographic and nutrient data | SOFeX | PO4 |
broadscale_summary | Broadscale physical and nutrient kriged data, five year summary. | GB | PO4 |
BVAL bottle data (BATS Validation cruises) | BATS Validation cruise bottle data | BATS | PO4 |
Carbonate Chemistry and Light Data | | BEACON | uM_PO4 |
CarBoy Experiments | CarBoy Experiments | Great Calcite Belt | PO4 |
cgoa_ltop_nutrients | Nutrient concentrations from AK-LTOP cruises | NEP | PO4 |
Characteristics of Silicon Reactive Sediment Pools | | CLASiC | Porewater_PO4 |
Chemical data | Chemical data associated with field collections. | Alexandrium-isotopes | PO4 |
Chemistry - July 2008 | Chemistry - July 2008 | Anammox Black Sea | PO4 |
Chemistry - May 2007 | Chemistry - May 2007 | Anammox Black Sea | PO4 |
Chemistry - October 2007 | Chemistry - October 2007 | Anammox Black Sea | PO4 |
CICLOPS Dissolved Cobalt | CICLOPS Dissolved Cobalt | CICLOPS | PO4_uM |
CLASiC Water Column | | CLASiC | Phosphate |
Coastal SAR11 Physiochemical data | Physiochemical data from samples collected along the coast of Louisiana, USA during 2018. | CoastalSAR11 | PO4 |
Controlled laboratory study using model organisms Micromonas commoda RCC 299 and Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 | picoeukaryote Micromonas commoda | CC_Auto_Hetero_Fluxes | PO4_uM |
Controls | Controls run during remineralization experiments. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | PO4 |
Coral reef seawater microbial communities | Coral reef seawater microbial communities | Coral Exometabolomes | Phosphate_uM |
Coral-bacterioplankton data from mesocosm experiments | Bacterioplankton data from coral and coral mucus aquaria experiments. | Coral Microbial Relationships | P04 |
coral-microbe T-RF - spawning | T-RFLP, response of the microbial community to coral spawning, lagoon and reef flats, Oahu, 2006-7 | MiCoDe | PO4 |
CTD | CTD sensor and nutrient measurements | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | PO4 |
CTD - Bottle - TOM and Nutrients | CTD - Bottle - TOM and Nutrients | North Pacific RDOC, DORC PhotoChem | PHSPHT |
CTD - Bottle Nutrients | Bottle Nutrients | COPAS08 | PHSPHT |
CTD - Discrete Samples | Discrete Samples from CTD Casts | COPAS08 | PHSPHT |
CTD - Discrete Samples | CTD - Discrete Samples | Great Calcite Belt | PO4 |
CTD - Hydro Nutrients - EN496 | CTD Hydro Nutrients Data - EN496 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | Mean_PO4 |
CTD - Hydro Nutrients - EN509 | CTD Hydro Nutrients Data - EN509 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | Mean_PO4 |
CTD - Hydro Nutrients - OC468-02 | CTD Hydro Nutrients Data - OC468-02 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | Mean_PO4 |
CTD - Nutrients Profiles | CTD - Nutrients Profiles | OA - Canada Basin | PO4 |
CTD - SAM Data Files | CTD SAM Data Files | COPAS08 | po4 |
CTD Data with Chemical and Biological Discrete Samples | CTD Data with Chemical and Biological Discrete Samples | GoMX - N2 Fixation | PO4 |
CTD Log | CTD Log | IronExI | PO4 |
CTD Manganese Speciation | | CICLOPS, ROS in Hg Cycling | PO4 |
CTD NPP and nutrients | | DANCE | PO4 |
CTD TM_Rosette Nutrients Chl | CTD, TM Rosette CTD, nutrients and chlorophyll data | IronExII | PO4 |
Cyanophage abundance | El Nino virus abundance | El Nino and virus diversity, Cyanophage Evolutionary Ecology | PO4 |
DDA nutrient acquisition | DDA nutrient acquisition | META-DDA | PO4_uM |
Delaware estuary nutrients | Nutrients, chlorophyll-a, and light attenuation from the Delaware estuary, Aug. and Nov. 2011-2013 | PAPI: Photochemistry and Photoheterotroph Interactions | PO4 |
Diatom Remineralization Exp | Time-series of nutrient measurements following addition of diatom derived POM to seawater collected at Station ALOHA. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | PO4 |
Dilution Experiments | Dilution Experiments | Great Calcite Belt | PO4 |
Discrete - Surface Samples | Discrete - Surface Samples | C-MORE | PO4 |
Discrete Samples Oct 2017 | Discrete Samples Oct 2017 | HarveyCarbonCycle | PO4 |
Discrete Samples Sept 2017 | Discrete Samples Sept 2017 | HarveyCarbonCycle | PO4 |
dissolved cobalt | Dissolved cobalt and labile cobalt speciation in the Ross Sea | CORSACS | PO4 |
Dissolved trace metals and macronutrients from a 2014 IRNBRU cruise GoFlo Data | Dissolved trace metals and macronutrients from a 2014 IRNBRU cruise GoFlo Data | iron limitation mosaic | Phosphate |
Dissolved trace metals and macronutrients from a 2014 IRNBRU cruise Surface Data | Dissolved trace metals and macronutrients from a 2014 IRNBRU cruise Surface Data | iron limitation mosaic | Phosphate |
Dorado 2014: Pore fluid chemistry from gravity cores | Pore fluid chemistry from gravity cores | Dorado Outcrop | phosphate |
Dorado 2014: Pore fluid chemistry from push cores | Pore fluid chemistry from push cores | Dorado Outcrop | phosphate |
EN556 seawater measurements and initial conditions | Bulk water experiment: initial nutrients, bacterial cell concentration and production, EN556 | Patterns of activities | PO4_uM |
EN616 Discrete Data | EN616 Discrete Data | Cocco-Mix | PO4 |
EPR 2019 Nutrients | | Hot2cold Vents | PO4 |
Exp and Survey Biogeochem and Microbial data | Experimental and survey biogeochemical and microbial data from SBDOM cruises in the Santa Barbara Channel. | SBDOM, SBC LTER | phosphate |
Fall 2011 - Porewater Samples | Fall 2011 - Porewater Samples | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | PO4 |
Fall 2011 - Water Column Samples | Fall 2011 - Water Column Samples | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | PO4 |
FeOA Profile Data | FeOA Profile Data | pH-Fe availability | PO4_CONC, PO4_STDEV, PO4_PCNT_RSD |
Field collections: all data | Vibrio abundance and nutrients | Vibrio-dust deposition | Orthophosphate |
Field Sampling: Hydrologic data | | VBLAM | PO4 |
FK190211 Sediment Geochemistry | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | PO4 |
FK190211 water col geochem | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | PO4 |
flow cytometer | Rosette Bottle Data (nutrients, chl) fcm Ev & Barry Sherr Flow Cytometry Counts of Bacteria, Synecho, and PEUK | NEP | PO4 |
GA02 Leg 3 - Dissolved 143Nd/144Nd | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 143Nd/144Nd | Nd Paleocirculation Proxy | Phosphate |
Geneflow Profile | Temperature, salinity, water isotope, and inorganic nutrient profiles of sea ice core sections collected offshore near Utqiaġvik, Alaska, USA in May 2017 and 2018. | Arctic Subzero Brines | PO4 |
Geneflow Samples | Brine samples were collected from both sea ice and cryopeg near Utqiaġvik, Alaska, USA. | Arctic Subzero Brines | PO4 |
Global Prochlorococcus Synechococcus and picoeukaryotic phytoplankton | | Ocean Stoichiometry | Phosphate |
GN01 CFC and SF6 | Concentrations of CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113 and SF6 in seawater | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GT-Arctic Tracer Circulation | PO4_CONC |
GN01 CTD - GTC Bottle | CTD-GTC bottles from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | PHSPHT |
GN01 CTD - ODF Bottle | CTD-ODF bottles from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | PHSPHT |
GoCal4 | Bottle and CTD data from the CARNE ASADA project | CARNE ASADA | PO4 |
GoM - nitrates_phosphates | Nitrate and phosphate concentrations collected at intertidal locations in three regions on the coast of the Gulf of Maine | GOM Biodiversity | PO4 |
GP16 GeoFish - Nuts and Sals | GeoFish - Nuts and Sals | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | PO4 |
GP16 PUMPs - Nuts and Sals | PUMPs - Nuts and Sals | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | PO4 |
GT10 - CTD - GT-C Bottle | CTD - GT-C Bottle | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | PHSPHT |
GT10 - Nanomolar Nutrients - Profiles | Nanomolar concentrations of PO4, NO3, NO2 (profile) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | PO4 |
GT10 - Nanomolar Nutrients - Surface | Nanomolar concentrations of PO4, NO3, NO2 (surface) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | PO4 |
GT10-11 - CFC and SF6 | Concentrations of CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113 and SF6 in seawater - GT11 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, GT NAT CFC and SF6 | PO4 |
GT11 - Nanomolar Nutrients - Profiles | Nanomolar concentrations of PO4, NO3, NO2 (profile) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | PO4 |
GT11 - Nanomolar Nutrients - Surface | Nanomolar concentrations of PO4, NO3, NO2 (surface) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | PO4 |
Hood Canal - nutrients | Nutrient concentrations from Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington, USA | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | PO4 |
HOT Niskin bottle samples | Niskin bottle water samples and CTD measurements at water sample depths from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT) | HOT | PHSPHT |
HRR cruise bottle data | HRR bottle data | HRR | HPO4_umol_L, HPO4_mg_L_P |
hydrography | Nutrient data from the western Gulf of Maine (bottles) | REACH | PO4 |
Hydrothermal vent porewater nutrients - MPI | Guaymas nutrients (MPI) | HOTFUN | Phosphate |
Hydrothermal vent porewater nutrients - WHOI | Guaymas pushcore nutrients (WHOI) | HOTFUN | PO4_uM |
IEP February and May 2017 | Nutrient and nitrate isotope data from the southern Benguela upwelling system from February to August 2017 | SBUS Hypoxia | PO43, PO43_Stdev |
In situ and ISCO data | S-CAN and geochemical data for Groves Creek | Marine priming effect | PO4_ugPperL |
In-field and experimental measurements of environmental conditions: nutrients | | Coral Resilience | PO4_P |
Incubation Experiments | Incubation Experiments | Great Calcite Belt | SiOH4 |
Inorganic Carbon Data | Inorganic Carbon Data from The Great Belt Cruises | Great Calcite Belt | PO4 |
inorganic nutrients | Inorganic nutrients (PO4, SiOH4, NO3, NO2, NH4) from KN207-01 cruise. | SargassoSeaLipids | PO4 |
inorganic nutrients | Inorganic nutrients (NO3, NO2, PO4, SiOH4) from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | PO4 |
IRN-BRU MV1405 Transect 5 BioGeoChem | | DiatomFeMolBio, iron limitation mosaic | CORR_PO4 |
iron and nutrients - profile | iron and nutrients from water column samples | CORSACS | PO4 |
iron and nutrients - underway | iron and nutrients from underway samples | CORSACS | PO4 |
ISPP14C Synthesis | In situ primary productivity 14C | ON DEQUE, ARLINDO, Arabian Sea, KD490 Upgrade, Arabian Sea Phyto Seasonality, ISPP14C, Arabian Sea Primary Prod, Arabian Sea Photo-Ecology, Biowatt I, JGOFS NABE Primary Prod 20W, PRPOOS Tracer Kinetics, NABE, AESOPS Primary Production, Biowatt II, PRPOOS logistics, AESOPS, ML-ML | PO4 |
Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank SSU rRNA gene sequences | SSU rRNA gene sequences from marine sediments, marine subseafloor, and deep seawater | microJdFR | phosphate |
Killed Controls | Killed controls run during remineralization experiments. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | PO4 |
KM1314 bottle | Bottle data from cruise KM1314, Aug. 8 - Sept. 4, 2013 in the northern Pacific | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | PO4 |
KM1919-KM1920 hydrography and nutrients | KM1919-KM1920 hydrographic and nutrient data | ETNP_ParticleOmics, ETNP OMZ Denitrification | PO4 |
La Jolla Nearshore Biogeochemistry | La Jolla Nearshore Biogeochemistry | Nearshore CO2, Iron_CO2_Diatoms | PO4 |
Lagrangian Trace Metal Concentrations | Surface and profile concentrations of trace metals and radionuclides near Station ALOHA | C-MORE | PHSPHT_INT |
LB_2012_Ship_Nutrients | Long Bay ship macronutrient concentrations: nitrate + nitrite, phosphate, silicate | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | Phosphate |
LDEO global surface ocean carbon | Upper 50m alkalinity, TCO2, nutrient data | Climatological Mean Distribution of pH | PO4 |
LDEO surface gridded carbon parameters | Carbonate chemistry data gridded to 4 degree latitude by 5 degree longitude by monthly boxes. | Climatological Mean Distribution of pH | PO4 |
Line W nutrients | Nutrient data containing NH4, SiO4, PO4, NO2+NO3 | Carbon Export | PO4 |
low level NO3_PO4 | Nutrients - low-level nitrite+nitrate and phosphate | EDDIES | PO4 |
Low-pH springs: water samples | | CalcificationLowSatSeawater | PO4 |
Macronutrients | Macronutrients | ON DEQUE | PO4 |
Macronutrients from a 2014 IRNBRU cruise Rosette Data | Macronutrients from a 2014 IRNBRU cruise Rosette Data | iron limitation mosaic | Phosphate |
Mini-SIA 1 phosphate | Phosphate in marine waters during the international inter calibration cruise (CSIRO, March 17th to March 28th, 2017). | SI-LOV | Phosphate |
Modeling - Var in | Modeling - Var in | SOIREE | PO4 |
Modeling - Var out | Modeling - Var out | SOIREE | PO4 |
Montery Bay Time Series Data | | Contributions of AOA Ecotypes | PO4 |
MRP sediments with pretreatment | | Marine Sediment Analysis 31P NMR | PO4, Peak_Concentration, Actual_PO4, P_extracted |
MRP sediments with pretreatment | | Deep sea sediments | Peak_Concentration, Actual_PO4, P_extracted, PO4 |
MUSiCC OC1504A - Nutrients, CTD, and silicon biogeochemical data | Molecular Underpinnings of SIlicification in the California Current - OC1504A | Diatom Silicification | PO4 |
MV1110 CTD Nutrient and Particle Data | | ANACONDAS | Mean_PO4 |
MV1110 Underway Nutrient and Particle Data | | ANACONDAS | Mean_PO4 |
MV1405 Q Incubations | Q incubation data from MV1405 | Diatom Iron Storage | PO4 |
MVCO environmental measurements and high throughput sequencing | Links to high throughput sequencing data and associated MVCO environmental measurements | Staining IFCB | PO43 |
N and O isotopes | Nitrate (d15N and d18O) and nitrite (d15N) isotopic data, and corresponding hydrographic data. | N2O Cycling | PO4 |
N2fix_CO2 Water Samples | Water samples from DIAZOTROPHS_CO2 cruises KM1016 and KM1110 | DIAZOTROPHS-CO2 | PO4 |
N2O and nutrient concentrations | Dissolved N2O concentrations from 4 field sites in Bogue Sound | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | PO4 |
Narragansett Bay RWU Time-series | Narragansett Bay RWU Time-series | NB_Syn_cyanophage | PO4 |
NBP1608 Incubation Nutrients | NBP16-08 incubation dissolved macronutrient concentrations | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | PO4, PO4_STDEV, PO4_pcnt_RSD |
NBP1608 Station Nutrients | Dissolved macronutrient concentrations from NBP16-08 depth profiles | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | PO4_STDEV, PO4_pcnt_RSD, PO4 |
NBP1608 Underway Nutrients | Underway dissolved macronutrient concentrations from NBP16-08 | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | PO4, PO4_STDEV, PO4_pcnt_RSD |
Neuse River Estuary WQ | Biological, chemical, and physical water quality indicators of the Neuse River. | climate_phyto_estuaries | PO4 |
NH1417 NEMO Bottles | Niskin bottle data | PhytoNsubResponse | PHSPHT |
NH4_NO3_PO4_SiO2 | Nutrient measurements from Niskin bottle samples | EDDIES | PO4 |
Niskin bottle hydrography | hydrographic measurements from Niskin bottle samples | CORSACS | PO4 |
Niskin bottle samples | Niskin bottle and CTD data; nutrients, oxygen, DIC, POC, PON | EDDIES | SRP |
Niskin bottle samples | CARIACO time series Niskin bottle sample data | CARIACO | PO4_UDO, PO4_USF |
Nitrogen and carbon fixation rates and ratios | N2 and Carbon fixation rates, POC and PON | Enviro variability and phytoplankton growth | phosphate_conc |
Nitrogen and carbon isotopes | Seawater and filter sample Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes from coastal and off-shore sites | Regenerated Nitrogen | PO4 |
NO3_PO4_SiO2 | Nutrient measurements from Niskin bottle samples | EDDIES | PO4 |
Northern Gulf of Mexico pore water constituents Fall 2020 | Northern Gulf of Mexico pore water constituents Fall 2020 | NGoM Benthic Alk Flux | PO4, sd_PO4 |
Nutrient and cell count data for incubations | Nutrient and cell count data for incubations | CASA | Phosphate |
Nutrient concentrations and stable isotope values for groundwater | | SAB BMA | PO4_well_water |
Nutrient Concentrations in Seawater | Nutrient Concentrations in Seawater | ADIMA | PO4 |
nutrients | Nutrients from bottle casts | EqPac | PO4 |
nutrients | Nutrients | SEEDS I | PO4 |
Nutrients | Nutrients from Niskins | SO_GasEx | PO4 |
Nutrients | Nutrients | C-MORE | PO4 |
nutrients | Inorganic and organic nutrient data from Niskin bottles. | Deep Atlantic DOM | PO4 |
Nutrients | Nutrients | OA - Canada Basin | PO4 |
nutrients | General nutrient data (averages) from Leggo drop 1 seawater | Mariana Perspectives | PO4_avg |
Nutrients - ODF Nutrient Data | Nutrient Analysis: Nitrate, Nitrite, Silicate, Phosphate and Ammonium | GATEKEEPERS | PO4 |
nutrients and chlorophyll | Rosette Bottle Data (nutrients, chl) | NEP | PO4 |
Nutrients and chlorophyll | Nutrient and chlorophyll analyses from surface samples collected by container ships in the North Pacific | NPac Cont Ship | PO4 |
nutrients and metals | Analysis of nutrients, Cobalt (total and labile), dissolved Iron, and dissolved Manganese from TM bottle samples. | CoFeMUG | PO4 |
Nutrients and pigments | Nutrients and pigments | FADCO | PO4 |
Nutrients and Targeted Proteomics | Macronutrients from the trace metal rosette and targeted metaproteomics analyzed by triple quadrupole mass spectrometry calibrated with stable isotope labeled peptides. | MetZyme | PO4 |
nutrients metals and ctd | Analysis of nutrients, Cobalt (total and labile), dissolved Iron, and dissolved Manganese from TM bottle samples. | CoFeMUG | PO4 |
nutrients-Dilution exp | Nutrient concentrations from bottle sample dilution experiments | SOFeX | PO4 |
nutrients-enrichment exp | Nutrient concentrations from bottle sample enrichment experiments | SOFeX | PO4 |
nutrients-underway | Nutrient measurements from underway flow-through system | SOFeX | PO4 |
Nutrients_Chlorophyll_Ross_Sea | Nutrients and chlorophyll from Ross Sea water samples, 2013-2015 | Ross_Sea_Microb_Ecophys | PO4 |
nutrients_LMG | Southern Ocean nutrients from CTD bottles from 4 LMGould cruises, 2001-2002 | SOGLOBEC | PO4 |
nutrients_major | Concentration of major dissolved nutrients sampled from CTD hydrocasts. | CRD FLUZiE | phosphate |
nutrients_NBP | Nutrient data for the NB Palmer 2001-2002 cruises | SOGLOBEC | PO4 |
nutrients_WB | Nutrients; silicate, nitrate plus nitrite, and phosphate | EDDIES | PO4_umol_kg |
nuts_dissolved_Ant1 | Dissolved nutrients from temp and iron experiments on Antarctic phyto and microzooplankton | Antarctic microzooplankton , CORSACS | PO4 |
nuts_dissolved_Ant2 | Dissolved nutrient data from experiments on Antarctic phytoplankton and microzooplankton. | Antarctic microzooplankton , CORSACS | PO4 |
nut_phyto | Phytoplankton chlorophyll + nutrient studies | GB | PO4 |
OA Microbe Adaptation | Environmental and physical data associated with ocean acidification microbe adaptation. | PICO, OA microbe adaptation | PO4A, PO4B, PO4C |
OC1703A and AT36 sediment geochemistry | OC1703A and AT36 sediment pore water geochemistry | Deep Sediment N Fix | PO4_uM |
OR POM Exp | Time-series of nutrient measurements following addition of POM collected off the coast of Oregon to seawater collected at Station ALOHA. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | PO4 |
Organic Alkalinity Discrete Data | | organic alkalinity | PO4 |
P16 Repeat Hydrography Trace Metal Profiles | Profiles of dissolved trace elements collected using a trace-metal clean rosette from surface to 1000m depth | CLIVAR AEROSOL | PHSPHT |
Palau carbonate chemistry | Seawater carbonate chemistry from 13 sites in Palau, 2011-2013. | OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification, Thermal Thresholds and Projections, Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact | PO4 |
Palau Environmental: 2010 | Environmental data collected in marine lakes in Palau in 2010 | PaPaPro | phosphate |
PE21-18 Nutrients | PE21-18 Nutrients | Coastal O2 Respir | PO4 |
PE22-03 Nutrients | PE22-03 Nutrients | Coastal O2 Respir | PO4 |
pH internal Consistency Experiment: Measured pH and nutrients | Measured pH and nutrients | Inorganic Carbon Meaurements | PO4 |
phosphorus | Phosphorus - TDP, PO4, DOP, PP | SEEDS I | PO4 |
Phosphorus uptake - biogeochemistry | Bulk phosphorus uptake by microbes | Biological C:N:P ratios | PO4 |
Phosphorus uptake model | Bulk phosphorus uptake by microbes | Biological C:N:P ratios | PO4 |
phytoplankton | Discrete phytoplankton, HPLC, flow cytometry, and nutrient data from GLOBEC NEP mesoscale cruises. | NEP | PO4 |
phytoplankton chl-a | CTD data, bottle nutrients, and the contribution to total Chlorophyl-a by phytoplankton taxa | BenDiM | PO4 |
Phytoplankton physiology | Physiology of phytoplankton collected in coastal waters near Palmer Station, Antarctica, 2012 | Phytoplankton Seasonal Dynamics | PO4_diss_avg |
Pleurochrysis carterae 24 hour culture dynamics | Pleurochrysis carterae 24 hour culture dynamics | OA_Copes_Coccoliths | PO4_UCSB, PO4_Bigelow |
Pleurochrysis carterae growth cycle culture dynamics | Pleurochrysis carterae growth cycle (14 day) culture dynamics | OA_Copes_Coccoliths | PO4 |
PO4_SiOH4 | Phosphate (PO4) and Silicate (SiOH4) concentrations from 3 POWOW cruises. | POWOW | PO4 |
POC | POC Data | IronExII | PO4 |
Pore Water Depth Profiles CL2015 | Sediment pore water and solid phase geochemical analyses | Soluble Fe Fluxing | PO4, sdPO4 |
Pore Water Depth Profiles CL2016 | Sediment pore water and solid phase geochemical analyses from samples collected on R/V Savannah cruise SAV-16-16 at the Cape Lookout Continental Shelf and Slope during May 2016 | Soluble Fe Fluxing | PO4, sdPO4 |
Pore Water Depth Profiles GoM2017 | Sediment pore water and solid phase geochemical analyses from samples collected on R/V Savannah cruise SAV-17-15 in the Gulf of Mexico during July and August 2017 | Soluble Fe Fluxing | PO4, sdPO4 |
Pore water geochemistry | | Antarctic Shelf Sediments | PO4 |
pore_water | Pore water composition by in situ and shipboard methods | AESOPS | PO4 |
Prochlorococcus Remineralization Exp | Time-series of nutrient measurements following addition of Prochlorococcus derived POM to seawater collected at Station ALOHA. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | PO4 |
ProteOMZ nutrient, CTD, and oxygen data | R/V Falkor 160115 McLane log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | PO4 |
Pseudo-nitzschia counts, nutrients and more | Pseudo-nitzschia counts, nutrients and more | C-AIM | Phosphate_uM |
PULSE nutrients | Nutrients, Cooperative Long-term Ecosystem Monitoring in the Gulf of Maine (PULSE) | NEC-CoopRes | PO4 |
Pump CTD Profiles | Pump CTD Profiles | MnIONS | PO4_umol_l |
PUPCYCLE 2019 incubation experiments | PUPCYCLE 2019 incubation experiments | Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics | PO4 |
PUPCYCLE 2019 upwelling transects | PUPCYCLE 2019 upwelling transects | Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics | PO4 |
Reef seawater biogeochemistry from the Jardines de la Reina reef-system | | RAPID Mass Spec for Dispersants, Coral Exometabolomes | PO4 |
Remineralization Experiments | Remineralization experiments to assess the ability of natural assemblages of bacteria to utilize DOM produced under Si and N limitation. | SBDOM, SBC LTER | PO4 |
RI Functional Trait Data | RI Functional Trait Data | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | Concentration_of_PO4 |
RR1804/1805 hydrographic and nutrient data | | ETNP_ParticleOmics | PO4 |
RR2004 Bottle Data | RR2004 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | PO4_umol_per_L |
RV Atlantic Explorer BATS BV50: CO2 and PO4 | CO2 fixation and PO4 uptake rates | Small protists in microbial loop | PO4 |
San Dieguito Lagoon Carbon export | San Dieguito Lagoon Carbon export | Nearshore CO2 | PO4 |
Santa Monica Bay Nutrients | | SPOT | Phosphate |
Seawater data and site descriptions | Site descriptions and physical environmental conditions of reefs where sampling occurred. | Coral Microbial Relationships | PO4 |
Seawater nutrient/metabolite and flow cytometry metadata - Picoplankton incubation experiment 2020 | | Sponge Holobiont DOM | Phosphate |
SECM_nutrients_all | Time Series of nutrients and ctd data, 1997-2006 in Southeastern Alaska | NEP | PO4 |
SECM_nutrients_points | Nutrients and ctd data, 1997-2006 in Southeastern Alaska | NEP | PO4 |
Sediment porewater and particulates of Louisiana Shelf | Sediment porewater and particulates on Louisiana Shelf Dec 2021-Aug 2022 | Extreme Si | PW_Phosphate_AA |
Sediment TP MRP MUP | | Marine Sediment Analysis 31P NMR | Peak_Concentration, Actual_PO4 |
Seeded microcosm experiments: all data | Nutrients from seeded microcosm experiments | Vibrio-dust deposition | Orthophosphate |
Series 1B: pH, DIC, nutrients | Series 1B: pH, DIC, nuts | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phosphate_uM |
Series 3A: Nutrients | Series 3A: nutrients | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | SOL_PO4, OL_PO4, EL_PO4 |
Series 4A: nutrients | Series 4A: nutrients | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phosphate |
Shipboard aerosol and rain sample nutrients and iron | | DANCE | PO4, Sol_Aer_PO4 |
Smith Island N cycle: 2013 Seasonal Field Data | | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | PW_PO4, WC_PO4 |
Smith Island N cycle: 2014 Seasonal Field Data | | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | PW_PO4, WC_PO4 |
Smith Island N cycle: 2014 Seasonal Fluxes | Fluxes across the sediment-water interface collected seasonally using continuous flow core incubation | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | SRP_1st_flux |
South Pacific Nitrate Isotopes | Nitrate and Oxygen isotope measurements from CLIVAR line P16S in 2005 | CAREER | PO4 |
SPOT environmental data | Environmental measurements from ARISA samples, San Pedro Channel, 5 depths | Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Marine Viral Dynamics | PO4 |
SPOT Environmental Data 2005-2018 | SPOT Environmental Data 2005-2018 | SPOT | PO4 |
SPOT virus environmental | Environmental data for SPOT virus sampling | Marine Viral Dynamics, Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Mar. Microbial Communities | PO4 |
SRiMP | The Skidaway River Monitoring Program (SRiMP) | SRiMP | PO4 |
STING macronutrient concentrations | | Gulf of Mexico DON and Fe | PO4, PO4_STDEV, PO4_COUNT, PO4_percentRSD |
Sulfur Oxidizers Sample Collection and Nutrient Information | sample station data for analysis of microbial communities | Sulfur Oxidizers | PO4 |
Synechococcus_QPCR | Q-PCR counts of Synechococcus clades | Fe_Synechococcus | PO4 |
Synthesis Product for Ocean Time Series (SPOTS) | Time-series data synthesis pilot product | METS RCN, EuroSea | PHSPHT_A, PHSPHT, PHSPHT_P |
Table 2 - Carbonate data and nutrients during egg experiments | Table 2 - Carbonate data and nutrients during egg experiments | OA Calanus Survival | PO4 |
Thalassiosira Fe and light limitation - culture conditions | Culture conditions for T. oceanica and T. weissflogii grown in varied Fe and light | GeTFeHvCOdia | PO4_uM |
Tidal study of seawater microbial communities | | Coral Exometabolomes | Phosphate |
TMbottle | Temperature, salinity, nutrients from Trace Metal casts | AESOPS | PO4 |
TMs and Nuts from EXPORTS NA Incubations | | Diatoms and carbon export | PO4_CONC_INC, PO4_STDEV |
TN376 Bottle Data | TN376 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | PO4_umol_per_L |
Trace-metals from CTD casts and underway water samples | | DANCE | PO4 |
Tricho N Atlantic - OC469 | Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from OC469, 2010 | Trichodesmium | PO4 |
Tricho N Atlantic - OC471 | Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from OC471, 2011 | Trichodesmium | PO4 |
Tricho Remineralization Exp | Time-series of nutrient measurements following addition of Trichodesmium derived POM to seawater collected at Station ALOHA. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | PO4 |
Trichodesmium GBR growth rates | Trichodesmium specific growth rates based on in vivo fluorescence | Enviro variability and phytoplankton growth | phosphate_conc |
Trichodesmium GBR Thermal Curve | Trichodesmium thermal curve | Enviro variability and phytoplankton growth | Phosphate_concentration |
Trichodesmium_AE1409 | Trichodesmium data from cruise AE1409 | P Processing by Tricho | MAGIC_PO4 |
underway | Underway Determinations (Includes Fe data) | SEEDS I | PO4 |
underway_bottle | Hydrographic data from ship's underway pumping system | AESOPS | PO4 |
USVI Time-series | USVI Time-series | Coral Chorus | po4_um |
Vent chemistry | Concentrations of anions, cations, and trace elements/metals from vents near Milos I., Greece. | Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation | PO4 |
Water chemistry | Water chemistry at Carlsbad Desalination Plant, 2014-2016 | Effluent Impacts on Coastal Ecology | PO4 |
Water Chemistry | | Coral Bleaching Skeletal Records | PO4 |
Water Column Chemical and Biological Inventories | Water Column Chemical and Biological Inventories | ArcticNITRO | Ambient_Phosphate |
Water Column Data - CTD | CTD water column data from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. | ESAS Water Column Methane | PO4 |
Water column methane ethylene and nutrients | | PHAT | PO4 |
Water column nutrients Upper Florida Keys | Water column nutrients for ambient nutrient conditions from Pickles Reef in Upper Florida Keys | HERBVRE | SRP |
water nutrients | Florida Keys - Water Nutrients | Sponge Holobiont DOM | PO4 |
Wetz-783256-Discrete | | Hurricane Harvey Texas Lagoons | ortho_P |