16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequences | 16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequences | HHQSignals | amplicon |
16S microbiome data for artificial reef sponges and seawater | 16S microbiome data for artificial reef sponges and seawater | Ecological Diversification in Sponges | sample_type, isolation_source, seq_attempt |
16S rRNA gene and particulate monooxygenase diversity | 16S rRNA gene and particulate monooxygenase diversity | Authigenic Carbonate Ecosystems | sample_descrip |
16S rRNA gene from DNA | 16S rRNA gene (from DNA) | Subvent_Biosphere_Sediments | Sediment_type |
16S rRNA gene from RNA | 16S rRNA gene (from RNA) | Subvent_Biosphere_Sediments | Illumina_dataset, Sediment_type, Nucleic_Acid_amplified, Primer_Set_16S_rRNA |
16S rRNA sequence and collection data | Microbial 16S rRNA sequence data from East Pacific Rise biofilms | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | sample_descrip |
16S V4 rRNA gene tag sequences from reef seawater | 16S V4 rRNA gene tag sequences from reef seawater | Quantitative coral microbiomes | Organism, isolation_source |
5a_field collection | Field collection data for taxa detected in nauplii guts | food limitation in copepod nauplii | tow_description |
A. pisonii: behavior | A. pisonii behavior | Variation in Metabolic Processes | Crab |
Abalone Recruitment Modules | | Abalone Safe Places | Organism_Identification, Species_note |
Abyssal megafauna capture records | Abyssal megafauna capture records | Abyssal food web | Tissue_body_wall, Tissue_liver, Tissue_pereiopod, Tissue_pleopod, pics, whole_body_fate, Type_of_organism, container_size, Tissue_fin_clip, Tissue_whole_body, Tissue_white_muscle, Tissue_gut_removed |
Accession numbers (P. carterae viruses and field samples) | Accession numbers for genetic sequences from virus-enriched field samples and P. carterae CCMP 645 culture co-infections | Marine Chronic Viruses | organism_name, sequencing_method, analysis_method, sequence_description |
Acer Pilot Study | Acer short term pilot study with 3 genotypes | Resilient Acerv | Start_Health_Index, End_Health_Index |
Acropora cervicornis 16S Sequences Metadata and NCBI SRA accessions associated with Williams et al., 2022 | Acropora cervicornis 16S Sequences Metadata and NCBI SRA accessions associated with Williams et al., 2022 | Coral Rickettsiales, Resilient Acerv | Library_Source |
Acropora cervicornis bleaching sequences | Acropora cervicornis bleaching sequences | Coral Rickettsiales | design, genotype, bleach_status, library_strategy, library_source |
Acropora cervicornis buoyant weight 2016 | Growth rates of Acropora cervicornis | Resilient Acerv | genotype |
Acropora cervicornis calcification rates | calcification rates of Acropora cervicornis | Resilient Acerv | Genotype |
Acropora cervicornis photosynthesis and respiration rates | Photosynthesis and Respiration rates of Acropora cervicornis | Resilient Acerv | genotype |
Acropora cervicornis white band exposure experiment survival outcomes | | coral disease resistance | Location, Genotype |
Adaptation in fishing communities VTR 1997-2014 | Changes in groundfish fishing communities in the northeast US from 1997-2014 from NOAA VTRs | CC Fishery Adaptations | still_extant, size |
Adult black sea bass winter survival and lipid dynamics: Laboratory-mesocosm experiment | | GenomAdapt | GSI, HSI, gonad_lean_g, liver_lean_g, P_gonad_lean, P_liver_lean, w_muscle_lean_g, p_w_muscle_lean, Kwet0, KwetF |
Adult black sea bass winter survival and lipid dynamics: Wild fish | | GenomAdapt | Kwet, GSI, HSI, gonad_lean_g, liver_lean_g, P_gonad_lean, P_liver_lean, w_muscle_lean_g, p_w_muscle_lean, Season |
AE1913 Clio pigments | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | pigment_abbr |
AE1913 Protein Spectral Counts | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | protein_name, supergroup, classification |
Aerosol REE and Th-232 data from northern Gulf of Alaska region | Aerosol REE and Th-232 data from northern Gulf of Alaska region | Dust Flux to North Pacific | sample_description |
Aggregation kin vs nonkin | | Marine kin structure | Relatedness |
Alexandrium cell counts | Alexandrium cell counts | WHCOHH Algal Bloom Dynamics | Sample_type |
Algal consumption data: Tegula with Cancer productus as the predator | | BOAR Trophic | Table |
Algal consumption data: Tegula with Pisaster ochraceus as the predator | | BOAR Trophic | Treatment, snail, seatable |
Algal Habitat Coverage | Algal Habitat Coverage | Urchin metapopulations | HabitatDefinition, Subsample, Habitat |
Alvin Dive Log (preliminary) | Preliminary log of samples collected during Alvin dives from R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-13 in the Costa Rica margin | Costa Rica Seeps | Photos, Sections_etc, Fate |
Amazon Plume Radium-2018 | Radium isotope (223Ra, 224Ra, and 226Ra) measurements from CTD and underway water samples. | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | U_or_C |
Amino acid d13C values of diatoms and bacteria | Amino acid d13C values of diatoms, bacteria and core M772-003-2 samples | Amino Acid Sediment 15N | sample_description |
Anderson & Rynearson 2020: Skeletonema CHN | CHN | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Strain |
Anderson & Rynearson 2020: Skeletonema thermal growth | Anderson & Rynearson 2020: Skeletonema thermal growth | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Strain |
Anemone acute heating | Anemone acute heating | EAGER-CBASS | phenotype, genotype |
Antarctic krill schooling: Coordinates for speed and nearest neighbor distances | 3D coordinates for speed and nearest neighbor distance calculations - antarctic krill school experiment | Krill Aggregation | burst, consecutive_time_point, krill_count, trial |
Aquaculture treatments | Determining the effects of prey combination on larval Elacatinus colini standard length and survival. | Elacatinus Dispersal II | batch_id, combination, bin_id, surv |
Arctic Nitrogen Fixation Rates | Size fractioned nitrogen fixation rates | ArcticNITRO | Size_fraction |
Artificial Reef fDOM | Artificial Reef fDOM | Ecological Diversification in Sponges | Microbial_Community_Composition, Row, Neighbor, Microbial_Abundance |
Assembled genome sequence for the virus ANMV-1 | Assembled genome sequence for the virus ANMV-1 | Viruses in Methanotrophic Marine Ecosystems | Description |
Asteroid viral and bacterial metagenome genetic accession information | | Sea Star Microbiology | Library_Name, Library_Description, Disease_State |
AT21-02: Jason dive event log | Jason sample event log, cruise AT21-02, June 2012 | SEEPC | sample_descrip |
AT39-01 CathodicEET CyclicVoltametry | | North Pond 2017 | Condition |
AT39-01 CathodicEET Experiment Metadata | | North Pond 2017 | Channel, FLOCSsubstrate |
AT39-01 CathodicEET SEM | | North Pond 2017 | FLOCSsubstrate |
AT39-01_FLOCS_SEM | Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) photographs of biofilms and mineral alteration products | North Pond 2017 | RockType, DeploymentType |
Atlantic Sediment Petrography | | Tropical Atlantic Black Carbon, Black Carbon Cycle | Maceral_Group, Maceral_subgroup |
Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) raw low-coverage genomic sequence accessions | Accession numbers for raw low-coverage genomic sequence reads from 876 different Atlantic silverside individuals | Fishery Genome Changes | Breed |
Atlantic silverside HypOA experiments: Larval hatch count and survival statistics | | HypOA Cross-generational Plasticity | group |
Atlantic silverside metabolic rates | CO2, temperature, and oxygen effects on Menidia menidia metabolic rates | HYPOA | stage |
Atlantic silverside RNA-seq reads | | GenomAdapt | ecotype, dev_stage, sex, tissue, sample_type, cross |
Atmospheric pO2 data | Atmospheric pO2 data | Biological Pump in the Equatorial Pacific | Float, Float_Profile |
AUV Sentry megafaunal presence | Megafaunal presence recorded from AUV Sentry phototransects conducted at sites across the Costa Rica margin from R/V Atlantis cruises AT37-13, AT42-03 in 2017 and 2018. | Costa Rica Seeps | Clam, Bacterial_Mat, Coral, Kiwa_puravida, dive_image_number, Carbonate_Rock, Tubeworm, Mussel, Serpulid |
Average polyp survival – Fall 2018 experiment | Average Polyp Survival | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Genotype, Day, Container, Survivorship, Initial_number |
Azotobacter_SiderophoreConcentrations | | Bacteria Iron Siderophores | Organism |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: Artemia | | Coral-bound N | Artemia_Strain, Experimental_group_color, Content |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: diet and nitrogen experiment | | Coral-bound N | Experimental_group_color, Experimental_group_artemia_ID |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: particulate data | | Coral-bound N | Sample_type |
B12-Vehicle Dive Sample Log | B12: Log: DIVE SAMPLES (Rock, Fluid, Biology) | AXIAL | Physical_Sample_Description |
Bacterial communities and relative abundances of the pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus in feces of coral reef fish | Bacterial communities and relative abundances of the pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus in feces of coral reef fish | Fish transmit microbes | organism, strain, host_description, host_tissue_sampled, host_diet |
bacterial_production | Bacterial production in microcosm experiments. | En-Gen DMSP Cycling | microcosm_type |
Baltic Cod Summary | Cod (Gadus morhua) otoliths from fisheries-dependent or fisheries-independent surveys from 1988-2017 in the Baltic Sea | OtolithHypoxia | Casini_Batch_or_Hypoxolith_Group |
Barnacle cover | Central Galapagos subtidal temperatures | SPONGERAPDGALPGS | Quadrat_Number |
Barnacle percent cover | Barnacle percent cover in rocky subtidal habitats | RAPDGALPGS | quadrat_num |
barnacle_mussel_survey | Intertidal population surveys of mussels and barnacles along European coast (Spain, France) | EUROWINTER | sample_descrip |
BATS/Hydrostation S: Iodine speciation and isotope ratio values | | Iodine Redox | incubation_num |
BATS/Hydrostation S: spectrophotometer absorbance | | Iodine Redox | incubation_num |
BATS_Feb_Aug_2012_rDNA_sample_log | sample log for 16S and 18S rDNA amplicons sequenced with 454 technology, BATS site, 2012 | DimBio NABE | water_mass |
Benthic cover | | Mcap pairs time series | Image_ID |
Benthic cover quadrats and photos | | Reef Fish Resilience | Image_nums |
Benthic foraminiferal abundances | Benthic foraminiferal abundances from Mud Patch multicores | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | specimen_type |
Benthic Invertebrate Abundances associated with Octocoral Forests of St. John, US Virgin Islands | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Quadrat_Num, Quadrat_ID |
Benthic organism counts - 20m | Benthic organism counts | Hurricane impacts on deep reefs | Meter, Group, Cover, Observer, Zone, Transect, Quadrat |
BioInformatics - MorrisJPR_HOOHgenes_2016 | BioInformatics - MorrisJPR_HOOHgenes_2016 | WP2 | Description |
Biomass of sessile marine invertebrate communities with exposure to predation | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Sampling_interval |
Black sea bass pCO2 experiments: Morphometrics | | HYPOA, GenomAdapt | BD, CI |
Black sea bass pCO2 experiments: Survival and Growth | | HYPOA, GenomAdapt | Hatch_percent |
Blade morphometrics | | Harvey Seagrass | Sample_ID |
Bleaching Moorea 2019 | Bleaching Moorea 2019 | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Bleaching |
Bleaching scores of introduced seaweed | Palatability of non-native alga | Genetic Adaptation Marine Inv | assay, ind_type, pop, bleach_score |
BLOOFINZ-GoM flow cytometry abundance | | BLOOFINZ-IO | CTD_Number |
BLOOFINZ-IO nutrients and isotopes | | BLOOFINZ-IO | Nutrient_bottle, cycle_day, cycle_label, Cycle_number, Day_cycle, iso_ID_1, iso_ID_2, iso_ID_3 |
Blue Crab Samples | Blue Crab Samples | Blue Crab Connectivity | month_and_year, Permitting_info, Collection_method, Sample_size |
Bottle AR29 | Bottle data April 2018 | SPIROPA | Filt_0, Filt_10 |
Bottle RB1904 | Bottle dataset May 2019 | SPIROPA | Filt_0, Filt_10 |
Bottle TN368 | Bottle data, July 2019 | SPIROPA | PPVial, Filt_0, Filt_10 |
Bottle-calibrated dissolved oxygen profiles | Dissolved Oxygen Profiles | OOI Irminger BCP | Direction |
Braun-Blanquet Seagrass Surveys for PN clusters | | Reef Production Drivers | Thalassia |
Breviolum antillogorgium microsatellite loci | Microsatellite loci for B. antillogorgium cultures | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Axenic |
Breviolum Symbiont Genotypes in Orbicella faveolata Adults | | SymBioSys | B7Sym34, B7Sym36, CA_6_38, Assigned_Genotype, CP_type |
BrownOsenberg_2018- FlDyeSurvey | Datasets that evaluate how vermetid (Ceraesignum maximum) modify physical and chemical conditions above coral-algal interactions (i.e., light, flow and oxygen). | Vermetids_Corals | net_presence, algae_presence |
BrownOsenberg_2018- InitO2_DBLthick | Datasets that evaluate how vermetid (Ceraesignum maximum) modify physical and chemical conditions above coral-algal interactions (i.e., light, flow and oxygen). | Vermetids_Corals | surface, net_pres |
BrownOsenberg_2018- LightSensor | Datasets that evaluate how vermetid (Ceraesignum maximum) modify physical and chemical conditions above coral-algal interactions (i.e., light, flow and oxygen). | Vermetids_Corals | NetCover, Photonumber |
Brown_et_al_2016 QuadratSurvey | Data collected on the die off of vermetids in French Polynesia. | Vermetids_Corals | Verm_status, Net_presence |
Bugula neritina mesocosm symbiont titers | Symbiont titers in B. neritina colonies grown under different conditions | BiogeogDefensiveSymb | Colony, Genotype |
Bulk cyclic AMP (cAMP) assays | Bulk cyclic AMP (cAMP) assays | Coral Resilience | Stim |
C and N isotopes | CN isotopes | Coral DOM2 | Ambient_or_Enriched |
Ca. Aquarickettsia rohweri transcriptomes | | Coral Rickettsiales | Data_Type, Scope, Organism, Collected_Host_Organism, Strain, isolation_source, Collection_date_note |
Canopy Closure Data of the Octocoral Forests sampled for Light Intensity, St. John U.S. Virgin Islands | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Closure_Photo_ID, Proportion_closed |
Carbon and Nitrogen | Carbon and Nitrogen | High latitude kelp dynamics | Tank_positions |
Carbon Flux Explorer CCE_LTER P1706 - Imagery | | CCE LTER, C-SNOW Development, C-SNOW | class_ATN, b_gain, cm_sec, iqual, class_BCK, cycle, g_gain, diveimage_seq, flatflag_bck_images, illum, dive, r_gain, cleanflag, flatflag_atn_images, exp_msec, pressflag, therm |
Carbon Flux Explorer CCE_LTER P1706 - Particulate Carbon Flux | | C-SNOW, C-SNOW Development, CCE LTER | CCE_CYCLE |
Carbon Flux Explorer CCE_LTER P1706 - SOLO CTD Profiles | | C-SNOW, CCE LTER, C-SNOW Development | seq, dive, cycle, location |
Carbon Geochemistry | Carbon geochemistry of the Santa Elena (Costa Rica) ultramafics and bulk rock carbonate samples | Controls on biological activity | sample_group, sample_descrip |
Carbon Geochemistry Samples List | Inventory of fluid and filter samples collected for carbon composition and isotope analysis | Subseafloor Microbial Carbon Cycling | Type_of_Sample_or_Treatment, storage_conditions |
Carbonate chemistry | | LTPE | Sample_Temp |
Carbonate chemistry sample inventory | Carbonate chemistry sample inventory | Costa Rica Seeps | Available_Live |
Caribbean sponges - nanoSIMS | | Ecological Diversification in Sponges | Roi_group, SEM_region |
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Elemental and Isotope Composition Data for Sediment and Biomass | Elemental and Isotope Composition Sediment and Biomass 2020 | Mangroves OS | offset, type, depth_bin, habitat |
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Sulfur Speciation in Sediments and Biomass | Sulfur Speciation in Sediments and Biomass 2020 and 2021 | Mangroves OS | type, habitat |
Caspase PAM data | | Coral Immune Traits | MEMORY, PULSE |
Cell counts in polyps – Fall 2018 experiment | Cell counts in coral polyps | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Container, Culture |
Cellular trace elements from IRNBRU and Line P | Cellular trace elements from IRNBRU and Line P cruises | Diatom Iron Storage | CellType, Run |
Cellular trace elements from TN280 | Cellular trace elements from TN280 | GeoMICS Chem, GeoMICS Bio | Run, CellType |
Cerro Mundo Algal Ash-Free Dry Weight | Cerro Mundo Algal Ash-Free Dry Weight | Temperature and Herbivory | Algae_Type |
Chemistry and cell counts | Chemistry and cell counts of formation fluids from North Pond | North Pond Microbes | description |
Chemosynthetic biofilm diversity | Samples sequenced from chemosynthetic biofilm communities from deep-sea hydrothermal vents | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | sample_description |
chlorophyll_a | Chlorophyll-a concentration in microcosm experiments. | En-Gen DMSP Cycling | microcosm_type |
CliOMZ AT50-10 AUV Clio Data: Tracer summary | Tigerclaw and bushbaby sammary data AUV Clio, AT50-10 cruise | CliOMZ | Valve |
CliOMZ AT50-10 Underway Sampling Log | Underway Sampling log AUV Clio Cruise | CliOMZ | SUPOR_0_2_PROTEIN2, GFF_PIGS, SUPOR_0_2_DNA1, GFF_POC, SUPOR_0_2_DNA2, GFF_HG, SUPOR_0_2_eDNA, SUPOR_0_2_pMetal, SUPOR_0_2_POS, NITEX_51_PROTEIN1, At_station_or_transit, NITEX_51_DNA1, Filter_type, NITEX_51_pMetal, SAMPLE_PRFEIX, GFF_PROTEIN1, SUPOR_0_2_PROTEIN1, GFF_CA |
Closed Mesocosm 15N Tracer | N2O, 15N2, 15N Sediment tracer in oyster mesocosms | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | Incubation |
Clownfish Photos | | Reef Fish Resilience | unprocessed_images, tail_spread, tail_area, orange_area, tag_id, color_disagreement, size, photo_color, col, Example_Photo, image_folder, fish_table_id, gen_id, color |
Coccolith dissolution experiment | | OA_Copes_Coccoliths | Replicate |
coccolithophore-associated biopolymers for radionuclides | Recoveries and partition coefficients of Po, Pb and Be | Biopolymers for radionuclides | Biopolymer_Fraction |
Colony level bleaching severity and mortality | | Mcap pairs time series | Phenotype, Bleach, Mortality, Score |
Colony to colony interactions | Data describing the types of interactions between colonies. | VI Octocorals, St. John LTREB | growth_asym |
Community | | Costa Rica Seeps | Collected_in, Measured, Eggs_present, Isotopes_analyzed, Barcoded, Count |
Community 16S rRNA gene sequences | 16S rRNA accessions | Vibrio-dust deposition | sample_description |
Community composition separated by native and cryptogenic, and introduced species of each community | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Plate_ID, Species_status_type |
community_p_g | | OA coral adaptation | incubation_number, community |
Composition of experimental marine invertebrate communities across latitude | Composition of experimental marine invertebrate communities across latitude | Competition and Predation across Latitude | InvStatus |
Composition of marine invertebrate communities across latitude with exposure to predation | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | InvStatus |
Compound specific isotope data | Compound specific isotope data | Abyssal food web | Type |
Consensus Reference Material Collection Data | Dissolved organic matter reference material | DOC-CRM | Batch_ID, Designations, Sampling_Depths |
Controlled laboratory study using model organisms Micromonas commoda RCC 299 and Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 | picoeukaryote Micromonas commoda | CC_Auto_Hetero_Fluxes | Description |
Copepod egg production | Copepod egg production at low-high pCO2 levels | OA-Copepod_PreyQual | acclimated_or_not |
Copepod RNA-Seq sample information and accessions | | Neocalanus Gulf of Alaska | Developmental_Stage |
coral - energy reserves | Coral energy reserves; calcification, chlorophyll a, stable carbon isotopes, stable nitrogen isotopes | repeat coral bleaching | genotype |
Coral calcification (G) from 1992-2019 in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS | | St John Coral Reefs, St. John LTREB, Hurricane Irma and St. John Reefs, RUI-LTREB | Image |
Coral calcification rates | Coral calcification rates | RAPID Hawaii | Colony_number, Nubbin_number |
Coral clipping experiment - growth | Coral clipping experiment - growth | Caribbean Gorgonian Recruitment, Octocoral Community Dynamics | BranchType |
Coral colony densities from 1992-2019 in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS | | St John Coral Reefs, St. John LTREB, Hurricane Irma and St. John Reefs, RUI-LTREB | ID |
Coral colony sequece accessions: Hidden resilience to recurrent bleaching | | Bleaching American Samoa | bleaching_status |
Coral consumer and nutrients | Data from Shaver et al. 2017 (Ecology) on the effects of nutrient enrichment and predation on coral health and microbiomes. | small grazers facilitating fungal disease | genotype, predation, enrichment, mortality, tissueloss |
Coral cover from 1992-2019 in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS | | St John Coral Reefs, RUI-LTREB, St. John LTREB, Hurricane Irma and St. John Reefs | Quadrat |
Coral density - Palau | | Coral Reef Adjustment | Morphology |
Coral growth | Coral growth | Climate_Coral_Larvae | Arrangement |
coral growth 2016-2018 | Height, surface area, and mass of Pocillopora damicornis in pacific Panama | Coral Climate ETP | GrowthPeriod |
Coral histology | Histological analysis of Caribbean acroporid corals before and after exposure to thermal stress. | Coral Hybridization | Piece_Number, Degeneration_Cnidoglandular_Bands, Number_of_Blocks_Made, Dissociation_of_Mesenterial_Filaments, Fixation, Calicodermis_Condition, Enrobing, Calicodermis_Repair, Study, Decal, Costal_Tissue_Loss, Lesion_Description, Embed, Necrotic_Cell_Spherules, Bleaching, Other_Stains, Zooxanthellate_Ciliates, Colony_Bleaching_Distribution, General_Condition_10x, Non_zooxanthellate_Ciliates, Tissue_Loss, Zooxanthellae_10x, Oocytes_Stage_in_Development, In_situ_Photo, Epidermal_Mucocytes_Condition, Spermaries_Stage_in_Development, Gross_Photo_Fixed_Sample, Mesenterial_Filament_Mucocytes |
Coral physiological and δ15N isotopic measurements. | Coral physiological and δ15N isotopic measurements | OA_coral_physiology | Treatment, Nutrient_Concentration, Genotype, CZAR, CHARTOC, CTAR |
Coral physiological measurements | Montipora capitata and Porites compressa Physiological Measurements for Experimental Corals and Parent Colonies | RAPID Hawaii | Colony, Health_status |
Coral priority | Coral priority experiment | Coral-microbial interactions | Genotype |
Coral pyrosequencing data | Microbial communities of corals analyzed using 454 Illumina pyrosequencing | Contagious coral diseases? | measurement |
Coral reefs in the US Virgin Islands | | St John Coral Reefs | Quadrat_Number |
Coral settlement | | Coral Chorus | Cup_ID |
Coral sizes in support of Edmunds and Perry (2023) MEPS | | Hurricane Irma and St. John Reefs, RUI-LTREB, St John Coral Reefs, St. John LTREB | ID |
Coral species Information meta-analysis | coral species info | Coral Reef Adjustment | MorphRvW |
Coral SSU rRNA gene database | Coral SSU rRNA gene database | Coral Microbial Relationships | Host, Isolate_Clone, Accession_source, Length_bp, Organism_details |
Coral surveys | Coral surveys | Coral Reef Adjustment | Species |
Coral trait variation | Coral trait variation | Adaptation in asexual coral populations | grtn, loc, rope, loc_grtn |
Coral turf allelopathy experiments | Turf-coral interactions | Coral Biodiversity | Colony_number |
coral-microbe T-RF - development | Specificity of associations between bacteria and the coral Pocillopora meandrina during early development | MiCoDe | description |
Core stress bands | Stress bands in coral cores for corals from Palau reefs | Thermal Thresholds and Projections | stress_band_1998, stress_band_2010 |
Crassostrea virginica gonad MBD-BSseq | GenBank metadata for Eastern oyster gonad methylation and OA | Epigenetics to Ocean | library_source, library_selection, library_layout, design_description, title, library_strategy |
Critical swimming speed | Recorded critical swimming speed of larval Amphiprion percula, Elacatinus lori, and Elacatinus colini measured throughout development from hatching through settlement. | Elacatinus Dispersal II | clutch_id |
Cross Bay Demographics | Demographic data for introduced crab from multiple bays 2009-2016 | Invasive_predator_harvest | gravid, injury |
Cruise optical properties: Absorbance | | Sargassum DOM | depth_sample_comment |
Cruise optical properties: Fluorescence | | Sargassum DOM | depth_sample_comment |
Crustose coralline algae skeletal density | Skeletal density for crustose coralline algae reared in natural and experimental temperature and pCO2 conditions | CorallineAlgaePaleo-pH | Location, Subsample |
Cryptic N: Seasonal STE Profiles | Biogeochemical data from porewater profiles within a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary (STE). | Subsurface cryptic N cycle | Sampling_Campaign, Location, Tidal_Stage_Location |
Cryptophyte Cell Volumes | | Spectral Irradiance and Cryptophyte Biodiversity | Strain |
CTD - Pump Seacat CTD - Down Casts | CTD - Pump Seacat CTD - Down Casts | SIRENA | sampled_for |
CTD - Pump Seacat CTD - Up Casts | CTD - Pump Seacat CTD - Up Casts | SIRENA | sampled_for |
CTD cast log for mussel study | | GOMEPRO | Location_source, Start_GPS_horizontal_error, Start_GPS_vertical_error, Start_GPS_number_of_satellites, End_GPS_horizontal_error, End_GPS_vertical_error, End_GPS_number_of_satellites, Cast_data |
CTD hydrocast data | CTD casts | Chief Sci KM1910 | ctd_direction |
CTD Profiles | CTD Profiles - Binned Downcasts | MuLTI | location, dataset_description |
CTD Stations | CTD Station Locations for Multiple Years | MuLTI | location, dataset_description |
ctenophore sample log | Ctenophore observations collected during ROV dives | DEEPC | ConceptName, TapeTimeCode, SampleRefName |
Cyanobacteria cultures used to generate DNA reference library | Cyanobacteria cultures accessions | Tango in the Mat World | Media |
Data from fish genotyped at 14 and 20 loci | Data from fish genotyped at 14 and 20 loci at different life stages in the Belizean Barrier Reef in 2013. | Elacatinus Dispersal I | loci |
Deep-sea larvae for microbiome study | Deep-sea larvae for microbiome study | EPR Functional Diversity, Mariana Back-arc Vents, Metacommunity Dynamics | Deployment_Fraction |
Delaware Bay Oyster Samples | Delaware Bay oyster archived tissues | SEGO | preservative |
Densities of small corals in Diadema halos and temporal stability of D. antillarum clusters | | RUI-LTREB, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Position, Quadrat, PAC, PAC_cover, Cluster |
Diatom cultures used to generate DNA reference library | Diatom culture accessions | Tango in the Mat World | Variety, Media, TDS |
Diatom Matrix RNAseq | NCBI accessions | Metabolic Currencies | Description |
DICE_sequences | Links to published dmdA, cDNA, and RNA sequences from the Dauphin Island Cubitainer Experiment (DICE). | En-Gen DMSP Cycling | descrip |
Diel Carbonate and Nutrient Chemistry | Diel carbonate and nutrient chemistry | Nearshore CO2 | Community |
Diel proteomes Trichodesmium IMS101 | | MM Saito, MM Proteins and Organics Tech | protein_name |
DISC: Deployment, environmental, and larval behavior information | | Elacatinus Dispersal II | In_Behavior, Out_Behavior |
Dissolution kinetics of 10 marine calcifiers: Calcification rates | | CoralCalcifyFluid_pH | Specimen, Scientific_name |
Dissolution kinetics of 10 marine calcifiers: Temperature and polymorph mineralogy | | CoralCalcifyFluid_pH | Specimen, Scientific_name |
Dissolved oxygen | | Antarctic Shelf Sediments | Profile |
DNA and cDNA (RNA) 18S V4 tag sequences from 5m and DCM | | SPOT | instrument_model, design_description, filetype, sample_name, library_ID, title, library_strategy, library_source, library_selection, library_layout, platform |
DNA microsatellite alleles - Flowering shoots and seeds | DNA microsatellite alleles from flowering shoots and seeds | ZosMarLA | type |
Dongsha Atoll Coral Calcification Rates | Annual calcification rate time series of Porites corals on Dongsha Atoll | Coral Reef Resilience | status_July_2015, stress_bands |
Dongsha Atoll Ecological Survey Data | Benthic photo-quadrat surveys on Dongsha Atoll | Coral Reef Resilience | status, species_or_substrate_type, survey_date |
Dose response evaluation of oyster shell strengthening in response to homarine and trigonelline | | Identifying molecules of fear | Block, Pair, Tile |
Dose response evaluation of oyster shell strengthening to varying blue crab urine concentrations | | Identifying molecules of fear | Pair |
Drop Sampling Data - Port Fourchon, LA 2022 | Drop Sampling Data - Port Fourchon, LA 2022 | Louisiana E-scapes | sample_trip |
Duquette et al. 2018: Mg/Ca ratios | Mg/Ca ratios | OA_Antarctic_organisms, Antarctic Inverts | Sample, body_part |
Echinoid OA and stable isotopes: Echinoid calcification | | CoralCalcifyFluid_pH | Treatment |
Echosounder data (38kHz) | | Too hot to hold | BottomStatus, PlantStatus, ReportNumber, FirstPingNumber, LastPingNumber |
Edmunds et al. 2020 ICES: pCO2 flume - Coral area | | OA_Corals | Type |
Edmunds et al. 2020 ICES: pCO2 flume - Coral weight | | OA_Corals | Type |
Edmunds et al. 2024 Oecologia: Coral Cover | | MCR LTER | Quad |
Edmunds et al. 2024 Oecologia: Seawater Temperature | | MCR LTER | Data_Source |
Edmunds et al. 2024 Oecologia: Small Coral Density | | MCR LTER | Quadrat |
Eelgrass Traits | eelgrass traits | Genetic Div to Ecosys Functioning | Geno |
Effect of phenotypic variation on dogwhelk morphology during eco-evolutionary field experiment | Effect of phenotypic variation on dogwhelk morphology during eco-evolutionary field experiment | Coastal Adaptation | Dead_vs_Replaced_vs_Never_found, Date_dead_or_replaced |
Effects of early-life diet on Nucella canaliculata drilling phenotype | Effects of early-life diet on Nucella canaliculata drilling phenotype | Coastal Adaptation | Drilled_Binary |
Effects of intra-population variation in dogwhelk drilling on the abundance and size of Mytilus californianus mussels | Effects of intra-population variation in dogwhelk drilling on the abundance and size of Mytilus californianus mussels | Coastal Adaptation | Live_vs_Dead |
Effects of vermetids on Pocillopora | Effects of vermetids on Pocillopora growth and survival | Vermetids_Corals | paring, genotype |
Electrochemical Data GoM2017 | Electrochemical data from sediments collected on R/V Savannah cruise SAV-17-15 in the Gulf of Mexico during July and August 2017 | Soluble Fe Fluxing | Collection_Type |
ELF field data | NCBI accession numbers for raw RNA-seq fastq files derived from laboratory-maintained Trichodesmium erythraeum cultures | TriCoLim | colony_description, Tricho_filament_thickness, Tricho_filament_fluor, Tricho_filament_ELF_glow, ELF_reaction_results_plus_minus, backgrnd_speckling, backgrnd_speckling_filamaments, backgrnd_speckling_colonies |
ELF incubation | ELF incubations | TriCoLim | Tricho_filament_ELF_glow, ELF_reaction_results_plus_minus, backgrnd_speckling, backgrnd_speckling_filamaments, backgrnd_speckling_colonies, colony_description, Tricho_filament_thickness, Tricho_filament_fluor |
EN584 LV incubation, peptidase and glucosidase activities | Large volume incubation, peptidase and glucosidase activities (plate reader), EN584 | Patterns of activities | substrate, meso_no |
EN638 Bacterial Productivity | | Microbial DOC Degradation | sample_type, unammended_ammended, substrate |
EN638 Bulk Cell Counts | | Microbial DOC Degradation | sample_type, unammended_ammended |
EN638 Bulk FLA Rates | | Microbial DOC Degradation | substrate, sample_type, unammended_ammended |
EN638 Bulk Plate Rates | | Microbial DOC Degradation | substrate |
EN638 LV Plate Rates | Substrate hydrolysis | Microbial DOC Degradation | sample_type, unammended_ammended, substrate |
EN658 Handnet Deployment Summary | | SALT | Tow_type |
EPR 9 North Plume Particles | Bacterial 16S rRNA sequences from hydrothermal plume particles | RESET06 | description |
EPR 9N Inactive Sulfides | Bacterial 16S rRNA sequences from inactive sulfide chimneys | Bacwards | description |
ESP 2016 Seq | Metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, and single cell sequencing data from the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CA | OceanSulfurFluxBact | Type |
Estuarine Sediment Silicon Sorption Capacities | Estuarine Sediment Silicon Sorption Capacities | CLASiC | Sample_Description, Sediment_Type_Used |
Etelis genetics | | Hawaiian Fish Origins | Status |
Etelis morphology | | Hawaiian Fish Origins | Snout_length, D_spine_1st, Pectoral_fin_length, Orbit_diameter, D_spine_2nd, Pelvic_fin_spine_length, Interorbital_width_fleshy, D_ray_1st, Pelvic_fin_length, Upper_jaw_length, Longest_D_ray_last, Caudal_peduncular_depth, A_base, Caudal_peduncular_length, A_spine_2nd, Sample_Type, Predorsal_length, A_spine_3rd, Standard_length, Preanal_length, A_ray_1st, Body_depth, Prepelvic_length, Longest_A_ray, Body_width, D_base, C_length_upper_lobe, Head_length, Spinous_D_base, C_concavity |
Etelis spp. rangewide genetic data | | Hawaiian Fish Origins | Locus_Name |
ETNP 2017 Trap fluxes and 13C | | ETNP_ParticleOmics | Incubator, Trap_Area |
ETNP ODZ Metagenomes April 2012 | Assembled metagenomes collected in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone in April 2012 on TN278 | EAGER Deep Prochlorococcus | Sample_Processing |
ETNP Viral Morphology | Morphotypes, capsid widths, and tail lengths of viruses from the ETNP | OMZ Viruses | Morphotype |
Eunicea flexuosa interactions | Data from surveys of Eunicea flexusa colonies that were found in close proximity. | VI Octocorals, St. John LTREB | colonyEffect_2, colonyEffect_3, colonyEffect_4, colonyEffect_0, colonyEffect_1 |
Event logs: MCR10-1 and MCR11-1 | Event log from MCR10-1 and MCR11-1 cruises/trips | MCR LTER, Coral DOM | sample_desig |
Extracellular reef seawater metabolites from the Jardines de la Reina reef-system | | Coral Exometabolomes, RAPID Mass Spec for Dispersants | Sample_type, Seawater_sampling_location |
Exudate Uptake Incubations - Macronutrient Data | Exudate Uptake Incubations - Macronutrient Data | Coral Exometabolomes | sample_type, LD, Incubation |
Exudate Uptake Incubations - Microbial Abundances (Flow Cytometry) | Exudate Uptake Incubations - Microbial Abundances (Flow Cytometry) | Coral Exometabolomes | sample_type, Incubation, Light_conditions |
Fatty acid measurements - experimental animals | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Tissue_sampled, Tank_number, Acclimation_days |
Fauna on restored oyster reefs | Fauna on restored oyster reefs | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | meas_descrip |
Fe, Pu partitioning and organic biopolymers | Fe, Pu partitioning and organic biopolymers | Biopolymers for radionuclides | type, Biopolymer_fraction, Cell_type |
Feeding Trials | Feeding trials using detritus from eelgrass (Zostera marina) genotypes (clones) as a food source and either one or a combination of invertebrate grazers | Genetic Div to Ecosys Functioning | Genotype |
FeOB oxygen consumption at 5C | Oxygen consumption data for two iron oxidizing bacteria at 5˚C. | SedimentaryIronCycle | Channel, bact |
FeOB oxygen consumption pyrrhotite | Experimental oxygen consumption data for two iron oxidizing bacteria with pyrrhotite as iron source.. | SedimentaryIronCycle | Channel, bact |
Field Physiochemical Parameters and Nitrogen Specific Uptake Rates | Field Physiochemical Parameters and Nitrogen Specific Uptake Rates | Creatine Cycling | Water_Depth |
fluor_PAM | Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) fluorometry readings from microcosm experiments. | En-Gen DMSP Cycling | microcosm_type |
Fog water chemistry | | Mercury in Fog | Sample_ID, Sample_type, Sample_type_2, Sample_location, Sample_vol |
Fossil Seal Bulk Isotopes 14C | Location, weathering, bulk isotope, and 14C data for fossil seals from the western Ross Sea, Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | Carcass_erosion_stage, Bone_weathering_stage |
Fossil Seal Skeletal Measurements | Skeletal measurements from fossil seals from the western Ross Sea, Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | Fusion_state_humerus_length_M1, Fusion_state_radius_length_M1, Fusion_state_ulna_length_M1, Fusion_state_pelvis_length_M1, Fusion_state_crista_ilium_breadth_M2, Fusion_state_femur_corpus_smallest_length_M9, Fusion_state_tibia_fibula_length_M3, Brief_description |
Gastropod counts by species collected from inactive sulfides on the East Pacific Rise | | Inactive Sulfides, Vent Settlement Cues | occurrenceID, samplingProtocol, taxonRank, identificationRemarks, associatedSequences, occurrenceRemarks |
Gene expression of Eurytemora affinis (saline and freshwater) | | Evolutionary genomics of a copepod | Male_inbred_line, Organism, Sex, Female_inbred_line |
Geneflow Samples | Brine samples were collected from both sea ice and cryopeg near Utqiaġvik, Alaska, USA. | Arctic Subzero Brines | Sample_type |
Geochemistry Summary | Geochemistry summary data: IODP Expedition 337 single cell isotope incorporation of 1H, 2H, 12C14N, 12C15N, 12C12C, 12C13C ions | Deep biosphere cell activity | Horizon, Condition, Autoclaved, Amendment |
Gill 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing | GenBank Short Read Archive (SRA) sequence accession numbers for 16S rRNA gene amplicon data from the gills of Alviniconcha species, Ifremeria nautilei, and Bathymodiolus septemdierum. | Eco Dyn W Pacific Vents | Collection_ID |
Globorotaloides hexagonus trace element ablation profiles | | OMZ forams | file, date_time_UTC |
GN01 Aerosol Mercury | Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in aerosols | GEOTRACES Arctic Atmos Hg, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Group |
GN01 Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | GN01 Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | Arctic GEOTRACES bottle particles, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | CellType |
GN01 Particulate and Dissolved Po-210 and Pb-210 | Particulate & dissolved Po-210 & Pb-210 in seawater, snow, melt ponds, ice core, ice-rafted sediments, and aerosols from Western and Central Arctic | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic 210Po and 210Pb | data_type |
GN01 Sample logs | Water sample logs from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 (pdf) | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | sample_detail |
Goby parentage | Data from 120 parent-offspring matches identified in fish on the Belizean Barrier Reef in 2013. | Elacatinus Dispersal I | direction |
GOMEPRO: ADCP Transects | ADCP GoME, 2015-2016 | GOMEPRO | Tide, CTD_Stations |
GOMEPRO: CTD - Profiles | CTD profiles | GOMEPRO | yymmdd |
Gorgonia ventalina asymmetry | Data describing Gorgonia ventalina and interactions between individuals. | VI Octocorals, St. John LTREB | AsymSym |
GP15 Bulk, Size-fractionated, and Deionized Water Soluble Aerosol Fe Zn Cd Isotopes Leg 1 | GP15 Bulk, Size-fractionated, and Deionized Water Soluble Aerosol Fe Zn Cd Isotopes Leg 1 | PMT Aerosol Collection, PMT TM Stable Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Rosette_Position |
GP15 Bulk, Size-fractionated, and Deionized Water Soluble Aerosol Fe Zn Cd Isotopes Leg 2 | GP15 Bulk, Size-fractionated, and Deionized Water Soluble Aerosol Fe Zn Cd Isotopes Leg 2 | PMT TM Stable Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Aerosol Collection | Rosette_Position |
GP15 Event Log | Scientific sampling event log from the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15) from September to November 2018 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | samples_taken, GEOTRC_SAMPNO_Range |
GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 1 | GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Actinium-227 | Cartridges |
GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 2 | GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 2 | PMT Actinium-227, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Cartridges |
GP16 Cruise Event Log | Scientific Sampling Event Log | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SAMPLES_TAKEN |
GP16 CTD - Cast Logs | CTD - Cast Logs from TN303 cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SAMPLES_TAKEN |
GP16 CTD - Sample Logs | CTD - Sample Logs from TN303 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SAMPLES_TAKEN |
GP16 GeoFish - Cast Logs | GeoFish - Cast Logs from TN303 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SAMPLES_TAKEN |
GP16 PUMPs - Cast Logs | PUMPs - Cast Logs from TN303 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SAMPLES_TAKEN |
GP17-OCE Event Log | GP17-OCE Event Log | GP17-OCE | GEOTRACES_ID_Num_Range |
GPS drifter tracks | | Reef Fish Resilience | GpsQuality, SamplingRate, SubmergedBoolean, DeviceName, BatteryVoltage, CommId |
Grazing experiment 6: pCO2 with and without grazing by Coxliella | Carbonate chemistry data | E Hux Response to pCO2 | description |
Grazing experiment 7: pCO2 with and without grazing by Gyrodinium | Carbonate chemistry data | E Hux Response to pCO2 | description |
Groves Creek 'Omits | Metagenomic, metatranscriptomics and 16S rRNA gene sequence data from Groves Creek diel sampling | Marine priming effect | Time_point |
Growth and physiology of Pocillopora damicornis: calcification | | Coral Resilience | Origin, Coral_ID, Colony |
Growth and physiology of Pocillopora damicornis: coral physiology | | Coral Resilience | Coral_ID, Colony |
Growth and physiology of Pocillopora damicornis: pHi | | Coral Resilience | Coral_ID, Origin, Colony, Cell_type |
Growth rates of Line P diatoms in added Zn and Co incubation studies | | PMT Cobalt and Metalloenzymes, MM Saito | Culture |
GT10 - Cruise Event Log | GT10 - Scientific Sampling Event Log | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | samples_taken |
GT11 - Cruise Event Log | GT11 (KN204-01) scientific sampling event log. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | samples_taken |
Habitat restoration database | Database of published habitat restoration studies from 1995, 2005, and 2015 | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | Biodiversity_in_monitoring, Genetic_diversity, Species_diversity, Functional_diversity, Trophic_diversity, Empirical, Not_empirical, Ecosystem, Biodiversity, No_biodiversity, Biodiversity_in_design |
Haplotypes Moorea 2019 | Haplotypes Moorea 2019 | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Mortality |
Hard Substrates Community Matrix, AT37-13 & AT42-03 | Hard substrates matrix | Costa Rica Seeps | Site, Alvin_Dive, Habitat |
Hawaiian reef fish genetic accessions 2016 | Genetic accessions at NCBI Genbank | Hawaiian Fish Origins | Sequence_Description |
Heat stress experiment data | | Symbiont Shifts on Reefs | Surv, Propsymb, Proppale, Propbleached, D_range, A_range, B_range, Adult |
Heatwave Experiment: Color Score Physiology | Heatwave Experiment: Color Score Physiology | Holobiont Integration | Bleaching_Score |
Heatwave Experiment: Experiment Tank Conditions | Heatwave Experiment: Experiment Tank Conditions | Holobiont Integration | PAR_Position, PAR_Measure_Type |
Heatwave Experiment: Multivariate Physiology | Heatwave Experiment: Multivariate Physiology | Holobiont Integration | ANALYSIS |
Heatwave Experiment: Photosynthetic Irradiance | Heatwave Experiment: Photosynthetic Irradiance | Holobiont Integration | Chamber_Channel, Position, Bin_ID, Run, Sample_Type, Light_Dark, Light_Level, Intercept |
Heatwave Experiment: Survivorship Probability | Heatwave Experiment: Survivorship Probability | Holobiont Integration | Day_21, Day_85, Day_53, Day_0, Day_64, Day_32, Day_96, Day_43, Day_107, Day_11, Day_75, Day_22, Day_86, Day_54, Day_1, Day_65, Day_33, Day_97, Day_44, Day_108, Day_12, Day_76, Day_23, Day_87, Day_55, Day_2, Day_66, Day_34, Day_98, Day_45, Day_109, Day_13, Day_77, Day_24, Day_88, Day_56, Day_35, Day_99, Day_3, Day_67, Day_14, Day_78, Day_46, Day_110, Day_57, Day_25, Day_89, Day_36, Day_100, Day_4, Day_68, Day_15, Day_79, Day_47, Day_111, Day_58, Day_26, Day_90, Day_37, Day_101, Day_5, Day_69, Day_16, Day_80, Day_48, Day_112, Day_59, Day_27, Day_91, Day_38, Day_102, Day_6, Day_70, Day_17, Day_81, Day_49, Day_60, Day_28, Day_92, Day_39, Day_103, Day_7, Day_71, Day_18, Day_82, Day_50, Day_61, Day_29, Day_93, Day_40, Day_104, Day_8, Day_72, Day_19, Day_83, Day_51, Day_62, Day_30, Day_94, Day_41, Day_105, Day_9, Day_73, Day_20, Day_84, Day_52, Acclimation_End, Day_63, Day_31, Day_95, Day_42, Day_106, Day_10, Day_74 |
Herbivore exclusion experiment | Data are from an herbivore exclusion experiment in a mangrove die-off area. | Mangrove Die-off | sampling |
Heterosigma akashiwo acclimation | Heterosigma akashiwo acclimation - BioProject PRJNA377729 | P-ExpEv | sample_type, genotype |
High Throughput Growth Screen Data | High Throughput Growth Screening Ruegeria pomeroyi | C-CoMP Marine Bacterial Transporters | substrate, plate, well_row, well_col |
HRR 18S full-length sequence BLAST results | HRR 18S full-length sequence BLAST results | HRR | e_value, score, Similarity, mismatches, gaps, Q_start, Q_end, R_start, R_end |
Hydroacoustic Survey Data 2020 | Hydroacoustics - Jupiter from August 31 until November 30, 2020 | Storm effect on predator | Frequency, Interval, Layer, Source, Collection_Mode |
Hydrography, nutrients, and mean N2 fixation rates (SPIROPA, July 2019) | Hydrography, nutrients, and uptake rates (SPIROPA, July 2019) | SPIROPA | Repl_spl_ids |
Hydrothermal vent parasite species reported in published literature | Literature review of deep-sea hydrothermal vent parasite, egg predator, and micropredator species | EPR Functional Diversity, Vent Settlement Cues | HOST_TISSUE, PARASITE_CONSUMER_STRATEGY |
ICoMM GPS | ICoMM GPS (Global Protistan Survery) Vent-related samples | PROTISTS | Sample_Description |
Illumina Sequences | | SedimentaryIronCycle | description_of_the_types_of_sequences |
Imaging Pulse Amplitude Modulator Fluorometer Data 2016 | Imaging Pulse Amplitude Modulator Fluorometer Data | Resilient Acerv | Genotype |
Impact of OA on coral (Siderastrea siderea) calcification and corallite morphology: Calcification rates | | CoralCalcifyFluid_pH | Replicate, Colony |
Impact of OA on coral clumped isotopes | | CoralCalcifyFluid_pH | Sample_ID, number_analyses |
In situ and ISCO data | S-CAN and geochemical data for Groves Creek | Marine priming effect | time_point_type |
In situ sediment oxygen demand and infauna | Processed in situ sediment oxygen data (SOD) | Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering | dayfrac, Chamber, sample |
In-field and experimental measurements of environmental conditions: nutrients | | Coral Resilience | Tide, Dilution, Habitat |
In-field and experimental measurements of environmental conditions: temperature | | Coral Resilience | Origin |
In-situ pump chemical data | In-situ pump chemical data | BIOSSCOPE | split_type, TP_from_d15N_AA, TP_sd |
In-situ pump data | | Are Traps Equal | pore_size, volume |
In-situ temperature profiles | Temperature Profiles | HOTFUN | Mats |
Incubation Data | Results of incubation experiments | DOM biomarkers | site_type |
Infauna | | Harvey Seagrass | Core_size, Subsample, Random_sample_section_number, Ratio |
Integrated Energy Density data of Marine and Freshwater Organisms | Synthesis of energy densities from literature review | NECC | H2O_perc, Indigestible_perc |
Intertidal Transplant Mussels | | OMEGAS-MaS, OMEGAS-II | Source |
Invertebrate Data | | Reef Production Drivers | Legal, Not_legal |
Invertebrate stable isotopes from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Invertebrate stable isotopes from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Methanosphere | Sample_type, Analysis_context |
IODP360 - CHNS analyses | | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Observations, Reference_Picture |
IODP360 - Drill fluid contamination testing | | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Tracer |
Isotopes d2H and d18O in natural waters of Alaska | Isotopes d2H and d18O in Alaskan ground, lake, and river water | Groundwater Discharge Methane | water_type |
Isotopic Composition | Description and isotopic composition of the carbonate deposits in the Santa Elena Ophiolite (Costa Rica) | Controls on biological activity | description, sample_powder |
IVARS Marine Snow profiles | Profiles of the abundance and size distribution of marine snow aggregates | IVARS | Canister |
IVARS Phaeocystis | Profile of the abundance and size distribution of abandoned (ghost) Phaeocystis colonines | IVARS | Canister |
Jason Dive Log - Loihi | Log of Jason Dives from cruise TN293 at the Loihi Seamount in March 2013 | Ecology of Vent Mats | sample_details |
Jason-II sample log AT26-10 | sample log from Jason-II dives for Sievert | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | sample_description |
JTMD debris log | Japanese Tsunami Marine Debris - biofouling debris log | JTMD-BF | sample_descrip |
Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank SSU rRNA gene sequences | SSU rRNA gene sequences from marine sediments, marine subseafloor, and deep seawater | microJdFR | description, sample_title, sample_name, organism |
Juan de Fuca Viruses | Single Amplified Virus Genome sequence accessions at NCBI | Juan de Fuca Viruses | Species_Name, Types_of_Sequences, Sequencing_method, Analysis_method, Organism, Description |
Juvenile Black sea bass winter growth and lipid accumulation under varying food and temperature conditions - Experiment 1 | Juvenile Black sea bass winter growth and lipid accumulation under varying food and temperature conditions - Experiment 1 | HYPOA | S_or_M, Group |
Juvenile oyster expt: recruitment | Juvenile oyster expt: recruitment | Oyster Reef Reversal | recruit_substrate |
juv_fish_bycatch_redux | Species counts from control and gear manipulation trials to reduce bycatch of juvenile fish. | NEC_ProjDev | sample_type |
Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - microbial community | Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - microbial community | Pelagibacteromics | env_broad_scale, env_local_scale, env_medium |
Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - phytoplankton and biogeochemistry | Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - phytoplankton and biogeochemistry | Pelagibacteromics | Metagenome, Sampling_Order, Season, Community_Type |
Kelletia kelletii: DNA and RNA sequence | Kelletia kelletii: DNA and RNA sequence | KW connectivity | env_broad_scale, env_local_scale, env_medium, isol_growth_condt, version, Ecotype |
Kelp Growth | Kelp Growth | High latitude kelp dynamics | Tank_position, has_middate, lost_pneu |
kinetoplastid SSU rRNA seq. | Microbial metatranscriptomics: upper and lower halocline water column | Pickled Protists | sample_descrip |
Kiritimati 2014-2015: Surface water | Surface water quality samples | RAPID Kiritimati | field_season |
KOSMOS14 DMSPO Concentrations | | OA on DMS | Mesocosm |
Krill Experiment - Experimental Conditions | Laboratory krill experiments | PelagicHypoxia | System, Experiment |
Krill physiology - Experimental conditions | | PelagicHypoxia | Type, System, Treatment |
Krill physiology - In situ conditions | | PelagicHypoxia | Type |
Labyrinthulomycete genetic sequences | samples around Long Island, NY for Labyrinthulomycete PCR and sequences | LabyLI | sediment_description |
larvae count | Larval positioning in acrylic tubes describing the behavior of coral larvae in high pCO2 within shallow tropical reefs in Okinawa, Japan from 2016-07 to 2016-08 | OA coral adaptation | pcnt_at_top |
Larvae swimming data | | Larvae in turbulence | track |
Larval fish identifications and concentrations | Ichtyoplankton identifications and concentrations MOCNESS tows | MEZCAL | Season |
Larval oyster laboratory experiments | Oyster larvae elemental ratio experiments | EstuarineMetaDyn | Sequence, Home |
Lau Basin Bacterial Low Temp Geomicrobiology | Bacterial 16S rRNA sequences from seafloor rocks (silicates and sulfides) | Lau Basin Geomicrobio | description |
Length measurements | Fish lengts sampled with MOCNESS in winter & summer 2018 & 2019 | MEZCAL | Season |
Light stress grazing: photosynthetic efficiency | | Protist signaling | Num_Screens, Time_interval |
Light stress grazing: prey and predator exposure | | Protist signaling | Num_Micrograzer_Screens, Num_Phytoplankton_Screens |
Light stress grazing: prey-only exposure | | Protist signaling | Num_Screens |
Line P18 POM concentrations | POM concentrations for carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and chemical oxygen demand | Ocean Stoichiometry | Volume |
LIS plankton | | Phytoplankton MeHg | Sample_size_id, Sample_size |
Long-term diatom microbiome data and analysis package | | LTPE | Organism, sample_title, Description |
Lost City AT42-01 Collected Fluids | Samples collected and their associated temperatures on an expedition to the Lost City hydrothermal field | Lost City Limits to Life | Sample_Descrip |
Low-pH springs: water samples | | CalcificationLowSatSeawater | sample |
Macroalgal biodiversity experiment: coral growth and tissue mortality data | | Coral Biodiversity | Colony |
Manually annotated reef halos from 6 study areas | Manually annotated reef halos | Coral Reef Halos | Classname, Subset |
Mariana Back-arc Macrofauna 2014 | Macrofauna collected on colonization panels at Snail Vent Field on the Mariana Back-arc in 2014 | Mariana Back-arc Vents | occurrenceStatus |
Mark Recapture | Mark recapture data for introduced crab in Seadrift Lagoon 2011-2018 | Invasive_predator_harvest | recap_mark, gravid, injury |
Marsh consumer diversity effects on multifunctionality | The effect of consumer diversity on the ecosystem functioning of salt marshes. | small grazers facilitating fungal disease | no_cons, treat |
McKeon_et_al_2012 Multiple Defender Effects | This dataset is part 1 of a 2 part manipulative experiment to investigate the existence of cooperative synergy in defensive behaviors of ‘guard’ crustaceans. | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | Predation_Location, Location, PredDepth |
McMurdo Sound acoustic backscatter krill and silverfish | Acoustic backscatter from krill and silverfish in McMurdo Sound. | McMurdo Predator Prey | group |
McMurdo Sound acoustic backscatter site | Acoustic backscatter from sites in McMurdo Sound. | McMurdo Predator Prey | Group |
McMurdo Sound sea ice movement dates | Dates of sea ice movement in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica from MODIS and SSMI imagery | McMurdo Predator Prey | image_source |
Megafauna counts by taxon in image surveys at inactive sulfides on the East Pacific Rise | | Inactive Sulfides | AngleCategory, Adjustment_Value, Useable_Proportion_of_Image |
Mesocosm Growth Data | Size of Bugula neritina colonies with and without symbiont grown at different temperatures | BiogeogDefensiveSymb | genotype |
Mesocosm warming experiment quantitative PCR inhibition controls | | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | inhibition_sample_plate_id, inhibition_sample_well_id, inhibition_cntrl_ID |
Mesocosm warming experiment temperature | | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | bin |
Metabarcoding zooplankton at station ALOHA: NCBI SRA accession numbers | NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) accession numbers for fastq sequence files for each zooplankton community sample | Plankton Population Genetics | platform, design_description, analysis_name, title, library_strategy, library_source, library_selection, library_layout |
Metabarcoding zooplankton at station ALOHA: OTU tables and fasta files | Operational taxonomic unit (OTU) tables and fasta files for representative sequences from each OTU | Plankton Population Genetics | analysis_name, assigned_habitat, NCBI_top_hit_title, analysis_description |
Metabolite Uptake Incubations - Microbial Abundances (Flow Cytometry) | Metabolite Uptake Incubations - Microbial Abundances (Flow Cytometry) | Coral Exometabolomes | Filtration_type, Incubation |
Metadata for RNASeq of green crabs in the northeast Pacific | Metadata for RNASeq of green crabs in the northeast Pacific | West Coast Carcinus | color, collector_affiliation |
Metadata for targeted genotyping of green crabs in the northeast Pacific | Metadata for targeted genotyping of green crabs in the northeast Pacific | West Coast Carcinus | color, collector_affiliation |
Metagenome | Metagenomic data | Subvent_Biosphere_Sediments | Sediment_type |
Metagenome and metatranscriptome sequences from deep-sea hydrothermal vent microbial communities | Metagenome and metatranscriptome sequences from deep-sea hydrothermal vent microbial communities | frenemies | ORIGIN_TYPE, ORIGIN_DESCRIPTION, LIBRARY |
Metagenome of Bleached and Non-bleached corals | | Moorea Virus Project | Description, Treatment |
Metagenome sequencing samples | Metagenome sequencing samples | JdFR Strain level | Sample_Source, Fluid_Delivery_Line, Environment |
Metal quotas of Line P diatoms in added Zn and Co incubation studies | | PMT Cobalt and Metalloenzymes, MM Saito | Culture |
metatranscriptomics - upper_lower halocline | Microbial metatranscriptomics: upper and lower halocline water column | Pickled Protists | sample_descrip |
Meteorological Data | Meteorological Data | THMAO | SonicU, SonicV, SonicW, batt_volt_Min |
Methane seep 16S rRNA sequences | 16S rRNA gene sequences of cells in marine methane seep sediments | Cell-sorting and enrichment | organism, collection_source |
Micro-satellite genotypes 2011 | Microsatellite genotypes and geolocation data from Curlew Caye | Elacatinus Dispersal I | offspring_parent |
Microbe priority experiment counts | Microbe priority experiment counts (OTU counts) | Coral-microbial interactions | genotype |
Microbial 16S rRNA gene amplicon SRA numbers | Microbial 16S rRNA gene amplicon SRA numbers | DeepCCZ | Isolation_Source |
Microbial community composition McMurdo Spiophanes beds | McMurdo Spiophanes beds 16s V4 region community composition | McMurdo Benthos | organism, host |
Microbial community composition of the Cinder Cones Cold Seep | Microbial community composition of the Cinder Cones Cold Seep | Cinder Cone Seep | organism |
Microbial eukaryotic diversity: Axial Seamount SRA | Axial seamount SRA | Microbial eukaryotes at hydrothermal vents | library_strategy, library_source, library_selection, library_layout, platform, design_description, description, organism, isolation_source, title |
Microbial eukaryotic diversity: Gorda Ridge SRA | Gorda Ridge SRA | Microbial eukaryotes at hydrothermal vents | library_strategy, library_source, library_selection, library_layout, platform, design_description, organism, sample_name, isolation_source, bacterial_or_eukaryotic_community, Grazing_experiment_or_in_situ, title |
Microbial eukaryotic diversity: Mid-Cayman Rise SRA dataset | 18S rRNA amplicon sequencing of microbial eukaryotes | Microbial eukaryotes at hydrothermal vents | Library_Strategy, Library_Source, Library_Selection, Collection, Experiment_Title, Organism_Name, Study_Title, Total_Size_Mb, Total_Bases, Library_Name |
Microbial eukaryotic focused metatranscriptome data | | SPOT | library_selection, library_layout, platform, instrument_model, design_description, filetype, library_ID, title, sample_name, library_strategy, library_source |
Microbial isolates | Microbial isolates from sediment samples collected at Paleochori Bay, Milos island, Greece | Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation | sample_origin |
Microbiome dynamics of coral reef and cleanerfish | Microbiome dynamics of coral reef and cleanerfish | Cleanerfish microbiomes | isolation_source, host_disease, host_condition |
Microbiomes of Caribbean sponges | Microbiomes sponges 2013-2014 | Ecological Diversification in Sponges | Read_direction |
microcosm_summary | Summary of microcosm data from Dauphin Island Cubitainer Experiment (DICE). | En-Gen DMSP Cycling | microcosm_type |
Micronekton AA CSIA ALOHA: Amino acid specific isotopes in micronekton | Amino acid specific isotopes in micronekton, station ALOHA | Hg_Biogeochemistry | Tissue_Type |
Microorganisms associated with doliolids | 16S rRNA sequencing doliolids associated microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | sample_accession_title, keyword, biosample_package, env_broad_scale, env_local_scale, env_medium |
Microorganisms associated with pyrosomes | 16S rRNA sequencing pyrosome-associated microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | env_local_scale, env_medium, sample_accession_title, keywords, biosample_package, env_broad_scale |
Minor Ion Concentrations | | North Pond 2017 | Borehole_type_coil, Sample_number |
Mixotrophic nanoflagellate abundances | | Giant virus ecology | Method, Group, Environment, Position |
Modern deep-sea coral (Desmophyllum dianthus) nitrogen isotopes | Deep-sea coral (Desmophyllum dianthus) nitrogen isotope data | DeepSeaCoralNitrogen | year_collected, catalog_num, source |
Monthly Trapping | Demographic data from introduced crab in Seadrift Lagoon 2009-2019 | Invasive_predator_harvest | gravid, injury, recap_mark |
Mortality Moorea 2019 | Mortality Moorea 2019 | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Mortality, Partial_colony_mortality |
Motility assays | Motility assays | Coral Resilience | Stim |
mRNA sequencing - RNAseq | mRNA sequencing - RNAseq | OA pH, Temp, Calc Inverts | Description, Sequencing_and_Analysis_Methods |
MRP sediments with pretreatment | | Marine Sediment Analysis 31P NMR | Extract, Step, Analyte_Name, blank_corrected |
MRP sediments with pretreatment | | Deep sea sediments | Blank_corrected, Extract, Step, Analyte_Name |
Multitracers Biogenic Concentration Data | Multitracers Biogenic Concentration Data | Multitracers Paleoproductivity, Biogenic Chemical Records, Multitracers II, Multitracers Sediment Traps | Sample_Description |
Multitracers Metal Concentration Data | Multitracers Metal Concentration Data | Ag Flux and Export Productivity | Sample_Description |
Mussel dataset | | Costa Rica Seeps | Collected_in |
Mysid movies - Damariscotta Estuary - Summer 2023 | | Mysid ecology | Primary_Movie, Secondary_Folder, Secondary_Movie, Camera_FPS, Strobe_Light_Color, Image_Numbers, Camera_Orientation, Image_Storage_GB, Video_Storage_GB, Primary_Folder |
Mytilus Elemental Fingerprints | | MuLTI-2, GOMEPRO | Age |
NanoSIMS HCN - All Data | IODP Expedition 337 single cell isotope incorporation of 1H, 2H, 12C14N, 12C15N. 12C12C, 12C13C ions | Deep biosphere cell activity | Condition, Morph, ROI |
NCBI accession numbers for S. arcuata and S. meunieri | NCBI accession numbers for S. arcuata and S. meunieri | Ciliate Omics | sample |
Nearest neighbor surveys | Data describing the nearest neighbor of sampled individuals. | VI Octocorals, St. John LTREB | visibleInhibition |
Neocalanus body and lipid sac morphometrics in the Northern Gulf of Alaska, 2018-2020 | | Diapause preparation | Season, LifeStage |
Nitrogen Isotope Ratios in Amino Acid Standards and Samples | Nitrogen Isotope Ratios in Amino Acid Standards and Samples | Amino Acids N Isotopes | Fraction |
Northern California Current Microorganisms | 16S rRNA gene of microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | env_broad_scale, env_local_scale, env_medium |
Northern Gulf of Mexico electrochemical data Fall 2020 | Northern Gulf of Mexico electrochemical data Fall 2020 | NGoM Benthic Alk Flux | Collection_Type |
Northern Gulf of Mexico pore water constituents Fall 2020 | Northern Gulf of Mexico pore water constituents Fall 2020 | NGoM Benthic Alk Flux | Collection_Type |
Nucella canaliculata Morphology and Drill Hole Data | Nucella canaliculata Morphology and Drill Hole Data | Coastal Adaptation | Container, Family, Drill_Hole_Type |
Nutrient monitoring | | High latitude kelp dynamics | Distance_from_bed_m, Sample_type |
Ocean Acidification Experiment: Phenotypic responses of Eastern oyster | Ocean Acidification Experiment: Phenotypic Measurements | Epigenetics to Ocean | ID, Exposure_Extra, shelf, pop |
Ocean Acidification Experiment: Water Quality | Ocean Acidification Experiment: Water Quality | Epigenetics to Ocean | Shelf, Experimental_Cat, Exp_Temp |
Ocean Crust Microbiome Amplicon Metadata | Metadata for sequence datasets used in ocean crust microbiome survey | Slow Life in Crust | Sample_Type, Temp, Depth, region16S, SRA_LibraryName |
Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia hudsonica body size | Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia hudsonica body size | Copepod Response to Warming Temp and OA | Generation |
Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia hudsonica development time | Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia hudsonica development time | Copepod Response to Warming Temp and OA | Generation, Generation_c |
Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia hudsonica egg production and hatching success | Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia hudsonica Egg production and hatching success | Copepod Response to Warming Temp and OA | Generation, Generation_c |
Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia hudsonica population fitness | Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia hudsonica population fitness | Copepod Response to Warming Temp and OA | Generation |
Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia hudsonica survival | Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia hudsonica survival | Copepod Response to Warming Temp and OA | Generation |
Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia tonsa development time | Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia tonsa development time | Copepod Response to Warming Temp and OA | Beak |
Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia tonsa population fitness | Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia tonsa population fitness | Copepod Response to Warming Temp and OA | Generation |
Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia tonsa survival | Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia tonsa survival | Copepod Response to Warming Temp and OA | Generation, Beak |
Octocoral Forest Composition and Canopy Parameters used in Benthic Community Analysis, St. John U.S. Virgin Islands | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Quadrat_Num, Quadrat_ID |
Octocoral Sensus Data for Light Quadrats at Yawzi Point and East Cabritte sites in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Canopy_State, Quadrat_ID |
Oikopleura dioica feeding behavior particle tracking | Oikopleura dioica feeding behavior particle tracking | Mucus net filter feeders | Video, Frame, Location |
Organic Alkalinity Discrete Data | | organic alkalinity | pH_Method |
Oyster Cohort Traits | Performance traits (e.g., survival, growth, size) for hatchery-produced oyster cohorts | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | Eff_allelic_diversity, Allelic_richness, Genetic_relatedness |
Oyster Extrapallial Fluid | Data collected on the carbonate system of the oyster extrapallial fluid | Epigenetics to Ocean | shelf |
Oyster genetic identity and parasite community structure | Oyster genetic identity and parasite community structure | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | Seed_Source |
Oyster mortality | | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | Cage_mesh_size, Oyster_size_treatment, Individual_oyster_size, Individual_mortality, Mode_of_mortality, Plate_density |
Oyster reef survey totals | Survey totals | Oyster Reef Reversal | processed |
Oyster shell strengthening in response to blue crab predator cues | | Identifying molecules of fear | block, pair, tile, life_status |
Oyster spat elemental ratios | Elemental ratio data from Mass Spec analysis of newly settled oyster spat | EstuarineMetaDyn | Burn_Number |
P. homomalla development (coarse) | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | container |
Palau Coral Reef Experiment 2018: Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) fluorometry | Palau Coral Reef Experiment 2018: Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) fluorometry | Thermally tolerant coral | Colony, Frag |
Palau Coral Reef Experiment 2018: Biometrics | Palau Coral Reef Experiment 2018: Biometrics | Thermally tolerant coral | Colony |
Palau Coral Reef Experiment 2018: Isotopes | Palau Coral Reef Experiment 2018: Isotopes | Thermally tolerant coral | Treatment, Colony |
Palau Coral Stress Band Data | Palau Coral Stress Band Data | Biophysics of Coral Reef Resilience | SB_98, SB_10, Cohort |
Palau lakes: tissue archive | Palau lakes: tissue archive | PaPaPro | Instant_Field_ID |
Parasite abundance in coral reef fishes | Parasite abundance data collected from coral reef fishes across 19 islands in the central equatorial Pacific from 2009 to 2021 | Diversity-disease | fish_sp_code, psite_unique_code, transmission, psite_group |
Parasite taxonomic and life cycle information | Literature review metazoan parasite species | EPR Functional Diversity, Vent Settlement Cues | HOST_GROUP_COMMON_NAME_SIMPLE, EXCLUDED_FROM_ANAYSES, RATIONALE_FOR_EXCLUSION, PARASITE_LIFE_CYCLE, LIFE_CYCLE_RATIONALE |
Particle Genomes | 16S rRNA and genomes of particle associated taxa | MINTPOM | type, type_of_sample |
Particles and Zooplankton AA-CSIA | Particles and Zooplankton Amino Acid Compound Specific Isotope Analyses (AA-CSIA) and zooplankton biomass in the Equatorial North Pacific and station Aloha | SuspendSinkPart, Hg_Biogeochemistry | Type |
Particulate Organic Carbon and Particulate Nitrogen | Particulate Organic Carbon and Particulate Nitrogen | Controls on Sea-Ice Algae (COSA) | Description |
PaV1 Den Tethering | Tethered PaV1 infected juvenile lobsters introduced to occupied wild dens | Lobster disease connectivity | den_type |
percent cover CPCE | Percent cover of coral in pacific Panama using the coral point count method | Coral Climate ETP | MeanHealth |
percent cover PI | Percent cover of coral in pacific Panama using the coral point count method | Coral Climate ETP | MeanHealth |
Permafrost Brine Geochemistry in the Barrow Permafrost Tunnel | Permafrost Borehole Geochemistry in the Barrow Permafrost Tunnel | Arctic Subzero Brines | Material, Type |
pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and salinity from seaphox | pH, temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen values from seaphox sensors | Coral Calcification Physiology | Deployment |
phase1_elevated_pCO2 | | OA coral adaptation | Flume, Chamber, day_night |
phase2_elevated_pCO2_NO3 | | OA coral adaptation | Flume, Chamber, day_night |
Phillips_et_al_2014 - Settlement to Quadrats | Settlement of Ceraesignum (previoulsy Dendropoma) maximum to plots where the amount of live coral is manipulated (50% scarred or unmanipulated) | Vermetids_Corals | reef_type |
Phillips_et_al_2014 - Settlement to Rubble | Settlement of Ceraesignum (previoulsy Dendropoma) maximum to rubble within plots where the amount of live coral is manipulated (50% scarred or unmanipulated) | Vermetids_Corals | Reef_type |
Photosynthetic Pigments | Photosynthetic Pigments | Controls on Sea-Ice Algae (COSA) | Description |
Physical Profiles of Temperature, Salinity, and Brine Volume | Physical Profiles of Temperature, Salinity, and Brine Volume | Controls on Sea-Ice Algae (COSA) | Station_Description |
Physiology of Montipora capitata and Porites compressa in response to marine heatwaves | | Mcap pairs time series | Bleach, Period, Endolithic |
Physiology responses of coastal and oceanic Synechococcus to iron warming interactions | Physiology responses of coastal and oceanic Synechococcus to iron warming interactions | Cyanobacteria Warming Responses | Strain |
Picocyanobacteria Sinking Aggregates: Abundances | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Culture |
Picocyanobacteria Sinking Aggregates: Excess Densities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Culture |
Picocyanobacteria Sinking Aggregates: Sinking Velocities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Culture |
Picocyanobacteria Sinking Aggregates: Sizes | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Culture |
Picocyanobacteria TEP: Cell Abundance | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Culture |
Picocyanobacteria TEP: Growth Rates | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Culture, Days_min, Days_max |
Picocyanobacteria TEP: Suspended Aggregates | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Culture, Suspended_Aggregate_Volume_Concentration_rep1, Suspended_Aggregate_Volume_Concentration_rep2 |
Picocyanobacteria TEP: TEP Concentration | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Culture |
Pleurochrysis carterae virus production | Analysis of temporal dynamics of three virus types (ssDNA PcCV, dsDNA PLV, dsDNA PsEV) persistently co-infecting P. carterae CCMP645 | Marine Chronic Viruses | media |
Pocillopora sequences from 2019 | | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Bases, BioSampleModel, DATASTORE_filetype, Isolation_Source, Library_Name, LibraryLayout, Isolate, LibrarySelection, dev_stage, LibrarySource, Tissue, mtORF_haplotype, Assay_Type, Platform, AvgSpotLen |
Poland_2013: Polyp count by symbiont type summary | Polyp count by symbiont type summary | SymBioSys | cptype |
Poland_2013: Symbiont types by site and month | Symbiont types by site and month | SymBioSys | cptype |
pooled random sites (PRS) | Coral community structure at pooled random sites between Cabritte Horn and White Point in St. John before and after five hurricanes from 1988–2017 | RUI-LTREB | Timing |
Pooled sequencing data from field-collected Eurytemora affinis | | Evolutionary genomics of a copepod | Origin |
Pore Water Depth Profiles GoM2017 | Sediment pore water and solid phase geochemical analyses from samples collected on R/V Savannah cruise SAV-17-15 in the Gulf of Mexico during July and August 2017 | Soluble Fe Fluxing | Collection_Type |
Pore water geochemistry | | Antarctic Shelf Sediments | Samp, Error |
Porewater Composition | Biogeochemical and sediment characteristics of the Cinder Cones Methane seep site | Cinder Cone Seep | sampling_approach |
Porites asteroides and Diploria labyrinthiformis calcification | | BEACON | Wt_label |
Porites astreoides Photosynthetic Induction and Octocoral Community St. Johh U.S. Virgin Islands | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Canopy_Closure_above_P_astreoides |
Porites astreoides Photosynthetic Induction PAM data, St. Johh U.S. Virgin Islands | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Coral_Num |
Predator effects on settlement | | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | EXPT |
Predator Induced and Non-Induced Eastern Oyster Shell Hardness | Predator Induced and Non-Induced Eastern Oyster Shell Hardness | Identifying molecules of fear | Age_Group, Layer, Before_Image, After_Image |
Predator Induced and Non-Induced Eastern Oyster Shell Thickness | Predator Induced and Non-Induced Eastern Oyster Shell Thickness | Identifying molecules of fear | Age_group, Grid_Num |
Presence and absence of iron and light-related functional genes | Protein information obtained from samples collected on LMG1411. | Polar_Transcriptomes | description |
Primary producer amino acid nitrogen isotope data meta-analysis | Published primary producer amino acid nitrogen isotope values to examine beta variability in trophic position estimates | GoME Copepod Coral Export | Vascularization |
Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus nitrite accumulation in batch culture | Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus nitrite accumulation in batch culture | Prochlorococcus N assimilation | Type |
Profile data | | N2O in ETNP | Log_Taker, Events_Notes |
Profile pO2 Data | Profile pO2 data | Biological Pump in the Equatorial Pacific | Float_Profile, Float |
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic abundance in BATS microbial communities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | prokaryotic_or_eukaryotic, Taxonomy, sample_type, season, sample_group |
Proportion infected polyps – Fall 2018 experiment | Infected polyps | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Proportion_infected, Percent_infected, Genotype, Container, Day |
Protein kinase A (PKA) substrate phosphorylation assays | Protein kinase A (PKA) substrate phosphorylation assays | Coral Resilience | Stim |
Pro_ancestor | Clones of Prochlorococcus MIT9312 and link to BioProject | P-ExpEv | sample_title |
Pteropod abundance and distribution | | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | split |
Pump mesozooplankton samples | Analysis of mesozooplankton from pump samples | GoMX - NGOMEX | splits, beaker |
Push Core Faunal & Environmental Characteristics | | Costa Rica Seeps | Activity_category, Species_richness, Taxonomic_diversity_Shannon, Taxonomic_evenness_Pielou, Functional_richness, Functional_diversity_Shannon, Functional_evenness_Pielou, Faunal_density, Average_body_size |
Pyrolysis-GC/MS grouped compound information | Pyrolysis | Deep Ocean Plastic Degradation | Polymer_name, Polymer_acronym, Unit_of_incubation_time, Average_carbon_dioxide_intensity, unit_of_intensity |
Pyrosome Gut Pigment Contents | Pyrosome Gut Pigment Contents | NCC Pyrosomes | Sub_Prop, Sub_Whole |
qPCR assays | qPCR assays | Symbiont Shifts on Reefs | Batch |
Quadrat counts | | PoGOMO | Tube_Number |
Quantification of ciliated band length per unit protein in early echinoderm larvae: biometirc data | Ciliated band length of early echinoderm larvae | LIPs on Larval Feeding | Beaker |
Quantification of ciliated band length per unit protein in early echinoderm larvae: protein data | Protein content of early echinoderm larvae | LIPs on Larval Feeding | Beaker |
radionuclide uptake by humic acids | The uptake and binding of six particle-reactive and/or redox-sensitive radionuclides (210Pb, 234Th, 7Be, 59Fe, 237Np and 233Pa) with different organic functionalities of three size fractions. | Biopolymers for radionuclides | HA_ID, Soil_Order |
RADseq data from Atlantic silversides used for linkage and QTL mapping | | GenomAdapt | library_strategy, library_source, library_selection, library_layout, design_description, library_ID, title |
Reciprocal transplant expt. - PSII of random colonies | PSII random colonies | Varadero Reef | Type |
Reciprocal transplant expt. - PSII of transplanted corals | PSII coral transplants | Varadero Reef | Type, Tag_color |
Reciprocal transplants | Reciprocal transplant experiments on Palau Porites coral | Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact | status |
Recoveries and partition coefficients | Recoveries and partition coefficients of Po, Pb and Be | Biopolymers for radionuclides | System, Organic_nanoparticle, Inorganic_nanoparticle |
Recruit qPCR data | | Symbiont Shifts on Reefs | C_CT_mean, prop_A, D_CT_mean, prop_nonD, A_Coral, logsh, B_Coral, species, C_D, dominant, C_Coral, D_Coral, adult, total_sh, Coral_CT_mean, prop_D, A_CT_mean, prop_B, B_CT_mean, prop_C |
Recruit survivorship and symbiont acquisition | | Symbiont Shifts on Reefs | survivorship, proportion_infected |
Reef biogeochemistry, metabolomics, and metagenomics | Reef biogeochemistry, metabolomics, and metagenomics | Coral Exometabolomes | sample_type, healthbinary, sworcoral, healthlong, analysis_type |
Reef Fish Genetic Accessions 2019 | Hawaiian Reef Fish Genetic Accessions | Hawaiian Fish Origins | Sequence_Description, Sequence_Analysis_Method |
Results of risk-addition experiment (adult oyster condition index) | | Predatory NCEs and Scale | position |
Results of risk-addition experiment (juvenile oyster condition index) | | Predatory NCEs and Scale | position |
Richness of experimental marine invertebrate communities across latitude | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | InvStatus |
Richness of marine invertebrate communities across latitude with exposure to predation | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | InvStatus |
RNA sequence accessions at NCBI | | Kleptoplasty | Sample_Name, Assay_Type, LibrarySelection, Organism, isolate, sample_type, culture_collection, Library_Name |
RNA:DNA measurements - field data | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Tissue |
RNA:DNA Ratios and Total lipids – experiment data | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Tissue_sampled |
Robomussel Temperature | | OMEGAS-MaS, OMEGAS-II | Source |
Rock macrofaunal community from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Rock macrofaunal community from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Methanosphere | Sample_type, Corrosion |
Rockfish hypoxia experiments | Data from experiments testing the effects of hypoxia on behavior and physiology of two species of rockfish | OA Hypoxia Rockfish | Relative_Lateralization_Score, Absolute_Lateralization_Score |
Ross Sea metaproteome peptide spectral counts | | CORSACS | peptide_start_index, peptide_stop_index, other_protein_ids, best_protein_id_probability, best_sequest_DCn_score, best_sequest_Xcorr_score, plus2H_spectra_count, plus3H_spectra_count, plus4H_spectra_count |
Ross Sea metaproteome protein spectral counts | | CORSACS | kegg_description, kegg_pathway, other_identified_proteins, protein_name |
ROV Dive Log (Wood Fall project) | Provides information for all dives with the remotely operated vehicle. | Wood Fall | notes, transponder_deployed, transponder_address, cores, video_transects, megafauna_collections, elevator |
Ruegeria pomeroyi DOP hydrolysis rates | | P-hydrolase | Sample_Type, Growth_Phase |
Ruiz-Cooly 2014 - Sperm whale sample info | Sperm whale skin tissue samples information | Sperm Whale SI Ratios | source |
Salinity Effects on Oyster Spat Growth: Hatchery Spat | | SEGO | Spat_Type |
Salinity tolerance without acclimation: Water Quality | oyster spat mortality salinity experiment | Oyster adaptation | Source, Heater_Adjusted, F_W_added, Water_Change, Qty_Fed |
Salp and pteropod associated microorganisms | 16S rRNA sequencing salp and pteropod microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | env_broad_scale, env_local_scale, env_medium, sample_title |
Salp Gut Particle Sizes | Salp Gut Particle Sizes | Salp Food Web Ecology | PartType |
Salt marsh carbonate and organic carbon chemistry 2016 | Discrete bottle sample measurements for carbonate chemistry, organic alkalinity and organic carbon from samples collected in Waquoit Bay and Vineyard Sound, MA in 2016. | Salt Marsh Paradox | sample_descrip |
Salt Marsh Water Exchange-Cores | | Salt Marsh Water Exchange | Core_condition_Observations |
Salt Marsh Water Exchange-Water | | Salt Marsh Water Exchange | Sample_Type |
Sample Accession Numbers | Project accession and library information on each experimental sample | Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics | title, design_description, filetype |
Sample log | Metadata from sediment samples collected at Paleochori Bay, Milos island, Greece | Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation | sample_description |
Sample Metadata for MOCNESS Tows | Sample Metadata for MOCNESS Tows | Chief Sci KM1910 | Size_fraction, Size_fraction_min, Size_fraction_max, Bulk_fraction |
Samples Sequenced for Metabarcoding | Cyanobacterial and diatom samples sequenced for metabarcoding | Tango in the Mat World | TDS |
SAR11_DOM_GIO15: AE1516 sample log | Experimental and Survey of Biogeochemical and Microbial Data; SAR11 DOM Oxidation | Bacterial DOC cycling | sample_descrip |
Sargasso Sea Hydrocarbons | | Cyanobacteria Hydrocarbons | id |
Sargassum exudation experiments: DOC/TDN/phenols | | Sargassum DOM | description |
Sargassum exudation experiments: FT-ICR MS | | Sargassum DOM | Ion_Mode |
Scallop Density Survey - Trap CPUE | | Habitat Fragmentation | Trap_num, Position |
Scallop Density Surveys | | Habitat Fragmentation | Check_num |
Scallop Survival Assays | | Habitat Fragmentation | Check_num |
Scallop Survival Assays - Trap CPUE | | Habitat Fragmentation | Check_num |
SCCS Diazotroph Abundances | qPCR abundance data | BSUCS | UCYN_A2_DNQ, UCYN_B_DNQ, Tricho_DNQ, Het_2_DNQ, g_24774A11_DNQ, UCYN_A1_DNQ |
SCCS Single Cell N2 Fixation Measurements | Single cell N2 fixation measurements | BSUCS | nearshore_offshore, Cell, ROI |
Sciaenid egg identification | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Atlantic_Croaker, Black_Drum, Red_Drum, Gulf_Kingfish, Southern_Kingfish, Spotted_Seatrout |
SCTLD rapid microbiome characterization | SCTLD microbiome | Multi-Species Coral Disease | Lesion_Start, Lesion_Margin, Disease_Colony_Sample_Distance_cm, Coral_Clade, Sample_type, SCTLD_status, Disease_Sample_Type, Lesion_Distribution |
Sea cucumber enclosure experiments (Palmyra Atoll) | | Coral Biodiversity | Sediment_Contact |
Sea star specimen information: California Academy of Sciences | Sea star specimen information from the California Academy of Sciences | Sea Star Microbiology | Photos, CatNum, FieldNum, AccNum, NumSpecimens, AccAcro, CollectMethod, Author, Collector, CollName, CollDateText, CollDate, Identifier, IdDate, OrigFix, Preservative |
Sea star specimen information: LA County Museum of Natural History | Sea star specimen information from the LA County Museum of Natural History | Sea Star Microbiology | LACM_num, collection, location_in_collection |
Seagrass Blade Height | | Reef Production Drivers | subsample |
Seagrass Microbiome Data | | Eelgrass disease | SampleType, RegionName, TissueType, LesionStatus, collection_date |
Sediment cores (Wood Fall project) | Dataset provides information for macrofaunal cores taken with a remotely operated vehicle. | Wood Fall | core_type, core_id, group_number, core_no, sorter |
Sediment iron | | Antarctic Shelf Sediments | error |
Sediment porosity | | Antarctic Shelf Sediments | Error |
Sediment trap fluxes | | Are Traps Equal | collector, replicates |
Seep Sediment Metagenome ANM1 - Genbank BioSample SAMN00215736 | Seep Sediment Metagenome ANM1 | Viruses in Methanotrophic Marine Ecosystems | Description |
SEEPC Bivalve DNA Barcoding Results | Bivalve larvae DNA barcode results | SEEPC | larval_type |
sequence accession numbers | GenBank accession numbers for sequences from deep-sea protobranch bivalves. | Ev Deep Sea Molluscs II | description |
sequence accessions | Accession numbers for sequences generated from hydrothermal plume samples. | Guaymas plumes | description |
Sequence accessions: archaeal and bacterial clone libraries | Sequence accession numbers for archaeal and bacterial clone libraries from Guaymas Basin sediments | Microbial Biogeo Guaymas | sequence_type |
Sequencing Reads | Accession numbers | KeysCoralPopgen | coral_type, transect, Isolate |
Series 1B: cell size and abundance | Series 1B: cell size, abundance | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 1B: pH, DIC, nutrients | Series 1B: pH, DIC, nuts | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 1B: photophysiology - computed | Series 1B: photophysiology | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 1B: POC, PON, Chl-a | Series 1B: POC, PON, Chl-a | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 2A: cell size and abundance | Series 2A: cell size, abundance | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 2A: photophysiology - computed | Series 2A: photophysiology | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 2A: POC, PON, Chl-a | Series 2A: POC, PON, Chl-a | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 3: Skeletonema marinoi growth and aggregation - Aggregation Phase | Series 3: Skeletonema marinoi growth and aggregation - Aggregation Phase | OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation | Tank |
Series 3: Skeletonema marinoi growth and aggregation - Cell Growth Phase | Series 3: Skeletonema marinoi growth and aggregation - Cell Growth Phase | OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation | Bag |
Series 3A: cell abundance | Series 3A: cell abundance | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 3A: cell size | Series 3A: cell size | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 3A: DIC | Series 3A: DIC | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 3A: Nutrients | Series 3A: nutrients | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 3A: pH | Series 3A: pH | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 3A: photophysiology | Series 3A: photophysiology | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 3A: POC, PON, Chl a | Series 3A: POC, PON, chl-a | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Series 4A: photophysiology computed | Series 4A: photophysiology COMPUTED | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Phase |
Settlement | Blue mussel settlement | MuLTI-2 | Plate_Number |
Shaw 2016: Acropora pulchra calcification experiment 1 | Calcification rates of Acropora pulchra under two pCO2 levels and two temperatures | OA coral adaptation, MCR LTER | genotype |
Shell thickness of mussel recruits | Shell thickness of mussel recruits | Coastal Adaptation | Mussel_Type |
Shima_Osenberg_2003 | Spatio-temporal exploration of covariation among densities, environmental characteristics and strength of density-dependent mortality of reef fish, Thalassoma hardwicke. | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | PULSE |
Shipboard incubations SKQ202209S | Shipboard incubations SKQ202209S | pH-Fe availability | INCLABEL |
Shoreline condition and socioeconomics | U.S. coastal county socioeconomic and shoreline condition | EstuarineMetaDyn | shore_type |
Short-term heat stress assay Heron Island - physiological data | | Coral Resilience | Label, Color_type, Color, Name |
Short-term heat stress assay: Photochemical yield data | | Mcap pairs time series | Bleach |
Si Depletion Experiment: EDS and SEM | | Coccolithophore Silicon Requirements | Magnification, Total_Counts, KeV |
SIMCO 1 and 2: Taxonomic transcript bins | Taxonomic binning of transcripts from samples collected during the SIMCO1 and SIMCO2 | SIMCO | organism_strain |
Single cell mass spec Cell-Cell interaction | | Creatine Cycling | Cell_Line, Cell_Number, Description |
Single cell mass spec lipid double bonds | | Creatine Cycling | Cell_Number |
Single cell mass spec metabolites | | Creatine Cycling | Cell_Number |
Single-cell genomics of Chloroflexi | Chloroflexi accessions | Subsurface FeOBs | gene |
Sinking particle sample information for BATS microbial communities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | sample_description, library_ID, SRA_title, library_strategy, library_source, library_selection, library_layout |
Siphonophore CSIA-AA | Siphonophore CSIA-AA | SiphWeb | TP |
Siphonophore sample log | Siphonophore sample log | SiphWeb | ConceptName |
Size-fractionated particulate trace element concentrations determined by ICP-MS from Ocean Station Papa during the 2018 EXPORTS cruise | | Particle aggregation | Epoch |
Size-fractionated particulate trace element concentrations determined by ICP-MS from the 2021 North Atlantic EXPORTS cruise | | Particle aggregation | Epoch |
Skeletal Mineralogy - Carbonate Chemistry | Skeletal Mineralogy - Carbonate Chemistry | OA - Ocean Acidification and Warming Impact on Calcification | Tank |
Smallmouth Grunt Otolith Morphology | Smallmouth Grunt Otolith Morphology | OA-OTO MIN | VISC, VATR, OTIE, OSIDE, OTYPE, PERIM, CIRC, LATD |
Smith Island N cycle: 2014 Seasonal Field Data | | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | Season |
Smith Island N cycle: 2014 Seasonal Fluxes | Fluxes across the sediment-water interface collected seasonally using continuous flow core incubation | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | Season, Sample |
Snail anti-predator behavior | Effects of ocean acidification on anti-predator behavior of snails | BOAR Trophic | Snail, Cue, Out_of_water, In_water, Proportion_of_time_out_of_water, Path_Length, Path_Shape |
South China Sea 16S | 16S gene sequencing of microbial communities from South China Sea sediments | Edginess in the subsurface | sedimentology |
Southern Ocean foraminifer N isotopes | Planktic foraminifer tissue and shell d15N from net tows in the African sector | N Isotopes Foraminifera, stable isotope instrumentation, Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes | type |
Sponge holobiont accessions and metadata | Sponge holobiont accessions and metadata | DimensionsSponge | sample_type |
Sponge Symbiont Carbon and Nutrient Cycling | Sponge Symbiont Carbon and Nutrient Cycling | Sponge_Loop | isolation_source |
Sponge-microbe interaction review | Sponge-microbe interaction review | Ecological Diversification in Sponges | ash, tensile, energy, inverse_Simpson, DET, palatability |
Squidpop 2021 2022 | Squidpop predation data collected at various temperatures from multiple sites in San Cristobal, Galapagos | Galapagos 2021 | Eaten |
Squidpop Assays 2021 | Squidpop Assays 2021 | Temperature and Herbivory | Eaten |
Sr Experiment: Coccolith Morphology | Sr Experiment: Coccolith Morphology | Coccolithophore Silicon Requirements | Lopadolith_Malformed_Type_R, Lopadolith_Aberrant_Type_T, Murolith_Normal, Murolith_Incomplete, Murolith_Malformed, Murolith_Aberrant, Lopadolith_Normal, Lopadolith_Expected_Malformed, Lopadolith_Incomplete_Type_S |
SR2114 Fish larvae isotope data | SR2114 Fish larvae isotope data | N-loss in the ETNP ODZ | Level, Level_Outlier, LevelName |
SR2114 MOCNESS Net Data | SR2114 MOCNESS Net Data | N-loss in the ETNP ODZ | Stratum |
Srednick et al. 2020 - L&O Methods - Flow | | OA coral adaptation, MCR LTER | POSITION |
SSU rRNA Gene Sequencing from SPOT | SSU rRNA Gene Sequencing from SPOT | SPOT | study_title, fastq_ftp, submitted_ftp, submitted_format |
St John Octocoral Abundances 2019 | Octocoral colony heights measured during transect surveys at four sites on the south shore of St. John, US Virgin Islands in June-October 2019 | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Damage, Cyphoma_present |
St. John Octocoral Forest Closure Photo Analysis for Community Quadrats | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Proportion_Closed, Closure_Photo_ID, Quadrat_Number |
Stable Isotope 13C and 15N | Stable Isotope 13C and 15N | Sponge Holobiont DOM | Tissue_Type |
Stable Isotope measurements – experimental animals | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Tissue_sampled |
Stable Isotope measurements – field and lab samples | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Classification |
Station logs - TRANSPORT FSBT-11 and -12 | Sample logs from the Fixed Station cruises of the TRANSPORT program, 2011-2012 | TRANSPORT | pump_samples, pycno_type |
Stress bands bleaching | Comparison of bleaching data to stress bands in Porites corals on Palau reefs | Thermal Thresholds and Projections | pcnt_stress_bands |
Substrate Coverage | Substrate Coverage | Urchin metapopulations | Substrate_Description, Subsample, Substrate |
Substrate-specific metabolic responses of model marine bacteria | Substrate-specific metabolic responses of model marine bacteria - metadata for transcriptomic expression data | C-CoMP Model Bacteria | Sample_description |
Substrate-specific metabolic responses of model marine bacteria using proteomics | | C-CoMP Model Bacteria | Strain |
Subterranean Estuary In Situ Tracer Experiment Incubation Data, 2019 | | Subsurface cryptic N cycle | Piezometer |
Subtidal Temperatures | Subtidal Temperatures | RAPDGALPGS | deployment |
Sulfide concentrations | Sulfide concentrations from INSPIRE track 1. | INSPIRE_Pyrite | culture_medium |
Sulfitobacter phage accessions | Sulfitobacter phage accessions | Roseophage as a Model | description |
Sulfur Geochemistry | Sulfur geochemistry of the Santa Elena (Costa Rica) ultramafics | Controls on biological activity | sample_group, description |
Summary data from the Heatwaves and Coral-Recovery Database (HeatCRD) | Summary data from the Heatwaves and Coral-Recovery Database (HeatCRD) | Coral Recovery | Sample_Comments, Cover_Comments |
Survey Quadrats: organism sizes | Survey counts and sizes | Oyster Reef Reversal | reef_type |
Survival and growth results from oyster reciprocal transplant experiment | | Predatory NCEs and Scale | color |
Swimming Endurance | Ontogeny of swimming endurance of larval Amphiprion percula, Elacatinus lori, and Elacatinus colini from Belize in 2015. | Elacatinus Dispersal II | batch_id |
Symbiodinium community composition | Symbiodinium community composition for individual A. cervicornis. | EMUCoReS | bleaching, disease, mortality |
Synechococcus Batch Culture Sampling Data | | StoichTraitD | Strain, Clade, RCC_Number |
Synechococcus DOP Displacement Experiment | | P-hydrolase | synechococcus_strain |
Synechococcus DOP Hydrolysis Experiment - cell counts and IVF | | P-hydrolase | synechococcus_strain |
Synechococcus DOP Hydrolysis Experiment - hydrolysis rates | | P-hydrolase | synechococcus_strain, sample_type, media_and_phosphate_level, DOP_substrate |
Synechococcus growth and genetic sequence accessions from pCO2 experiments | | LTPE | Strain, Transfer |
Synechococcus Growth on DOP Experiments - IVF | | P-hydrolase | synechococcus_strain, DOP_substrate |
T Lake PC1 Chronology | 14C Dates from core PC1, T Lake, Palau | PaPaPro | mat_dated |
T. pseudonana starve-recover experiments: Cell information | | Diatom Death | stage, cell_barcode, cluster |
T. pseudonana starve-recover experiments: Gene information | | Diatom Death | stage, gene_id |
T. pseudonana starve-recover experiments: Physiological data | | Diatom Death | Identification, Diel, dF, Sample_for_RNA, Cell_Pellet, CF_Media |
T. rotula Common Garden Experiment | T. rotula Common Garden Experiment | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Description |
T. rotula microbiome global sample | T. rotula microbiome global sample | Diatom Gene Flow | Desc |
Table 1. 210Pb, 210Bi, and 210Po activities in rain and lake water | Table 1: Pb, Bi, Po | Bi 210 measurement | type |
Table 3 - Hatching success | Table 3 - Hatching success | OA Calanus Survival | SOURCE |
Targeted metabolite abundances: particulate | Targeted particulate metabolite abundances | Deep Atlantic DOM | filter_type |
TEM Pleurochrysis carterae thin section images | Transmission electron micrographs of P. carterae CCMP 645 cell thin sections | Marine Chronic Viruses | magnification, cell_id |
TEM Pleurochrysis carterae virion images | Transmission electron micrographs of virions from P. carterae CCMP 645 culture supernatant | Marine Chronic Viruses | print_mag, direct_mag |
Temperature Data | Temperature data | CalCoast Grazer TDBU | TrtGroup, HerbivoreTreat, TempTreat, NutrientTreat |
Temperature Loggers | | Reef Fish Resilience | LoggerName, LGR_SN, SEN_SN |
Temperature-dependence of juvenile Black sea bass growth and lipid accumulation - Experiment 2 | Temperature-dependence of juvenile Black sea bass growth and lipid accumulation - Experiment 2 | HYPOA | Group |
Temporal Comparison of Mussel (Mytilus californianus) Shell Thickness | Temporal Comparison of Mussel (Mytilus californianus) Shell Thickness | Coastal Adaptation | A_vs_P, Max_Thickness, Min_Thickness, Average_Thickness, Integrated_Segment_Thickness, Indirect_Shell_thickness_of_Valve, Drilled, R_vs_L |
TEN Biomass Morphometrics Spring 2018 | TEN Biomass Morphometrics Spring 2018 | Tropicalization Seagrass Beds | grazing_shoot, grazer_shoot, epiphyte_load |
Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335 endometabolite uptake by Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 | endometabolite uptake by Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 | CC_Auto_Hetero_Fluxes | Culture |
Thermal Stress Experiment: Experimental Tank Conditions | Thermal Stress Experiment: Experimental Tank Conditions | Holobiont Integration | Position |
Three-Prime Tag-Sequencing (3' Tag-Seq) Data for Pisaster ochraceus | | PoGOMO | assay_type, isolation_source, tissue, biomaterial_provider, collected_by, host_tissue_sampled |
Tidal study of seawater microbial communities | | Coral Exometabolomes | Sample_type |
TMs and Nuts from EXPORTS NA Incubations | | Diatoms and carbon export | PLATFORM |
TN327 Axial 2015 ROV Samples | | NeMO2015 | Sample_name, Physiographic_feature, Original_registrant_name, Sample_type, Physiographic_feature_name, Material, Location_description, Description, Platform_type, Collection_method, Platform_name, Collection_method_descrip, Launch_platform, Purpose, Launch_platform_name, Release_date, Collector, Elevation, Collection_date_UTC, Elevation_unit, Current_archive_contact, IGSN, Nav_type_name, Current_registrant_name |
TN391 Sentry Dive Summary | TN391 Sentry Dive Summary | SALT | Preservation, Container, number_of_containers, Container_Packaging, Storage, Recipient_of_Sample |
Total lipid measurements - field data | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Tissue |
Total spectral count of proteins (MetZyme 0.2) | Global metaproteomic dataset for KM1128 the METZYME expedition. | MetZyme | best_hit_annotation, KO_desc, PFams_desc |
TP metals sediments with no pretreatment | | Marine Sediment Analysis 31P NMR | Type, Extract, Analyte_Name |
TP sediments with pretreatment | | Marine Sediment Analysis 31P NMR | Extract, Step, Dilution, Analyte_Name |
TP sediments with pretreatment | | Deep sea sediments | Extract, Step, Dilution, Analyte_Name |
Trace metal and organic iron ligand data | Trace metal and organic iron ligand data | PLUME RAIDERS | Rosette |
Trace-metals from CTD casts and underway water samples | | DANCE | sample_source |
Trait data: native, cryptogenic, introduced species | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Egg_size, Lar_dev, Feed_struc, Struc_defe, Sociability, Status, Growth_form, Org_cont, Color, Wat_cont, Sex_rep, Fert_type, Asex_rep |
Transcriptomic response of Emiliania huxleyi to HHQ | Transcriptomic response of Emiliania huxleyi to HHQ | HHQSignals | sample_type, sample_name, strain |
Trawl survey: catch composition | Trawl catch composition | PelagicHypoxia | Juvenile |
Trawl survey: fish and jellyfish sample data | Fish and jellyfish sample data | PelagicHypoxia | Stomach, Isotope |
Trawl survey: fish and jellyfish stomach contents | Fish and jellyfish stomach contents | PelagicHypoxia | Digest, Fullness |
Trichodesmiium field metaproteomes - sample provenance | | MM Saito, MM Proteins and Organics Tech, Cyanobacteria Warming Responses, TriCoLim | Time_sampled, Replication |
Trichodesmium AHL metatranscriptomes_AE1409 | GenBank Trichodesmium accessions and associated metadata | P Processing by Tricho | title |
Trichodesmium consortia metagenomics | 16S tag data, metagenomic data, and a draft assembled genome of Altermonas macleodii derived from laboratory-maintained Trichodesmium erythraeum cultures | HiCO2_AdaptCyano | description |
Trichodesmium field metaproteomes - peptide spectral counts | | MM Proteins and Organics Tech, MM Saito, TriCoLim, Cyanobacteria Warming Responses | best_sequest_Xcorr_score, other_protein_ids, best_peptide_id_probability, peptide_start_index, sample_type, best_sequest_DCn_score, peptide_stop_index, protein_id |
Trichodesmium field metaproteomes - protein spectral counts | | MM Proteins and Organics Tech, MM Saito, TriCoLim, Cyanobacteria Warming Responses | pfams_id, other_identified_proteins, protein_id, kegg_description, pfams_name, sample_type, protein_name, kegg_pathway, enzyme_comm_id, kegg_id |
Trichodesmium field metaproteomes - protein spectral counts in alternative format | | TriCoLim, MM Saito, MM Proteins and Organics Tech, Cyanobacteria Warming Responses | Protein_Product_Name, KO_Annotation, Protein_Accession, Pfam_Annotation |
Trichodesmium field metaproteomes - single colony metaproteomes | | MM Saito, Cyanobacteria Warming Responses, MM Proteins and Organics Tech, TriCoLim | KO_Annotation, Protein_Accession, Pfam_Annotation, Protein_Product_Name |
Trichodesmium proteomes and Hi CO2 adaptation | Trichodesmium nutrient-limited proteomes in 380 and 750 uatm CO2 | HiCO2_AdaptCyano | Locus_Tag |
Trichodesmium sequence accessions | GenBank Trichodesmium accessions and associated metadata | P Processing by Tricho | sample_type |
TriCo Lim Particulate Organic Phosphorus | Particulate organic phosphorus experiments | TriCoLim | Treatment |
Tubeworms | | Costa Rica Seeps | Collected_in |
Turf Polyp Counts | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | container, tile_letter, tile_code, tag |
Turf Polyp Locations | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | tag, polyp |
Turf Tile Cover | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | tag |
UCYN-A Host activity | UCYN-A/Host activity in DIN-rich waters | BSUCS | iso_sub, Sublineage |
UDAS | Underway Data Acquisition System (UDAS) data | Diatom Group Si Prod | Tag, Call_Sign |
Underway Data | | organic alkalinity | bottom_flag |
USVI Time-series | USVI Time-series | Coral Chorus | prehurricane, disease, depthtype, Library |
V4 SSU rRNA gene primer validation for reef seawater | Partial SSU rRNA genes of bacteria and archaea from reef seawater samples produced using 515F/806R and 515F/806RB primers | Coral Microbial Relationships | sample_descrip |
Vegetative Shoot Heights | Vegetative Shoot Heights | ZosMarLA | Unique_Quadrat |
Vent chemistry | Concentrations of anions, cations, and trace elements/metals from vents near Milos I., Greece. | Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation | sample_descrip |
Vent Parasite Dissection Data | Species dissection rom the 9°50’N deep-sea hydrothermal vent field. | Vent Settlement Cues, EPR Functional Diversity | PARASITE_LIFE_CYCLE, PRESERVATION, PARASITE_SAMPLES, HOST_TISSUE, PATHOLOGY, PARASITE_MORPHOGROUP_NAME, BASIS_FOR_TAXONOMIC_ASSIGNMENT, PARASITE_CONSUMER_STRATEGY |
Vharveyi_SiderophoreConcentrations | | Bacteria Iron Siderophores | Strain, Siderophore |
Visual Bleaching Scores Summer 2018 | | Heat Tolerant Corals | Score |
Visual monitoring of A. cervicornis | Bleaching, disease, and mortality on an individual basis 2014 and 2015. | EMUCoReS | condition |
vitamin B dissolved - Hotmix 2014 | Dissolved B vitamins from Hotmix expedition, 2014 | B-vitamin plankton succession | analyte |
vitamin B particulate - Hotmix 2014 | Particulate B vitamins from Hotmix expedition, 2014 | B-vitamin plankton succession | analyte |
vitamin B particulate - Vitacopss 2015 | Particulate B vitamins from Vitacopss, San Pedro Ocean Timeseries (SPOT), 2015 | B-vitamin plankton succession | analyte |
Vouchered specimens | Vouchered specimens | Costa Rica Seeps | typeStatus, materialPreserved, voucherTreatment, voucherPreservative, otherCodes |
Water column nutrients - Inside and outside kelp | Water column nutrients - Inside and outside kelp | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | Sample_depth |
Water Quality | Water Quality | Oyster Reef Reversal | surf_bot, sample_type |
Water temperature at coral colonies | Water temperature at coral colony locations | Bleaching American Samoa | pool |
Wave Glider - Holographic Images | Holographic Images from LISST-Holo system | MAGI | holoNum, holoNum_difs, qtrRCellsPL |
West Mata 2009 DOC,13C-POC, DON | | West Mata Volcano | UH_Sample_Series, Dive_CTD_cast, Fluid_Sampler |
Whelk-Barnacle Predation Experiments | Whelk-Barnacle Predation Experiments | Temperature and Herbivory | Position_of_Whelk, WhelkPosition |
White Plague Disease Transmission Phenotypic Response | | Coral Immune Traits | percent_lost_per_min, percent_lost_per_hour, percent_lost_per_day, Colony, Parent_ID, ID, Days_to_infection, cm2_lost, cm2_per_min, cm2_per_day, percent_lost |
Whole genome sequence accessions from Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea (AOA) | Whole genome sequence accessions from Ammonia-Oxidizing Arachae (AOA) | N-Cycling Microbial Communities | Organism |
Whole genome sequence data for Pisaster ochraceus | | PoGOMO | biomaterial_provider, collected_by, host_tissue_sampled, assay_type, isolation_source, tissue |
Winam Gulf Metagenomic Time Series | Metagenomic Time Series of Winam Gulf, Lake Victoria from 2022-2023 | ASI Lake Victoria | Env_broad_scale |
Woodfalls (Wood Fall project) | Datasheet provides information for individual wood falls including size and deployment information. | Wood Fall | wood_mass_final, notes, weight_wood_zip, weight_packet_total_1, experiment, weight_wood_only, deployment_row, weight_wrap_only, deployment_column, weight_zip, wood_type, zip_tie_length, length, weight_packet_total_2, max_diameter, min_diameter |
Wrack Composition and Abundance | Wrack composition and abundance on sandy beaches | Linking Kelp to Beaches | Depth, Start, End, Type_Code, Type |
X-ray diffraction from seafloor sulfide deposits East Pacific Rise 9-10 North | x-ray diffraction, East Pacific Rise 2019 | Hot2cold Vents | Time, Hydrotherml_vent_category |
yawzi point and tektite | Coral community structure at Yawazi Point and Tektite in St. John before and after five hurricanes from 1988–2017 | RUI-LTREB | Timing |
Year 1 orbitrap MZML files | Raw proteome mass spectrometry data (.mzML files) herring embryo's 2022 | Herring Proteomics | Cohort, Mass_Spec_Run_Number |
ZEN 2014 Site Survey Data | Eelgrass 2014 Site Survey Data | ZEN 2 | Sampling_Time |
Zill et al 2017 Sediment Removal Rate | A manipulative experiment to determine the growth rate of corals in the presence and absence of sediment and vermetids. | Vermetids_Corals | Block, Morphology |
Zooplankton bulk isotopes | | Salp Food Web Ecology | Cycle |
ZooProcess and Ecotaxa Output Along Physical Gradients from OAPS | | Zooplankton Gradients | acq_ysize, process_particle_version, acq_xoffset, process_software, acq_yoffset, acq_id, acq_lut_color_balance, acq_min_mesh, acq_lut_filter, sample_dataportal_descriptor, acq_max_mesh, acq_lut_min, sample_cable_length, acq_sub_part, acq_lut_max, sample_cable_angle, acq_sub_method, acq_lut_ratio, sample_cable_speed, acq_software, acq_lut_16b_median, sample_nb_jar, acq_imgtype, process_img_software_version, acq_xsize, process_img_resolution |
ZooProcess and Ecotaxa Output for Zooplankton Mediated Aggregates | | Zooplankton Mediation | acq_lut_max, sample_cable_angle, acq_sub_method, acq_lut_ratio, sample_cable_speed, acq_software, acq_lut_16b_median, sample_nb_jar, acq_imgtype, process_img_software_version, acq_xsize, process_img_resolution, acq_ysize, process_particle_version, acq_xoffset, process_software, acq_yoffset, acq_id, acq_lut_color_balance, acq_min_mesh, acq_lut_filter, sample_dataportal_descriptor, acq_max_mesh, acq_lut_min, sample_cable_length, acq_sub_part |
ZooSCAN output MOCNESS BATS: M3 to M13 | | Zooplankton Gradients, Zooplankton Diel Rhythm, BIOSSCOPE | object_id |
Zostera marina flowering shoots | Heights and stages of Zostera marina flowering shoots | ZosMarLA | number_of_spathes, Unique_Quadrat |
Zostera marina whole genome resequencing | Zostera marina whole genome resequencing | ZosteraEcoGenomics | Sampled_tissue, reads, Sample_Description |