(DRAFT) Individual oyster results from reciprocal transplant experiment | | Predatory NCEs and Scale | tissue_tin_no, shell_tin_no |
16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequences | 16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequences | HHQSignals | sample_name |
16S rRNA and hydrazine oxidoreductase genes | Sequence accession numbers of 16S rRNA and hydrazine oxidoreductase genes (hzo) from Cape Fear River Estuary. | Estuarine ANAMMOX | sample_name |
16S rRNA gene Amplicon Library | 16S rRNA gene Amplicon Library accession numbers | OA microbe adaptation, PICO | ID_number |
16S rRNA gene clones from NE Pacific bacterioplankton | 16S rRNA gene clones from bacterioplankton in the NE Pacific Ocean | Sulfur Oxidizers | clone_ID_predicted |
16S rRNA gene from DNA | 16S rRNA gene (from DNA) | Subvent_Biosphere_Sediments | IODP_Sample_Number |
16S rRNA gene from RNA | 16S rRNA gene (from RNA) | Subvent_Biosphere_Sediments | Sample_Name |
16S rRNA gene sequences of bacteria from members of an Arctic clade | 16S rRNA gene sequences of bacteria including some of Arctic96BD-19/SUP05 clade | Sulfur Oxidizers | culture_ID |
16S rRNA sequence and collection data | Microbial 16S rRNA sequence data from East Pacific Rise biofilms | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | panel_id |
16S rRNA Sequences | 16S rRNA sequence data from venting fluids and microbial mats at Axial Seamount, 2011. | AXIAL | sample_title, sample_name |
16S V4 rRNA gene tag sequences from reef seawater | 16S V4 rRNA gene tag sequences from reef seawater | Quantitative coral microbiomes | Sample_Name, unique_ID |
18s DNA sequences of potential prey of siphonophores | | SiphWeb | Sample Name |
1_copepod gut fluorescence | Copepod nauplii and adult gut epifluorescence | food limitation in copepod nauplii | photo_id |
2014 Antarctic krill growth experiment | 2014 krill growth | OA Krill | Bottle_Krill_no |
2015 Antarctic krill growth experiment 1 | 2015 krill growth expt 1 | OA Krill | Bottle_Krill |
2015 Antarctic krill growth experiment 2 | 2015 krill growth expt 2 | OA Krill | Bottle_Krill |
2018 radiocarbon | sediments | Harvey Marsh Carbon Storage | Sample_ID, Fraction |
2018 Salt Pond | Site and sampling information, infected host and dinospore count data. | Coastal Parasites | Sample_ID |
2018 sediment properties: Anahuac and Aransas | 2018 sediment properties: Anahuac and Aransas | Harvey Marsh Carbon Storage | Sample_ID |
2019 BAIT / GApr13 Dissolved Iron Concentration and Isotopes | 2019 BAIT / GApr13 Dissolved Iron Concentration and Isotopes | Dust Ligand Interactions, BAIT | Sample_ID |
2019 BAIT Dissolved Iron Speciation | Dissolved iron speciation results from 2019 Bermuda Atlantic Iron Time-series (BAIT) cruises | BAIT | SAMPLE_ID |
2019 BAIT Dissolved Nickel Speciation | Dissolved nickel speciation results from 2019 Bermuda Atlantic Iron Time-series (BAIT) cruises | BAIT | SAMPLE_ID |
2019 BAIT Particulate Metals | 2019 BAIT Particulate Metals | BAIT | SAMPLE_ID |
234Th | All 234Th measurements made during this study | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | sample |
3 Species Coral Growth | Percent growth of corals in experimental plots | Coral Biodiversity | ID |
3 Species Tissue Mortality | Percent tissue mortality of corals in experimental plots | Coral Biodiversity | ID |
515F-926R 16S rRNA accessions | 515F-926R 16S rRNA accessions, Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | Sample_name, Sample_title |
57Fe Wall Loss Experiment | | Fe-Virus | SAMPLE_ID |
5a_field collection | Field collection data for taxa detected in nauplii guts | food limitation in copepod nauplii | sequence_id |
5c_BLAST results | GenBank BLAST results of copepod nauplii gut contents | food limitation in copepod nauplii | sequence_id |
5d_molecular id of copepod guts | Identification of copepod gut contents | food limitation in copepod nauplii | sequence_id |
9 Species Experiment (Months 3 and 7) | Percent growth and tissue mortality of corals in experimental plots | Coral Biodiversity | ID |
A scandium incubation experiment during the PUPCYCLE I cruise in the California Current System in 2019 | | Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics | Label |
A. pisonii: egg energy | Egg energy content of A. pisonii from three habitats | Variation in Metabolic Processes | Sample |
A. pisonii: egg fatty acids | Egg fatty acid concentration of A. pisonii from three habitats | Variation in Metabolic Processes | Sample |
A. pisonii: egg size | Comparing egg size in Aratus pisonii populations from mangrove and salt marsh habitats | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
A. pisonii: fecundity | Determining fecundity of Aratus pisonii populations in mangrove and salt marsh habitats | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
A. pisonii: fitness and diet | Impact of diet variation on physiological and reproductive condition of A. pisonii | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
A. pisonii: herbivory | Relationship between leaf herbivory, tree characteristics, and refuge availability | Variation in Metabolic Processes | plot, tree |
A. pisonii: larval starvation resistance | Comparing larval quality in Aratus pisonii populations from mangrove and salt marsh habitats | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab_maternal |
A. pisonii: mangrove tree survey | Mangrove tree distribution and characteristics in a dwarf mangrove system | Variation in Metabolic Processes | plot, tree |
A. pisonii: predation | Comparing predation pressure on Aratus pisonii in mangrove and salt marsh habitats | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
AA-CSIA Bradley | Amino acid compound specific nitrogen isotopic analysis (AA-CSIA) data from Bradley et al. 2015. | CAMEO_Trophic_Position | sample |
AA-CSIA Olson | Amino acid compound-specific isotope analysis (AA-CSIA) of tissue samples from four distinct trophic groups across the food web in the pelagic eastern tropical Pacific Ocean | CAMEO_Trophic_Position | sample_number |
Abalone and Urchin Recruitment Modules | Abalone and Urchin Recruitment Modules | Urchin metapopulations | ARM_Num |
Abalone respiration rates from the Sitka Sound (SSSC) | Abalone responses from a fully factorial mesocosm experiment manipulating pH and diet. | High latitude kelp dynamics | Vial |
Abyssal Bulk Isotope Analyses | Abyssal Bulk Isotope Analyses | Abyssal food web | Sample_ID |
Abyssal deposit feeders AACSIA | AA-CSIA of abyssal deposit feeders, their gut contents and the surrounding surface sediments collected on R/V Atlantis cruise AT4210 and R/V Western Flyer cruise Pulse 72 | Abyssal food web | Sample |
Abyssal megafauna capture records | Abyssal megafauna capture records | Abyssal food web | sample_code, Sample |
Acanthaster behavioral observation data | Behavioral observation data of tagged and untagged Acanthaster. | Killer Seaweeds | acanthaster_ID |
Acanthaster movement distance and direction | Movement distance and direction data of tagged Acanthaster. | Killer Seaweeds | acanthaster_ID |
Acanthaster tagging locations | GPS location coordinates of Acanthaster used in our tagging study. | Killer Seaweeds | acanthaster_ID |
Acartia tonsa mortality with CTD data: 5 daytrips | Acartia tonsa mortality from net tows and associated CTD data | CopesPopDynHypoZone | Sample_num |
accessory transects | Coral community structure at pooled random sites between Cabritte Horn and White Point in St. John before and after five hurricanes from 1988–2017 | RUI-LTREB | Quadrat_num |
Acer 25 genotype full factorial study | | Resilient Acerv | Genotype_ID |
Acer Fecundity Gamete Bundles | | Resilient Acerv | Replicate_Gamete_Bundle |
Acer Fecundity Oocyte Size | | Resilient Acerv | Replicate_Oocyte |
Acropora cervicornis 16S Sequences Metadata and NCBI SRA accessions associated with Williams et al., 2022 | Acropora cervicornis 16S Sequences Metadata and NCBI SRA accessions associated with Williams et al., 2022 | Coral Rickettsiales, Resilient Acerv | Sample_Name, Genotype_MoteID |
Acropora cervicornis bleaching sequences | Acropora cervicornis bleaching sequences | Coral Rickettsiales | sample_name |
Acropora cervicornis Nursery Bleaching | Acropora cervicornis fragment growth during bleaching events | EMUCoReS | Coral_number |
Acropora hyacinthus energetics and reproduction | Acropora hyacinthus energetics and reproduction | Moorea coral bleaching | coral_ID |
Acropora hyacinthus ITS2 amplicon sequencing | | Moorea coral bleaching | Sample_Name, BioSample |
Acropora palmata genotypes | Acropora palmata multilocus genotypes derived from five microsatellite markers | Surviving Climate Change | colony |
Acropora palmata genotypes for clonal age | Mutations at microsatellite loci of Acropora palmata | Coral Hybridization | database_id, genet_id, mutant_id |
Acropora palmata mutations | Mutations at microsatellite loci of Acropora palmata | Coral Hybridization | database_id |
Acropora palmata symbiont genotypes | Symbiodinium ‘fitti’ multilocus genotypes derived from 13 microsatellite markers | Surviving Climate Change | colony, sample |
Adaptation in fishing communities VTR 1997-2014 | Changes in groundfish fishing communities in the northeast US from 1997-2014 from NOAA VTRs | CC Fishery Adaptations | community |
AE1620 bottles: Biogeochemical and Microbial data | bottle data AE1620 | Bacterial DOC cycling | sample_id |
AE1703 bottles: Biogeochemical and Microbial data | bottle data AE1703 | Bacterial DOC cycling | sample_id |
AE1812 Alkaline phosphatase | Alkaline phosphatase activities | North Atlantic Diatoms, DOP Dynamics-N Atl | sample |
AE1812 in situ Chl a | | North Atlantic Diatoms | tube_ID |
AE1910 Organismal Physiology | Organismal physiological metrics from time series experiments | Zooplankton Diel Rhythm | Sample_ID |
AE1913 Clio pigments | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | SampleName |
AE1913 Peptide Spectral Counts | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | sample_id |
AE1913 Protein Spectral Counts | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | sample_id |
AEROSOL | Aerosol Data | CLIVAR AEROSOL | Sample_Number |
Aerosol trace element concentrations | Aerosol trace element concentrations | Vibrio-dust deposition | sample_id |
Aggregation kin vs nonkin | | Marine kin structure | Point |
algal classes | ChemTax based chl-a of algal groups from the Sargasso Sea. | Trophic BATS | sample |
Algal cover Florida Keys | Algal cover from herbivore exclusion/nutrient enrichment experiment | HERBVRE | plot, block |
Algal Habitat Coverage | Algal Habitat Coverage | Urchin metapopulations | HabitatID |
Algal species Florida Keys | Algal species ID from herbivore exclusion/nutrient enrichment experiment | HERBVRE | block |
Algal treatments | Algal treatment data and ID abbreviations | Amino Acid Sediment 15N | ID |
Alteromonas ancestor | Clones of Prochlorococcus MIT9312 and link to BioProject | P-ExpEv | title, library_ID |
Alvin Dive Log (preliminary) | Preliminary log of samples collected during Alvin dives from R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-13 in the Costa Rica margin | Costa Rica Seeps | Samp_no |
Amino acid d13C values of diatoms and bacteria | Amino acid d13C values of diatoms, bacteria and core M772-003-2 samples | Amino Acid Sediment 15N | ID |
Amino Acids | Amino acid compound-specific isotope analysis (AA-CSIA) from tissue samples from pelagic fish. | CAMEO_Trophic_Position | sample |
ammonium removal by seaweeds | Macroalgal contribution to NH4+ removal in tidepools | Regenerated Nitrogen | sample |
AMT22 Population Samples | Overview of population samples included in genetic analyses of Pleuromamma xiphias | Plankton Population Genetics | ID |
Anaerobic Sediment 18S rRNA amplicons | Iberian Margin Anaerobic Sediment 18S rRNA amplicons. | Subseafloor Microbial Ecology | sample_name |
Anchovy data of Chesapeake Bay | Anchovies from hypoxic waters of the Chesapeake Bay | DeZoZoo | sample_id |
anemone observations log | anemone log | Reef Fish Resilience | anem_obs, old_anem_id, anem_id, anem_sample_id |
Antillogorgia americana Branch Variation | Antillogorgia americana Branch Variation | Invertebrate vegetative reproduction, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Branchlet, polyp, Branch, Side, tip_base |
Antillogorgia americana Monthly Surveys | Antillogorgia americana Monthly Surveys | Octocoral Community Dynamics, Invertebrate vegetative reproduction | Colony, Polyp |
Aquaculture N Cycle | Measurements of nutrient flux and denitrification and DNRA rates in clam aquaculture sediments. | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | ID |
Aquaculture treatments | Determining the effects of prey combination on larval Elacatinus colini standard length and survival. | Elacatinus Dispersal II | larva_id |
Arctic Nitrogen Fixation Rates | Size fractioned nitrogen fixation rates | ArcticNITRO | Sample_ID |
Arctic water column 7Be | Arctic water column 7Be | MOSAiC | Sample |
Artificial Reef fDOM | Artificial Reef fDOM | Ecological Diversification in Sponges | Sample_ID |
ASU Fragmentation – DIDSON Fish Z-Score | | Habitat Fragmentation | Sample_ID, Frame_ID |
AT15-56 Porewater Geochemistry | AT15-56 Porewater Geochemistry | Guaymas Basin Vents | Dive_Core |
AT21-02: sample log - Barbados | Specimen log from Jason dives, cruise AT21-02, June 2012 | SEEPC | specimen, container |
AT26-14 Alvin sample logs | Sample logs for R/V Atlantis (AT26-14) Alvin dives in 2014. | Lophelia OA | sampleLog_sample, sampleLog_pump |
AT26-15: sample log - GoM-FL | Specimen log from Alvin dives, cruise AT26-15, May/June 2014 | SEEPC | specimen, container |
AT29-04: sample log - WAM | Specimen log from HOV Alvin dives, cruise AT29-04, July 2015 | SEEPC | specimen, container |
AT37-06 Porewater NO3+NO2 and Ammonia | Porewater NO3+NO2 and Ammonia from samples collected by pushcore from Guaymas Basin hydrothermal sediments on cruise AT37-06 | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Sample_ID |
AT37-06 Porewater SO4 | Porewater sulfate from samples collected by pushcore from Guaymas Basin hydrothermal sediments on cruise AT37-06 | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Sample_ID |
AT39-01 CathodicEET SEM | | North Pond 2017 | SampleID |
AT39-01_FLOCS_SEM | Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) photographs of biofilms and mineral alteration products | North Pond 2017 | SampleIdentification |
AT42-05 Water column chemistry | water column geochemistry AT42-05 | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Collection_Event |
Atlantic croaker otolith geochemical concentrations | | OtolithHypoxia | Fish_ID |
Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) raw low-coverage genomic sequence accessions | Accession numbers for raw low-coverage genomic sequence reads from 876 different Atlantic silverside individuals | Fishery Genome Changes | Sample_ID |
Atlantic silverside HypOA experiments: Larval morphometric measurements | | HypOA Cross-generational Plasticity | ID |
Atlantic silverside metabolic rates | CO2, temperature, and oxygen effects on Menidia menidia metabolic rates | HYPOA | fish_id |
Atlantic silverside RNA-seq reads | | GenomAdapt | Sample_name |
Auto-induction in Marine Diatoms | Results from laboratory experiments testing autoinduction in marine diatoms, Thalassiosira pseudonana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum | PhytoplanktonQS | samp_name |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: diet and nitrogen experiment | | Coral-bound N | Sample_ID |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: particulate data | | Coral-bound N | Sample_ID |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: skeleton-tissue | | Coral-bound N | Skeleton_Sample_ID, Tissue_Sample_ID |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: starvation trial | | Coral-bound N | Sample_ID |
B. gymnorhiza isotopes | Isotopes from B. gymnorhiza mangroves in Palau in 2013. | PaPaPro | sample |
B12-Vehicle Dive Sample Log | B12: Log: DIVE SAMPLES (Rock, Fluid, Biology) | AXIAL | Sample_ID |
Bacterial communities and relative abundances of the pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus in feces of coral reef fish | Bacterial communities and relative abundances of the pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus in feces of coral reef fish | Fish transmit microbes | sample_name |
bacterial_production | Bacterial production in microcosm experiments. | En-Gen DMSP Cycling | microcosm |
BAIT Aerosol Fe data | BAIT Aerosol Fe data | BAIT, THMAO | Aerosol_sample_ID |
BAIT Aerosol Fe isotopes | BAIT Aerosol Fe isotopes | Dust Ligand Interactions, BAIT | Aerosol_sample_ID |
BAIT Bottle Data from Trace-metal CTD Casts | BAIT Bottle Data from Trace-metal CTD Casts | BAIT | Sample_ID |
BAIT Rain Fe data | BAIT Rain Fe Data | BAIT, THMAO | Sample_ID |
Baltic Cod Summary | Cod (Gadus morhua) otoliths from fisheries-dependent or fisheries-independent surveys from 1988-2017 in the Baltic Sea | OtolithHypoxia | Section_no |
Baltic GasEx (2018) Helium isotopes and Neon | Baltic GasEx Helium isotopes and Neon | Baltic GasEx | Sa_ID_LDEO, Sample_label, Sa_ID |
Barbados-Bermuda Th-232 Th-230 | Seawater concentrations of dissolved and total Th-232 and Th-230, Barbados to Bermuda | NSF Chief Sci Training Barbados-Bermuda | sample |
Barium-isotopic profile SAFe | Barium concentration and isotopic data from SAFe, collected during the 2nd GEOTRACES Intercalibration cruise. | GEOTRACES PMT Barium | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
BASIN 2019 Benthic Fluxes | BASIN 2019 Benthic Fluxes | BASIN | Benthic_Flux_Chamber |
BATS CTD Profiles | Two decibar-averaged CTD profiles from BATS sites | BATS | ID |
BATS discrete bottle data | BATS discrete bottle data | BATS | Bottle_ID |
BATS HPLC pigments | HPLC pigment concentrations from the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) | BATS | ID |
BATS primary production | BATS primary production | BATS | ID |
BATS/Hydrostation S: Iodine speciation and isotope ratio values | | Iodine Redox | sample |
BATS/Hydrostation S: iodine speciation and superoxide concentration | | Iodine Redox | sample |
BATS/Hydrostation S: spectrophotometer absorbance | | Iodine Redox | sample |
BATS_Feb_Aug_2012_diversity_rDNA_BLAST | BLAST results from the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) site in Feb. and Aug. 2012 | DimBio NABE | sample |
BATS_Feb_Aug_2012_rDNA_sample_log | sample log for 16S and 18S rDNA amplicons sequenced with 454 technology, BATS site, 2012 | DimBio NABE | sample, sample_id |
BB2-AT2 Cell Metal Quota | | PMT Cobalt and Metalloenzymes, CliOMZ | Sample_Name |
BCO-DMO EPZT Master Events File | BCO-DMO-created "master" file of sampling events from the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
beaconII_bgc | Seawater biogeochemistry inshore and offshore the Bermuda coral reef | BEACON II | Sample_id |
Benthic foraminiferal abundances | Benthic foraminiferal abundances from Mud Patch multicores | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | sample, multicore |
Benthic Iron on the Oregon Shelf | Benthic Iron on the Oregon Shelf | Oregon shelf to basin transport | Sample_number |
Bergen MesoHux 2017 Bacteria and Virus Abundance | Bergen MesoHux 2017 Bacteria and Virus Abundance | Light-dependent host virus interactions | Bag |
Bergen MesoHux 2017 Dissolved Nutrients | nutrients | Light-dependent host virus interactions | Bag |
Bermuda annual coral growth rates | Annual linear extension, skeletal density, and calcification rates from Bermuda corals | Coral Calc | coral |
Biogenic Silica CTD Bottles | Biogenic Silica CTD Bottles HRS2204 | Disaggregation | ID |
BioGeoChem | BioGeoChem | SINC | LOG_NUMBER |
BioGeoChem | BioGeoChem | CARGO | LOG_NUMBER |
Biogeochemical Measurements from Surface Waters at the North Shore of Mo'orea, French Polynesia | Biogeochemical Measurements from Surface Waters at the North Shore of Mo'orea, French Polynesia | Metabolomics on the Mo'orea Reef | Sample_ID, MassiveID, MS_Sample_ID_1, MS_Sample_ID_2 |
biogeochem_microbes | Moorea Coral Reef algae, bacteria, DOC, inorganic and organic nutrients | MCR LTER, Coral DOM | sample |
Biological and Chemical Uptake Rate Measurements | Biological and Chemical Uptake Rate Measurements | ArcticNITRO | Sample_ID |
Biomass | | Harvey Seagrass | Sample_ID |
Biomass and density data | Biomass and density of MPAs and non-MPAs in Fiji | Killer Seaweeds | type |
Biomass of experimental marine invertebrate communities across latitude | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Plate_ID |
Biomass of sessile marine invertebrate communities with exposure to predation | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Plate_ID |
BIOS-SCOPE survey biogeochemical data | BIOS-SCOPE BGC data 2016-2019 | BIOSSCOPE | V4_18s_ID, V1V2_ID |
Blacktip shark respirometry | Blacktip shark acceleration and oxygen consumption | Shark Metabolic Rate | shark_id |
BLASTp homology data | BLASTp homology data from genes obtained in samples collected on LMG1411. | Polar_Transcriptomes | subject_ID |
Bleached octocoral genotypes | Bleached Octocoral Symbiont Cell Counts | Octocoral symbiont diversity | Sample_ID |
Bleached Octocoral Symbiont Cell Counts | Bleached Octocoral Symbiont Cell Counts | Octocoral symbiont diversity | Colony |
Bleaching card scores | Bleached Octocoral Symbiont Cell Counts | Octocoral symbiont diversity | Sample_ID |
Bleaching Moorea 2019 | Bleaching Moorea 2019 | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Coral_ID |
Bleaching scores of introduced seaweed | Palatability of non-native alga | Genetic Adaptation Marine Inv | ind |
BLOOFINZ-GoM_ABT_prey | Bluefin tuna gut analysis | GoMex Tuna Foodweb B, BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb A | Sample_no, ABT_ID, Vial, ID_taxa |
Blue crab egg size | Volume of eggs for crabs fed different diets | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab_id, egg_replicate |
Blue crab hepatopancreas index (HSI) | Weight of hepatopancreas for crabs fed different diets | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab_id |
Blue crab hepatopancreas lipid content | Hepatopancreas lipid content of crabs fed different diets | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab_id |
Blue crab reproductive tissue analysis (GSI) | gonadosomatic index of blue crabs on various diets | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab_id |
Blue Crab Samples | Blue Crab Samples | Blue Crab Connectivity | sample_ID |
Blue crab survival | Blue crab survival data during the dietary study | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab_id |
Boron and Calcium in mussel larvae | Boron and Calcium geochemistry of mussel larvae bulk material | OA_Proxies | run, sample |
Boron and Calcium in mussel larvae - mass spec headers | Mass spec headers for Boron and Calcium geochemistry of mussel larvae bulk material | OA_Proxies | run, sample |
Bottle AR29 | Bottle data April 2018 | SPIROPA | Sample_toi, Vial_toi |
Bottle chemistry data from AT37-12 | | vent O2 NO3 roles | SAMPNO |
Bottle Data | CTD Bottle Data | DIAZOTROPHS | Nutrient_Sample_ID |
bottle data - NBP1201 | Chemical and biological data from CTD Niskin bottle samples taken in the Ross Sea | PRISM-RS | filter_id_0_4micron, filter_id_2micron, hplc_sample_num |
Bottle data and chemical analysis | | Microbial Mysteries | SAMPNO |
Bottle data from trace-metal CTD casts | Bottle data from trace-metal CTD casts | PIPERS | Sample_ID |
bottle oxygen | Oxygen sampled from Niskin bottles | EDDIES | SID_Ox1 |
bottle salinity | Niskin bottle salinity measurements | EDDIES | SID_salts |
BOWLS sample log | Sample log for specimens collected for genomics analyses | BOWLS | lab_identifier, block_bone |
Brault 2014 - Bulk Carbon and Nitrogen isotopes | Bulk Carbon and Nitrogen isotopes from sperm whale dentin | Sperm Whale SI Ratios | sample |
Brault 2014: Compound-specific Carbon in sperm whale dentin | Compound-specific Carbon isotopes from sperm whale dentin | Sperm Whale SI Ratios | sample |
Brault 2014: Compound-specific Nitrogen in sperm whale dentin | Compound-specific Nitrogen isotopes from sperm whale dentin | Sperm Whale SI Ratios | sample |
Brazos Plume Core Data | Brazos Plume Core Data | Flood Pulse Brazos, Nuclei CaCO3 Precip | Core_Name |
Breviolum antillogorgium cell counts | Cell counts for B. antillogorgium cultures | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Culture_ID |
Breviolum antillogorgium microsatellite loci | Microsatellite loci for B. antillogorgium cultures | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Culture_ID |
Breviolum Symbiont Genotypes in Orbicella faveolata Adults | | SymBioSys | Sample_ID |
Breviolum Symbiont Microsatellite Genotypes in Orbicella faveolata Recruits | | SymBioSys | Sample_ID |
brooded coral larvae 1 - size_July | Brooded coral larval size from July 2010 experiment (Cumbo, 2012) | MCR LTER, Climate_Coral_Larvae | sample |
brooded coral larvae 1 - size_protein_symbionts_photosynth | Brooded coral larval size, protein content, symbiont (Symbiodinium) densities, maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (Cumbo, 2012) | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | sample |
brooded coral larvae 3 - protein | Protein content of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | sample |
brooded coral larvae 3 - respiration raw data | Respiration of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | sample |
brooded coral larvae 3 - symbiont density | Symbiont Symbiodinium density in brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) | MCR LTER, Climate_Coral_Larvae | sample |
Brothers Volcano Metagenome-Assembled Genome Accession Numbers | Brothers Volcano Metagenome-Assembled Genome Accession Numbers | Brothers Volcano Microbiology | Sample, MAG |
Brownetal_2014 Paired Quadrats | Examing the abundance of alive and recently consumed vermetids in the presence and absence of muricid, Mancinella armigera | Vermetids_Corals | Quadrat_Number |
BrownOsenberg_2018- InitO2_DBLthick | Datasets that evaluate how vermetid (Ceraesignum maximum) modify physical and chemical conditions above coral-algal interactions (i.e., light, flow and oxygen). | Vermetids_Corals | samp_num |
Brown_et_al_2016 SizeComparison | Data collected on the die off of vermetids in French Polynesia. | Vermetids_Corals | VERMETID_ID |
Bulk and CSIA-AA stable isotopes in sinking POM and proteinaceous deep-sea coral skeletal material | | Deep Sea Coral Reconstruction | Sample |
Bulk cyclic AMP (cAMP) assays | Bulk cyclic AMP (cAMP) assays | Coral Resilience | Colony |
Bulk Raw Isotopes | Bulk raw isotopic data from tissue samples from pelagic fish. | CAMEO_Trophic_Position | sample |
Bulk Raw Isotopes - Non-tunas | Bulk raw isotopic data from tissue samples from non-tuna species collected in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean onboard two NOAA research ships | CAMEO_Trophic_Position | sample_number |
Bulk Raw Isotopes - Tunas | Bulk raw isotopic data from tissue samples from three species of tunas collected in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean onboard commercial tuna purse-seine vessels | CAMEO_Trophic_Position | sample_number |
Buoyant single cell densities of marine bacterial isolates | Data for measurement of single cell buoyant density of bacterial isolates | Bacterioplankton single-cell growth | cell_id |
BVAL bottle data (BATS Validation cruises) | BATS Validation cruise bottle data | BATS | ID |
BVAL CTD profiles (BATS Validation cruises) | BVAL CTD profiles | BATS | ID |
BVAL pigments (BATS Validation cruises) | BVAL pigments | BATS | ID |
BW MBRSCorals - OA Experiments | MBRS coral buoyant weights for OA experiments | OA - Ocean Acidification and Warming Impact on Calcification | Colony, Coral_ID |
BW MBRSCorals - Temperature Experiments | MBRS coral buoyant weights for temperature experiments | OA - Ocean Acidification and Warming Impact on Calcification | Colony, Coral_ID |
BWLD-C7 subsurface microbes | BWLD-C7 subsurface microbes | Virus-host anoxic sediment | sample_name |
C and N isotopes | CN isotopes | Coral DOM2 | sample_id |
Ca. Aquarickettsia rohweri transcriptomes | | Coral Rickettsiales | Sample_name |
Calcification Rates | Calcification rates of Porites corals collected from a naturally high-Ωar reef and a naturally low-Ωar reef incubated at three Ωar conditions | Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact | coral_id |
calcification rates - flume expt | Calcification rates of communities and sediment in a flume | OA_Corals, MCR LTER | sample, flume_id |
Cancer consumption and reproduction (Bio.Inv. 2015) | Lab experiment linking dietary consumption and reproduction | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
Candidatus Thioglobus autotrophica strain EF1 | Complete genome sequence - first cultured chemoautotroph from SUP05 clade | Sulfur Oxidizers | entry |
Candidatus Thioglobus singularis strain PS1 | Complete genome sequence - first cultured mixotroph from SUP05 clade | Sulfur Oxidizers | entry |
Carbon flux | Sponge species carbon flux | Sponge_Loop | spongeid |
Carbon flux for Caribbean coral reef sponges | | Sponge_Loop | spongeid |
Carbon Geochemistry | Carbon geochemistry of the Santa Elena (Costa Rica) ultramafics and bulk rock carbonate samples | Controls on biological activity | sample_name |
Carbon Geochemistry Data | Concentrations, d13C and D14C data for DOC and DIC | Subseafloor Microbial Carbon Cycling | DIC_NOSAMS_accession_number, DOC_NOSAMS_accession_number_original, DOC_NOSAMS_accession_number_corrected |
Carbonate chemistry | P17N Ocean Acidification Pteropod Study: Carbonate chemistry system (silicate, total alkalinity, total dissolved inorganic carbon, pH, oxygen) and hydrography samples | OAPS | sample |
Carbonate chemistry | Carbonate chemistry for copepod experiments | OA-Copepod_PreyQual | sample |
Carbonate chemistry | | LTPE | Sample |
carbonate chemistry - flume expt | Carbonate chemistry parameters in flume study during the day | OA_Corals, MCR LTER | flume_id |
Carbonate chemistry and fish length and survival | Seawater carbonate chemistry, and length and survival of Menidia beryllina during experiments. | OA Fish | sample_id |
Carbonate chemistry sample inventory | Carbonate chemistry sample inventory | Costa Rica Seeps | SN_num |
Carbonate data from water samples | Water samples from CTD casts and vehicle-mounted bottles from 4 cruises. | Lophelia OA | sample_ID |
CarBoy Experiments | CarBoy Experiments | Great Calcite Belt | Sample_No, Nuts_No |
Carcinus: hemocyte density | Counts of circulating hemocyte density in Carcinus maenas | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
Carcinus: parasites physiology behavior | Behavior and physiology of Carcinus maenas infected with trematode parasite | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
Cell counts - water | Cell counts from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | Sample_ID |
Cell counts in polyps – Fall 2018 experiment | Cell counts in coral polyps | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Polyp_ID |
Cellular element quotas: Si in Synechococcus cells | element quotas of individual Synechococcus cells | Si_in_Syn | SXRF_run, mda_id |
Cellular trace elements from IRNBRU and Line P | Cellular trace elements from IRNBRU and Line P cruises | Diatom Iron Storage | MDA |
Cellular trace elements from TN280 | Cellular trace elements from TN280 | GeoMICS Bio, GeoMICS Chem | MDA |
Census of heat tolerance among Florida's threatened staghorn corals | Census of heat tolerance among Florida's threatened staghorn corals | AcroBaT | colonyID |
Chemical data | Chemical data associated with field collections. | Alexandrium-isotopes | Sample_ID |
Chemical Defenses-5: Park and Dam 2021 | Chemical Defenses-5: Park and Dam 2021 | Chemical Defenses | Name |
Chemistry and cell counts | Chemistry and cell counts of formation fluids from North Pond | North Pond Microbes | sample |
Chemosynthetic biofilm diversity | Samples sequenced from chemosynthetic biofilm communities from deep-sea hydrothermal vents | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | sample_num, sample |
Chlorophyll a Concentrations in Seawater | Chlorophyll a Concentrations in Seawater | ADIMA | ID |
Chlorophyll data from daily sampling at the Santa Monica Pier | | SPOT | SAMPLE |
chlorophyll underway | Fluorometric chlorophyll from SCUFA underway sampling apparatus | SOFeX | sample |
chlorophyll_a | Long Island Sound chlorophyll a, phaeo, fluor | CiliateDivGenePop | sample_tube, sample |
chlorophyll_a | Chlorophyll-a concentration in microcosm experiments. | En-Gen DMSP Cycling | microcosm |
chlorophyll_phaeophytin | pigments chlorophyll-a and phaeophytin sampled from Niskin bottles | EDDIES | SID_chla |
Chorion thickness E1 | Chorion thickness E1 | HYPOA | Vial_Numbrt, Embryo |
Ciliate PIV data | Particle image velocimetry data of swimming in two species of tailed ciliates | Protist Behavior and Imposed Flow | title |
Classified particle images | Images and associated metadata of individually classified particles imaged and quantified in sediment trap gel layers | EAGER DNA BioPump | Number |
CliOMZ AT50-10 AUV Clio Data: Clio Dive Log | CliOMZ AT50-10 AUV Clio Data: Clio Dive Log | CliOMZ | UID |
CliOMZ AT50-10 AUV Clio Data: Tracer summary | Tigerclaw and bushbaby sammary data AUV Clio, AT50-10 cruise | CliOMZ | UID |
CliOMZ AT50-10 Trace Metal Rosette Log | CliOMZ AT50-10 Trace Metal Rosette Log | CliOMZ | sample_number |
clownfish log | clownfish log | Reef Fish Resilience | fin_id, sample_id |
Clownfish Photos | | Reef Fish Resilience | sample_id |
Clownfish predatory posture | High-speed videos of larval clownfish, Amphiprion ocellaris predators and copepod prey | PreyEscape | CLIP_ID |
CN isotopes seawater and zooplankton | CN isotopes inorganic/organic matter Hawai'i | Coral Adaptation | Sample |
CO2 - Discrete pCO2 | CO2 - Discrete pCO2 | SO_GasEx | SampNum |
Coccolithophore birefringence from polarized microscopy | | Cocco-Mix | Balch_Sample_num |
Cocos Ridge Porewater Data | Cocos Ridge Porewater Data v2 | CDISP 2021 | Sample_ID |
Colony level bleaching severity and mortality | | Mcap pairs time series | ColonyID |
Colony monitoring | Coral health survey, Guam 2014 | Reef Resilience in Guam | colony_id |
Comeau 2013: calcification and chemistry | | MCR LTER, OA_Corals | Sample_label |
Community | | Costa Rica Seeps | Tentative_ID |
Composition of experimental marine invertebrate communities across latitude | Composition of experimental marine invertebrate communities across latitude | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Plate_ID |
Composition of marine invertebrate communities across latitude with exposure to predation | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Plate_ID |
Compound specific isotope data | Compound specific isotope data | Abyssal food web | Sample |
Controlled laboratory study using model organisms Micromonas commoda RCC 299 and Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 | picoeukaryote Micromonas commoda | CC_Auto_Hetero_Fluxes | NCBI_Sample_ID |
Copepod Bacteria RNA transcriptome Sequences | Bacteria assemblages associated with Eurytemora affinis in both salt and fresh water | CopepodMicrobiome | sample_name |
Copepod egg production | Copepod egg production at low-high pCO2 levels | OA-Copepod_PreyQual | jar |
Copepod grazing | Copepod grazing at low-high pCO2 levels | OA-Copepod_PreyQual | sample_name, treatment_rep_count |
Copepod Reactions to Sinking Aggregates Experiments 2019 | Observations of Copepod Reactions to Sinking Aggregates Experiments 2019 | PlanktonAggDyn | Copepod |
Copepod RNA-Seq sample information and accessions | | Neocalanus Gulf of Alaska | Sample_ID |
coral - carbon oxygen boron isotopes | Coral carbon, oxygen, and boron isotopes; coral Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, U/Ca, and Ba/Ca; coral chlorophyll-a. | repeat coral bleaching | coral_ID |
coral - energy reserves | Coral energy reserves; calcification, chlorophyll a, stable carbon isotopes, stable nitrogen isotopes | repeat coral bleaching | coral_id |
Coral 3D scans | 3D scans of Caribbean acroporid corals | Coral Hybridization | Genetics_ID, Coral_ID |
Coral Associated Microbes on Mo'orean Coral Reefs | Bacteria and Archaea found on coral, sediment, and water in Mo’orea, French Polynesia | Moorea Virus Project, Ecosystem Impacts of Coral Bleaching | Sample_name, Host_Subject_ID |
Coral Biopsy Sample Log | Sample log of coral biopsy specimens for genetic analysis of algal symbionts | Response of ETP to ENSO | Sample |
coral calcification and energy reserves | Coral calcification, chlorophyll a content, algal density, energy reserves, tissue biomass. | OA_coral_physiology | coral_ID |
Coral calcification histories | Annual calcification histories for corals from ten reef sites representing lagoon and barrier reef environments | Thermal Thresholds and Projections | coral_id |
Coral clipping experiment - branching | Coral clipping experiment - branching | Octocoral Community Dynamics, Caribbean Gorgonian Recruitment | Colony |
Coral clipping experiment - growth | Coral clipping experiment - growth | Octocoral Community Dynamics, Caribbean Gorgonian Recruitment | Colony |
Coral colony sequece accessions: Hidden resilience to recurrent bleaching | | Bleaching American Samoa | sample, colony |
Coral colony sequence accessions: The genomics of recovery from coral bleaching | | Bleaching American Samoa | sample, colony |
Coral consumer and nutrients | Data from Shaver et al. 2017 (Ecology) on the effects of nutrient enrichment and predation on coral health and microbiomes. | small grazers facilitating fungal disease | id |
Coral growth | Coral growth | Climate_Coral_Larvae | Coral |
coral growth 2016-2018 | Height, surface area, and mass of Pocillopora damicornis in pacific Panama | Coral Climate ETP | CoralID, UIN |
coral growth 2019 | Height, surface area, and mass of Pocillopora damicornis in pacific Panama | Coral Climate ETP | UIN, CoralID |
Coral growth and mortality (submission to L&O) | Growth and mortality,1996-2018 | RUI-LTREB | Tag |
Coral growth data | Coral growth data | Killer Seaweeds | Sample_ID, Number, Colony |
Coral health status and DNA concentration | Health status and species of each sample taken. | Contagious coral diseases? | sample_number |
Coral histology | Histological analysis of Caribbean acroporid corals before and after exposure to thermal stress. | Coral Hybridization | Histo_Number, Sample_Number |
Coral iCA Activity | Internal carbonic anhydrase activity in three species of coral from the Florida Keys | OA_coral_Ci_acquisition | Sample |
Coral images and accession numbers | Species images and accession numbers for tissue, mucus, and holobionts analyzed. | Coral Microbial Relationships | colony |
Coral Isotope Ratios from Mini Core | Isotopic ratios d18O and d13C from coral mini core samples | RAPID Kiritimati | sample_id |
Coral lesion frequencies and sizes after fish feces treatment | Coral lesion frequencies and sizes after fish feces treatment | Fish transmit microbes | Sample_ID |
coral life stages - Illumina | Illumina sequenced 16S rRNA genes amplified from different life stages of 2 corals | MiCoDe | sample_id |
coral microbe T-RF - biogeography | Hawaiian coral terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis | MiCoDe | sample |
coral microbe T-RF - temp stress | Terminal restriction fragments from 16S rRNA genes amplified from coral-associated microbes, response to temperature stress | MiCoDe | sample_id |
Coral nutrient addition - DNA sample metadata | Nutrient DNA sample log | Reef coral symbioses | tissue_sample, species_core_id |
Coral Photosynthetic Efficiency | Coral Photosynthetic Efficiency (PAM) | Killer Seaweeds | Sample_ID, Number, Colony |
Coral physiological and δ15N isotopic measurements. | Coral physiological and δ15N isotopic measurements | OA_coral_physiology | Sample_ID |
Coral physiological measurements | Montipora capitata and Porites compressa Physiological Measurements for Experimental Corals and Parent Colonies | RAPID Hawaii | Sample_ID |
Coral physiology 22-month mesocosm experiment | Coral physiology 22-month mesocosm experiment | Coral Adaptation | id, genet_id, ramet_id |
Coral physiology survey | | Coral Adaptation | id |
Coral reef CO2 bleaching recovery - sample metadata | Coral reef CO2 bleaching recovery experiment sample metadata | Reef coral symbioses | sample |
Coral reef seawater microbial communities | Coral reef seawater microbial communities | Coral Exometabolomes | Sample_ID, Coral_Colony_or_sand |
Coral Sample Microbiome | Coral Sample Microbiome | Killer Seaweeds | Sample_Name, ID |
Coral settlement | | Coral Chorus | Sample_ID |
Coral stable isotopes | Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of Hawaiian corals | Coral Adaptation | Sample_ID |
Coral Surface Area and Zooxanthellae Counts | Coral Surface Area and Zooxanthellae Counts | Sponge Holobiont DOM | Sample_ID |
Coral trait variation | Coral trait variation | Adaptation in asexual coral populations | sample, clone, subclone |
Coral turf allelopathy experiments | Turf-coral interactions | Coral Biodiversity | Sample_ID |
coral-microbe T-RF - development | Specificity of associations between bacteria and the coral Pocillopora meandrina during early development | MiCoDe | sample_id |
coral-microbe T-RF - spawning | T-RFLP, response of the microbial community to coral spawning, lagoon and reef flats, Oahu, 2006-7 | MiCoDe | sample_id |
CoralLarvae_size | coral larvae size and calculated mass data | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | sample |
Coralliophila_GrowthMorphology | Coral growth and morphology based on snail presence | Vermetids_Corals | Coral |
Core stress bands | Stress bands in coral cores for corals from Palau reefs | Thermal Thresholds and Projections | coral_id |
Cores - Gravity Cores - Pore Water Data | Pore water analysis obtained from gravity cores | ANACONDAS | AN_Number |
Cores - Gravity Cores - Solid Phase Data | Solid phase analysis of sediments obtained from gravity cores | ANACONDAS | AN_Number |
Cores - Multi Cores - Pore Water Data | Pore water analysis obtained from multi cores | ANACONDAS | AN_Number |
Cores - Multi Cores - Solid Phase Data | Solid phase analysis of sediments obtained from multi cores | ANACONDAS | AN_Number |
CP23S Genotypes | Breviolum symbiont CP23S genotypes in Orbicella faveolata recruits | SymBioSys | Sample_ID |
CPR plankton abundance in the WN Atlantic 1958-2021 | | CPR Plankton Survey | SampleId |
crab abundance and coral size | Calcinus hermit crab abundance and Millepora coral size | St. John LTREB | colony |
crab nocturnal surveys | Day vs. night Calcinus hermit crab abundance on Millepora coral | St. John LTREB | colony |
Crab Respirometry - Salinity Treatment Carbonate Chemistry | Carbonate system conditions during salinity treatments for crab respirometry | BOAR | sample |
Crassostrea virginica gonad MBD-BSseq | GenBank metadata for Eastern oyster gonad methylation and OA | Epigenetics to Ocean | library_ID, MBD_cv_id |
Critical swimming speed | Recorded critical swimming speed of larval Amphiprion percula, Elacatinus lori, and Elacatinus colini measured throughout development from hatching through settlement. | Elacatinus Dispersal II | pair_id |
CRM pH | Extrapolated pH measurements of CRMs | Inorganic Carbon Meaurements | Batch |
CRM raw absorbance | Raw absorbance and R measurements of CRMs | Inorganic Carbon Meaurements | Batch, Bottle |
Crustose coralline algae calcification experiment data | | CorallineAlgaePaleo-pH | Sample_ID |
Crustose coralline algae skeletal density | Skeletal density for crustose coralline algae reared in natural and experimental temperature and pCO2 conditions | CorallineAlgaePaleo-pH | Specimen_ID |
CTD - Bottle | CTD final bottle data | SO_GasEx | SAMP |
CTD - Bottle Nutrients | Bottle Nutrients | COPAS08 | SAMPNO |
CTD - Metals Profiles | CTD - Metals Profiles | OA - Canada Basin | Sample |
CTD - Nutrients Profiles | CTD - Nutrients Profiles | OA - Canada Basin | Sample_ID |
CTD - SAM Data Files | CTD SAM Data Files | COPAS08 | sampnum |
CTD - Stations | CTD - Stations | OA - Canada Basin | SampleID |
CTD 2016 | Environmental data from CTD during the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CA | OceanSulfurFluxBact | Metagenome_Sample_Name, Metatranscriptome_Sample_Name, Ribosomal_16S_iTag_Sample_Name, Ribosomal_18S_iTag_Sample_Name |
CTD Biogenic Silica | | CICLOPS | Sample |
CTD data from Hydrostation S | CTD data from Hydrostation S | Hydrostation S | ID |
CTD Sample Log AE1319 | Event log for AE1319, Aug-Sept. 2013 | Biological C:N:P ratios | sample |
CTD_2018 | Conductivity, temperature, and water depth at 4 locations in SUSTAIN tank | Gas Exchange at SUSTAIN | RECORD |
Culture Characteristics | | Plankton Interactions and VOC | Culture_ID |
Culture Data | Symbiodinium microadriaticum cultures | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Genotype |
Cultures isolated from A. bipinnata 2008-2016 | Symbiodinium cultures isolated from adult colonies of the octocoral Antillogorgia bipinnata in 2008, 2013 and 2016, grown at either 26 or 30 degrees C | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Culture_ID |
Current Velocity Artificial Reef Jupiter 2020 | Current Velocity Data Arctificial Reef - Jupiter from July 18 until December 4, 2020 | Storm effect on predator | index |
Cuvierina SRA | Cuvierina SRA, accessions, collection info | Plankton Population Genetics | biosample_accession, sample_title, sample_id, sample_name |
Cyanobacteria cultures used to generate DNA reference library | Cyanobacteria cultures accessions | Tango in the Mat World | Culture_ID |
d15N - HPLC Method Glu and Phe 15N values | N isotopic composition of Phenylalanine and Glutamic Acid from a number of organisms | Amino Acid Sediment 15N | sample |
d15NOx Natural Abundance | Natural abundance of 15N and 18O from LMG1801 | Oxidation of Urea N | Analytical_Batch |
Damselfish Turf Biomass | damselfish turf biomass | Coral Biodiversity | Sample_num |
Data for ambient concentrations of three DOC compounds (acetate, glycerol, mannitol) | | Cocco-Mix | Balch_Sample_num |
Data from fish genotyped at 14 and 20 loci | Data from fish genotyped at 14 and 20 loci at different life stages in the Belizean Barrier Reef in 2013. | Elacatinus Dispersal I | individual_id |
Data Set 1B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Thalassiosira weissflogii grown under different pCO2 and temperature conditions - Experiment OA5 | Data Set #1B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Thalassiosira weissflogii grown under different pCO2 and temperature conditions (Experiment OA5) | OA - Effects of High CO2 | Bottle_Num |
Data Set 2B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Dactyliosolen fragilissimus grown under different pCO2 and temperature condition - Experiment OA6 | Data Set #2B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Dactyliosolen fragilissimus grown under different pCO2 and temperature condition (Experiment OA6) | OA - Effects of High CO2 | Bottle_Num |
dataset1_Krug_et_al_2015: Suppl. Table 3: Accessions | Table 3: accessions: COI, 16S, 28S. H3 for ~200 spp. | PLDvFST | sample_code |
dataset3_Supp1_Krug_et_al_2011: Elysia sequences | Accessions for COI, 16S, H3 for 18 Elysia species | PLDvFST | sample_code |
dataset4_Krug_et_al_2012: Philine sequences | Accessions for 16S for Philine species | PLDvFST | voucher, specimen_id |
dataset5_Vendetti_et_al_2012: Elysia pusilla sequences | Accessions for COI, 16S, H3 from Elysia pusilla and E. spp. | PLDvFST | specimen_code |
dataset6_Krug_et_al_2013: Sequences | Accessions for COI, H3 for three species complexes | PLDvFST | sample_code, voucher |
dataset8- Oxynoe sequence data | Species names, sample codes, and collection details for sequenced taxa used in phylogenetic analyses. | PLDvFST | isolate_code |
DDA nutrient acquisition | DDA nutrient acquisition | META-DDA | Flask |
Deep-DOM Metaproteome | Metaproteomic dataset from DeepDOM Station 2 | Deep Atlantic DOM, DeepDom Multi-omics | sample_id, ms_ms_sample_name |
Deep-sea benthos | Deep-sea benthos counts from cores (>300 micron), Pacific US continental rise | Species ranges | sample |
Deep-sea larvae for microbiome study | Deep-sea larvae for microbiome study | EPR Functional Diversity, Mariana Back-arc Vents, Metacommunity Dynamics | occurrenceID |
Delaware estuary solar irradiance | Solar irradiance in Delaware Estuary, Nov. 2011 - Nov. 2013 | PAPI: Photochemistry and Photoheterotroph Interactions | run |
delta 15N NH4 | Detected 15N-labeled ammonium (NH4) in commercial 15N2 gas. | 15N2 Contamination | sample_ID |
delta 15N NO3 | Detected 15N-labeled nitrate (NO3) in commercial 15N2 gas. | 15N2 Contamination | sample_ID |
Delta Nitrification Study - GenBank Accession Numbers | GenBank accession numbers for ammonia oxidizer genes. | N-Cycling Microbial Communities | organism, gene |
delta-13C and delta-18O | DIC and alkalinity from Globobulimina dual stressor experiment | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | sample |
Dendraster_Beh_OA_Expt2017 | Dendraster Behavior in OA, Expt 2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | column_name |
Dendraster_pH_OA_Expt2017 | Dendraster_pH_OA_Expt2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | column_name |
DEPRECATED: Optical properties | DEPRECATED: Optical properties 2016 & 2017 | Varadero Reef | Parent_Colony_id, Fragment_id |
DeZoZoo Cruise Data | Cruise Data from Gelatinous Zooplankton project in Chesapeake Bay in 2010 and 2011 | DeZoZoo | sample_ID |
DHAB halocline - nematodes | Metatranscriptome data for pools of 10 nematodes picked from halocline and nearby control sediments. | DHAB Metazoans | sample |
DHAB halocline sediment pyrotags - eukaryotes | 454 pyrotags for Eukaryote taxa in deep hypersaline anoxic basin (DHAB) halocline sediments | Pickled Protists, DHAB Metazoans | BioSample_id |
DHAB halocline sediment pyrotags - prokaryotes | 454 pyrotags for Bacterial and Archaeal taxa in deep hypersaline anoxic basin (DHAB) halocline sediments | Pickled Protists | sample |
Diatom contribution to benthic GPP | | CLASiC | Sample_Code |
Diatom contribution to benthic GPP - Silica and Nitrogen analyses | | CLASiC | Sample_ID, Analysis_ID |
Diatom cultures used to generate DNA reference library | Diatom culture accessions | Tango in the Mat World | Culture_ID, Collection_ID |
Diatom growth rates | Diatom growth rates | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Strain |
Diatom Matrix Mass Spectrometry | MetaboLights accessions: MS samples | Metabolic Currencies, Carbon Currencies Microbes | Sample_Name |
Diatom Matrix NMR | MetaboLights accessions: NMR samples | Metabolic Currencies, Carbon Currencies Microbes | Source_Name |
Diatom Matrix RNAseq | NCBI accessions | Metabolic Currencies | Sample_Name |
Diatom TPC parameters | Diatom thermal niche calcs | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Strain |
Diazo Distribution | Abundance and distribution of diazotrophs determined via qPCR | DIAZOTROPHS | Sample_ID |
DIC and Isotopes | Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and isotopes from vertical profiles from multi- and gravity cores from two cruises | DOC cycling in sediments | layer_num, sfsu_num, dup_sfsu_num |
DIC_TA | Final DIC and TA data | SO_GasEx | ID |
Diel_Metatrans | Diel_Metatrans | C-MORE, CANON | sample |
Dilution Experiments | Dilution Experiments | Great Calcite Belt | Sample_No, Nuts_No |
dinoRNAV dynamics in the reef-building coral Porites lobata | dinoRNAV dynamics in the reef-building coral Porites lobata | Moorea Virus Project | temperature_reading_number |
direct N2O | 46-N2O contamination measured directly in commercial 15N2 gas. | 15N2 Contamination | sample_ID |
Discrete bottle data from Hydrostation S | Hydrostation S bottle data | Hydrostation S | Bottle_ID |
Discrete Lab | Discrete Lab | OA - Canada Basin | Sample_ID |
Discrete Seawater Samples | | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | Sample_ID |
Discrete Underway | Discrete Underway | OA - Canada Basin | Sample_ID |
Dispersal distance | | Marine kin structure | sheet |
Dissolution kinetics of 10 marine calcifiers: Seawater chemistry | | CoralCalcifyFluid_pH | Experiment |
dissolved cobalt | Dissolved cobalt and labile cobalt speciation in the Ross Sea | CORSACS | sample_num |
Dissolved Cobalt | Dissolved cobalt concentrations measured by cathodic stripping voltammetry from the MetZyme cruise. | MetZyme | Sample_ID |
Dissolved Fe conc and isotopes - UK_GA10 | Dissolved (0.2 micron filtered (<75 m depth) or 0.4 micron (>75 m depth) Fe stable isotope ratios and concentrations | TMI_GEOTRACES-UK | sample_GEOTRC |
Dissolved organic carbon and amino acids | Dissolved organic carbon and amino acid data from NBP1207. | MCP | sample_ID |
Dissolved organic Fe-binding ligand data from the FRidge (GA13) expedition | Dissolved organic Fe-binding ligand data from the FRidge (GA13) expedition | organic iron ligands in hydrothermal systems | Geotraces_ID |
Dissolved Organic Matter Sulfur and Carbon Analysis | Dissolved Organic Matter Sulfur and Carbon Analysis | S isotopes in marine DOM | Sample_ID |
Dissolved Th/Pa - IC1/IC2 | Seawater dissolved 232Thorium, 230Thorium and 231Protactinium in the subtropical North Pacific | GEOTRACES IC | sample |
Dissolved Thorium Isotopes PE17-24 | Dissolved thorium-230 and thorium-232 from the deep Northern Gulf of Mexico | PMT Thorium Isotopes | Sample_ID |
Dissolved Thorium Isotopes PS1718 | Dissolved thorium-230 and thorium-232 from the site of the former Deepwater Horizon | PMT Thorium Isotopes | Sample_ID |
Dissolved Trace Metals | Concentrations of total dissolved trace metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cd) | MetZyme | Sample_ID |
Distribution of Elacatinus lori settlers | Distribution Elacatinus lori settlers on sponge habitat. | Elacatinus Dispersal II | Sp_ID |
Distribution of new settler Elacatinus lori settlers | Distribution of new Elacatinus lori settlers arriving on sponge habitat. | Elacatinus Dispersal II | Sp_ID |
Diurnal gnathiid consumption | | Gnathiid isopod ecology | Number, ID |
dive log - CROCKS-II | Alvin dive log from off Costa Rica January 2010 | Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II | sample_id |
DNA microsatellite alleles - Eelgrass ramets | DNA microsatellite alleles for eelgrass ramets from two sites in MA | ZosMarLA | Sample_ID |
DNA microsatellite alleles - Flowering shoots and seeds | DNA microsatellite alleles from flowering shoots and seeds | ZosMarLA | sample_code |
DNA Time Series | HOT DNA metagenomic library statistics | C-MORE, HOT | sample |
DOC and Isotopes | Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and isotopes from vertical profiles from multi- and gravity cores from two cruises | DOC cycling in sediments | layer_num, sfsu_num, uciams_num |
DOC and TDN | Dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen from the formation fluids recovered from the CORKs installed at the North Pond in 2012. | North Pond Microbes | UH_Cowen_ID |
DOC and TOC near Station P | | EXPORTS BGC Floats | Sample_Number |
dogfish_alloys | spiny dogfish and rare earth metals | NEC_ProjDev | sample_num |
DOM during coral bleaching | | Ecosystem Impacts of Coral Bleaching | Unique_Sample_Identifier |
Domel_2017_T1: Pallenopsis patagonica specimen and outgroups with accessions | Pallenopsis patagonica specimen and outgroups with accessions | Antarctic Inverts | Name |
Dongsha Atoll Coral Calcification Rates | Annual calcification rate time series of Porites corals on Dongsha Atoll | Coral Reef Resilience | core_id |
Doo et al. 2018, Coral Reefs - Mesocosm buoyant weight data | Calcification of coral from the start and end of experiments under elevated concentrations of temperature and carbon dioxide | OA coral adaptation, MCR LTER | Coral_number |
Dorado 2014: Chemical composition of discrete hydrothermal syringe samples | Chemistry from discrete samples of hydrothermal springs | Dorado Outcrop | sample_id |
Dorado 2014: OsmoSampler fluid chemistry | Spring and pore fluid chemistry from samples taken by OsmoSamplers | Dorado Outcrop | sample_num |
Downcore 210Pb and 137Cs data | Mud Patch sediment age dating with Lead-210 and Cesium-137 | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | sample |
Drop Sampling Data - Port Fourchon, LA 2022 | Drop Sampling Data - Port Fourchon, LA 2022 | Louisiana E-scapes | site_date_key |
DYEatom: Metatranscriptome accessions and assembled contigs | | Diatom Silicification | Sample_name, SRA_id |
E. depressus - parasite and feeding (Oecologia, 2014) | Eurypanopeus depressus: feeding with and without parasitic barnacle infection | Variation in Metabolic Processes | expt_block |
E. depressus - parasite and prey handling (Oecologia, 2014) | Eurypanopeus depressus: food handling with and without parasitic barnacle infection | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
E. depressus - parasite study - field survey (Oecologia, 2014) | Eurypanopeus depressus: parasitised field survey | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab, quadrat |
Echinoid OA and stable isotopes: Echinoid seawater chemistry | | CoralCalcifyFluid_pH | Experiment |
Ecoapps: fish and crustacean biomass | Biomass of fish and crustaceans collected at living shoreline, natural marsh, and bulkhead sites | EstuarineMetaDyn | organism |
Ecoapps: fish and crustacean counts | Counts of fish and crustaceans collected at living shoreline, natural marsh, and bulkhead sites | EstuarineMetaDyn | organism |
Edmunds 2021 Ecosphere S3A: density | Ecosphere 2021: fig S3A density | RUI-LTREB, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Quadrat |
Edmunds et al. 2019b: Sizes of organisms fixed to flume floor | | OA coral adaptation | ID_number |
Edmunds et al. 2019b: Sizes of organisms not fixed to flume floor | | OA coral adaptation | ID_number |
Edmunds et al. 2019b: Sizes of organisms used to calculate growth and for community analysis | | OA coral adaptation | ID |
Edmunds et al. 2020 ICES: pCO2 flume - Coral area | | OA_Corals | Sample |
Edmunds et al. 2020 ICES: pCO2 flume - Coral weight | | OA_Corals | Sample |
Eelgrass Disease Metrics | | Eelgrass disease | Sample_Id, Blade |
Eelgrass seed phenotypes | | ZosMarLA | RAD_name |
Eelgrass Shoot Density | Eelgrass meadow conditions assessed from eelgrass shoot density measurements | Eelgrass disease | Sample_Id |
Eelgrass Shoot Metrics | | Eelgrass disease | Sample_Id, Blade |
Effect of phenotypic variation on dogwhelk morphology during eco-evolutionary field experiment | Effect of phenotypic variation on dogwhelk morphology during eco-evolutionary field experiment | Coastal Adaptation | Family, Family_x_Treatment, Snail_ID, Snail_Tag, Block, Plot_Number |
Effects of early-life diet on mortality of juvenile Nucella canaliculata | Effects of early-life diet on mortality of juvenile Nucella canaliculata | Coastal Adaptation | Family |
Effects of early-life diet on Nucella canaliculata drilling phenotype | Effects of early-life diet on Nucella canaliculata drilling phenotype | Coastal Adaptation | Container, Family, Family_x_Treatment, Snail |
Effects of intra-population variation in dogwhelk drilling on the abundance and size of Mytilus californianus mussels | Effects of intra-population variation in dogwhelk drilling on the abundance and size of Mytilus californianus mussels | Coastal Adaptation | Block, Plot_Number |
Elemental and isotopic noble gas ratios and N2/Ar from the North Atlantic: BATS data | Elemental and isotopic noble gas ratios and N2/Ar from the North Atlantic: BATS data | TTO NGs and O2, HPNGI | Flask_ID |
ELF field data | NCBI accession numbers for raw RNA-seq fastq files derived from laboratory-maintained Trichodesmium erythraeum cultures | TriCoLim | slide_label |
ELF incubation | ELF incubations | TriCoLim | slide_label |
Emerald Reef Seasonal Monitoring, 2014-2015 | Coral species sample collection log, Emerald Reef, 2014-2015 | Reef coral symbioses | sample, tag |
Emergence trap sampling of gnathiid isopods at Lizard Island, GBR, Australia 2016-2018 | | Gnathiid isopod ecology | Trap_identity, Vial_identity |
Emiliania huxleyi carbonate data | Carbonate data in experimental treatments of Emiliania huxleyi | E Hux Response to pCO2 | sample |
Emiliania huxleyi Chl-a, POC, cell volumes | Chlorophyll-a, POC, and cell volume of E. huxleyi at 3 pCO2 levels | E Hux Response to pCO2 | sample |
Emiliania huxleyi CN content | Carbon and nitrogen content of E. huxleyi at 3 pCO2 levels, 2011-2012 | E Hux Response to pCO2 | sample_rep |
Emiliania huxleyi dilution calculations | Emiliania huxleyi growth rates under different pCO2 levels | E Hux Response to pCO2 | sample |
Emiliania huxleyi DMSP | Cellular particulate DMSP from E. huxleyi at 3 pCO2 levels | E Hux Response to pCO2 | sample |
Emiliania huxleyi growth rates | Emiliania huxleyi growth rates under different pCO2 levels | E Hux Response to pCO2 | sample |
Emiliania size and chemical characteristics | Cell size and chemical characteristics of five strains of coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi. | Protist signaling | CCMP1516, CCMP3268, CCMP3266, CCMP2668, NEZH |
EN556 LV incubations: DOC, bacterial cell concentration, and bacterial production | Large volume incubation: DOC, bacterial cell concentration and production, EN556 | Patterns of activities | meso_no |
EN584 LV polysaccharide hydrolysis rates | Mesocosm hydrolysis rates with and without Thalassiosira, EN584 | Patterns of activities | meso_no |
EN589 Aerosol and seawater chemical composition | EN589 Aerosol and seawater chemical composition | Refractory DOC Recycling | Campaign_Sequence_Number, Sample_ID |
EN589 Marine Aerosol Generator Operating Conditions | Configuration and Operation of Marine Aerosol Generator Deployed on R/V Endeavor during Sept./Oct. 2016 | Refractory DOC Recycling | ID_Number |
EN614 HPLC Pigments | Phytoplankton diagnostic pigments from HPLC from samples collected on R/V Endeavor cruise EN614 in the tropical North Atlantic | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | Sample |
EN616 Coccolithophore DOC uptake and scintillation counts | | Cocco-Mix | Sample_num, Incubation, SMPL_ID |
EN616 CTD hydrography | | Cocco-Mix | Balch_Sample_num |
EN640 HPLC Pigments | EN640 HPLC Pigments | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | sample |
Epibenthic community percent cover | Epibenthic community bottom percent cover in Aleutian Island kelp forests, 2016-2017 | Kelp Forest Ecosystem Engineer Loss | Quad, sample |
Epifluorescence Microscopy Cell Size and Biomass | Epifluorescence Microscopy Water Column Samples from Subtropical and Subantarctic Waters East of New Zealand | Salp Food Web Ecology | ID |
Epiphytic bacteria methane production data | MPn-derived methane production by epiphytic bacteria on pelagic Sargassum seaweed | Cyanobacteria Hydrocarbons, Phosphorus Redox Cycling, Fall Student Research at BIOS | Order |
EPR 2019 Nutrients | | Hot2cold Vents | Sample_ID |
ESP 2014 Cell Counts | Microbial taxonomy and abundance from ESP, fall 2014 | OceanSulfurFluxBact | listmode_id |
ESP 2014 Seq | Metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, and single cell sequencing data collected during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CA | OceanSulfurFluxBact | BioSample, Sample_name |
ESP 2016 Seq | Metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, and single cell sequencing data from the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CA | OceanSulfurFluxBact | JGI_Sample_ID, Sample_Name |
Estuarine Sediment Silicon Sorption Capacities | Estuarine Sediment Silicon Sorption Capacities | CLASiC | Sample_Number |
Etelis genetics | | Hawaiian Fish Origins | Field_ID |
Etelis morphology | | Hawaiian Fish Origins | Sample_ID, Field_ID |
Etelis spp. rangewide genetic data | | Hawaiian Fish Origins | SampleName |
ETNP 2012 McClane Pump POM | | OMZ Nutrient Cycling | Sample |
ETNP Microbial Abundances | Estimated abundances of viruses and bacteria via epifluorescence microscopy in the ETNP | OMZ Viruses | Sample |
ETNP ODZ Metagenomes April 2012 | Assembled metagenomes collected in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone in April 2012 on TN278 | EAGER Deep Prochlorococcus | Sample_Name |
ETNP Viromes | Accession Numbers of Viral Metagenomes from the ETNP | OMZ Viruses | SAMPLE |
ETSP 2013 NO3 NO2 N2O | Nitrate, nitrite, and nitrous oxide isotope measurements from the Eastern Tropical South Pacific ocean (NBP13-05) | N2O Cycling | NO3_sample_IDs, N2O_sample_ID_1, N2O_sample_ID_2 |
event logs | Log of sampling events from SBDOM project cruises. | SBDOM, SBC LTER | sample |
Evolve and re-sequence experiment - laboratory selection lines | Evolve and re-sequence experiment - laboratory selection lines | Evolutionary genomics of a copepod | Sample_Code, Line_Beaker |
Evolve and re-sequence experiment - wild populations | Evolve and re-sequence experiment - wild populations | Evolutionary genomics of a copepod | Sample_Code |
Exp and Survey Biogeochem and Microbial data | Experimental and survey biogeochemical and microbial data from SBDOM cruises in the Santa Barbara Channel. | SBDOM, SBC LTER | sample |
Experimental coral treatments | DNA results of Pocillopora cf. meandrina and Acropora hyacinthus | Moorea Virus Project | Library_ID |
Experimental data and model code for d18O and d47 equilibration kinetics | inorganic carbonate precipitation experiments and numerical modeling | CO2 Hydration Mechanism and KIEs | Sample |
Experimental data on kinetic C and O isotope fractionation of CO2 hydration | Experimental data on kinetic C and O isotope fractionation of CO2 hydration | CO2 Hydration Mechanism and KIEs | Sample |
extra cluster lengths | Shell lengths for additional focal clusters | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | cage |
extra clusters | Counts of live & dead adults and number of spat in additional oyster focal clusters | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | cage |
Extracellular reef seawater metabolites from the Jardines de la Reina reef-system | | Coral Exometabolomes, RAPID Mass Spec for Dispersants | Sample_Name |
extract palatability - Amphiroa | Palatability of Galaxaura extract on Amphiroa to herbivores | Killer Seaweeds | sample |
extract palatability - Padina | Palatability of Galaxaura extract on Padina to herbivores | Killer Seaweeds | sample |
Exudate Uptake Incubations - Macronutrient Data | Exudate Uptake Incubations - Macronutrient Data | Coral Exometabolomes | Sample_ID |
Exudate Uptake Incubations - Microbial Abundances (Flow Cytometry) | Exudate Uptake Incubations - Microbial Abundances (Flow Cytometry) | Coral Exometabolomes | Sample_ID |
Fall 2011 - Porewater Samples | Fall 2011 - Porewater Samples | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Porewater_ID |
Fall 2011 - Sample Processing Log | Fall 2011 - Sample Processing Log | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | ID |
Fall 2011 - Station Information and Core Descriptions | Fall 2011 - Station Information and Core Descriptions | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | CoreId |
Fall 2011 - Water Column Samples | Fall 2011 - Water Column Samples | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Sample_No, Water_Column_Sample_ID |
FASTA file of protein identifications (MetZyme 0.2) | FASTA file of protein identifications from KM1128 | MetZyme | scaffold_id |
Fatty acid composition of McMurdo Benthos | Fatty acid composition of McMurdo Benthos | McMurdo Benthos | Sample_Identifier |
Fatty acid measurements – field samples and lab eggs | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Sample_ID |
Fatty acid profiles | Fatty acid profiles of M. menidia females and their unfertilized eggs. | HYPOA | Fatty_acid, Female |
Fe reduction isotope effects | Experimental determination of Fe isotope effect for reduction from Fe(III) to Fe(II) | Fe isotope effects | Sample_ID |
Fe(II) oxygen concentrations over time | Fe(II) Concentrations over time in iron oxidizing bacteria cultures. | SedimentaryIronCycle | vial |
Fe-Labeling Expt: E.coli and phage T4 or T5 | Fe-Labeling Expt: E.coli and phage T4 or T5 | Fe-Virus | sample |
Feeding Assays | Feeding Assays | High latitude kelp dynamics | Urchin_ID |
Feeding Experiment 2017 | Measures of anemonefish habitat quality and parental traits | Clownfish parental care | Anemone_ID |
FeOA Profile Data | FeOA Profile Data | pH-Fe availability | NUTS_ID |
Ferrozine assay data | Oxygen consumption rates/zero valent iron dissolution of FeOB with kanamycin addition - Ferrozine assay | SedimentaryIronCycle | vial |
Fertilization success in Porites lobata gamete age assays | Fertilization success in Porites lobata gamete age assays | Palau coral selection plasticity dispersal | Cross |
Field collections: all data | Vibrio abundance and nutrients | Vibrio-dust deposition | sample |
Field measurements of periostracum cover from focal population | | OA decoupling | ID |
Field temperature data | | Cnidarian Toxin Dynamics | Data_Point |
FieldData_FidalgoBay_July2017 | ADCP FidalgoBay, July 2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | profile |
Fig2_copepod feeding on prey mixtures | Copepod fed phytoplankton mixtures | food limitation in copepod nauplii | sequence_id |
filter tracer content | Content of nitrogen and carbon in tracer filters | Regenerated Nitrogen | sample |
Fire coral - mean density | Mean density of fire coral | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals, RUI-LTREB | Panel |
Fish collection locations | Fish collection locations | HypoxiDigm | FishID |
Fish lengths - adults | adult fish lengths | Larval Dispersal in Kelp Rockfish | sample, NMFS_id |
Fish lengths - juveniles | juvenile fish lengths | Larval Dispersal in Kelp Rockfish | sample, NMFS_id |
Fish species survey | Survey of fish species on each study site. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | subsample_ID |
fishlarvae_Bon_bss | Georges Bank Fish Larvae, Growth Rates, Protein Content and Otolith Data Collected from BONGO Nets, 1995-1999. | GB | sample |
fishlarvae_Bon_pro | Georges Bank Fish Larvae, Growth Rates, Protein Content and Otolith Data Collected from BONGO Nets, 1993-1999. | GB | sample |
fishlarvae_M1 | Georges Bank Fish Larvae, Growth Rates, Protein Content and Otolith Data Collected from MOCNESS Tows, 1992-1999. | GB | sample |
FK160115 Dissolved Cobalt | Dissolved cobalt, nutrients, and hydrography from the Pacific ProteOMZ FK160115 Expedition in 2016 | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | Sample_ID |
FK160407 Biological Samples | | Eco Dyn W Pacific Vents | Sample_ID |
FK190211 Radium Isotopes | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | C_or_R |
FK190211 Sediment Geochemistry | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Sample_ID |
FL Multispecies Otolith Data | Multispecies larval otolith increment data from the Straits of Florida, 2007-08. | FK Population Connectivity | sample |
FL Stegastes Partitus Otolith Increment Data | Otolith increment data from Florida Keys Stegastes partitus, 2003-08. | FK Fish Recruitment, FK Population Connectivity | sample |
FL Stegastes Partitus Otolith Summary Data | Summary of otolith microstructure data from Florida Keys Stegastes partitus, 2003-08. | FK Fish Recruitment, FK Population Connectivity | sample |
FlavoPH Experiment: HIMB15-1 bacterial abundance and DOC | HIMB15-1 bacterial abundance and DOC | Coral DOM2 | SampleID |
Florida Keys coral growth | FKRT coral core data | Thermal History and Coral Growth | coreID |
Flounder YOY otolith collections | Young-of-the-year Baltic flounder otolith chemistry collection information from 2014 to 2017 at Baltic Sea sites in Sweden and Latvia. | OtolithHypoxia | fish_id, otolith_id |
flow cytometry | Direct counts (flow cytometry) on microbes obtained by Niskin bottle and pressure-retaining sampler | Mariana Perspectives | drop_name |
Flow Cytometry Results | Flow Cytometry Results | ADIMA | ID |
Flow Cytometry Results | | Heat Tolerant Corals | Sample, Sample_ID |
FlowCAM imaging cytometer data from EN616 cruise | | Cocco-Mix | Balch_Sample_num |
FlowCam Particle Sizes | FlowCam Particle Sizes | Salp Food Web Ecology | Particle_ID |
Fluids cell counts | Microbial cell counts derived from the formation fluids recovered from the CORKs installed at the North Pond in 2012 and 2014. | North Pond Microbes | sample |
fluor_PAM | Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) fluorometry readings from microcosm experiments. | En-Gen DMSP Cycling | microcosm |
FNPP_F1_sed_trap | Sediment trap flux data from two traps deployed at the F1 mooring site offshore from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP), 2011-2012. | Fukushima Sediment Radionuclides | sample |
focal cluster lengths | Lengths of oysters in focal clusters | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | cage |
focal clusters | Counts and weights of live, gaping and spat of oysters focal clusters | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | cage |
Foram B-Ca and Mg-Ca | B:Ca and Mg:Ca isotopes in foraminifera from sediment cores | OA_Paleocene-Eocene | sample |
foram community specimen measurements | Foram lengths and widths | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | sample |
Foraminifera counts | Absolute abundance of Foraminifera in Pacific Panama, 2019. | Coral Climate ETP | Site |
Fossil Seal Amino Acid Isotopes | C and N isotope data for individual amino acids from fossil seals from the western Ross Sea, Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | Sample_ID |
Fossil Seal Bulk Isotopes 14C | Location, weathering, bulk isotope, and 14C data for fossil seals from the western Ross Sea, Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | Sample_ID, NOSAMS_lab_code |
Fossil Seal Skeletal Measurements | Skeletal measurements from fossil seals from the western Ross Sea, Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | Sample_ID |
FRT-Dcyl-Symb_2014 | Dendrogyra cylindrus 23S Illumina 2014 - relative abundance | EMUCoReS | OTU_id |
FRT-Dcyl-Symb_2015-2016 | Dendrogyra cylindrus 23S Illumina 2015-16 - relative abundance | EMUCoReS | OTU_id |
Galaxaura thalli allelopathy | Porites PSII quantum yield after exposure to Galaxaura thalli | Killer Seaweeds | id |
Gastropod counts by species collected from inactive sulfides on the East Pacific Rise | | Inactive Sulfides, Vent Settlement Cues | relatedResourceID, otherCatalogNumbers, verbatimLabel |
Geange_2010 Larger Heterospecifics Habitat Association | This dataset is from a study examining the influence of structural refuge, competition and their interaction on the early post-settlement survival of transplanted Thalassoma hardwicke (the sixbar wrasse). | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | id |
Geange_and_Stier_2010 Charismatic Microfauna Functional Response | This dataset is part of a manipulative experiment to investigate how nudibranchs and sea hares alter cyanobaterica production through a trophic cascade. | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | bin |
Geange_and_Stier_2010 Charismatic Microfauna Trophic Cascade | This dataset is part of a manipulative experiment to investigate how nudibranchs and sea hares alter cyanobaterica production through a trophic cascade. | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | bin |
Geange_and_Stier_2010 Priority Effects Area | This dataset is from a manipulative experiment investigating the independent and combined effects of priority effects and habitat complexity on the strength of intraspecific competitive interactions among recently settled individuals of a coral reef fish. | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | colony |
GenBank accessions | GenBank accession numbers and links for microbial isolates from sediment samples collected at Paleochori Bay, Milos island, Greece | Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation | sample |
Gene expression of Eurytemora affinis (saline and freshwater) | | Evolutionary genomics of a copepod | Sample_name |
Gene expression of Pocillopora damicornis | Gene expression of Pocillopora damicornis | Coral Resilience | gene_id |
Gene expression profiles from high CO2-adapted Trichodesmium | gene expression profiles obtained from high through put illumina sequencing of multiple long-term evolved lines of Trichodesmium. | Trichodesmium in High CO2 | taxon_code |
Geochemistry | Elemental composition for 16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenomic sequences | Methane-Hydrate Sediment Omics | core, section |
Geochemistry and Microscopy from Incubation Experiments | Geochemistry and Microscopy from Incubation Experiments | Anoxic Sediment Bacteria Interactions | Sample_ID |
Geochemistry Summary | Geochemistry summary data: IODP Expedition 337 single cell isotope incorporation of 1H, 2H, 12C14N, 12C15N, 12C12C, 12C13C ions | Deep biosphere cell activity | Order, Sample |
GI04 Dissolved Lead and Lead Isotope Ratios | Dissolved Lead and Lead Isotope Ratios from the GEOTRACES GI04 cruise on R/V Hakuho Maru (KH-09-5) | GEOTRACES Japan Pb | Sample_ID |
Gill 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing | GenBank Short Read Archive (SRA) sequence accession numbers for 16S rRNA gene amplicon data from the gills of Alviniconcha species, Ifremeria nautilei, and Bathymodiolus septemdierum. | Eco Dyn W Pacific Vents | Sample_ID |
Global Bleaching and Environmental Data | Bleaching and environmental data for global coral reef sites from 1980-2020 | Coral Reef Brightspots | Sample_ID |
Globorotaloides hexagonus trace element ablation profiles | | OMZ forams | foram |
GN01 Aerosol Be-7 | Beryllium-7 Aerosol Concentration | GEOTRACES Arctic Atmospheric TE, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPLE_ID |
GN01 Aerosol Iron Coarse | Aerosol Iron (Fe) (Coarse) collected on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY1502, GN01) from August to October 2015 | GEOTRACES Arctic Atmospheric Deposition, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | SAMPLE_ID |
GN01 Aerosol Iron Fine | Aerosol Iron (Fe) (Fine) collected on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY1502, GN01) from August to October 2015 | GEOTRACES Arctic Atmospheric Deposition, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | SAMPLE_ID |
GN01 Aerosol Mercury | Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in aerosols | GEOTRACES Arctic Atmos Hg, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | SAMPLE_ID |
GN01 Aerosol Nitrate | Aerosol Nitrate (NO3) from US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise, HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GN01 Aerosol Soluble Ionic Species Coarse | Soluble Ionic Species (Coarse) in aerosols collected on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY1502, GN01) from August to October 2015 | GEOTRACES Arctic Atmospheric Deposition, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | SAMPLE_ID |
GN01 Arctic GEOTRACES Bottle Particles | Trace element concentrations in particles collected with GO-Flo bottles and analyzed with ICP-MS. Concentrations of labile and total metal fractions are reported. | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, Arctic GEOTRACES bottle particles | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO |
GN01 As Speciation | Arsenic Speciation Depth Profiles Arsenic Speciation | GEOTRACES Arctic Arsenic and Selenium, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GN01 As Total Particulate | 2015 GEOTRACES GN01 Healy HLY1502 Depth Profiles Total Particulate Arsenic | GEOTRACES Arctic Arsenic and Selenium, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GN01 CFC and SF6 | Concentrations of CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113 and SF6 in seawater | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GT-Arctic Tracer Circulation | sample |
GN01 CTD - GTC Bottle | CTD-GTC bottles from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO |
GN01 CTD - ODF Bottle | CTD-ODF bottles from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO |
GN01 d13C-DIC | The ratio of 13C to 12C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) measured during the GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY 1502, ARC01) during Fall 2015 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic del13C | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO |
GN01 Dissolved Actinium-227 | Water column profiles of dissolved 227Ac in the Arctic | GT Arctic 227Ac, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Dissolved and Labile Cobalt | Dissolved and labile cobalt from the US GEOTRACES HLY1502 section | GEOTRACES Arctic Bioactive Trace Metals, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Dissolved and Particulate Mercury | Concentrations of dissolved and particulate mercury species collected on GN01, including elemental, total, monomethyl- and dimethylmercury | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Mercury | Sample_ID |
GN01 Dissolved Ba Cd Cu Ga Mn Ni and V | Dissolved Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, and V concentration data and Ba isotopes from the US GEOTRACES Arctic Expedition (GN01, HLY1502), August - October, 2015 | GEOTRACES Arctic Methane V Ba Ga, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Dissolved Fe(II) | Dissolved Fe(II) from southbound leg of US Arctic GEOTRACES (GN01) | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Dissolved Methane (CH₄) | GN01 Dissolved Methane (CH₄) | GEOTRACES Arctic Methane V Ba Ga, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Dissolved Micronutrient Trace Metals | Concentrations of dissolved micronutrient trace metals (Fe, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cd, Pb, Mn) in seawater, sea ice, and melt ponds | Arctic GN01 Diss Metals, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Dissolved Pb - MIT | Concentration of Pb passing through a 0.2µm Acropak capsule filter | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Pb | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO |
GN01 Dissolved Pb - UAF | Dissolved Pb concentration data from the US GEOTRACES Arctic Expedition (GN01, HLY1502) | GEOTRACES Arctic Pb, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GN01 Dissolved Pb Isotope Ratios | Isotope ratios of Pb passing through a 0.2um Acropak capsule filter | GEOTRACES Arctic Pb, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GN01 Dissolved REEs LDEO | Dissolved REE concentrations from LDEO | Arctic GEOTRACES Nd/eNd, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Dissolved REEs OSU | Dissolved REE concentrations and Nd isotopes in the Western Arctic Ocean from OSU | Arctic GEOTRACES Nd/eNd, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GN01 Dissolved Thorium and Protactinium | GN01 Dissolved Thorium and Protactinium | GEOTRACES Arctic Th Pa, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | GN01 Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | Arctic GEOTRACES bottle particles, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | ParticleSampleID, UniqueCell |
GN01 Fe Zn Cd Stable Isotopes | Concentrations and stable isotope ratios of Fe, Zn, and Cd from the US GEOTRACES GN01 cruise. | GEOTRACES Arctic Bioactive Trace Metals, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 FIA Al Fe Mn Bottle | Shipboard FIA dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn (0.2 um AcroPak filter) from bottle samples | GEOTRACES Arctic Al Fe Mn | GT_Sample_ID |
GN01 FIA Al Fe Mn Melt Pond | Shipboard FIA dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn (0.2 um AcroPak filter) from melt pond samples | GEOTRACES Arctic Al Fe Mn | GT_Sample_ID |
GN01 FIA Al Fe Mn Pump | Shipboard FIA dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn (0.2 um AcroPak filter) from samples collected by pump | GEOTRACES Arctic Al Fe Mn | GT_Sample_ID |
GN01 FIA Al Fe Mn SUBICE | Shipboard FIA dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn (0.2 um AcroPak filter) from seawater collected from ice floes using a pump | GEOTRACES Arctic Al Fe Mn, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GT_Sample_ID |
GN01 Ice Core Mercury | Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in ice cores | GEOTRACES Arctic Atmos Hg, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Core, Sample, SAMPLE_ID |
GN01 Ice Pond NO3 H2O | Nitrate (NO3) and oxygen & deuterium isotopic composition from ice pond samples collected on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise, HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GN01 Isotope ratios of N and O in nitrate | Isotope ratios of N and O in nitrate from US GEOTRACES-Arctic cruise HLY1502 in 2015. | US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Melt Pond Mercury | Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in melt pond water | GEOTRACES Arctic Atmos Hg, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Particulate and Dissolved Po-210 and Pb-210 | Particulate & dissolved Po-210 & Pb-210 in seawater, snow, melt ponds, ice core, ice-rafted sediments, and aerosols from Western and Central Arctic | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic 210Po and 210Pb | Sample_ID |
GN01 Particulate Thorium and Protactinium | GN01 Particulate Thorium and Protactinium | GEOTRACES Arctic Th Pa, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Po-Pb Dissolved and Large Particles | GN01 Po-Pb Dissolved and Large Particles | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Trace Metal Disequilibria | Sample_ID |
GN01 Po-Pb Small Particles | GN01 Po-Pb Small Particles | GEOTRACES Arctic Trace Metal Disequilibria, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Radium and Thorium | Radium and thorium isotopes measured in the Western Arctic as part of the 2015 US GEOTRACES Arctic Cruise on the USCGC Healy | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, Arctic GEOTRACES Ra Th | Sample_ID |
GN01 Sample logs | Water sample logs from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 (pdf) | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRACES_ID_Number_Range |
GN01 Se Aerosol | 2015 GEOTRACES GN01 Healy HLY1502 Aerosol Selenium | GEOTRACES Arctic Arsenic and Selenium, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GN01 Se Particulate | 2015 GEOTRACES GN01 Healy HLY1502 Depth Profiles Total Particulate Selenium | GEOTRACES Arctic Arsenic and Selenium, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GN01 Se Speciation | GN01 Healy HLY1502 Depth Profiles Selenium Speciation Selenite (SeIV), Selenate (SeVI), Organic selenide (Org Se-II), and Total Se depth profiles | GEOTRACES Arctic Arsenic and Selenium, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GN01 Sea Ice Hole NO3 NH4 H2O | Nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4), and oxygen & deuterium isotopic composition from sea ice hole water sampling on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise, HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GN01 Sea Ice NO3 NH4 H2O | Nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4), and oxygen & deuterium isotopic composition from sea ice collected on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise, HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GN01 Silicon Stable Isotopes | Depth profiles of the isotopic composition (d30Si) of silicon within dissolved silicic acid on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise GN01 (HLY1502) from August to October 2015 | GEOTRACES Arctic Si Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Size-fractionated major and minor particles | Size-fractionated major and minor particle composition and concentration from the U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic Cruise (GN01) in 2015 | GEOTRACES Arctic Particle Composition, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_ID |
GN01 Snow NO3 NH4 H2O | Nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4), and oxygen & deuterium isotopic composition from snow collected on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise, HLY1502 | US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GN01 Surface Snow Mercury | Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in surface snow | GEOTRACES Arctic Atmos Hg, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample, SAMPLE_ID |
GN01 Thorium-234 and Thorium-228 | Activities of size-fractionated particulate thorium isotopes and total Thorium-234 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, Arctic GEOTRACES Ra Th | Sample_ID |
GN01 Total Aerosol Concentrations | Concentrations of aerosol trace elements collected from bulk aerosol samples on the 2015 US GEOTRACES Western Arctic Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Atmospheric Deposition | Sample_ID |
GN01 Ultrapure Water Soluble Aerosol Concentrations | Concentrations of ultrapure water soluble aerosol trace elements collected from bulk aerosol samples on the 2015 US GEOTRACES Western Arctic Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Atmospheric Deposition | Sample_ID |
GN01 Wet Deposition Mercury | Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in wet deposition | GEOTRACES Arctic Atmos Hg, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | SAMPLE_ID, Sample |
Gnathiid blood meal identification results | | Gnathiid isopod ecology | Sample_ID |
GO-SHIP Line I07N POM Concentrations | POM concentrations for carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus from GO-SHIP Line I07N in 2018 | Ocean Stoichiometry | Sample |
Goby distribution and abundance | Geolocation, abundance and morphology data from Carrie Bow Caye | Elacatinus Dispersal I | code_10, code_11, code_1, code_12, code_2, code_13, code_3, code_14, code_4, code_15, code_5, code_16, code_6, code_17, code_7, code_8, code_9 |
Goby genotypes | Cytochrome b and radloci genotype identification data from fish sampled in the Belizean Barrier Reef in 2014. | Elacatinus Dispersal I | Goby32_b, Goby93_b, Goby216_b, Goby270_b, Goby294_a, Goby314_a, Goby92_a, Goby153_a, Goby170_b, Goby202_b, Goby56_b, Goby43_a, Goby107_a, Goby231_a, Goby280_a, Goby294_b, Goby314_b, Goby92_b, Goby153_b, Goby177_a, Goby228_a, Goby59_a, Goby43_b, Goby107_b, Goby231_b, Goby280_b, Goby307_a, Goby340_a, Goby95_a, Goby166_a, Goby177_b, Goby228_b, Goby59_b, Goby52_a, Goby112_a, Goby259_a, Goby287_a, Goby307_b, Goby340_b, Goby95_b, Goby166_b, Goby183_a, Goby237_a, Goby70_a, Goby52_b, Goby112_b, Goby259_b, Goby287_b, Goby342_a, Goby336_a, Goby100_a, Goby174_a, Goby183_b, Goby237_b, Goby70_b, Goby55_a, Goby124_a, Goby272_a, Goby291_a, Goby342_b, Goby336_b, Goby100_b, Goby174_b, Goby198_a, Goby260_a, Goby77_a, Goby55_b, Goby124_b, Goby272_b, Goby291_b, Goby26_a, Goby143_a, Goby113_a, Goby180_a, Goby198_b, Goby260_b, Goby77_b, Goby285_a, Goby300_a, Goby83_a, Goby141_a, Goby113_b, Goby180_b, Goby26_b, Goby143_b, Goby87_a, Goby205_a, Goby266_a, Goby285_b, Goby300_b, Goby83_b, Goby141_b, Goby152_a, Goby186_a, Goby53_a, Goby169_a, individual_id, Goby87_b, Goby205_b, Goby266_b, Goby289_a, Goby308_a, Goby90_a, Goby151_a, Goby152_b, Goby186_b, Goby53_b, Goby169_b, Goby32_a, Goby93_a, Goby216_a, Goby270_a, Goby289_b, Goby308_b, Goby90_b, Goby151_b, Goby170_a, Goby202_a, Goby56_a, Gobycytb |
Goby parentage | Data from 120 parent-offspring matches identified in fish on the Belizean Barrier Reef in 2013. | Elacatinus Dispersal I | offspring_id, parent1_id, parent2_id |
Goby_Sibship_2018 | Genotype data for E. lori individuals sequenced at 71 microsatellites. | Elacatinus Dispersal I | sample_ID, individual_ID |
GoMX_DWH_sed_trap | Sediment trap data from Deep Water Horizon (NSF-RAPID). | GoMX Sed Trap | sample |
Gorgonia ventalina asymmetry | Data describing Gorgonia ventalina and interactions between individuals. | VI Octocorals, St. John LTREB | number |
GP09 dissolved trace elements | GP09 dissolved trace elements | Trace elements in NW Pacific | Sample_ID |
GP12 Nitrate N and O Isotopes | Nitrate N and O isotopes from GP12 | N Isotopes Foraminifera, PMT Nitrate, GT Atlantic Nitrate | Sample_ID |
GP15 210Po and 210Pb Aerosols Leg 1 | GP15 210Po and 210Pb Aerosols Leg 1 | PMT Lead-210 and Polonium-210, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP15 210Po and 210Pb Aerosols Leg 2 | GP15 210Po and 210Pb Aerosols Leg 2 | PMT Lead-210 and Polonium-210, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP15 Aerosol Pb and Pb Isotopes Leg 1 | GP15 Aerosol Pb and Pb Isotopes Leg 1 | PMT Pb and Cr, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Ba Isotope Ratios Leg 1 | GP15 d138Ba | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, GEOTRACES PMT Barium | Sample_ID |
GP15 Ba Isotope Ratios Leg 2 | GP15 d138Ba Leg 2 | GEOTRACES PMT Barium, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Be-7 Leg 1 | PMT Leg 1 Be-7 aerosol and seawater | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Be-7 | Sample_ID |
GP15 Be-7 Leg 2 | Be-7 activity | PMT Be-7, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Bottle Leg 1 | Bottle file from US GEOTRACES PMT (GP15) Leg 1 (RR1814) | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | SAMPNO, GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP15 Bottle Leg 2 | Bottle file from US GEOTRACES PMT (GP15) Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | SAMPNO, GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP15 Bulk, Size-fractionated, and Deionized Water Soluble Aerosol Fe Zn Cd Isotopes Leg 1 | GP15 Bulk, Size-fractionated, and Deionized Water Soluble Aerosol Fe Zn Cd Isotopes Leg 1 | PMT Aerosol Collection, PMT TM Stable Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Bulk, Size-fractionated, and Deionized Water Soluble Aerosol Fe Zn Cd Isotopes Leg 2 | GP15 Bulk, Size-fractionated, and Deionized Water Soluble Aerosol Fe Zn Cd Isotopes Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Aerosol Collection, PMT TM Stable Isotopes | Sample_ID |
GP15 CFCs and SF6 | CFC-12, CFC-11, and SF6 concentrations for GP15 cruise | PMT CFC SF6, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP15 d13C-DIC Leg 1 | GP15 d13C-DIC Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, CO2 Decadal Trends | Sample_ID |
GP15 d13C-DIC Leg 2 | GP15 d13C-DIC Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, CO2 Decadal Trends | Sample_ID |
GP15 delta30Si Leg 1 | GP15 delta30Si Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Si | Sample_ID |
GP15 delta30Si Leg 2 | GP15 delta30Si Leg 2 | PMT Si, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 DI Water Soluble Aerosols Leg 1 | GP15 DI Water Soluble Aerosols Leg 1 | PMT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP15 DI Water Soluble Aerosols Leg 2 | GP15 DI Water Soluble Aerosols Leg 2 | PMT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP15 Dissolved and Labile Cobalt Leg 1 | Dissolved Cobalt and Labile Cobalt from Leg 1 of the GP15 GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect | PMT Cobalt and Metalloenzymes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Dissolved and Labile Cobalt Leg 2 | Dissolved Cobalt and Labile Cobalt from Leg 2 of the GP15 GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect | PMT Cobalt and Metalloenzymes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Dissolved Ba Cd Cu Ga Mn Ni and Pb Leg 1 | Dissolved concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, and Pb from US GEOTRACES GP15-Leg 1 ("PMT") from the Aleutians to Hawaii along 152 W | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT REEs Ga Ba CH4 | Sample_ID |
GP15 Dissolved Ba Cd Cu Ga Mn Ni and Pb Leg 2 | Dissolved concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, and Pb from US GEOTRACES GP15-Leg 2 ("PMT") from the Hawaii to Tahiti along 152 W. | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT REEs Ga Ba CH4 | Sample_ID |
GP15 Dissolved Ni and Cu - Leg 1 | GP15 Dissolved Ni and Cu - Leg 1 | PMT TM Stable Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Dissolved Ni and Cu - Leg 2 | GP15 Dissolved Ni and Cu - Leg 2 | PMT TM Stable Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Dissolved Radium-226 and Radium-228 Leg 1 | Water column dissolved radium-226 and radium-228 from Leg 1 of PMT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Radium Isotopes | Sample_ID, Sample_ID_228Ra, Sample_ID_226Ra |
GP15 Dissolved Radium-226 and Radium-228 Leg 2 | Water column dissolved radium-226 and radium-228 from Leg 2 of PMT cruise | PMT Radium Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID_226Ra, Sample_ID, Sample_ID_228Ra |
GP15 Dissolved Rare Earth Elements Leg 1 | GP15 Dissolved Rare Earth Elements Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT REEs Ga Ba CH4 | Sample_ID |
GP15 Dissolved Rare Earth Elements Leg 2 | GP15 Dissolved Rare Earth Elements Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT REEs Ga Ba CH4 | Sample_ID |
GP15 Dissolved Th and Pa - Leg 1 | GP15 Dissolved Th and Pa - Leg 1 | PMT Thorium Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Dissolved Th and Pa - Leg 2 | GP15 Dissolved Th and Pa - Leg 2 | PMT Thorium Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Fe Zn Cd Dissolved and Stable Isotope Ratios - Leg 1 | GP15 Fe Zn Cd Dissolved and Stable Isotope Ratios - Leg 1 | PMT TM Stable Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Fe Zn Cd Dissolved and Stable Isotope Ratios - Leg 2 | GP15 Fe Zn Cd Dissolved and Stable Isotope Ratios - Leg 2 | PMT TM Stable Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 FIA Dissolved Al Fe Mn Leg 1 | GP15 FIA Dissolved Al Fe Mn Leg 1 | PMT Al Fe Mn, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 FIA Dissolved Al Fe Mn Leg 2 | GP15 FIA Dissolved Al Fe Mn Leg 2 | PMT Al Fe Mn, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 He Isotope C(He) and C(Ne) - Leg 1 | GP15 He Isotope C(He) and C(Ne) - Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Helium Isotopes | Sample_ID |
GP15 He Isotope C(He) and C(Ne) - Leg 2 | GP15 He Isotope C(He) and C(Ne) - Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Helium Isotopes | Sample_ID |
GP15 Heavy Noble Gas Concentrations Leg 1 | GP15 Heavy Noble Gas Concentrations Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Helium Isotopes | Sample_ID |
GP15 Heavy Noble Gas Concentrations Leg 2 | GP15 Heavy Noble Gas Concentrations Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Helium Isotopes | Sample_ID |
GP15 Hg Aerosol Leg 1 | GP15 Hg Aerosol Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Mercury air-sea exchange | Sample_ID |
GP15 Hg Aerosol Leg 2 | GP15 Hg Aerosol Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Mercury air-sea exchange | Sample_ID |
GP15 Hg Rain Leg 1 | GP15 Hg Rain Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Mercury air-sea exchange | Sample_ID |
GP15 Hg Rain Leg 2 | GP15 Hg Rain Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Mercury air-sea exchange | Sample_ID |
GP15 Hg Underway Leg 1 | GP15 Hg Underway Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Mercury air-sea exchange | Sample_ID |
GP15 Hg Underway Leg 2 | GP15 Hg Underway Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Mercury air-sea exchange | Sample_ID |
GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 1 | GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 2 | GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Inert Copper and Iodine Redox Speciation Leg 1 | GP15 Inert Copper and Iodine Redox Speciation Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Copper | Sample_ID |
GP15 Inert Copper and Iodine Redox Speciation Leg 2 | GP15 Inert Copper and Iodine Redox Speciation Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Copper | Sample_ID |
GP15 Iron Ligands in Particles | GEOTRACES GP15 Iron Ligands in Particles | PMT Organic Speciation | Sample |
GP15 Iron Ligands in Seawater | GEOTRACES GP15 Iron Ligands in Seawater | PMT Organic Speciation, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | GEOTRACES_ID |
GP15 Nd isotopes Leg 1 | GP15 Nd isotopes Leg 1 | GP15 Nd isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Nitrate d15N and d18O Leg 1 | GP15 Nitrate d15N and d18O Leg 1 | PMT Nitrate, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Nitrate d15N and d18O Leg 2 | GP15 Nitrate d15N and d18O Leg 2 | PMT Nitrate, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Particulate 210Po and 210Pb - Leg 1 | GP15 Particulate 210Po and 210Pb - Leg 1 | PMT Lead-210 and Polonium-210, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Particulate 210Po and 210Pb - Leg 2 | GP15 Particulate 210Po and 210Pb - Leg 2 | PMT Lead-210 and Polonium-210, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 pAVS and pCRS Leg 1 | GP15 pAVS and pCRS Leg 1 | PMT Hydrogen Sulfide, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 pAVS and pCRS Leg 2 | GP15 pAVS and pCRS Leg 2 | PMT Hydrogen Sulfide, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Pb and Pb Isotopes Leg 1 | GP15 Pb and Pb Isotopes Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Pb and Cr | Sample_ID |
GP15 Pb and Pb Isotopes Leg 2 | GP15 Pb and Pb Isotopes Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Pb and Cr | Sample_ID |
GP15 pH Leg 1 | Water column fish and bottle pH data | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Hydrogen Sulfide | Sample_ID |
GP15 pH Leg 2 | Water column fish and bottle pH data | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Hydrogen Sulfide | Sample_ID |
GP15 Reactive Hg CEM | GP15 Hg CEM Legs 1 & 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Mercury air-sea exchange | Sample_ID |
GP15 size-fractionated major, minor, & trace particle composition and concentration - Leg 1 | GP15 size-fractionated major, minor, & trace particle composition and concentration - Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Size-fractionated Suspended Particles | Sample_ID |
GP15 size-fractionated major, minor, & trace particle composition and concentration - Leg 2 | GP15 size-fractionated major, minor, & trace particle composition and concentration - Leg 2 | PMT Size-fractionated Suspended Particles, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 SMLH2O Aerosol Ions Leg 1 | GP15 SMLH2O Aerosol Ions Leg 1 | PMT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP15 SMLH2O Aerosol Ions Leg 2 | GP15 SMLH2O Aerosol Ions Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Aerosol Collection | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP15 Surface Fish Dissolved Metals Leg 1 | GP15 Surface Fish Dissolved Metals Leg 1 | PMT Dissolved Metals, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Surface Fish Dissolved Metals Leg 2 | GP15 Surface Fish Dissolved Metals Leg 2 | PMT Dissolved Metals, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 TDS and OCS Leg 1 | GP15 TDS and OCS Leg 1 | PMT Hydrogen Sulfide, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 TDS and OCS Leg 2 | GP15 TDS and OCS Leg 2 | PMT Hydrogen Sulfide, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Total Aerosols Leg 1 | GP15 Total Aerosols Leg 1 | PMT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP15 Total Aerosols Leg 2 | GP15 Total Aerosols Leg 2 | PMT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP15 Water Column 210Po and 210Pb - Dissolved and Total - Leg 1 | GP15 Water Column 210Po and 210Pb - Dissolved and Total - Leg 1 | PMT Lead-210 and Polonium-210, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Water Column 210Po and 210Pb - Dissolved and Total - Leg 2 | GP15 Water Column 210Po and 210Pb - Dissolved and Total - Leg 2 | PMT Lead-210 and Polonium-210, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 1 | GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 1 | PMT Actinium-227, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 2 | GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 2 | PMT Actinium-227, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Water column total and particulate Th-234 Leg 1 | Water column total and particulate Thorium-234 | PMT Upper Ocean Trace Elements, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP15 Water column total and particulate Th-234 Leg 2 | Water column total and particulate Thorium-234 | PMT Upper Ocean Trace Elements, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_ID |
GP16 Acetic Acid Leachable Trace Metals from Aerosols | Acetic acid leachable trace metals from bulk aerosol samples collected during the 2013 US GEOTRACES EPZT section cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Aerosol Collection | Sample_ID |
GP16 Barium Dissolved | Dissolved Barium (Ba) in US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect, GP16. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Ga_V_others | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Be-7 Aerosol | Beryllium-7 aerosol concentration from GEOTRACES Peru-Tahiti section | EPZT Be-7, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Beryllium-7 | Beryllium-7 (Be-7) measurements from the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Be-7 | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Bidigare Pigments | Bidigare Pigments | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO |
GP16 Cellular element quotas | Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | South Pacific biogenic trace elements, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | mda_id, GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO, SXRF_run |
GP16 CFC and SF6 | CFC-12, CFC-11, CFC-113, and SF6 concentration from US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Cobalt Total and Labile Dissolved | Total dissolved cobalt and labile cobalt concentrations measured by cathodic stripping voltammetry. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Fe Cu Co | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Copper Speciation | Copper speciation results for dissolved organic copper binding ligand concentrations, stability constants, and free copper for the U.S. GEOTRACES Equatorial Pacific cruise | EPZT Fe Cu Co, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Core Top Major Elements | Core-top (0-1cm) sediment data from GEOTRACES EPZT (GP16) cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, core_number |
GP16 Cruise Event Log | Scientific Sampling Event Log | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRACES_ID_NUMBER_RANGE |
GP16 Cu Ni Mn V | Dissolved copper, nickel, manganese, and vanadium from GeoFISH and bottle samples | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Ga_V_others | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 d13C-DIC | The 13C/12C stable carbon isotopic ratio of the dissolved inorganic carbon from samples collected on the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT d13C-DIC | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 d15N NO3 | Nitrate isotope data from the US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 delta 30Si | Profiles of stable isotopes of silicon in silicic acid from the US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Silicon Isotope | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 DI Water Soluble Aerosols | DI water soluble trace element concentrations from bulk aerosol samples collected during the 2013 US GEOTRACES EPZT section cruise | EPZT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Dissolved Aluminum | Concentrations of dissolved aluminum in samples collected on the U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, GeoF_ID |
GP16 Dissolved Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu and Zn | Dissolved Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu and Zn from bottle samples | FeMnCdCuZn, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon | Seawater Inorganic Carbon Data (DIC) from the 2013 US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise, TN303 | EPZT Carbon, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, DIC_NUM |
GP16 Dissolved Iron - ODU | Water-column dissolved iron (Fe) concentrations for major stations occupied during U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise; post-cruise analyses conducted at Old Dominion University | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Dissolved iron speciation | Dissolved iron speciation from 2013 U.S. GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | EPZT Fe Cu Co, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Dissolved Manganese | Concentrations of dissolved manganese (Mn) in water-column samples from major stations that were occupied during the U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Dissolved Nd Isotopes and REEs - LDEO | GP16 Dissolved Nd Isotopes and REEs - LDEO | EPZT Nd REEs, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | Sample_ID |
GP16 Dissolved Organic Carbon | Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) measurements from the 2013 EPZT cruise of the US GEOTRACES Program. | GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO |
GP16 Dissolved REEs - OSU | GP16 Dissolved REEs - OSU | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Nd REEs | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Elemental selenium and particulate Acid-Volatile Sulfide | Particulate Acid-Volatile Sulfide (pAVS) and elemental Selenium (pSe) depth profiles from McLane pump | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Redox_Elements | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO |
GP16 Gallium dissolved | Dissolved Gallium (Ga) from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN303 (GP16) in the Eastern Tropical Pacific in 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Ga_V_others | Sample_ID |
GP16 GeoFish - Nuts and Sals | GeoFish - Nuts and Sals | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Concentrations | Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Concentrations from GEOTRACES 2013 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Iron Zinc and Cadmium isotopes dissolved | Dissolved (0.4 micron filtered) Fe, Zn and Cd isotope ratios and concentrations across GEOTRACES-EPZT | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Diss Fe Zn Cd | SAMPNO, GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Lead dissolved | Dissolved Pb data from US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Lead-210 Aerosols | Aerosols collected during EPZT cruise, analyzed for Pb-210 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Po Pb | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Mercury particulate | Suspended particulate total mercury and monomethylmercury across the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect, from cruise TN303, 2013 | EPZT Mercury, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO |
GP16 Mercury speciation dissolved | Mercury speciation across the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect, from cruise TN303, 2013 | EPZT Mercury, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO |
GP16 Molybdenum dissolved | Dissolved molybdenum data from GeoFISH and Bottle samples | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Ga_V_others | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 N2O Isotopes and Concentrations | GP16 N2O Isotopes and Concentrations | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Nitrate aerosol isotopes | Nitrate (NO3) aerosol isotopes from the U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Nitrite Isotopes and Concentrations | GP16 Nitrite Isotopes and Concentrations | EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Particle Composition | Size-fractionated major and minor particle composition and concentration. | EPZT Particle Geochemistry, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Particulate Elements Geo-FISH | Trace element concentrations in suspended particles collected from the GeoFISH | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, South Pacific biogenic trace elements, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Particulate Elements Go-Flo Bottle | Trace element concentrations in suspended particles collected from GO-Flo bottles | South Pacific biogenic trace elements, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Particulate Iron Isotopes | Particulate iron (pFe) isotope concentrations from the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | EPZT Diss Fe Zn Cd, Fe isotope effects, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Particulate Iron Speciation | X-ray absorption spectroscopy data for particulate iron | EPZT Particle Geochemistry, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Particulate Th and Pa | Depth profiles of seawater small and large particulate Th and Pa (RESTRICTED) | EPZT_Th_Pa, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Pb Dissolved | Dissolved Pb passing through a 0.2 um Acropak capsule filter from US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Pb | SAMPNO, GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Pb Isotope Ratios | Pb isotope ratios from TN303 (GP16), GEOTRACES EPZT | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Pb | Sample_ID |
GP16 Polonium-210 and Lead-210 dissolved | Dissolved Po-210 and Pb-210 data from US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect-2013 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Po Pb | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Polonium-210 and Lead-210 particulate | Particulate Po-210 and Pb-210 data from US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect-2013 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Po Pb | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 PUMPs - Nuts and Sals | PUMPs - Nuts and Sals | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, Pump_SampleNo |
GP16 Radiocarbon DelC14 | Radiocarbon DelC14 from GEOTRACES 2013 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Radium | Radium isotopes collected on the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT TEI Rates | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Selenium iodine and arsenic species from Super GeoFish | Arsenate, Iodide, Selenium depth profiles collected from the Super-GeoFish | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Redox_Elements | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO |
GP16 Selenium iodine and arsenic species profiles from bottle samples | Arsenate, Iodide, Selenium depth profiles collected from the Go-FLO bottles | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Redox_Elements | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO |
GP16 Soluble and Dissolved Fe and Fe Isotopes | Fe concentrations and δ56Fe, dissolved (<0.2 um) and soluble (<10 kDa) | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles | geotraces_no |
GP16 Thorium and Protactinium dissolved | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa | EPZT_Th_Pa, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_SAMPNO, SAMPNO |
GP16 Thorium-234 Particulate | Particulate Th-234 from in-situ pumps, including large size fraction (> 51 um) and small size fraction (1-51 um), during the 2013 U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT TEI Rates | Sample_ID |
GP16 Thorium-234 Total | Water-column total Th-234 the 2013 U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT TEI Rates | Sample_ID |
GP16 Total Particulate Aerosols | Total particulate trace element concentrations from bulk aerosol samples collected during the 2013 US GEOTRACES EPZT section cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Aerosol Collection | Sample_ID |
GP16 Trace Metals Dissolved | Dissolved trace metals from eastern part of the transect from GO-FLO rosette | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT trace metals | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Tritium | Tritium Concentrations from GEOTRACES 2013 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP16 Water Mass Percentages | Results from Optimum Multiparameter Water Mass Analysis (OMPA) for GP16 obtained using temperature, salinity, nutrient, and oxygen data | EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP17-OCE Beryllium-7 in seawater and aerosols | GP17-OCE Beryllium-7 in seawater and aerosols | GP17-OCE Be-7, GP17-OCE | Sample_ID |
GP17-OCE Dissolved Gallium in the South Pacific Ocean | GP17-OCE Dissolved Gallium in the South Pacific Ocean | GP17-OCE | Sample_ID |
GP17-OCE Dissolved Seawater Barium Concentrations | GP17-OCE Dissolved seawater barium concentrations | GP17-OCE, GP17-OCE Ra and Ba isotopes | Sample_ID |
GP17-OCE Dissolved Total and Labile Cobalt | GP17-OCE Dissolved Total and Labile Cobalt | GP17-OCE and GP17-ANT Cobalt and Protein Biomarkers, GP17-OCE | Sample_ID |
GP17-OCE ODF nutrients | GP17-OCE ODF nutrients | GP17-OCE | SAMPNO, GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
GP17-OCE Size-fractionated particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) | GP17-OCE Size-fractionated particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) | GP17-OCE, GP17-OCE Particle Composition | GTNum |
GP17-OCE Water Column Radium Isotopes | GP17-OCE Water Column Radium Isotopes | GP17-OCE Ra and Ba isotopes, GP17-OCE and GP17-ANT Radium Isotopes, GP17-OCE | Sample_ID |
GPpr09 Dissolved Th and Pa | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa | UltraPac Trace Elements | Sample_ID |
GPpr09 Particulate Th and Pa | Depth profiles of seawater particulate 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa | UltraPac Trace Elements | Sample_ID |
Grazing assays | Grazing preferences by herbivorous fish. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | replicate_number, replicate_pair |
Grazing experiment 2 and 3: ingestion | Microzooplankton ingestion on low to high pCO2 acclimated E. huxleyi (Favella and Oxyrrhis as grazers) | E Hux Response to pCO2 | grazer_analyzed |
Grazing experiment 4: Carbon and Nitrogen | Carbon and Nitrogen data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | treatment_replicate |
Grazing experiment 4: cell size | Cell size measurements of low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas | E Hux Response to pCO2 | Exp_day_treatment_rep_cell_number |
Grazing experiment 4: Chlorophyll a | Chlorophyll-a data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | sample_day_treatment_rep |
Grazing experiment 4: daily cell counts | Daily cell count data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. | E Hux Response to pCO2 | treatment_replicate |
Grazing experiment 4a: short term grazing by Gyrodinium | Short term data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures ingested by Gyrodinium grazers | E Hux Response to pCO2 | grazer_analyzed |
Grazing experiment 4b: short term grazing by Favella | Short term data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures ingested by Favella grazers | E Hux Response to pCO2 | Grazer_Analyzed |
Grazing experiment 5: Carbon and Nitrogen | Carbon and Nitrogen data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | day_treatment_replicate |
Grazing experiment 5: cell size | Cell volume measurements of low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas | E Hux Response to pCO2 | expt_day_treatment_rep_cell_number |
Grazing experiment 5: Chlorophyll a | Chlorophyll a data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | sample_day_treatment_rep |
Grazing experiment 5: daily cell counts | Daily cell count data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. | E Hux Response to pCO2 | treatment_replicate |
Grazing experiment 5: long term grazing and growth by Oxyrrhis | Long term ingestion and growth by Oxyrrhis for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. | E Hux Response to pCO2 | treatment_replicate |
Grazing experiment 5: short term grazing | Short term ingestion by Oxyrrhis for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. | E Hux Response to pCO2 | grazer_analyzed |
Grazing experiment 6: acclimation daily cell counts | Daily Rhodomonas counts during grazing acclimation for low-high pCO2 acclimated cells | E Hux Response to pCO2 | treatment_replicate |
Grazing experiment 6: Carbon and Nitrogen | Carbon and Nitrogen data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | day_treatment_rep |
Grazing experiment 6: cell lipids | Cellular lipid data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | treatment_replicate |
Grazing experiment 6: cell size | Cell volume measurements of low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas | E Hux Response to pCO2 | expt_day_treatment_rep_cell_number |
Grazing experiment 6: Chlorophyll a | Chlorophyll a data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | sample_day_treatment_rep |
Grazing experiment 6: daily cell counts | Daily cell count data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. | E Hux Response to pCO2 | treatment_replicate |
Grazing experiment 6: long term grazing by Coxliella and growth | Long term ingestion and growth by Coxliella for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. | E Hux Response to pCO2 | treatment_replicate |
Grazing experiment 6: short term grazing | Short term ingestion by Coxliella for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. | E Hux Response to pCO2 | treatment_time_point_rep |
Grazing experiment 7: acclimation daily cell counts | Daily Rhodomonas counts during grazing acclimation for low-high pCO2 acclimated cells | E Hux Response to pCO2 | treatment_replicate |
Grazing experiment 7: Carbon and Nitrogen | Cellular carbon and Nitrogen data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | day_treatment_rep |
Grazing experiment 7: cell lipids | Cellular lipid data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | treatment_replicate |
Grazing experiment 7: cell size | Cell volume measurements of low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas | E Hux Response to pCO2 | expt_day_treatment_rep_cell_number |
Grazing experiment 7: daily cell counts | Daily cell count data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. | E Hux Response to pCO2 | treatment_replicate |
Grazing experiment 7: long term grazing by Gyrodinium and growth | Long term ingestion and growth by Gyrodinium for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. | E Hux Response to pCO2 | treatment_rep |
Gross et al.: Pocillopora verrucosa colony growth | | OA coral adaptation | ID |
Growth and mortality | Growth and mortality | St. John LTREB, RUI-LTREB | tag_number |
Growth Month 4 and 16 | Percent growth of corals in experimental plots for month 4 and month 16 | Killer Seaweeds | ID |
Growth over time | Growth measurements | St. John LTREB, RUI-LTREB | Tag_number |
Growth rates - evolution expt | Growth rates - evolution expt | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Evol_strain |
Growth rates and bulk isotope values | Growth rates, bulk isotope values, elemental composition | Amino Acid Sediment 15N | Treatment_ID |
GS02 Beryllium-7 in seawater and aerosols | GS02 Beryllium-7 in seawater and aerosols | SWINGS Be-7 | Sample_ID |
GSC urchin grazing | Experiment testing the temperature dependence of urchin grazing at the Galapagos Science Center on San Cristobal Island from February to March 2018 | Temperature and Herbivory | Mesocosm |
GT10 - CDOM | Absorption coefficients of Colored Dissolved Organic matter (CDOM) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sample_bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10 - Cruise Event Log | GT10 - Scientific Sampling Event Log | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | GEOTRACES_ID_Num_Range |
GT10 - Cysteine Glutathione | Dissolved cysteine and glutathione across the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Section | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10 - delta-O18 and Deuterium | Depth profiles of seawater d18O and dD from 8 stations of the KN199-04 cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, GEOTRACES: Intercal Phosphate Oxygen | sample_bottle_GEOTRC, sample_GEOTRC, sample |
GT10 - DOC | Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) data from the GT10 cruise KN199-04 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sample_bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10 - Fe Soluble | Soluble iron (Fe) passed through 10 kDa cross-flow filter, from GT10 cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sample_bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10 - FIA-AlFe | Shipboard flow injection analyis (FIA) of dissolved Al and Fe. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10 - HeNe_dups | Helium and Neon duplicates from station 1 of KN199-04 (GT10) cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10 - Nanomolar Nutrients - Profiles | Nanomolar concentrations of PO4, NO3, NO2 (profile) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10 - Nanomolar Nutrients - Surface | Nanomolar concentrations of PO4, NO3, NO2 (surface) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, GeoFish_id |
GT10 - POC_PON | Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) and Nitrogen (PON) data from the GT10 cruise KN199-04 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10 - SPM | Suspended Particulate Matter data from the GT10 cruise KN199-04 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sample_bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Aerosol 1H NMR | Spectral magnitude data for 0.0008 ppm bands from aerosol water soluble organic matter 1H NMR spectra. | GEOTRACES Aerosol OM, U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Aerosol Carbon | Organic carbon and water soluble organic carbon atmospheric loadings from aerosol samples. | GEOTRACES Aerosol OM, U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Aerosol FTICR MS | m/z and peak intensity data for the molecular formulas assigned to each aerosol water soluble organic matter sample run by ESI FTICR MS. | GEOTRACES Aerosol OM, U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - cellular element quotas | Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_bottle_GEOTRC, SXRF_run, mda_id, sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - CFC and SF6 | Concentrations of CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113 and SF6 in seawater - GT11 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, GT NAT CFC and SF6 | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Co Total Dissolved and Labile | Total dissolved Cobalt and labile Cobalt concentrations from KN199-04 and KN204-01. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sample_bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Cu Speciation | Total dissolved copper and estimates of free Cu2+, ligand concentrations, and conditional stability constants | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - delta 15N-NO3 | delta 15N of nitrate from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - delta 30Si | Profiles of stable isotopes of silicon (Si) in silicic acid (Si(OH)4) from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - delta_13C | delta 13C measurement of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - dFe and dFe-II | Concentrations of dissolved iron and dissolved iron(II), U.S. GEOTRACES transects | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - DIC_TA | Inorganic Carbon data from GT10 and GT11 North Atlantic cruises | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sample_bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Dissolved and Particulate Th and Pa | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved and small and large particulate 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Dissolved Fe Zn Cd conc and isotopes | Dissolved Fe, Zn and Cd concentrations and isotope ratios | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Dissolved Po Pb | Dissolved 210Po and 210Pb from US GEOTRACES North Atlantic KN199-04 and KN204-01 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Fe Mn Zn Cd and Cu | Dissolved Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Cadmium and Copper concentrations | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Fe Speciation | Profiles of concentrations of dissolved iron-binding ligands and their respective conditional stability constants | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Filtered Rainwater | Trace metal concentrations in filtered rainwater. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sub_sample |
GT10-11 - GaBa_bottles | Dissolved Ga and Ba from GEOTRACES Rosette bottles from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - GaBa_surface | Dissolved Ga and Ba from surface tows from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - HeNe | Helium, Neon, and Helium-isotope concentrations from KN199-04 (GT10) and KN204-01 (GT11) cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Hg Aerosol | Concentration of atmospheric aerosol total mercury (Hg) from the 2010 and 2011 U.S. GEOTRACES cruises | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Hg Particulate | Particulate total mercury and monomethylmercury - US GEOTRACES NATZ | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Hg Speciation | Mercury speciation across the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Section | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - N African Mineral Dust Composition | North African mineral dust composition from the 2010 and 2011 U.S. GEOTRACES cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Neodymium - LDEO | seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_bottle_GEOTRC, sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Neodymium - UH | seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Neodymium - USC | seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Nitrate isotopes | Nitrogen and Oxygen isotope ratios of dissolved nitrate | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sample_bottle_GEOTRC, sample_id |
GT10-11 - Particulate composition | Size-fractionated major and minor particle composition and concentration | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Particulate Fe Isotopes | Particulate Fe isotopes (d56Fe, labile d56Fe, labile[Fe], [Cd], [Ba], and [P]) from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Particulate Po Pb | Particulate 210Po and 210Pb from US GEOTRACES North Atlantic KN199-04 and KN204-01 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sample_bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Particulate Th and Pa | Depth profiles of seawater suspended dissolved and particulate 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | Sample_bottle_GEOTRC , sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Particulate trace elements | Trace element concentrations in particles | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Pb Dissolved | Dissolved lead (Pb), less than 0.2 um, from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sample_bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Pb isotope ratios | Isotope ratios of Pb passing through a 0.2 um Acropak capsule filter from the GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sample_bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Ra Th | Radium and Thorium isotopes sampled by in situ pump on GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - REEs | Dissolved Rare Earth Element (REE) Concentrations in NAZT Section GA03 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, NAT_Continue | Sample_Number |
GT10-11 - Th234 Particulate | Particulate Thorium-234 from in situ pumps. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Th234_Total_and_U238 | Water-column total Thorium-234 and Uranium-238. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Trace Element Profiles | Trace element profiles from GT-10 and GT-11 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_bottle_GEOTRC, sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Trace Metals Aerosol | Total aerosol trace metal concentrations. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Tritium | Tritium concentration from KN199-04 (GT10) and KN204-01 (GT11) cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sample_bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Unfiltered Rainwater | Trace metal and major anion concentrations in unfiltered rainwater. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sub_sample |
GT11 - As Sb AP - Profiles | Depth profiles for arsenic and antimony speciation and alkaline phosphatase activity | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT11 - Be-7 Aerosol | Beryllium-7 in aerosol | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT11 - Cruise Event Log | GT11 (KN204-01) scientific sampling event log. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | GEO_sample_id_range |
GT11 - CTD - Bottle Sampling Comments | CTD - Bottle Sampling Comments (GTC and ODF/SIOR) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_bottle_GEOTRC, sample_GEOTRC |
GT11 - Fe Soluble | Soluble Fe passed through 0.2 um Anopore filter, from GT11 cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC, sample |
GT11 - FIA-AlFeMn | Shipboard flow injection analyis (FIA) of dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT11 - Nanomolar Nutrients - Profiles | Nanomolar concentrations of PO4, NO3, NO2 (profile) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_GEOTRC |
GT11 - Nanomolar Nutrients - Surface | Nanomolar concentrations of PO4, NO3, NO2 (surface) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | GeoFish_id, sample_GEOTRC |
Guaymas Basin 2014 DIC | Porewater DIC concentrations and d13C isotopic values from sediment cores collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin in 2014 | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core_sample |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Methane | Porewater methane concentrations from sediment cores collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin in 2014 | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core_sample |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Organic Matter C:N Ratio | Organic matter C:N ratios from sediment cores P6,P10,P11,P12, and P13, collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin. | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core_sample |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Organic Matter del13C | delta 13C values from sediment cores P6,P10,P11,P12, and P13, collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin. | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core_sample |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Organic Matter del15N | delta 15N values from sediment cores P6, P10, P11, P12, and P13, collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core_sample |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Si | Porewater Si concentrations from sediment cores P3,P6,P10,P11,P12, and P13, collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin. | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core_sample |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Sulfate | Porewater sulfate concentrations from sediment cores collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin in 2014 | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core_sample |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Sulfide | Porewater sulfide concentrations from sediment cores collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin in 2014 | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core_sample |
Guaymas Basin 2014 TOC | TOC concentrations from sediment cores P6,P10,P11,P12, and P13, collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core_sample |
Gulf of Mexico deckboard ammonium uptake | | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Sample |
Gulf of Mexico deckboard nitrate uptake | | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Sample |
Gulf of Mexico diel ammonium uptake | | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Sample |
Gulf of Mexico diel nitrate uptake | | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Sample |
Gulf of Mexico in situ nitrate uptake | | GoMex Tuna Foodweb B, BLOOFINZ-IO | Sample |
H. longicornis Population Structure | | Plankton Population Genetics, Plankton_PopStructure | sample_id |
Habitat restoration database | Database of published habitat restoration studies from 1995, 2005, and 2015 | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | ID |
HADES-K - Specify Export 201305190833 Final | HADES-K - Specify Export 201305190833 Final | HADES | NIWA_No |
HADES-K bacterial biomarker phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) | HADES-K bacterial biomarker phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) | HADES | sample, NiWa_id |
HADES-K Sediment Macrofaunal Diversity | HADES-K - macrofauna raw counts | HADES | USGS_SampleID, USGS_CoreID, NIWA_id |
HADES-K Sediment Meiofaunal Diversity | HADES-K - meiofauna raw counts | HADES | USGS_SampleID, USGS_CoreID, NIWA_id |
Haloptilus longicornis SRA | H. longicornis SRA, accessions, collection info | Plankton Population Genetics | bioproject_accession, biosample_accession, title, sample_name |
Hard Substrates Community Matrix, AT37-13 & AT42-03 | Hard substrates matrix | Costa Rica Seeps | Substrate |
Havird_2015_T1: NCBI accessions: COX and PXDN | NCBI accessions | Antarctic Inverts | Sequence_name, Trinity_assembly_contig |
Havird_2015_T2: NCBI accessions: MPO and PXDN | NCBI accessions: MPO and PXDN outgroups | Antarctic Inverts | Sequence_name |
Hawaiian crustose coralline algae dissolved organic matter | | Coral DOM2 | Inhabitant |
Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Development of larvae past the planula stage | Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Development of larvae past the planula stage | Coral Resilience | Group |
Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Dose-response curves (DRC) quantifying survival after exposure to heat ramps | Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Dose-response curves (DRC) quantifying survival after exposure to heat ramps | Coral Resilience | Group |
Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) | Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) | Coral Resilience | Group |
Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Heat tolerance (survival) of juveniles | Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Heat tolerance (survival) of juveniles | Coral Resilience | Group |
Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Lethal temperature 50s (LT50s) | Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Lethal temperature 50s (LT50s) | Coral Resilience | Group |
Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Long-term growth | Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Long-term growth | Coral Resilience | Group |
Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Respiration rates and protein content of larvae | Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Respiration rates and protein content of larvae | Coral Resilience | Group |
Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Sizes of larvae | Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Sizes of larvae | Coral Resilience | Group |
Heatwave Experiment: Carbonate Chemistry Parameters | Heatwave Experiment: Carbonate Chemistry Parameters | Holobiont Integration | Sample_ID |
Heatwave Experiment: Color Score Physiology | Heatwave Experiment: Color Score Physiology | Holobiont Integration | Plug_ID |
Heatwave Experiment: Growth Rates | Heatwave Experiment: Growth Rates | Holobiont Integration | Plug_ID |
Heatwave Experiment: Multivariate Physiology | Heatwave Experiment: Multivariate Physiology | Holobiont Integration | Plug_ID |
Heatwave Experiment: Photosynthetic Irradiance | Heatwave Experiment: Photosynthetic Irradiance | Holobiont Integration | Fragment_ID, Sample_ID, Plug_Number, Fragment_Number |
Heatwave Experiment: Survivorship Probability | Heatwave Experiment: Survivorship Probability | Holobiont Integration | PLUG_ID |
Hemigrapsus diet 1 (MEPS 2015) | Dietary intake by the crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus and its energy storage: food offered and consumed. Griffen et al (2015) MEPS | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
Hemigrapsus diet 2 (MEPS 2015) | Dietary intake by the crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus and its energy storage: GSI, HIS. Griffen et al (2015) MEPS | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
Hemigrapsus seasonal diet (Bio.Inv. 2012) | Percent herbivory and gut fullness for Hemigrapsus sanguineus at different times of year | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
Heron Reef Carbonate Chemistry | Heron Reef Carbonate Chemistry | Nearshore CO2 | Sample |
Heterosigma akashiwo acclimation | Heterosigma akashiwo acclimation - BioProject PRJNA377729 | P-ExpEv | sample_name, sample_title |
Hg Isotopes Precipitation | Mercury stable isotope values for precipitation | Hg_Biogeochemistry | Sample_ID |
Hg Isotopes Reference Materials | Reference materials analyzed in the laboratory for THg isotopic composition | Hg_Biogeochemistry | Reference_Material |
Hg Isotopes Zooplankton | Mercury stable isotope values for zooplankton | Hg_Biogeochemistry | Day_Zooplankton_ID |
HHQ Chlorophyll | HHQ Chlorophyll | HHQSignals | Sample |
HHQ Flow Cytometry | HHQ Flow cytometry | HHQSignals | Sample |
HMW and LMW DOC 14C | HMW and LMW DOC 14C | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | CAMS_num |
HMW and LMW DOC Recovery | HMW and LMW DOC Recovery | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | total_mg |
Host-symbiont reinfections | Symbiont removed and anemone reinfected with one of two strains of Symbiodinium | AnemoneOA | sample |
Host-Symbiont respiration relationship | Host-symbiont respiration related to symbiont density; anemones from Key Largo | AnemoneOA | sample |
Hotmix 2014 Retinoids | Retinoid data from Mediterranean cruise, Hotmix 2014. | Marine Retinoids | sample |
HPLC analysis | | HarveyCarbonCycle | Hpl_id, Sample |
HPLC Photopigment Data for Bioassays | Results of HPLC – derived photopigment concentrations for bioassays. | Photomixotrophy | Number |
HPLC pigment data collected during the Tara Pacific expedition | HPLC pigment data collected during the Tara Pacific expedition | Island Mass Effect | Sample_ID, Sampling_event_label, Sampling_design_label |
HPLC Pigments - CTD | HPLC pigment analyses of CTD collected samples on NBP1302 cruise | TRACERS | Sample_Num |
HPLC Pigments - Underway | HPLC pigment analyses of underway collected samples on NBP1302 cruise | TRACERS | Sample_Num |
HPLC pigments WB | HPLC pigments, EDDIES WB cruises | EDDIES | run_ID_HPLC, run_PI, run_filt_ID |
HPLC_BBRS | CARIACO HPLC pigments from the Bermuda Biological Research Station (BBRS) | CARIACO | sample_number |
HPLC_HPL | CARIACO HPLC pigments from Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) | CARIACO | sample_number |
HPLC_MOTE | CARIACO HPLC pigments from Mote | CARIACO | sample_number |
HPLC_NGSFC | CARIACO HPLC pigments from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | CARIACO | sample_number |
HPLC_pigments | Diagnostic accessory pigment data analyzed by HPLC | CiliateDivGenePop | sample_lab, sample_seq, sample |
Hurricane Harvey Coral Gene Expression | | Rapid Reefs Harvey | Sample_Name |
Hurricane Matthew Geochemical Data | Water geochemistry from surface samples collected along the Neuse River, Neuse River Estuary, and Pamlico Sound in North Carolina between October and December 2016, following the passage of Hurricane Matthew | HMATT | Sample_ID |
Hydrocarbon Compounds | Hydrocarbon Compounds Gas Chromatography | IODP insights Fungi | SAMPLE_ID |
Hydrocarbon sample log | Guaymas hydrocarbon pushcore sample log | HOTFUN | Sample_ID, LAB_SAMPLE_ID |
Hydrolytic enzyme activity - Coscinodiscus | Bacterial cell counts during CDOM Coscinodiscus monoculture experiment | PlankDOM | sample |
Hydrolytic enzyme activity - other phytoplankton | Bacterial cell counts during CDOM monoculture experiment | PlankDOM | sample |
Hydrothermal vent porewater nutrients - TN TC DOC DIC DON | Guaymas pushcore nutrients: TN, TC, DOC, DIC, DON | HOTFUN | Sample_ID |
Hydrothermal vent porewater nutrients - WHOI | Guaymas pushcore nutrients (WHOI) | HOTFUN | Sample_ID |
ice_properties | ice core physical properties | SOGLOBEC | sample_id |
ICoMM GPS | ICoMM GPS (Global Protistan Survery) Vent-related samples | PROTISTS | IcoMM_sample_number |
iioe_chaetognaths | Chaetognaths recorded during the International Indian OceanExpedition (IIOE) 1960-1965 | IIOE | reference |
iioe_copepods | Copepods subsorted from the zooplankton collected during the International Indian OceanExpedition (IIOE) 1960-1965 | IIOE | reference |
iioe_mysids | Counts of Mysidacea species collected during the International Indian Ocean Expeditions, 1962-1965. | IIOE | reference |
iioe_ostracods | Ostracods recorded from the Northern Indian Ocean, North of 10 degrees South | IIOE | reference |
iioe_pleuronects | Pleuronectiformes larvae collected during the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE) 1960-1965 | IIOE | reference |
iioe_zoo | Zooplankton collected during the International Indian OceanExpedition (IIOE) 1960-1965 | IIOE | reference |
iioe_zoo_other | Other Zooplankton groups collected during the International Indian OceanExpedition (IIOE) 1960-1965 | IIOE | reference |
Images of sinking particles in BATS microbial communities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | sample_name |
Impact of OA on coral (Siderastrea siderea) calcification and corallite morphology: Seawater chemistry | | CoralCalcifyFluid_pH | Experiment |
In situ dissolution rates of biogenic calcites | In situ dissolution rates of biogenic calcites | CaCO3 dissolution | sample_id |
In-field and experimental measurements of environmental conditions: nutrients | | Coral Resilience | Sample_ID, Sample_name |
In-situ pump chemical data | In-situ pump chemical data | BIOSSCOPE | Sample |
Incubation data for N2 fixation rates (SPIROPA, July 2019) | after Selden et al. 2024 JGR Table S1 | SPIROPA | spl_id |
Incubations: cell abundance, carbon fixation rates, nitrates | Carbon fixation rates Crab Spa | vent O2 NO3 roles | incubation |
Infauna | | Harvey Seagrass | Sample_ID |
Inferno vent plume proteins-Av1 | proteins from Inferno hydrothermal vent plume meta-proteome - replicate Av1 | Sulfur Oxidizers | entry |
Inferno vent plume proteins-Av2 | proteins from Inferno hydrothermal vent plume meta-proteome - replicate Av2 | Sulfur Oxidizers | entry |
initial bushels | Number and weight of bivalve adults and spat in the initial bushels | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | cluster_id |
Initial predator preferences | Initial hunting preferences of predator species. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | predator_ID |
integrity_tests | Test of integrity of dissolved 15N2 gas samples stored in Exetainer vials | EAGER NitFix | Sample_ID |
Invasive lionfish density dependence - Growth Persistence | Density dependence in invasive red lionfish as it effects loss and growth. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | lionfish_id, tag |
Invertebrate Barcodes from Papua New Guinea | | OA_Gradient_Biodiversity | Specimen_voucher |
Invertebrate stable isotopes from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Invertebrate stable isotopes from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Methanosphere | Sample_number |
IODP360 - Archaeal and bacterial lipid biomarkers | | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Sample |
IODP360 - CHNS analyses | | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Sample_ID |
IODP360 - Drill fluid contamination testing | | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Sample |
IODP360 - iTAG and metatranscriptome data | | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Sample_ID |
IODP360 - Replicate Cell Counts | | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Sample |
IODP360 Figure 1 | Relative abundances of the diether lipid archaeol and tetraether lipids with zero, one, two and three rings and crenarchaeol from rock samples at different depths. | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Sample |
IODP360 Figure 3 | Diversity of archaeal intact polar lipids (IPLs) and changes in relative abundance of bacterial dietherglycerol lipids (DEGs) within the selected 11 samples at different depths | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Sample_ID |
IODP360 Figure 6 | Archaeal core lipids, intact polar lipids (IPLs), and bacterial dietherglycerol (DEG) lipids in the drilling mud, subsampled from whole round core 29R3 and selected rock samples. | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Sample |
iron and nutrients - profile | iron and nutrients from water column samples | CORSACS | sample_id |
Irradiance exposure experiments | Photophysiological responses of two dinoflagellate species used in natural high light exposure experiments | Protist signaling | Sample_Number |
Island grazing history | | OA Kelp Forest Function | sample_ID |
Isolate information | Isolate information on genes found in samples collected on LMG1411. | Polar_Transcriptomes | strain_ID |
Isolation culturing and sequencing of bacteria and viruses | Environmental data describing microbes and viruses submitted to NCBI to generate BioSample accession numbers. | Marine Bacterial Viruses | strain, isolate, host, lab_host, organism_type, sample_name |
Isotopes | Isotopes | OA - Canada Basin | Sample_ID |
Isotopes in methane in natural waters of Alaska | Isotopes in methane in natural waters of Alaska | Groundwater Discharge Methane | Sample_ID |
Isotopic Composition | Description and isotopic composition of the carbonate deposits in the Santa Elena Ophiolite (Costa Rica) | Controls on biological activity | sample_name |
Janosik_2013_T1: Odontasteridae species collection information | Odontasteridae species collection information | Antarctic Inverts | museum_catalog_number |
Jason Dive Log - Loihi | Log of Jason Dives from cruise TN293 at the Loihi Seamount in March 2013 | Ecology of Vent Mats | sample_name |
Jason Dive Log - Mariana | Log of Jason Dives from cruise RR1413 at the Mariana arc in December 2014 | Ecology of Vent Mats | sample |
Jason-II sample log AT26-10 | sample log from Jason-II dives for Sievert | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | sample_num, sample |
JdF Subsurface Aminicenantes | | Slow Life in Crust | Sample_name |
JTMD amphipod Caprella lengths | Amphipod Caprella size and development collected on Japanese tsunami marine debris | JTMD-BF | entry_num, biofoul_object, sample, specimen_id |
JTMD amphipod counts | Amphipods collected on Japanese tsunami marine debris | JTMD-BF | BF_sample |
JTMD amphipod Jassa lengths | Amphipod Jassa size and development collected on Japanese tsunami marine debris | JTMD-BF | bag, BF_sample, specimen_id |
JTMD debris log | Japanese Tsunami Marine Debris - biofouling debris log | JTMD-BF | sample, register_num |
JTMD debris registry | Japanese tsunami marine debris - biofouling register | JTMD-BF | register_num, sample_name |
JTMD Mytilus length - weight | Population structure of Mytilus from 2011 Japanese tsunami marine debris, based on size/age class distributions. | JTMD-BF | register_num, specimen_id |
JTMD Telmatogeton japonicus lengths | The sizes of midge Telmatogeton japonicus collected on Japanese tsunami marine debris | JTMD-BF | specimen |
Juan de Fuca Viruses | Single Amplified Virus Genome sequence accessions at NCBI | Juan de Fuca Viruses | Sample_Name |
Juvenile Black sea bass winter growth and lipid accumulation under varying food and temperature conditions - Experiment 1 | Juvenile Black sea bass winter growth and lipid accumulation under varying food and temperature conditions - Experiment 1 | HYPOA | BSB_ID |
Juvenile oyster expt: non-oyster counts and sizes | Juvenile oyster expt: non-oyster spp. counts and sizes | Oyster Reef Reversal | id_meter |
Juvenile oyster expt: recruitment | Juvenile oyster expt: recruitment | Oyster Reef Reversal | plot_id, rubble_id, spat_id |
juv_fish_bycatch_redux | Species counts from control and gear manipulation trials to reduce bycatch of juvenile fish. | NEC_ProjDev | sample, catch_id |
Kaneohe Bay RNA virus metagenomes | Pyrosequencing reads (454) of marine RNA virus metagenomes | Diversity and ecology of marine RNA viruses | sample |
Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - microbial community | Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - microbial community | Pelagibacteromics | Sample_ID, Universal_Sample_ID, library_ID |
Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - phytoplankton and biogeochemistry | Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - phytoplankton and biogeochemistry | Pelagibacteromics | SampleID, Universal_Sample_ID |
Karlodinium veneficum cellular carbon and nitrogen data | growth experiment: CHN values | EcoHAB | sample_no |
Kd averages | Kd averages calculated by month from studies conducted in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2014-2017. | VI Octocorals, RUI-LTREB | Study_Number |
Kelletia kelletii: DNA and RNA sequence | Kelletia kelletii: DNA and RNA sequence | KW connectivity | Library_Name, Sample_Name, source_material_id |
Keratoisis Delta11B Delta13C and Delta18O | Keratoisis δ11B, δ13C and δ18O | Bamboo Coral Boron Isotopes | Coral |
Keratoisis Radiocarbon Dates | Keratoisis Radiocarbon Dates | Bamboo Coral Boron Isotopes | Coral |
Kiritimati 2014-2015: Surface water | Surface water quality samples | RAPID Kiritimati | sample_id |
Krill barcodes | Euphausiid DNA barcode metadata and accession numbers from global oceans | Red Sea Krill | voucher_num |
L. pertusa calcification records from pH experiments | Calcification rates from pH experiments on L. pertusa. | Lophelia OA | fragment_num |
L. pertusa feeding records from pH experiments | Feeding records for pH experiments on Lophelia pertusa. | Lophelia OA | fragment_num |
L. pertusa respiration rates from pH experiments | Respiration rates for pH experiments on L. pertusa | Lophelia OA | fragment_num |
La Jolla Nearshore Biogeochemistry | La Jolla Nearshore Biogeochemistry | Nearshore CO2, Iron_CO2_Diatoms | Sample |
Lab crustose coralline algae skeletal density fx temp and pCO2 | lab urchin grazing vs. temperature and pCO2 | OA Kelp Forest Function | sample_ID, ROI |
lab naupliar grazing: prey densities | Flow cytometry results for naupliar grazing experiments (laboratory) | EAGER: Copepod nauplii | sample |
Labyrinthulomycete genetic sequences | samples around Long Island, NY for Labyrinthulomycete PCR and sequences | LabyLI | sample |
Lake Quagga Mussels | Spring and summer 2019 seston, excretion, and tissue C:N:P data for quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) in Lakes Michigan and Huron | Great Lakes CNP cycles | Vial_ID |
Larvae collected near Mariana Back-Arc hydrothermal vents in 2010 | Larvae collected near Mariana Back-Arc hydrothermal vents in 2010 | Mariana Back-arc Vents, Vent Settlement Cues | individuals_with_genetic_sequences, occurrenceID |
larvae count | Larval positioning in acrylic tubes describing the behavior of coral larvae in high pCO2 within shallow tropical reefs in Okinawa, Japan from 2016-07 to 2016-08 | OA coral adaptation | Tube_No |
Larvae Morphology | Body length and postoral arm length of larvae in three treatments | LIPs on Larval Feeding | Beaker, Larva_num |
Larval Dispersal Model: raw output | Output from larval dispersal model runs | Multispecies Connectivity | model_run |
Larval fish identifications and concentrations | Ichtyoplankton identifications and concentrations MOCNESS tows | MEZCAL | Haul_number |
larval oyster dive probability vs. turbulence | Number of dives observed and total number of larval tracks across all turbulence regimes | Larvae in turbulence | trial, dataset |
Larval oyster laboratory experiments | Oyster larvae elemental ratio experiments | EstuarineMetaDyn | Name |
larval oyster vertical swimming velocities | Mean vertical velocities with associated confidence intervals versus energy dissipation rates | Larvae in turbulence | trial |
larval responses to pH variability - development | Developmental morphology data of mussel larvae grown in static and fluctuating pH treatments | pHVAR | bucket, family_pairID |
larval responses to pH variability - size | Shell length data of mussel larvae grown in static and fluctuating pH treatments | pHVAR | bucket, family_pair_ID, larva_ID |
larval responses to pH variability - staining | Biological data of mussel larvae treated with fluorescent dyes and grown in two pH treatments. | pHVAR | bucket, family_pairID, larva_ID |
larval_krill_growth | Southern Ocean: larval krill growth studies, 2001-2002 | SOGLOBEC | sample_id |
Lau Basin and Loihi Seamount microbial mats | Metegenomic sequences from Lau Basin low temperature vents and Loihi Seamount. | Vent Mn-Fe Microbes | sample |
Lau Basin Bacterial Low Temp Geomicrobiology | Bacterial 16S rRNA sequences from seafloor rocks (silicates and sulfides) | Lau Basin Geomicrobio | sample |
Length measurements | Fish lengts sampled with MOCNESS in winter & summer 2018 & 2019 | MEZCAL | Haul_number |
LesionDistance_Alizarin | Effect of distance between coral lesions on coral linear extension | Vermetids_Corals | Coral |
LesionDistance_GrowthHealing | Effect of distance between coral lesions on tissue regeneration and skeletal growth | Vermetids_Corals | Coral |
limpet aerial respiration | Individual aerial respiration rate data for limpets from trials | Experiments in a Model Ecosystem | limpet |
limpet aquatic respiration | Individual aquatic respiration rate data for limpets from trials | Experiments in a Model Ecosystem | limpet |
limpet mass and body volume | Limpet mass and body volume data for respiration measurements | Experiments in a Model Ecosystem | limpet, image_id |
Line C13.5/A13.5 POM concentrations | Line C13.5/A13.5 POM concentrations | Ocean Stoichiometry | Sample |
Line Islands Diel Tents: DOC, O2 and pH | DOC, O2, pH | Coral DOM2 | SampleID |
Line P18 POM concentrations | POM concentrations for carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and chemical oxygen demand | Ocean Stoichiometry | Sample |
Line W nutrients | Nutrient data containing NH4, SiO4, PO4, NO2+NO3 | Carbon Export | sample |
Linear Extension | Relative abundance of Foraminifera in Pacific Panama, 2019. | Coral Climate ETP | Coral_ID, Branch, Subbranch |
Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC, Figure 2a | Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC at St.John, USVI | RUI-LTREB, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Quadrat |
lionfish parasites | Microparasites infecting lionfish at sites in their native and invaded ranges. | Lionfish Invasion | fish_id |
LIS0507_physical_data | Temp, sal, O2, velocity, heading from cruise LIS0507 | CiliateDivGenePop | sample |
live reef bushel weight | Bushel weight for the live oysters used to construct the reef | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | cage_id |
Long-term diatom microbiome data and analysis package | | LTPE | Sample_Name |
Lophelia pertusa experiments: calcification and pH | Net calcification of L. pertusa exposed to different pH treatments. | Lophelia OA | group |
Lost City AT42-01 Collected Fluids | Samples collected and their associated temperatures on an expedition to the Lost City hydrothermal field | Lost City Limits to Life | Sample_ID |
Lost City Fluids - Radium | Lost City Fluids - Radium | Lost City Limits to Life | Sample_Name |
Lost City Solids - Radiochemistry | Lost City Solids - Radiochemistry | Lost City Limits to Life | Sample_ID |
M. jannaschii high/low H2: isotopes and fractionation factors | M. jannaschii high/low H2: isotopes | Carbon flow through SRB | Culture_ID |
Macrofauna Sediment Community Matrix, AT37-13 & AT42-03 | Sediment matrix | Costa Rica Seeps | Dive_Core |
Macronutrients | Macronutrients | ON DEQUE | SampleId |
Macrophytes' amelioration of seawater acidity: Comparison among species | | Bigelow REU GOM | Sample |
Major inorganic ions in Primary Marine Aerosol (PMA) generated near the BATS station, cruises AE2113 and AE2303 | | Carbon Flux and Aerosol Emissions | Sample_ID |
Mapping information and signs for individual diseased corals | Data describing every diseased coral record from the surveys. | Contagious coral diseases? | UIN |
March Incubation Phytoplankton Elemental Composition | | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Sample |
Mariana Back-arc Macrofauna 2014 | Macrofauna collected on colonization panels at Snail Vent Field on the Mariana Back-arc in 2014 | Mariana Back-arc Vents | occurrenceID |
Marine algal sterols | list of marine algal steroids used in zooplankton metabolic, growth and reproduction experiments | PhytosterolsZooplank | sterol_id |
Marine VMR | Virus and Microbial Cell Abundances from Marine Samples | Phage-Bacteria-Nets | obs |
Martha’s Vineyard Sound Iodine Isotope Tracer Experiments | Martha’s Vineyard Sound Iodine Isotope Tracer Experiments | Iodine Redox | Sample_ID |
Masirah Island Time Series: copepod abundance | Masirah Island time series mesozooplankton abundance | Arabian Sea Diapausing Copepods, CRD FLUZiE | sample |
Maximum distances at which Stegastes planiforms attacked invasive lionfish | Max distance of Stegastes planiforms attacks towards native and invasive predators. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | damsel_number |
MBRS Symbiodinium OTU | Symbiodinium OTU | Thermal History and Coral Growth | Sample |
McIlroy_2016: Effective quantum yield for Orbicella faveolata recruits | McIlroy_2016: Effective quantum yield for Orbicella faveolata recruits | SymBioSys | Tile |
McIlroy_2016: Growth of Orbicella faveolata recruits | McIlroy_2016: Growth of Orbicella faveolata recruits | SymBioSys | Tile |
McIlroy_2016: Maximum quantum yield for Orbicella faveolata recruits | McIlroy_2016: Maximum quantum yield for Orbicella faveolata recruits | SymBioSys | Tank |
McIlroy_2016: Symbionts genotypes in Orbicella faveolata | McIlroy_2016: Genotype of symbionts detected in Orbicella faveolata recruits over time | SymBioSys | TileRod |
MCR_HIGH RES_DOC | High resolution DOM, Moorea, 2016 | Coral DOM2 | SAMPLE_ID |
MEDEA-II CARD FISH cell counts | MEDEA-II stations for CARD FISH samples | Eukaryote Microbes NAtl | filter_name |
Menhaden Otolith Chemistry | Menhaden Otolith Chemistry | Contribution of Menhaden Nurseries | Fish_ID |
Menidia menidia - Genotyped Offspring | Information about the offspring used in a study of survival of Menidia menidia larvae under high CO2 conditions. | OA Fish | sample_id, offspring_num |
Menidia menidia - Genotyped Parents | Genotyped parents used in a study of survival of Menidia menidia larvae under high CO2 conditions. | OA Fish | sample_id |
MEPS 2015: linear extension | Linear growth of individual Montipora and Porites corals competing for space in Moorea and Okinawa, MEPS, 2015 | OA_Corals | tile |
MEPS_2016: Fig.3 - growth rate and depth | Data for Kollars etal (2016) MEPS Figure 3: Relative growth rate of Gracilaria with depth below the water surface in Charleston Harbor, SC | Gracilaria effects | buoy |
MEPS_2016: Fig.4A - worm growth | Data for Kollars etal (2016) MEPS Figure 4A: Response of Diopatra final size to Gracilaria-mediated resource items in a lab study at Grice Marine Laboratory, Charleston, SC | Gracilaria effects | sample |
MEPS_2016: Fig.4B - stable isotopes | Data for Kollars etal (2016) MEPS Figure 4B: Results of stable isotope analysis (C, N) of the posteriorly regenerated muscle tissue of Diopatra | Gracilaria effects | sample |
MEPS_2016: Fig.5A - field expt 2012 | Data for Kollars etal (2016) MEPS Figure 5A: Response of Diopatra final size to Gracilaria abundance and the predator-exclusion cages at Fort Johnson, Charleston SC in 2012 | Gracilaria effects | block, cage |
Mesocosm Growth Data | Size of Bugula neritina colonies with and without symbiont grown at different temperatures | BiogeogDefensiveSymb | colony_num |
Mesocosm warming experiment seagrass metrics | | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | pot, shoot |
MesoHux Chlorophyll | | E huxleyi Mortality | Sample |
MesoHux TEP | | E huxleyi Mortality | Sample |
Metabarcoding zooplankton at station ALOHA: NCBI SRA accession numbers | NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) accession numbers for fastq sequence files for each zooplankton community sample | Plankton Population Genetics | library_ID |
Metabarcoding zooplankton at station ALOHA: OTU tables and fasta files | Operational taxonomic unit (OTU) tables and fasta files for representative sequences from each OTU | Plankton Population Genetics | OTU_ID |
Metabolite Uptake Incubations - Microbial Abundances (Flow Cytometry) | Metabolite Uptake Incubations - Microbial Abundances (Flow Cytometry) | Coral Exometabolomes | Sample_ID |
Metadata for longread sequencing of Carcinus maenas | Metadata for longread sequencing of Carcinus maenas | West Coast Carcinus | sample_name |
Metadata for RNASeq of green crabs in the northeast Pacific | Metadata for RNASeq of green crabs in the northeast Pacific | West Coast Carcinus | sample_name |
Metadata for targeted genotyping of green crabs in the northeast Pacific | Metadata for targeted genotyping of green crabs in the northeast Pacific | West Coast Carcinus | sample_name |
Metagenome | Metagenomic data | Subvent_Biosphere_Sediments | Sample_Name |
Metagenome and metatranscriptome sequences from deep-sea hydrothermal vent microbial communities | Metagenome and metatranscriptome sequences from deep-sea hydrothermal vent microbial communities | frenemies | SAMPLE_ID, SHORT_SAMPLE_ID, SAMPLE_NAME, LAB_NUM, LIBRARY_NAME |
Metagenome of Bleached and Non-bleached corals | | Moorea Virus Project | Sample_ID |
Metagenome sequencing samples | Metagenome sequencing samples | JdFR Strain level | Sample_Name, Full_Sample_Name_and_Description |
Metagenomes - Iberian Margin | Iberian Margin Anaerobic Sediment Metagenomes. | Subseafloor Microbial Ecology | sample_name |
Metagenomic sequences: IODP Site 1244 | NCBI accession numbers for metagenomic sequences: IODP Site 1244, Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon | Methane-Hydrate Sediment Omics | sample |
Metals | Metals | OA - Canada Basin | Sample |
Metamorphic Competence | Metamorphic competence of Dendraster excentricus larvae under three experimental treatment conditions | LIPs on Larval Feeding | Beaker |
Metatranscriptomic nutrient response experiments - 2021 DY131 | Metatranscriptomic nutrient response experiments - 2021 DY131 | Diatoms and carbon export | Incubation |
metatranscriptomics - Niskin vs. in situ | Microbial metatranscriptomics: Niskin vs. in situ sampler | Pickled Protists | sample, tax_id |
metatranscriptomics - upper_lower halocline | Microbial metatranscriptomics: upper and lower halocline water column | Pickled Protists | tax_id, sample |
Meteorological Data | Meteorological Data | THMAO | RECORD |
Methane Isotopes | Methane (CH4) isotopes from vertical profiles from multi- and gravity cores from two cruises | DOC cycling in sediments | layer_num |
Methane sulfate profiles | Methane and sulfate concentration profiles - sediment cores from White Oak River estuary Station H, October 2012 | IODP-347 Microbial Quantification | core |
Micro-satellite genotypes 2011 | Microsatellite genotypes and geolocation data from Curlew Caye | Elacatinus Dispersal I | individual_ID |
Micro-satellite genotypes 2012 | Microsatellite genotypes and geolocation data from Belize | Elacatinus Dispersal I | individual_ID |
Microbe priority experiment counts | Microbe priority experiment counts (OTU counts) | Coral-microbial interactions | OTUname |
Microbes priority annotations (OTU taxonomy) | Microbes priority annotations (OTU taxonomy) | Coral-microbial interactions | OTUname |
Microbial 16S rRNA gene amplicon SRA numbers | Microbial 16S rRNA gene amplicon SRA numbers | DeepCCZ | sample_name |
Microbial Alpha Diversity | Microbial Alpha Diversity | Killer Seaweeds | Number, Colony, Sample_ID |
Microbial community composition McMurdo Spiophanes beds | McMurdo Spiophanes beds 16s V4 region community composition | McMurdo Benthos | sample_name |
Microbial community composition of the Cinder Cones Cold Seep | Microbial community composition of the Cinder Cones Cold Seep | Cinder Cone Seep | sample_name |
Microbial eukaryotic diversity: Axial Seamount SRA | Axial seamount SRA | Microbial eukaryotes at hydrothermal vents | biosample_accession, library_ID, sample_title |
Microbial eukaryotic diversity: Gorda Ridge SRA | Gorda Ridge SRA | Microbial eukaryotes at hydrothermal vents | biosample_accession, library_ID, sample_title, sample_id |
Microbial incubation diversity and geochemistry | Microbial diversity and geochemistry of marine sediment mesocosm, Cape lookout bight, North Carolina | Subsurface Organic Breakdown, IODP-347 Microbial Quantification | sample |
Microbiome dynamics of coral reef and cleanerfish | Microbiome dynamics of coral reef and cleanerfish | Cleanerfish microbiomes | sample_name |
microcosm_summary | Summary of microcosm data from Dauphin Island Cubitainer Experiment (DICE). | En-Gen DMSP Cycling | microcosm |
Micronekton AA CSIA ALOHA: Amino acid specific isotopes in micronekton | Amino acid specific isotopes in micronekton, station ALOHA | Hg_Biogeochemistry | SpecimenID |
Microorganisms associated with doliolids | 16S rRNA sequencing doliolids associated microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | sample_name, source_material_id |
Microorganisms associated with pyrosomes | 16S rRNA sequencing pyrosome-associated microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | source_material_id, library_ID, sample_name |
Microplastics photodegradation | | Marine Plastic POC, Sunlight Microbial Microplastics | Sample_name |
Microsatellite genotypes | | Marine kin structure | Sample, Group |
Microsensor Profiling H2S | Microsensor Profiling H2S | Anoxic Sediment Bacteria Interactions | SampleID |
Microsensor Profiling O2 | Microsensor Profiling O2 | Anoxic Sediment Bacteria Interactions | SampleID |
Microsensor Profiling pH | Microsensor Profiling pH | Anoxic Sediment Bacteria Interactions | SampleID |
Mid-Atlantic Bight Continuous Plankton Recorder 2014-2017 | Mid-Atlantic Bight Continuous Plankton Recorder 2014-2017 | WARMEM | sample_id |
Middle Valley Chimney 16S Sequencing Data | Assessments of bacterial and archaeal diversity from three distinct hydrothermal vents in the Middle Valley vent field along the Juan de Fuca Ridge. | Middle Valley Vents | sample |
Middle Valley Chimney Sulfate Reduction Rates | Maximum rates of microbially mediated sulfate reduction from three hydrothermal vents along the Juan de Fuca Ridge. | Middle Valley Vents | sample |
Millepora features | Millepora colony features found at Cabritte Horn on St. John, USVI | St John Coral Reefs | Quadrat_number |
mims_to_irms | Comparison of MIMS to IRMS | EAGER NitFix | Subsample |
Minor Arctic Rivers - Desorbed Radium | Minor Arctic Rivers - Desorbed Radium | PMT Radium Isotopes | Sample_ID |
Minor Arctic Rivers - Dissolved Radium | Minor Arctic Rivers - Dissolved Radium | PMT Radium Isotopes | Sample_ID |
Mitochondrial COI barcode sequencing data for Gigantidas childressi veligers, pediveligers, and juveniles | Mitochondrial COI barcode sequencing data for Gigantidas childressi veligers, pediveligers, and juveniles | SALT | Sample_ID |
Mixed layer oxygen to argon | Mixed layer oxygen to argon | Chief Sci KM1910 | Sample_ID |
MO - biogeochemical and microbial field surveys | Biogeochemical and microbial field surveys from the BATS site, 2009-2013 | Ocean Microbial Observatory | sample |
MOC1 zoop abund | MOCNESS-1 Plankton Abundances | NEP | sample_id |
MOCNESS plankton composition and CTD data | Species composition via MOCNESS and associated CTD information | CopesPopDynHypoZone | MOC, NET, idx, net, CTD_number |
Modern Seal Amino Acid Isotopes | N isotope data for individual amino acids from modern west Antarctic seals | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | Sample_ID |
Modern Seal Bulk Isotopes | C and N isotope data for seal tissues from west Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | Sample_ID |
Molar Ratios | | Epigenetics to Ocean | SampleID |
Montipora antibacterial-aqueous | Antibacterial assays of Montipora capitata aqueous extracts | coral-pathogen interaction | coral |
Montipora antibacterial-mucus | Antibacterial assays of Montipora capitata mucus | coral-pathogen interaction | coral |
Montipora antibacterial-organic | Antibacterial assays of Montipora capitata organic extracts | coral-pathogen interaction | coral |
Montipora chemical fingerprints | Chemical fingerprints of Montipora capitata aqueous extracts | coral-pathogen interaction | coral |
Morphometrics E1E2 | Morphometrics E1E2 | HYPOA | Vial_Number, FishID |
Mortality Moorea 2019 | Mortality Moorea 2019 | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Coral_ID |
Mortality Rates | Mortality rate estimates for larvae in three treatments during larval food limitation experiments | LIPs on Larval Feeding | beaker |
MOSAIC Expedition Aerosol Be7 | MOSAIC Expedition Aerosol Be7 | MOSAiC | SAMPLE_ID |
MOSAIC Expedition Ice Core Be7 | MOSAIC Expedition Ice Core Be7 | MOSAiC | SAMPLE_ID |
MOSAIC Snow and Frost Flower Be7 | MOSAIC Snow and Frost Flower Be7 | MOSAiC | SAMPLE_ID |
Motility assays | Motility assays | Coral Resilience | Colony |
MRP sediments with pretreatment | | Marine Sediment Analysis 31P NMR | Sample_ID |
MRP sediments with pretreatment | | Deep sea sediments | Sample_ID |
Mud Patch bottom water chemistry | Bottom water carbonate chemistry from Mud Patch, EN524 | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | sample |
Mud Patch porewater chemistry | Porewater carbonate chemistry from Mud Patch, EN524 | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | sample |
Multi-core Arctic sediment data | Sediment geochemical and microbial activity data collected by multi-corer. | ESAS Water Column Methane | sample_ID |
multicore log - CROCKS-II | Multicore log for Atlantis-15-59/Alvin cruise off Costa Rica | Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II | multicore_id |
Multitracers Biogenic Concentration Data | Multitracers Biogenic Concentration Data | Multitracers Sediment Traps, Multitracers Paleoproductivity, Biogenic Chemical Records, Multitracers II | Sample_ID |
Multitracers Metal Concentration Data | Multitracers Metal Concentration Data | Ag Flux and Export Productivity | Sample_ID |
MUSiCC OC1504A - Nutrients, CTD, and silicon biogeochemical data | Molecular Underpinnings of SIlicification in the California Current - OC1504A | Diatom Silicification | sample_no |
Mussel Adhesive Plaques - dissolved oxygen, salinity, and temperature | | OA - Ecomaterials Perspective | mussel_ID |
Mussel Adhesive Plaques - pH and aging | | OA - Ecomaterials Perspective | mussel_ID |
Mussel Adhesive Plaques - pH and oxygen fluctuations | | OA - Ecomaterials Perspective | mussel_ID |
Mussel dataset | | Costa Rica Seeps | Sample_number, Associated_sample, Tentative_ID |
Mussel lab incubations: periostracum and pH (effect on shell dissolution) | | OA decoupling | INDEX |
Mussel lab incubations: simulated periostracum abrasion (effect on shell dissolution) | | OA decoupling | INDEX |
Mussel larvae mass spec analyses: spots and lines | Elemental analysis of mussel larvae bulk material | OA_Proxies | run, sample |
Mussel larvae mass spec headers: spots and lines | Elemental analysis of mussel larvae bulk material | OA_Proxies | run, sample |
Mussel shell trace element ratios | Larval mussel shell composition under high and low pH and O2 | OA_Proxies | sample |
mussel size vs. byssal count | The number of byssal threads produced by mussels of a given planform area | Experiments in a Model Ecosystem | bed |
MV1110 CTD Nutrient and Particle Data | | ANACONDAS | Anaconda_Num |
MV1110 Underway Nutrient and Particle Data | | ANACONDAS | Underway_StnEvent |
MV1405 CTD seawater samples and locations | Physical and chemical properties of surface seawater obtained by CTD | Diatom Iron Storage | Q_ID |
MV1405 particulate data | IronBru particulate data organized by station and transect. | Diatom Iron Storage | description |
MV1405 Q Incubations | Q incubation data from MV1405 | Diatom Iron Storage | Q_ID |
MWS lesion progression | Tissue loss of Montipora White Syndrome corals with temperature and nutrient stressors | coral-pathogen interaction | coral |
Mytilus Elemental Fingerprints | | MuLTI-2, GOMEPRO | Sample_Number |
N and O isotope effects of nitrate reductases | N and O isotope effects of nitrate reduction by 3 forms of nitrate reductase. | 15N2 Contamination | sample |
N2 | The measured quantity of 15N2 added to nitrate and ammonium solutions equilibrated with 15N2 gas. | 15N2 Contamination | sample_ID |
N2O Natural Abundance Isotopomers | N2O Natural Abundance Isotopomers in ETNP | N2O in ETNP | Nitrate_Sample_ID |
NanoSIMS HCN - All Data | IODP Expedition 337 single cell isotope incorporation of 1H, 2H, 12C14N, 12C15N. 12C12C, 12C13C ions | Deep biosphere cell activity | Sample |
natural abundance N and C filter content | Natural abundance of Nitrogen and Carbon on filters | Regenerated Nitrogen | sample |
Nauplius escape swim | Copepod nauplius appendage measurements during escape response | PreyEscape | meas_num |
NBP1608 INC PIGMENTS | Chlorophyll and phaeopigment concentrations from incubation experiments performed with amended Southern Drake Passage waters on cruise NBP 16-08 | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | ID |
NBP1608 Incubation Nutrients | NBP16-08 incubation dissolved macronutrient concentrations | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | ID |
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 1 | | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | ID |
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 2 | | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | ID |
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 3 | | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | ID |
NBP1608 Underway Nutrients | Underway dissolved macronutrient concentrations from NBP16-08 | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | SAMPLE_ID |
NBP1702 Dissolved Th and Pa | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa from NBP1702 | SNOWBIRDS | Sample_ID |
NCBI accession numbers for RNAseq data from five coral species experimentally exposed to SCTLD | NCBI accession numbers for RNAseq data from five coral species experimentally exposed to SCTLD | Multi-Species Coral Disease | Sample_Name |
NCBI accessions for RNAseq data from apparently healthy and SCTLD-affected Montastraea cavernosa | | Multi-Species Coral Disease | Sample_ID |
NCBI BioSample accessions for viruses and microbes | NCBI issued accession numbers for BioSamples of microbes and viruses. | Marine Bacterial Viruses | organism_type, sample_name, isolate |
Nearest neighbor surveys | Data describing the nearest neighbor of sampled individuals. | VI Octocorals, St. John LTREB | colony |
Nekton - Minnow trap data | | Harvey Seagrass | Unique_id |
Neocalanus flemingeri lipid fullness | | Diapause preparation, Neocalanus Gulf of Alaska | EdU_sample_ID_number, Image_number_light_microscope |
Neocalanus flemingeri oocyte production | | Diapause preparation, Neocalanus Gulf of Alaska | EdU_sample_ID_number |
New Production - N15 | New Production - N15 | SO_GasEx | Sample_Number |
NH1417 NEMO Bottles | Niskin bottle data | PhytoNsubResponse | SAMPNO |
NH1418: CTD profiles | NH1418 ctd | Biological C:N:P ratios | DNA_Sample |
NH4 - Upper water column Ammonium measurements | Upper water column Ammonium measurements | ANACONDAS | AN_Number |
NH4_NO3_PO4_SiO2 | Nutrient measurements from Niskin bottle samples | EDDIES | SID_nuts |
Niskin bottle hydrography | hydrographic measurements from Niskin bottle samples | CORSACS | sample_label |
Niskin bottle sample inventory | Niskin bottle sample inventory | Costa Rica Seeps | SN_num |
Niskin plankton composition and CTD data | Species composition via niskin and associated CTD information | CopesPopDynHypoZone | CTD_num |
Nitrate Uptake | 15NO3 uptake, 24-hour in situ incubations. | CRD FLUZiE | sample |
Nitrite reductase genes sequence accessions | Nitrite reductase genes sequence accessions | N-Cycling Microbial Communities | organism, gene |
Nitrogen and carbon fixation rates - bulk seawater | Nitrogen and carbon fixation rates - bulk seawater | TriCoLim | Sample_D |
Nitrogen and carbon fixation rates - Trichodesmium | Nitrogen and carbon fixation rates - Trichodesmium colonies | TriCoLim | Sample_D |
Nitrogen and carbon fixation rates and ratios | N2 and Carbon fixation rates, POC and PON | Enviro variability and phytoplankton growth | sample_name |
Nitrogen Isotope Ratios in Amino Acid Standards and Samples | Nitrogen Isotope Ratios in Amino Acid Standards and Samples | Amino Acids N Isotopes | Sample |
Nitrous oxide and transient tracer concentrations in the tropical Pacific Ocean | Nitrous oxide and transient tracer concentrations in the tropical Pacific Ocean | Equatorial N2O | SAMPNO |
NO3_PO4_SiO2 | Nutrient measurements from Niskin bottle samples | EDDIES | SID_Nis, SID_nuts |
North Atlantic CDOM Absorption Coefficients | Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) Napierian absorption coefficients for open ocean blue water samples from the North Atlantic subtropical gyre | MODIE | Sample_no |
North Pacific Atmospheric Particulates | North Pacific Atmospheric Particulates | North Pacific Atmos | Sample_number |
Northern California Current Microorganisms | 16S rRNA gene of microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | sample_name, library_ID |
Northern Gulf of Mexico pore water constituents Fall 2020 | Northern Gulf of Mexico pore water constituents Fall 2020 | NGoM Benthic Alk Flux | sample_ID |
NP_16SrRNA_Huber | v6 16S rRNA from IODP boreholes, seawater, and drilling mud at North Pond. | North Pond Microbes | sample |
NP_Biomass_Huber | Total microbial cell densities and 16S rRNA abundance from North Pond. | North Pond Microbes | sample |
Nucella canaliculata Morphology and Drill Hole Data | Nucella canaliculata Morphology and Drill Hole Data | Coastal Adaptation | Dogwhelk |
Nurse shark respirometry | Nurse shark acceleration and oxygen consumption in cold and warm water | Shark Metabolic Rate | shark_id |
Nurse shark respirometry: error estimates | Nurse shark respirometry estimates standard errors | Shark Metabolic Rate | shark_id |
Nutrient and cell count data for incubations | Nutrient and cell count data for incubations | CASA | Rank |
Nutrient and sediment loading affect coral functionality | Nutrient and sediment loading affect coral functionality | Moorea SGD | fragment_ID |
Nutrient concentrations and cell/virus-like particles counts | nutrient concentrations & particle counts | SPOT | Sample_ID |
Nutrient Concentrations in Seawater | Nutrient Concentrations in Seawater | ADIMA | ID |
Nutrients | Nutrients from Niskins | SO_GasEx | ID, Samp |
Nutrients | Nutrients | OA - Canada Basin | Station_ID |
nutrients | General nutrient data (averages) from Leggo drop 1 seawater | Mariana Perspectives | drop_name |
Nutrients | Measured Nutrients from the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) station | N-SPOT | ID_depth_NH4 |
Nutrients - ODF Nutrient Data | Nutrient Analysis: Nitrate, Nitrite, Silicate, Phosphate and Ammonium | GATEKEEPERS | Sample_Number |
nutrients_LMG | Southern Ocean nutrients from CTD bottles from 4 LMGould cruises, 2001-2002 | SOGLOBEC | nut_id |
nutrients_WB | Nutrients; silicate, nitrate plus nitrite, and phosphate | EDDIES | Nis_WB |
OA and temp expt. - coral growth | OA and temp expt. - coral growth | Thermal History and Coral Growth | colony, coral, tank |
OA and temp expt. - survival | | Thermal History and Coral Growth | coral, tank, colony |
OA Microbe Adaptation | Environmental and physical data associated with ocean acidification microbe adaptation. | PICO, OA microbe adaptation | PICONumber |
oa_zoo_hatch_chemistry | Carbonate chemistry analyses of seawater samples from zooplankton hatching experiments. | OA Calanus Survival | tank |
OC1703A and AT36 sediment C isotope ratios | OC1703A and AT36 sediment C isotope ratios | Deep Sediment N Fix | Sample_ID |
OC1703A and AT36 sediment geochemistry | OC1703A and AT36 sediment pore water geochemistry | Deep Sediment N Fix | Core |
OC1703A and AT36 sediment N isotope ratios | OC1703A and AT36 sediment N isotope ratios | Deep Sediment N Fix | Sample_ID |
OC1703A Sediment nifH amplicon sequences | OC1703A Sediment nifH amplicon sequences | Deep Sediment N Fix | Sample_name |
Ocean Crust Microbiome Amplicon Metadata | Metadata for sequence datasets used in ocean crust microbiome survey | Slow Life in Crust | Plot_Order, Sample_Name |
octocoral - sp. abundance and distribution | Octocorals, scleractinia, macroalgae survey - species abundance and distribution, St. John and St. Thomas, USVI, 2011 | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | photo |
Octocoral species abundances 2018 | Octocoral species abundances 2018 | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Comments_2_sample_tag |
octocoral survey - photoquadrats vs. in situ | soft coral counts from photoquadrats archived from LTREB efforts at the "pooled random sites" and from in situ observations | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | photoquadrat |
Octocorals at East Cabritte and Europa Bay | Octocorals on St. John | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | field_code |
Oculina coral OA expt | Calcification and linear extension rates for Oculina arbuscula corals grown under different pCO2 levels. | OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification | sample |
OFP Elemental | Mass flux and concentrations of bulk components (Carbonate, Organic Carbon/Nitrogen, Lithogenics, Opal and elements) in the flux at 500m, 1500m and 3200m depths | OFP Sargasso Sea | SampleID |
OFP Primary Particle Flux | Primary particle flux data (500, 1500, and 3200m depths) of the OFP sediment trap time-series in the northern Sargasso Sea | OFP Sargasso Sea | SampleID |
OlyGrowth_Expt_2018_Growth | Olympia oysters Growth_Expt_2018_Growth | Climate stressors on larvae | CupNumber, Larva |
Organic Alkalinity Discrete Data | | organic alkalinity | ID |
OSS_WW_2018 | | Gas Exchange at SUSTAIN | RECORD |
Ostrea_Behavior_OA_Expt2017 | Ostrea_Behavior_OA_Expt2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | column_name |
Ostrea_pH_OA_Expt2017 | Ostrea_pH_OA_Expt2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | column_name |
Other Solutes | Other solutes from vertical profiles from multi- and gravity cores from two cruises | DOC cycling in sediments | sample_id |
Oxygen consumption rates | Oxygen consumption rates/zero valent iron dissolution of FeOB with kanamycin addition - replacement samples | SedimentaryIronCycle | vial |
Oyster Cohort Genetics | Database of DNA microsatellite alleles for hatchery-produced oyster cohorts | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | POPULATION, SAMPLE_ID, STUDY |
Oyster Cohort Traits | Performance traits (e.g., survival, growth, size) for hatchery-produced oyster cohorts | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | Cohort |
oyster condition index | Condition index for bivalves recovered at the end of the cage experiment | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | cage |
Oyster counts | Oyster counts (by size class) from 4 field sites. | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | Bucket_Num |
Oyster density and size distribution | Oyster density and size distribution. | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | bucket |
Oyster Extrapallial Fluid | Data collected on the carbonate system of the oyster extrapallial fluid | Epigenetics to Ocean | ID |
oyster length | Shell length data for planted bivalves | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | cage |
Oyster Morphology 2019 | | Identifying molecules of fear | shell_ID |
Oyster reef survey totals | Survey totals | Oyster Reef Reversal | quadrat |
Oyster spat elemental ratios | Elemental ratio data from Mass Spec analysis of newly settled oyster spat | EstuarineMetaDyn | Spat_ID |
Oyster survival differences in low quality reef | | Identifying molecules of fear | shell_ID, pole_ID |
Oyster survival differences in mesocosms | | Identifying molecules of fear | shell_ID |
Oyster_Larvae_Length_FidalgoBay_2017 | Oyster_Larvae_Length_FidalgoBay_2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | profile, sample |
P. herbstii - activity and feeding (JAE, 2014) | Panopeus herbstii: activity level and feeding with and without predator cue | Variation in Metabolic Processes | expt_block |
P. herbstii - recapture behavior (BESB, 2014) | Mud crabs refuge use and activity level - initial measurements | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
P. herbstii - refuge use (BESB, 2014) | Mud crabs refuge use and activity level - initial measurements | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
P. herbstii diet & reproduction (Eco-Evo 2015) | Food offered and consumed & body measurements for study of diet and reproductive performance and energy storage, Panopeus herbstii. | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
P. herbstii diet: body measurements (Eco-Evo 2015) | Body and parts weights for adult female P. herbstii crabs sampled from 30 intertidal oyster reefs. Griffen & Norelli (2015) Ecol. & Evol. | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
P. herbstii mortality data | Mortality of crabs when exposed to either a single blue crab, toadfish, or no predator for a week. | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab_id |
P. herbstii personality data | Refuge use of crabs when exposed to predator odor cues from either blue crabs, toadfish, or control of no cue | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab_id |
P. herbstii predator behavior data | Refuge use and mobility of blue crabs and toadfish while in mesocosms for a week - behavior measured during two days. | Variation in Metabolic Processes | animal_id |
P. herbstii refuge use (Ecology, 2012) | Proportion of time that Panopeus herbstii spent using refuge habitats in a lab experiment | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab, time_block |
P. herbstii: Field personality distribution (Ecology, 2012) | Field distribution of personality types in the mud crab Panopeus herbstii relative to tidal height | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
P. herbstii: Trait mediated indirect effect (Ecology, 2012) | Influence of refuge use by the mud crab Panopeus herbstii on consumption of bivalves | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
P. xiphias SRA | P. xiphias SRA, accessions, collection info | Plankton Population Genetics | bioproject_accession, biosample_accession, sample_id |
P16 Repeat Hydrography Trace Metal Profiles | Profiles of dissolved trace elements collected using a trace-metal clean rosette from surface to 1000m depth | CLIVAR AEROSOL | SAMPNO |
Palatability of non-native alga | Palatability of non-native alga | Genetic Adaptation Marine Inv | Plant_ID |
Palau Coral Growth | Palau Coral Growth | Biophysics of Coral Reef Resilience | Sample, Core |
Palau Coral Stress Band Data | Palau Coral Stress Band Data | Biophysics of Coral Reef Resilience | Sample |
Palau Environmental: 2010 | Environmental data collected in marine lakes in Palau in 2010 | PaPaPro | sample |
Palau Lake Core Properties | Core Logger Physical Properties for Palau Lakes Sediment Cores | PaPaPro | Core, LacCore_Section_ID, Original_Section_ID |
Palau lakes: invertebrate barcodes | Palau lakes: invertebrate barcodes | PaPaPro | OTU_id |
Palau lakes: tissue archive | Palau lakes: tissue archive | PaPaPro | M0D, Tube_Number |
Palau lakes: voucher summary | Palau lakes: voucher summary | PaPaPro | CRRF_ID |
PAM fluorescence | Underwater fluorescence, Guam reefs 2014 | Reef Resilience in Guam | colony_id |
PaPaPro benthic biodiversity | Point intercept transect surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates and macrophytes in marine lakes, Palau | PaPaPro | Tube_v, Tube_vi, Tube_vii, Cell, Primary_tube, Tube_i, Tube_ii, Tube_iii, Tube_iv |
Parasite abundance in coral reef fishes | Parasite abundance data collected from coral reef fishes across 19 islands in the central equatorial Pacific from 2009 to 2021 | Diversity-disease | fish_unique_code |
Parental contribution | Offspring growth rate from the parental contribution experiment | ThermalTGP | MomID, DadID |
Particle AA CSIA ALOHA: Amino acid specific isotopes in particles | Amino acid specific isotopes in particles, station ALOHA | Hg_Biogeochemistry | Sample |
Particle bulk d15N values | Particle bulk d15N values | EXPORTS Isotopes | Cruise_SampleID |
Particle d15N values of amino acids | Particle d15N values of amino acids | EXPORTS Isotopes | Cruise_SampleID |
particle_absorp | Particulate absorption data | Arabian Sea | sample |
Particulate and dissolved Lake Superior geochemistry | Particulate multi-element geochemical concentrations - Lake Superior | Early Career Great Lakes research, Novel Nutrient Paleoproxy | sample |
Particulate Carbon Concentrations and Stable Carbon Isotopes | Particulate Carbon Concentrations and Stable Carbon Isotopes | CDISP 2021 | GFF_ID |
Particulate metals from the scandium incubation experiment on PUPCYCLE I in the California Current System in 2019 | | Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics | Label |
particulate N | Particulate Nitrogen - The delta 15N of Dunaliella tertiolecta organic matter after growth in media equilibrated with 15N2 gas. | 15N2 Contamination | sample_ID |
Particulate Organic Carbon and Particulate Nitrogen | Particulate Organic Carbon and Particulate Nitrogen | Controls on Sea-Ice Algae (COSA) | Station_Label |
Particulate Organic Matter from BVal58 Cruise | Particulate Organic Matter from BVal58 Cruise | oxygen-to-carbon demand | Filter_Num, Duplicate_Filter_Num |
Particulate Thorium-234 Flux | Particulate Thorium-234 Flux | Chief Sci KM1910 | Tube_ID |
Particulate trace elements | A16N Particulate trace element concentrations | A16N Trace Metals | SAMPNO |
PaV1 Den Tethering | Tethered PaV1 infected juvenile lobsters introduced to occupied wild dens | Lobster disease connectivity | den_id |
pca | Particulate Inorganic Carbon as Calcite | EqPac | sample |
PE21-18 Nutrients | PE21-18 Nutrients | Coastal O2 Respir | Sample_ID |
PE22-03 Nutrients | PE22-03 Nutrients | Coastal O2 Respir | Sample_ID |
percent cover CPCE | Percent cover of coral in pacific Panama using the coral point count method | Coral Climate ETP | UIN |
Percent cover measure of mussel bed succession on rocky shores due to intra-population variation in dogwhelk drilling | Percent cover measure of mussel bed succession on rocky shores due to intra-population variation in dogwhelk drilling | Coastal Adaptation | Block, Plot_Number, Family, Family_x_Treatment, Check |
Percent cover of macroalgae at Cabritte Horn | Macroalgae cover (%) at Cabritte Horn on St. John, USVI | St John Coral Reefs | Quadrat_number |
Percent cover of Millepora at Cabritte Horn | Millepora cover (%) at Cabritte Horn on St. John, USVI | St John Coral Reefs | Quadrat_number |
percent cover PI | Percent cover of coral in pacific Panama using the coral point count method | Coral Climate ETP | UIN |
Permafrost Borehole Geochemistry in the Barrow Permafrost Tunnel | Permafrost Borehole Geochemistry in the Barrow Permafrost Tunnel | Arctic Subzero Brines | Borehole |
Permafrost Brine Geochemistry in the Barrow Permafrost Tunnel | Permafrost Borehole Geochemistry in the Barrow Permafrost Tunnel | Arctic Subzero Brines | Sample_ID |
Permanent plot seed counts | Permanent plot seed counts | ZosMarLA | ID |
Permanent plot vegetative density | Permanent plot density vegetative density | ZosMarLA | Cattle_Tag |
Persistence of Elacatinus lori settlers on sponge habitat | Persistence of Elacatinus lori settlers on sponge habitat. | Elacatinus Dispersal II | Sp_ID |
PETM foram geochem | Boron isotopes in foraminifera from sediment cores and 2 pH scenarios | OA_Paleocene-Eocene | sample |
pH internal Consistency Experiment: Measured pH and nutrients | Measured pH and nutrients | Inorganic Carbon Meaurements | Batch |
pH internal Consistency Experiment: Raw pH Data | Raw pH Data | Inorganic Carbon Meaurements | Bottle, Batch |
pH internal Consistency Experiment: TA & DIC | Experimental total alkalinity and disolved inorganic carbon data | Inorganic Carbon Meaurements | Batch |
Phenotypic plasticity of the ciliated band of early echinoderm larvae | Phenotypic plasticity of the ciliated band | LIPs on Larval Feeding | Larva |
Phillips_2011 - Experiment 2 Larval Size | These data are from an experiment that test the nutritional strategies of Ceraesignum (Dendropoma) maximum larvae. | Vermetids_Corals | Larva_num |
Phillips_2011 - Experiment 2 Larval Velum Size | These data are from an experiment that test the nutritional strategies of Ceraesignum (Dendropoma) maximum larvae. | Vermetids_Corals | Larva_num |
Phillips_et_al_2014 - Experiment 2 hours | Lab experiment to test settlement of Caerasignum maximum larvae to live coral from Porites lobata, Pocillopora sp., Porites rus, and Millepora after 2-6h. | Vermetids_Corals | female |
Photosynthesis-Irradiance curve (P-E) | Photosynthesis-Irradiance curve | Varadero Reef | Chamber_channel, Parent_Colony_id, Fragment_id |
Photosynthetic Pigments | Photosynthetic Pigments | Controls on Sea-Ice Algae (COSA) | Sample_id |
physical and chemical data | Physical and chemical metadata for microbiological samples from Guaymas Basin plumes. | Guaymas plumes | sample |
Physiological data | Physiological data | Climate_Coral_Larvae | Pairing |
Physiological data | Breviolum Antillogorgia physiological data | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Genotype |
Physiological Response Metrics | Physiological Response Metrics | EAGER-CBASS | Genet |
Physiology of Montipora capitata and Porites compressa in response to marine heatwaves | | Mcap pairs time series | Coral_ID |
phyt | Population estimate of phytoplankton and bacteria | EqPac | sample |
phyto growth rates | Marine phytoplankton growth rates, temperatures and isolation locations | Phytoplankton Traits | strain |
phyto temperature traits | Phytoplankton temperature traits and data sources | Phytoplankton Traits | sample |
Phytoplankton - Diazotroph Station Counts | Phytoplankton - Diazotroph Station Counts | ANACONDAS | AN_Number |
Phytoplankton - Microphytoplankton Station Counts | Phytoplankton - Microphytoplankton Station Counts | ANACONDAS | AN_Number |
Phytoplankton - Microphytoplankton Underway Counts | Phytoplankton - Microphytoplankton Underway Counts | ANACONDAS | AN_Number |
Phytoplankton - Synechococcus Station Counts | Phytoplankton - Synechococcus Station Counts | ANACONDAS | AN_Number |
Phytoplankton abundances | Phytoplankton cell counts at 3 pCO2 levels and 2 temperatures before and after 12 month conditioning | Plankton acclimation | sample |
Phytoplankton Growth Acclimation | Growth rates and ESD of H. akashiwo after temperature transition | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | Culture |
Phytoplankton Orientation - Diatom Stephanopyxis | Phytoplankton Orientation - Diatom Stephanopyxis | Phytoplankton Orientation | Colony |
Phytoplankton size over temperature range | ESD of H. akashiwo grown at 10 temperatures | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | Culture |
phyto_abund_NAtl | phytoplankton abundances from temperature/pCO2 experiments on North Atlantic microzooplankton | Antarctic microzooplankton , NASB 2005 | sample |
picoplankton | Picoplankton abundances by flow cytometry | Arabian Sea | sample |
Pigment absorbance | Absorbance of coral Orbicella faveolata from Rosaria and Varadero reefs, 2016 & 2017 | Varadero Reef | Parent_Colony_id, Fragment_id |
pigments | Pigment concentrations | EqPac | sample |
pigments | Pigment concentrations (HPLC) from the Sargasso Sea. | Trophic BATS | sample |
Pigments HPLC | | CICLOPS | Sample |
pigments_HPLC | Algal pigment concentrations in the Ross Sea as measured by HPLC | CORSACS | sample_id |
pigments_SF | Pigment concentration determined by size fractionation method | EqPac | sample |
PlankDOM NA1 | Dissolved organic matter (DOM) and base-extracted particulate organic matter (BEPOM) collected from a plankton senescence experiment from water samples offshore of North Carolina | PlankDOM | sample_id |
Planktonic predator-prey behavior - video clips | High-speed videos of larval clownfish, Amphiprion ocellaris predators and copepod prey | PreyEscape | PAIR_ID, CLIP_ID, NEW_CLIP_ID |
Pleurobrachia bachei morphology and swimming parameters | Pleurobrachia bachei morphology and swimming parameters | Ocean Ctenos | Specimen_ID |
Pleurochrysis carterae growth | Growth rate of Pleurochrysis carterae CCMP645 cells as measured by flow cytometry | Marine Chronic Viruses | sample_id |
Pleurochrysis carterae light-dark calcification | Light-dark calcification rates of Pleurochrysis carterae. | OA_Copes_Coccoliths | sample |
Pleurochrysis carterae virus production | Analysis of temporal dynamics of three virus types (ssDNA PcCV, dsDNA PLV, dsDNA PsEV) persistently co-infecting P. carterae CCMP645 | Marine Chronic Viruses | assay_id, sample_id |
Pleuromamma xiphias: animal condition | P. xiphias AMT24 condition | Plankton Population Genetics | sample |
Plocamium CHN and stable isotopes | Plocamium carbon and nitrogen content and stable isotope values | Seaweed OA Resilience | Sample_ID |
Plocamium culture carbonate chemistry | Carbonate chemistry of Plocamium cartilagineum | Seaweed OA Resilience | sample |
Plocamium culture: seawater delta13C | Stable isotope ratio and concentration of carbon in seawater | Seaweed OA Resilience | Sample |
Plocamium exptl treatments summary | Plocamium experimental treatments summary | Seaweed OA Resilience | pot |
Plocamium growth and biomass | Plocamium growth and biomass | Seaweed OA Resilience | pot |
Plocamium pigments | Photosynthetic pigment concentrations in Plocamium cartilagineum trials 3-8 | Seaweed OA Resilience | Pot_ID, Plant_ID |
Plocamium: pH drift | Carbonate chemistry over a time-course in pH drift | Seaweed OA Resilience | ID |
Pmin strain feeding | Data from an experiment that measured the occurrence of feeding among 4 Prorocentrum minimum strains on the cryptophyte Teleaulax amphoxeia | Mixo Foodwebs | CULTURE |
Pmin strain feeding 2 | Data from an experiment that measured the occurrence of feeding among 8 Prorocentrum minimum strains on fluorescently labeled bacteria or the cryptophyte Teleaulax amphioxeia | Mixo Foodwebs | Strain |
POC | POC | SO_GasEx | POC_sample_number |
POC and Isotopes | POC and isotopes from vertical profiles from multi- and gravity cores from two cruises | DOC cycling in sediments | layer_num, sfsu_num, dup_sfsu_num |
POC and PON - bulk seawater | POC and PON - bulk seawater | TriCoLim | Sample_D |
POC and PON - Trichodesmium | POC and PON - bulk seawater | TriCoLim | Sample_D |
Pocillopora haplotypes at Moorea by site and depth | Pocillopora haplotypes at Moorea by site and depth | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Tube_ID |
Pocillopora sequences from 2019 | | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Sample_ID, Sample_Name |
Pollicipes elegans aggregation genotypes | Genotype data for the three adult barnacle aggregations - Pollicipes elegans | Gene flow across the tropics | aggregate, sample |
Pollicipes elegans larval genotypes | Larval genotype data for Pollicipes elegans | Gene flow across the tropics | brood, sample |
Polyp Fitness | Polyp Fitness | Host Symbiont Temp Response | WellNum, Genotype, Plate |
Polysaccharide Hydrolysis Rates | Polysaccharide hydrolysis rates for Marmara Sea, Guaymas Basin, and Eastern Mediterranean Sea sediments | SedS | sample |
POM Concentrations | POM concentrations in the Eastern Indian Ocean (IO9N) | IO Phytoplankton | Sample |
pooled random sites (PRS) | Coral community structure at pooled random sites between Cabritte Horn and White Point in St. John before and after five hurricanes from 1988–2017 | RUI-LTREB | Slide |
Pooled sequencing data from field-collected Eurytemora affinis | | Evolutionary genomics of a copepod | Library_Name |
Population Growth | Population Growth | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Genotype |
Pore Water Depth Profiles CL2015 | Sediment pore water and solid phase geochemical analyses | Soluble Fe Fluxing | sample_ID |
Pore Water Depth Profiles CL2016 | Sediment pore water and solid phase geochemical analyses from samples collected on R/V Savannah cruise SAV-16-16 at the Cape Lookout Continental Shelf and Slope during May 2016 | Soluble Fe Fluxing | sample_ID |
Pore Water Depth Profiles GoM2017 | Sediment pore water and solid phase geochemical analyses from samples collected on R/V Savannah cruise SAV-17-15 in the Gulf of Mexico during July and August 2017 | Soluble Fe Fluxing | sample_ID |
Pore water geochemistry | | Antarctic Shelf Sediments | Sa_ID |
Porewater Geochemistry - Ruff | Porewater geochemistry data for sediment samples that were included in global seep survey (Ruff et al. 2015). | Guaymas Basin Interactions | sample |
Porewater H2S Chesapeake Bay 2017 | Porewater H2S Chesapeake Bay 2017 | Manganese3 | sample |
Porewater Nitrate and Isotopic Ratios | Porewater measurements of nitrate concentration and N and O isotopic ratios (d15N and d18O) from bore holes U1382B, U1383D, and U1384A at North Pond during IODP 336. | Mid-Atl Ridge Microbio | sample |
Porewater Nutrients | Sediment porewater nutrients | IODP insights Fungi | Sample_ID |
Porites asteroides and Diploria labyrinthiformis calcification | | BEACON | Coral_ID, Tag_ID |
Porites macrobioerosion: skeleton density | Porites macrobioerosion: skeleton density, calcification, boring volume | Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact, Thermal Thresholds and Projections | core_id |
Porosity | Porosity of vertical profiles from multi- and gravity cores from two cruises | DOC cycling in sediments | layer_num, sample_id |
poros_nut_chem_pw | Porosity and pore water nutrient chemistries, sediment cores | EqPac | sample |
por_nut_chem_PF2 | Porosity and pore water nutrient chemistries, sediment cores | EqPac | sample |
Postsettlement performance in kin groups | | Marine kin structure | mother_ID |
Power output results | Power output results | RCN ECS | total_samples, sample_size |
PP | Vertical Profiles of Primary Productivity | Northern Gulf of Alaska Phytoplankton | sample |
Predation intensity on marine invertebrate communities across latitude observed using underwater video | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Plate_ID |
Predator Induced and Non-Induced Eastern Oyster Shell Hardness | Predator Induced and Non-Induced Eastern Oyster Shell Hardness | Identifying molecules of fear | ID |
Predator Induced and Non-Induced Eastern Oyster Shell Thickness | Predator Induced and Non-Induced Eastern Oyster Shell Thickness | Identifying molecules of fear | ID |
Predator removals | Sessile community structure with and without whelk and Leptasterias predators following Seastar Wasting Disease, coastal Oregon, 2014-2015 | Sea star wasting | plot |
Presence and absence of iron and light-related functional genes | Protein information obtained from samples collected on LMG1411. | Polar_Transcriptomes | protein |
Prey percent covers | Prey percent cover raw data | Sea star wasting | plot |
Primary producer amino acid carbon isotopes | Primary producer amino acid carbon isotopes | GoME Copepod Coral Export | SampleID |
Primary producer amino acid nitrogen isotope data meta-analysis | Published primary producer amino acid nitrogen isotope values to examine beta variability in trophic position estimates | GoME Copepod Coral Export | ID |
primary production | Size-fractioned primary production rates from the Sargasso Sea. | Trophic BATS | sample |
Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus nitrite accumulation in batch culture | Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus nitrite accumulation in batch culture | Prochlorococcus N assimilation | Culture_ID |
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic abundance in BATS microbial communities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | sample_name |
Propagule counts of community experiment | Foram species counts from propagule experiment with varying CO2, O2, and temperature | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | sample |
Protein kinase A (PKA) substrate phosphorylation assays | Protein kinase A (PKA) substrate phosphorylation assays | Coral Resilience | Colony |
ProteOMZ nutrient, CTD, and oxygen data | R/V Falkor 160115 McLane log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | Sample |
ProteOMZ Peptide Level Spectral Counts | Total spectral counts of peptides from the R/V Falkor cruise 160115 in the Central Pacific for the ProteOMZ expedition in 2016. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | sample_id |
ProteOMZ Protein Level Spectral Counts | Total spectral count of proteins from R/V Falkor cruise 160115 for the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific in 2016. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | sample_id |
Pro_ancestor | Clones of Prochlorococcus MIT9312 and link to BioProject | P-ExpEv | sample |
Pseudo-nitzschia amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) | Pseudo-nitzschia asv | C-AIM | Sequence_ID |
Pseudo-nitzschia presence/absence of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) | Pseudo-nitzschia asv | C-AIM | ASV_sequence |
Pteropod abundance and distribution | | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | Net_ID |
PTR ToF-MS peak tables: Phaeodactylum tricornutum and cocultures | | Plankton Interactions and VOC | Sample_Name_internal, Sample_Name |
PTR ToF-MS peak tables: Synechococcus WH8102 | | Plankton Interactions and VOC | Sample_Name, Sample_Name_internal |
PUA Microzooplankton Biomass | PUA Microzooplankton Biomass | DiatomAldehydes | Bottle_ID |
Purple urchin density | Density of purple sea urchins along the California coast, 37.8 to 39.3 N | CHIPS | quad_num |
Push Core Faunal & Environmental Characteristics | | Costa Rica Seeps | Alvin_dive_and_push_cores |
Pushcore macrofaunal community from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Pushcore macrofaunal community from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Methanosphere | Sample |
pyrosequencing clade | Symbiodinium sequence abundance in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 1994-2010 | RUI-LTREB | Sample_ID, Colony_no, Photoquadrat |
Pyrosome Gut Pigment Contents | Pyrosome Gut Pigment Contents | NCC Pyrosomes | Pyro_ID |
Pyrosomes - MOCNESS | | MEZCAL | Colony_ID |
qPCR | Quantitative PCR data from sediment samples | IODP-347 Microbial Quantification | Identifier |
qPCR assays | qPCR assays | Symbiont Shifts on Reefs | Core, Colony |
Quantification of ciliated band length per unit protein in early echinoderm larvae: biometirc data | Ciliated band length of early echinoderm larvae | LIPs on Larval Feeding | Larva |
Quantification of ciliated band length per unit protein in early echinoderm larvae: protein data | Protein content of early echinoderm larvae | LIPs on Larval Feeding | Sample |
Quantitative PCR data | Quantitative PCR targeting Trichodesmium, UCYN-A, UCYN-B, gamma-24774A11, and Het1, based on the nifH gene. | Microbial associations in zooplankton | number |
Quantitative PCR: Dilution test | Quantitative PCR: Dilution test | EAGER: Copepod nauplii | Sample_Name |
Quantitative PCR: Field Validation | Quantitative PCR: Individuals | EAGER: Copepod nauplii | Sample_Name |
Quantitative PCR: Individuals | Quantitative PCR: Individuals | EAGER: Copepod nauplii | SampleID |
Radiocarbon ages for Guaymas Basin and Sonora Margin sediments | Radiocarbon [14C] ages of sedimentary organic matter and sedimentation rates for Guaymas Basin and Sonora Margin sediments | RAPID Guaymas Basin | Core |
radionuclide uptake by humic acids | The uptake and binding of six particle-reactive and/or redox-sensitive radionuclides (210Pb, 234Th, 7Be, 59Fe, 237Np and 233Pa) with different organic functionalities of three size fractions. | Biopolymers for radionuclides | Sample_ID |
Radium Data for South Atlantic Bight Bottom Waters | Radium isotope measurements from bottom waters in the South Atlantic Bight from 2015-2020 | SAB BMA | Sample_Number |
Radium Summary | Radium isotope data summaries | Ant2006, BWZ | Sample_ID, AMLR_ID |
RADseq data from Atlantic silversides used for linkage and QTL mapping | | GenomAdapt | sample_name |
Ramped Pyrolysis Oxidation (RPO) isotope data from Station M | | CDP in rDOM | Fraction |
Rapid Light Curves_PAM | Photosynthetic pigment concentrations in Plocamium cartilagineum trials 3-8 | Seaweed OA Resilience | Tank_ID, Plant_ID, ID |
Raw low-coverage whole genome sequencing reads | | GenomAdapt | SampleID |
REACH_zooplankton | Zooplankton abundance from the western Gulf of Maine at four repeated stations from 2002-2004 | REACH | sample |
Reciprocal transplant expt. - Photosynthetic parameters | Photosynthesic parameters - Rosario and Varadero 2016 and 2017 | Varadero Reef | Tag_num, Tag_color |
Reciprocal transplant expt. - PSII of random colonies | PSII random colonies | Varadero Reef | Colony |
Reciprocal transplant expt. - PSII of transplanted corals | PSII coral transplants | Varadero Reef | Frag |
Reciprocal transplants | Reciprocal transplant experiments on Palau Porites coral | Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact | coral_id |
Recruit qPCR data | | Symbiont Shifts on Reefs | Sample |
recruit_growth_area | Coral recruit growth as a function of corallite area change during CO2 experiments | MCR LTER, Climate_Coral_Larvae | coverslip |
recruit_growth_weight | Growth of coral recruits as a measure of weight change from calcification during CO2 experiments | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | coverslip |
recruit_survival | Coral recruit survivorship in variable CO2 conditions | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | coverslip |
Red Sea Gradient Fv/Fm | Red Sea Gradient Fv/Fm | EAGER-CBASS | Sample |
Red Sea Gradient Physiology | Red Sea Gradient Physiology | EAGER-CBASS | Label |
Red Sea Gradient Visual Bleaching | Red Sea Gradient Visual Bleaching | EAGER-CBASS | Label |
Reef biogeochemistry, metabolomics, and metagenomics | Reef biogeochemistry, metabolomics, and metagenomics | Coral Exometabolomes | sample_name, libraryID, sampleID |
reef core shell lengths | Shell lengths from the collected reef core samples | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | cage |
reef cores | Data from the collected reef core samples | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | cage |
Reference samples: carbon nitrogen and isotopes | Reference C, N and isotopes | Seagrass Blue Carbon | Analysis |
Richness of experimental marine invertebrate communities across latitude | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Plate_ID |
Richness of marine invertebrate communities across latitude with exposure to predation | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Plate_ID |
RNA:DNA measurements - field data | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Sample_ID |
RNAseq data used to identify viral genomes | Alphaflexivirus Genomes in Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease-Affected, Disease-Exposed, and Disease-Unexposed Coral Colonies in the U.S. Virgin Islands | Multi-Species Coral Disease | Sample_Name |
Rock macrofaunal community from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Rock macrofaunal community from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Methanosphere | Sample_number |
Ross Sea metaproteome peptide spectral counts | | CORSACS | sample_id |
Ross Sea metaproteome protein spectral counts | | CORSACS | sample_id |
RPO Carbon Isotopic Composition | Ramped pyrolysis oxidation (RPO) C isotope values of soils at Plum Island Ecosystems - LTER | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | Fraction |
RR1507 Vent Fluid Chemistry | RR1507 vent fluid chemistry | Functional microbial dynamics of vent deposits | sample_working_ID, sample_Jason_Virtual_Van_ID |
RR2004 Bottle Data | RR2004 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | Sample, Underway_Number, Salinometer_Sample_Number, Lab_O2_Sample_Number, Nutrient_Sample_Number, CTD_Sample_Number, Balch_Sample_Number, Freon_Sample_Number |
Ruiz-Cooly 2014 - Compound-specific carbon in sperm whale skin tissue | Compound-specific carbon isotopes from sperm whale skin tissue | Sperm Whale SI Ratios | SWFSC_id, UCSC_id |
Ruiz-Cooly 2014 - Compound-specific nitrogen in sperm whale skin tissue | Compound-specific nitrogen isotopes from sperm whale skin tissue | Sperm Whale SI Ratios | SWFSC_id, UCSC_id |
Ruiz-Cooly 2014 - Sperm whale sample info | Sperm whale skin tissue samples information | Sperm Whale SI Ratios | SWFSC_id, UCSC_id |
Ruiz-Cooly 2014 - sperm whale skin bulk C and N | Sperm whale skin bulk C and N isotopes | Sperm Whale SI Ratios | SWFSC_id, UCSC_id |
RV Falkor 160115 McLane Pump Log | R/V Falkor 160115 McLane log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | pump_serial_num, pump_num |
RV Falkor 160115 TMR Log | R/V Falkor 160115 TMR log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | TMR_pin, sample_num |
salmon_energy | juvenile pink salmon energy density, wet, dry, frozen weights: 2001-2003 | NEP | control_id |
salmon_juv_diet | juvenile salmon diet, 2001-2003 | NEP | control_id |
salmon_thermal | salmon otoliths - hatchery thermal marks, 2001 - 2004; Gulf of Alaska | NEP | control_id |
Salp and pteropod associated microorganisms | 16S rRNA sequencing salp and pteropod microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | sample_name, library_ID |
Salp genome and transcriptome | Antarctic salp genome and RNAseq transcriptome | Salp_Antarctic | specimen |
Salp Gut Carbon Content | Salp Gut Carbon Content | Salp Food Web Ecology | Sample |
Salp Gut Particle Sizes | Salp Gut Particle Sizes | Salp Food Web Ecology | Label, Sample |
salp_chloro | chlorophyll data associated with salp swarm collections in the Slope Waters off northeastern USA | SalpSwarmDyn | sample |
Salt Marsh Water Exchange-Water | | Salt Marsh Water Exchange | Sample_Name |
Sample Accession Numbers | Project accession and library information on each experimental sample | Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics | library_ID, sample_name |
Sample key: Dcyl_Symb_2014 | Dendrogyra cylindrus 23S Illumina 2014 sample key | EMUCoReS | sample, sample_ID |
Sample key: Dcyl_Symb_2015-2016 | Dendrogyra cylindrus 23S Illumina 2015-2016 sample key | EMUCoReS | sample_ID, tube |
Sample log | Metadata from sediment samples collected at Paleochori Bay, Milos island, Greece | Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation | sample_id |
Sample Metadata for MOCNESS Tows | Sample Metadata for MOCNESS Tows | Chief Sci KM1910 | ID |
Sample numbers and associated data for bacteria sequence mapping | Sample numbers, barcode information, primer information and project name. | Contagious coral diseases? | sample_id |
Sample Overview RR1507 | RR1507 sampling overview. | Functional microbial dynamics of vent deposits | sample |
Sample Stations for COP Cruises 2021-2022 | Sample Stations for COP Cruises 2021-2022 | Neotrypaea COP Effects | Sample, Sample_Date |
Samples Sequenced for Metabarcoding | Cyanobacterial and diatom samples sequenced for metabarcoding | Tango in the Mat World | SampleID, Collection_ID |
sample_information | Sampling locations and ancillary data for bulk chemical and molecular characterization of organic carriers and their partition coefficients with radionuclide marine tracers. | Biopolymers for radionuclides | Sample_ID |
Sampling Locations | Keratoisis Sample Locations | Bamboo Coral Boron Isotopes | Specimen, Sample_ID |
sampling log - swell events | Log of plankton sampling during swell events from the Nearshore Transport 2015 cruises. | Nearshore larval transport | sample |
sampling log - thermocline study | Log of plankton sampling during thermocline study from the Nearshore Transport 2015 cruises. | Nearshore larval transport | sample |
Sanger Sequencing Analysis of Potexvirus PCR Products (Potex-5 and Potex-2RC) | Sanger sequences Potex-5/Potex-2RC PCR products | VIDA Seagrass | sample |
Santa Barbara Basin Foraminiferal Flux 2014-2021 | Santa Barbara Basin Foraminiferal Flux 2014-2021 | planktic foram assemblages | Sediment_trap_deployment_ID, Cup_Sample_ID |
Santa Monica Bay 18S-V4 sequencing | | SPOT | name |
Santa Monica Bay Nutrients | | SPOT | Sample_ID |
SAR11_DOM_GIO15: AE1516 sample log | Experimental and Survey of Biogeochemical and Microbial Data; SAR11 DOM Oxidation | Bacterial DOC cycling | sample_id, filtrand_id, TOC_id |
Sargasso Sea Hydrocarbons | | Cyanobacteria Hydrocarbons | sample |
Sargassum recruit-sized growth and survival with conspecifics - figures 5 and 6 | Growth and survival of recruit-sized Sargassum polycystum ramets in crowded and isolated habitats | Killer Seaweeds | tile |
SBDOM11 mini-remineralization expt. | bacterial abundance, growth rates, and DOC from SBDOM11 cruise | SBDOM | Sample |
Scanning Electron Micrographs of Microbial Sulfur Deposition | Scanning electron micrographs of microbial sulfide deposition | INSPIRE_Pyrite | image |
Sciaenid egg identification | | Egg Boon Food Webs | UIN |
Sclerosponge paleoceanography | Elemental ratios in Western Pacific sclerosponges | Sclerosponges | Sample_ID, Specimen_ID |
SCTLD rapid microbiome characterization | SCTLD microbiome | Multi-Species Coral Disease | Sample_ID, Project_Colony_Code |
Sea cucumber enclosure experiments (Mo'orea) | | Coral Biodiversity | ID |
Sea cucumber enclosure experiments (Palmyra Atoll) | | Coral Biodiversity | ID |
Sea cucumber sand patch-removal experiment (Mo’orea) | | Coral Biodiversity | ID |
Sea fans - nearest neighbor | Nearest neighbor | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals, RUI-LTREB | Colony |
Sea star sample information: Dutch Harbor, AK | Sea star sample information | Sea Star Microbiology | Sample_No |
Sea star sample information: Ketchikan, AK | Sea star sample information | Sea Star Microbiology | Sample_num |
Sea star specimen information: California Academy of Sciences | Sea star specimen information from the California Academy of Sciences | Sea Star Microbiology | Hewson_Lab_Z_Num |
Sea star specimen information: LA County Museum of Natural History | Sea star specimen information from the LA County Museum of Natural History | Sea Star Microbiology | HEWSON_Z_num |
Sea surface microlayer trace element concentrations | Sea surface microlayer trace element concentrations | Vibrio-dust deposition | sample_id |
Seagrass biomass | Fish densities and sizes, Bahamas, 2015-2016 | Fish and biogeochem hot spots | sample |
Seagrass carbon nitrogen and isotopes | Seagrass C, N and isotopes | Seagrass Blue Carbon | Sample_ID, Tray_Name, Well_Id, OurLabID, Analysis_Number |
Seagrass Microbiome Data | | Eelgrass disease | sample_title |
Seagrass nutrient content (CNP) | Seagrass nutrients above and below ground, Bahamas, 2015-2016 | Fish and biogeochem hot spots | sample |
Seagrass nutrients post-Hurricane | Nutrient content and stable isotope ratios from seagrasses in Texas over one year following Hurricane Harvey | Hurricane impacts on seagrasses | Tray_num, Well_num, num_in_seqence |
Seagrass surveys of blade height | | Reef Production Drivers | Subsample |
seal_and_prey_fatty_acids | Fatty acid signature profiles of harbor seals and prey species (raw FID data). | Seal_response_to_prey | sample, lab_id |
seal_and_prey_stable_isotopes | Isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen from harbor seals and prey species. | Seal_response_to_prey | sample_id, lab_id |
Seasonal fatty acid profiles of marine algae and invertebrates from Sitka Sound, Alaska in 2019 | | High latitude kelp dynamics | sampleID |
Seawater and Extrapallial fluid Concentration | | Epigenetics to Ocean | SampleID |
Seawater nutrient/metabolite and flow cytometry metadata - Picoplankton incubation experiment 2020 | | Sponge Holobiont DOM | SampleID |
seaweed growth | Seaweed growth, palatability, and chemical defense (anti-coral and anti-herbivore) following 8 days of contact with a coral competitor. | Killer Seaweeds | sample |
seaweed palatability | Palatability of Galaxaura & Sargassum to herbivores | Killer Seaweeds | sample |
Sediment chlorophyll and phaeophytin | Raw benthic chlorophyll and phaeophytin data. | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | sampleID |
Sediment Core Incubations - Sylt 2013 | | Coastal_Nitrous_Oxide | Unique_ID, N_number |
Sediment delta-13C methane and methane concentrations | sediment methane | HOTFUN | Sample_ID |
Sediment iron | | Antarctic Shelf Sediments | Sa_ID |
Sediment microbial MPNs | North Atlantic subseafloor sediment viable microbe numbers/metabolisms from cruise KN223 | Subseafloor metabolisms | core_section |
Sediment microbial production | 3H-leucine and thymidine incorporation of North Atlantic subseafloor sediments from cruise KN223 | Subseafloor metabolisms | core_section |
Sediment porosity | | Antarctic Shelf Sediments | Sa_ID |
Sediment push core inventory | Sediment push cores inventory | Costa Rica Seeps | Push_Core, Serial_Number |
Sediment pushcore porewater geochemistry from southern California seeps May 2021 | Sediment pushcore porewater geochemistry from southern California seeps May 2021 | Methanosphere | serial, Sample_Name |
Sediment TP MRP MUP | | Marine Sediment Analysis 31P NMR | Sample_Name |
Sediment trap data | Sediment trap: mass flux, organic carbon, organic nitrogen, and biogenic silica flux data | IVARS | sample |
Sediment trap time-series: carbon and nitrogen isotopes | Carbon and nitrogen isotopes: sediment trap time-series | CCS-Forams | Cup |
SedimentTraps - Size-Frac Th POC PON 13Corg | Sediment Traps - Size-Fractionated Th, POC/PON, 13Corg results | SOIREE | sample |
Sedtrap Metagenomes | Marine sediment trap metagenomes | C-MORE | sample |
sedtrap_amino | Deep sea sediment trap amino acid data | AESOPS | sample |
sedtrap_lipids | Deep sea sediment trap lipid data | AESOPS | sample |
sedtrap_pigments | Deep sea sediment trap pigment data | AESOPS | sample |
sed_trap_Eq_North | EqPac sediment trap particulates <1 mm north of equator | EqPac | sample |
sed_trap_Eq_South | Preliminary EqPac sediment trap particulates <1 mm equator south | EqPac | sample |
Seeded microcosm experiments: all data | Nutrients from seeded microcosm experiments | Vibrio-dust deposition | vessel, sample |
seep isotopes | C14 and N15 isotopes in rocks and animals from methane seep hard substrate ecosystems | Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II | sample |
SEEPC Bivalve DNA Barcoding Results | Bivalve larvae DNA barcode results | SEEPC | larva_id |
SEEPC larval collections: MOCNESS | MOCNESS collections of invertebrate larvae throughout water column near methane seep sites: Barbados Accretionary Prism, 2012; Gulf of Mexico, 2014;Western Atlantic Margin, 2015 (SEEPC Project) | SEEPC | larva_id |
SEEPC larval collections: SyPRID | AUV Sentry collections of invertebrate larvae close to the bottom near methane seep sites at the Western Atlantic Margin, 2015 (SEEPC Project) | SEEPC | larva_id |
Sequencing Reads | Accession numbers | KeysCoralPopgen | SPUID |
SERC 2019 viral dilution incubations | Gene copy number counts and 16S analyses of July 2019 Rhode River surface water incubated with or without viral dilution | identify cyano infections | Sample_ID |
SERC time series | Water quality data, gene copy number counts, and 16S analyses from Rhode River samples collected at SERC | identify cyano infections | Sample, Sample_ID |
Series 1B: POC, PON, Chl-a | Series 1B: POC, PON, Chl-a | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Reference_Label |
Series 2: CO2 Aggregation Experiment - pH Data | Series 2: CO2 Aggregation Experiment - pH Data | OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation | sample |
Series 2A: POC, PON, Chl-a | Series 2A: POC, PON, Chl-a | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Reference_Label |
Series 3A: POC, PON, Chl a | Series 3A: POC, PON, chl-a | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Reference_Label |
Series 3B: bubble expt flow cytometry | Series 3B: bubble expt flow cytometry | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Sample_ID |
Series 4A: cell abundance and size | Series 4A: cell abundance and size | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Tube |
Series 4A: DIC | Series 4A: DIC | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Tube |
Series 4A: nutrients | Series 4A: nutrients | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Tube |
Series 4A: pH | Series 4A: pH | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Tube |
Series 4A: photophysiology raw fluorescence | Series 4A: photophysiology RAW | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Tube |
Series 4A: POC, PON, Chl-a | Series 4A: POC, PON, chl-a | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | Tube |
settlement abundance | relative abundance inverts and algae | Coral Climate ETP | ID |
Shaw 2016: Acropora pulchra calcification experiment 2 | Calcification rates of Acropora pulchra in ambient and elevated temperature and pCO2 conditions | OA coral adaptation, MCR LTER | sample_id |
Shell Concentrations | | Epigenetics to Ocean | SampleID |
Shell thickness of mussel recruits | Shell thickness of mussel recruits | Coastal Adaptation | Mussel_Number |
Shima_Osenberg_2003 | Spatio-temporal exploration of covariation among densities, environmental characteristics and strength of density-dependent mortality of reef fish, Thalassoma hardwicke. | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | OBS1 |
Shipboard aerosol and rain sample nutrients and iron | | DANCE | Sample_ID |
Shipboard incubations SKQ202209S | Shipboard incubations SKQ202209S | pH-Fe availability | FeOA_NBR, NUTS_ID |
Shoots sampled for whole genome sequencing | Shoots sampled for whole genome sequencing | ZosteraEcoGenomics | INDV |
Short-term heat stress assay Heron Island - physiological data | | Coral Resilience | ColonyID |
Short-term heat stress assay: Photochemical yield data | | Mcap pairs time series | Colony_ID |
Si Depletion Experiment: BSi | | Coccolithophore Silicon Requirements | Sample |
Si Depletion Experiment: Cell Counts | | Coccolithophore Silicon Requirements | Sample |
Si Depletion Experiment: DSi | | Coccolithophore Silicon Requirements | Sample |
SIMCO 1 and 2: Taxonomic transcript bins | Taxonomic binning of transcripts from samples collected during the SIMCO1 and SIMCO2 | SIMCO | sample |
SIMCO 1 and 2: Transcripts per liter | Transcript counts per liter from samples collected during the SIMCO1 and SIMCO2 | SIMCO | sample |
SIMCO metatranscriptome sequence accessions | SIMCO metatranscriptome sequence accessions | SIMCO | Sample_Name |
SIMCO Pilot Study: DOC, delta13C and salinity | DOM, delta13C, and salinity from samples collected during the SIMCO1 and SIMCO2 | SIMCO | sample |
SIMCO: DOC and salinity 2014 | DOM and salinity from samples collected during the SIMCO1 and SIMCO2, 2014 | SIMCO | sample |
Simulated grazing experiment | Data investigating the interaction between simulated grazing and fungal disease incidence. | Mangrove Die-off | leaf_pair |
Single amplified genomes | Single amplified genomes (SAGs) | Dark ocean chemoautotrophs | SAG |
Single-cell genomics of Chloroflexi | Chloroflexi accessions | Subsurface FeOBs | section |
Sinking particle sample information for BATS microbial communities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | sample_name |
Site locations and species sampled | List of species that were sampled and locations of sampling sites. | Coral Microbial Relationships | colony_name |
Sites and symbionts | Sites and symbionts | St. John LTREB, RUI-LTREB | Sample_ID |
Size and species of focal basslets | Hunting patterns by predator species. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | predator_ID |
Size-fractionated particulate trace element concentrations determined by ICP-MS from Ocean Station Papa during the 2018 EXPORTS cruise | | Particle aggregation | SPTsampleID, LPTsampleID |
Size-fractionated particulate trace element concentrations determined by ICP-MS from the 2021 North Atlantic EXPORTS cruise | | Particle aggregation | SPTsampleID, LPTsampleID |
Smallmouth Grunt Otolith Morphology | Smallmouth Grunt Otolith Morphology | OA-OTO MIN | ID, FISH, OBS |
SMURF faunal settlement | | Habitat Fragmentation | Sample_ID |
SoMMoS dataset | Southeastern Mediterranean Monthly cruise Series | HADFBA | ID |
South China Sea 16S | 16S gene sequencing of microbial communities from South China Sea sediments | Edginess in the subsurface | Sample_Name |
Southern California Seeps Stable Isotopes | | Methanosphere | Sample_No |
soxB Sequences | soxB gene sequence data from microbial mats at Axial Seamount, 2011. | AXIAL | sample_name, sample_title |
spat tiles | Abundance of live and dead spat and recruitment in cage experiment | Oyster_Trophic_Cascades | cage, tile |
Spatial surveys of carbonate chemistry in Kaneohe Bay | Spatial variability in carbonate chemistry was conducted across the barrier reef flat of Kaneohe Bay, HI | Nearshore CO2 | sample |
Spawning Trial - Egg Production | Egg Production | HYPOA | Subsample_number |
SPE-DOC 13C from GO-SHIP cruises (2015 to 2018) | Stable carbon isotopes of DOC from GO-SHIP cruises | DOC 14C and 13C | SPE_DOC_UCID |
Species Code Key | Species code key for M. Carr and T. Tinker Kelp Forest Resilience project. | Kelp_Forest_Resilience | sample_subtype |
Species richness | Species richness in MPAs | Killer Seaweeds | type |
Sponge holobiont accessions and metadata | Sponge holobiont accessions and metadata | DimensionsSponge | Sample_name, source_material_identifiers |
Sponge Symbiont Carbon and Nutrient Cycling | Sponge Symbiont Carbon and Nutrient Cycling | Sponge_Loop | Sample, sample_name |
Sponge volume | Sponge density, morphology, percent cover, pre- and post-hurricane | Sponge resilience | quadrat |
Sponge-Associated Microbial Communities (via 16S-V4 rRNA amplicon sequencing) Following Storm-Driven Flooding | | Rapid Reefs Harvey | Sample_Name |
Spring 2011 - Drill Core Methane | Spring 2011 - Drill Core Methane | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | sample_no |
Spring 2011 - Master Data Sheet | Spring 2011 Sediment/Permafrost Master Data Sheet | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Joye_Lab_Sample_ID |
Spring 2011 -Sediment Gas Concentrations and Stable Isotope Values | Spring 2011 -Sediment Gas Concentrations and Stable Isotope Values | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Joye_Lab_Sample_ID |
Spring 2012 - d13C and d2H Stable Isotope Composition | Spring 2012 - d13C and d2H Stable Isotope Composition | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Sample_ID |
Spring 2012 - Turnover Rates | Spring 2012 - Turnover Rates | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Joye_Lab_Sample_ID |
squid chemistry | Carbon chemistry of water used for squid study | OA Squid Rearing | sample |
squid hatch rates | Experimental rearing of longfin squid under ocean acidification conditions | OA Squid Rearing | sample |
squid mantle length | Mantle length of squid hatched at two pH levels | OA Squid Rearing | sample |
squid statolith | Size and porosity of squid statolith | OA Squid Rearing | sample |
Squidpop 2021 2022 | Squidpop predation data collected at various temperatures from multiple sites in San Cristobal, Galapagos | Galapagos 2021 | Squidpop, Code |
Squidpop Assays 2021 | Squidpop Assays 2021 | Temperature and Herbivory | Code1, Code2 |
Squidpop data | | Harvey Seagrass | PA_Squidpop_3, Squidpop_cover_8, Squidpop_cover_3, PA_Squidpop_9, PA_Squidpop_4, Squidpop_cover_9, Squidpop_cover_4, PA_Squidpop_10, PA_Squidpop_5, Squidpop_cover_10, Squidpop_cover_5, PA_Squidpop_6, PA_Squidpop_1, Squidpop_cover_6, Squidpop_cover_1, PA_Squidpop_7, PA_Squidpop_2, Squidpop_cover_7, Squidpop_cover_2, PA_Squidpop_8 |
Sr Experiment: EDS | Sr Experiment: EDS | Coccolithophore Silicon Requirements | Cell_Number |
SRA_CH0112 metadata | Physical meta associated with marine metagenome samples collected along the New England Shelf, USA | CiliateSequencing | sample_name |
SSU rRNA Gene Sequencing from SPOT | SSU rRNA Gene Sequencing from SPOT | SPOT | sample_title |
Stable C and O isotopes for Guaymas Basin and Sonora Margin sediments | d13C and d18O isotopic data for carbonate nodules and sedimentary carbonates in Guaymas Basin and Sonora Margin sediments | RAPID Guaymas Basin | Core_section_cm |
Stable carbon isotopes of seafloor basalts | Stable carbon isotopic composition of organic matter from seafloor basalts incubated with labeled bicarbonate | Basalt carbon fixation | incubation_sample |
Stable Isotope 13C and 15N | Stable Isotope 13C and 15N | Sponge Holobiont DOM | Sample_ID |
Stable Isotope measurements – field and lab samples | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Sample_ID |
Stable Isotopes - DIC and Acetate | The acetate and inorganic carbon uptake rates as determined via stable isotopic tracers; data generated using the formation fluids recovered from the CORKs installed at the North Pond in 2012 | North Pond Microbes | sample |
Stegastes planiforms attack behavior towards invasive lionfish | Stegastes planiforms attack behavior towards invasive lionfish and native predators. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | damsel_number |
Stegastes planiforms attack rate towards invasive lionfish | Stegastes planiforms attack rate towards invasive lionfish and native predators. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | damsel_number |
Stegastes planiforms attacks by predator | Data illustrating which native and invasive predators were attacked by Stegastes planiforms. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | damsel_number |
STING I and STING II extracted chlorophyll a and pheophytin | Chlorphyll a and pheophytin from two cruises performed as part of the STING project | Gulf of Mexico DON and Fe | STING_ID |
STING macronutrient concentrations | | Gulf of Mexico DON and Fe | STING_ID |
Stone crab: 052012-DietChoiceExp1 | Prey choice for 2-clawed and 1-clawed Stone Crabs (Menippe spp.) | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
Stone crab: 052012-LongTermConsumption | Long-term consuption for 2-clawed and 1-clawed Stone Crabs (Menippe spp.), summer of 2012 | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
Stone crab: 062013-DietChoiceExp2 | Prey choice for 2-clawed and 1-clawed Stone Crabs (Menippe spp.) | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
Stone crab: 062013-PreySizeSelection | Prey Size selection ranking for 2-clawed and 1-clawed Stone Crabs (Menippe spp.) | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
stony coral array metadata | Tile array metadata and fish identified from photos | Killer Seaweeds | array |
stony coral distribution - 2m circles | Colony sizes and distances from each other in 2-meter circles, Fiji 2013 | Killer Seaweeds | survey |
stony coral distribution - 64 m2 grids | Spatial distribution of P. damicornis and S. hystrix, Fiji I., 2013 | Killer Seaweeds | replicate |
stony coral fragment survival expts. | stoney coral fragment survival experiment, Fiji 2013 | Killer Seaweeds | tile, tile_batch, pipe, tile_loc_code, fragment |
stony coral replacement tiles | Stoney coral survival experiments on replacement tiles | Killer Seaweeds | tile, tile_batch, pipe, tile_loc_code, fragment |
Stress bands Jarvis | Stress bands Jarvis | Coral Bleaching Skeletal Records | core_id |
Strytan Hydrothermal Field: geochemistry | Geochemistry measurements from the Strytan Hydrothermal Field | Lost City-type hydrothermal system | sample |
Substrate Coverage | Substrate Coverage | Urchin metapopulations | SubstrateID |
Substrate-specific metabolic responses of model marine bacteria | Substrate-specific metabolic responses of model marine bacteria - metadata for transcriptomic expression data | C-CoMP Model Bacteria | Sample_Name |
Subsurface Nitrospirota and Nitrospinota Origins | | Slow Life in Crust | ID |
Subterranean Estuary In Situ Tracer Experiment Incubation Data, 2019 | | Subsurface cryptic N cycle | Sample_ID |
Subterranean Estuary Sediment Nitrification Incubation Data, 2020 | Sediment Nitrification Incubation | Subsurface cryptic N cycle | Sample_ID |
Sulfur Geochemistry | Sulfur geochemistry of the Santa Elena (Costa Rica) ultramafics | Controls on biological activity | sample_name |
Sulfur Oxidizers Sample Collection and Nutrient Information | sample station data for analysis of microbial communities | Sulfur Oxidizers | sample_no |
Summary data from the Heatwaves and Coral-Recovery Database (HeatCRD) | Summary data from the Heatwaves and Coral-Recovery Database (HeatCRD) | Coral Recovery | Sample_ID |
Suppl 2c: benthic community composition | Benthic community composition | HERBVRE | SampleID |
Suppl 2c: microbial sample metadata | Microbial sample metadata, sequencing and treatment details, temperature and salinity | HERBVRE | run_prefix, sequencing_run, plot_code, plot_number, replicate_subplot, plot_code_month_year, SampleID, SampleID_no_replicate, primer_name, barcode_number |
Suppl 2c: parrotfish bite annotations | Parrotfish bite annotations | HERBVRE | SampleID |
Suppl 2c: relative abundance of phyla | Relative abundance of phyla | HERBVRE | SampleID |
Suppl 2d: Microbial community metadata (water samples) | Microbial community metadata - water samples | HERBVRE | primer_name, SampleID, SampleID_no_replicate, McMindsSampleID, barcode_number, run_prefix, analysis_name, sequencing_run, plot_code |
Suppl 5a: coral mortality and tissue loss | Coral mortality and tissue loss | HERBVRE | plot |
Surface Sedimentary Black Carbon Concentrations and Carbon Isotopes Values | | Tropical Atlantic Black Carbon | Coring_Attempt |
Surface Towfish Dissolved Trace Metal (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) Concentrations | Surface Towfish Dissolved Trace Metal (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) Concentrations | Diatoms and carbon export | ID |
Survey disease oysters | Survey disease status and sizes | Oyster Reef Reversal | quadrat |
Survey Quadrats: organism sizes | Survey counts and sizes | Oyster Reef Reversal | quadrat |
Survival - pCO2 x DO effects on Menidia menidia | Survival data from static and fluctuating pCO2 x dissolved oxygen (DO) experiments on Menidia menidia | HYPOA | Bucket |
Survival and size | Survival, length, and growth responses of M. menidia offspring from different females exposed to contrasting CO2 environments. | HYPOA | Female |
Switch 2014 Metadata | Cell abundance, nutrient, DMSP concentrations from mesocosm experiment | OceanSulfurFluxBact | cubitainer |
Switch RNAseq | Transcriptional profile of marine bacterium Ruegeria pomeroyi in a three-member co-culture study | OceanSulfurFluxBact | Locus_Tag |
Symbiodiniaceae communities in corals with ITS-2 rDNA amplicon sequencing | | Moorea Virus Project | Sample_Name, Genotype_ID |
Symbiodinium community composition | Symbiodinium community composition for individual A. cervicornis. | EMUCoReS | genet_clonalPopulation_ID, ramet_individualColony_ID |
Symbiodinium genotype responses to Nitrogen | Symbiodinium genotype responses to nitrogen (Expt 2) | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Genotype |
Symbiodinium genotype responses to temperature | Symbiodinium genotype responses to temperature (Expt 1) | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Genotype |
Symbiont community structure in Orbicella faveolata | Symbiont community structure in Orbicella faveolata | Symbiont Shifts on Reefs | sample_id |
Symbiont density | pre- and post-bleach symbiont density in Porites divaricata | SymBioSys | sample |
Symbiont type in recovering corals | symbiont type in recovering Porites divaricata corals | SymBioSys | sample_id |
Synechococcus accessions | Synechococcus accessions | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Sample_Name, SPUID |
Synechococcus growth rate: silicic acid | Growth rate of Synechococcus cells grown in different silicic acid concentrations | Si_in_Syn | clone_id |
Synechococcus growth rate: varying light levels | Silica quotas of Synechococcus cells cultured under varying light conditions | Si_in_Syn | clone_id |
Synechococcus Si quotas: phosphorous | Synechococcus silica quotas from cultures with various Si:P mole ratios | Si_in_Syn | clone_id |
Synechococcus Si quotas: silicic acid | Si quotas of Synechococcus cells grown in different silicic acid concentrations | Si_in_Syn | clone_id |
Synechococcus Si uptake: additional nutrients | Synechococcus cell silica uptake from cultures with added nutrients | Si_in_Syn | clone_id |
Synechococcus Si uptake: phosphorous | Synechococcus silica uptake rates from cultures with and without added orthophospate | Si_in_Syn | clone_id |
Synechococcus Si uptake: silicic acid gradients | Silica uptake by Synechococcus cells in response to a gradient of silicic acid concentrations | Si_in_Syn | clone_id |
Synechococcus: cellular silicon water-soluble fraction | Water-soluble fraction of silica in Synechococcus cells grown in different silicic acid concentrations | Si_in_Syn | clone_id |
T Lake PC1 Chronology | 14C Dates from core PC1, T Lake, Palau | PaPaPro | Labcode |
T. pseudonana fatty acids by biovolume | T. pseudonana fatty acids by biovolume | Phytoplankton Community Responses | numID, Sample, SampID |
T. pseudonana fatty acids per cell | T. pseudonana fatty acids by cell | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Sample, SampID, numID |
T. pseudonana starve-recover experiments: Cell information | | Diatom Death | sample |
T. rotula Common Garden Experiment | T. rotula Common Garden Experiment | Phytoplankton Community Responses | SRA_Library_Name |
T. rotula microbiome global sample | T. rotula microbiome global sample | Diatom Gene Flow | Sample_Name, SRA_Library_Name |
Table 1. 210Pb, 210Bi, and 210Po activities in rain and lake water | Table 1: Pb, Bi, Po | Bi 210 measurement | sample |
Table 2 - Carbonate data and nutrients during egg experiments | Table 2 - Carbonate data and nutrients during egg experiments | OA Calanus Survival | TANK |
Table 2. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations in lake water | Table 2: lake SPM | Bi 210 measurement | sample |
Table 3: 210Pb, 210Bi, and 210Po activities in mussels | Table 3: Pb, Bi, Po in mussels | Bi 210 measurement | sample |
Temperature Logger | Temperature Logger | Temperature and Herbivory | Measurement |
Temperature Profiles AT15-40 and AT15-56 | Hydrothermal sediment temperature profiles near Beggiatoa mats | Guaymas Basin Vents | dive_profile |
Temperature, Salinity, and Chlorophyll - Spatial Series | Temperature and Chlorophyll - Spatial Series | Env Gradient Adaptation | sample_id |
Temperature, Salinity, and Chlorophyll - Temporal Series | Temperature and Chlorophyll - Temporal Series | Env Gradient Adaptation | Sample |
Temperature-dependence of juvenile Black sea bass growth and lipid accumulation - Experiment 2 | Temperature-dependence of juvenile Black sea bass growth and lipid accumulation - Experiment 2 | HYPOA | BSB_ID |
Temporal Comparison of Mussel (Mytilus californianus) Shell Thickness | Temporal Comparison of Mussel (Mytilus californianus) Shell Thickness | Coastal Adaptation | Mussel_num |
TEN Biomass Morphometrics Spring 2018 | TEN Biomass Morphometrics Spring 2018 | Tropicalization Seagrass Beds | plot, shoot |
TEN Biomass Weights Spring 2018 | TEN Biomass Weights Spring 2018 | Tropicalization Seagrass Beds | plot |
Test Dataset | Testing New Website Search again | BCO-DMO | Coring_Attempt |
Th-234 activity | Water column Th-234 activity determined using a 4-L technique. | CRD FLUZiE | sample |
th234_pump | Th-234 in particulate and dissolved phases; POC/PON | Arabian Sea | sample |
th234_pump | Th-234 in particulate and dissolved phases; POC/PON | AESOPS | sample |
Thalassiosira Fe and light limitation - culture conditions | Culture conditions for T. oceanica and T. weissflogii grown in varied Fe and light | GeTFeHvCOdia | sample |
Thallium isotopes | Thallium isotope data from a Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event | Vanadium Isotopes | Sample |
Thaumarchaea transcriptomes | Thaumarchaea transcriptomes | AmoA Archaea | Sample_Name, Tax_ID, Strain |
The influence of reactive oxygen species on "‘respiration" isotope effect | The influence of reactive oxygen species on "‘respiration" isotope effect | Microbial isotope effects | Sample |
Thermal Stress Experiment: Color Score Physiology | Thermal Stress Experiment: Color Score Physiology | Holobiont Integration | PLUG_ID, Genotype |
Thermal Stress Experiment: Targeted Metabolites | Thermal Stress Experiment: Targeted Metabolites | Holobiont Integration | Ionization, groupId |
Thermal Stress Experiment: Untargeted Metabolites | Thermal Stress Experiment: Untargeted Metabolites | Holobiont Integration | Ionization, Number |
Thorium Summary | Thorium isotope data summaries | Ant2006, BWZ | Sample_ID |
Thread mechanics | | OA - Ecomaterials Perspective | Mussel_ID |
Thread number | | OA - Ecomaterials Perspective | Mussel_ID |
Three-Prime Tag-Sequencing (3' Tag-Seq) Data for Pisaster ochraceus | | PoGOMO | sample_name, isolate_id |
Tidal study of seawater microbial communities | | Coral Exometabolomes | Sample_ID |
Tissue data from Keister et al. 2023 | Palau coral comparative analysis thermal tolerance physiology | Thermally tolerant coral | Sample_ID |
Tissue Mortality (Months 2 and 7) | Percent tissue mortality of corals in experimental plots | Coral Biodiversity | ID |
Tissue Mortality Month 4 and 16 | Percent tissue mortality of corals in experimental plots at month 4 and 16 on a fringing reef in Fiji. | Killer Seaweeds | ID |
Total DOC 14C | Total DOC 14C | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | UCIAMS_num |
Total lipid measurements - field data | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Sample_ID |
Total mercury and methylmercury concentrations in longnose lancetfish tissues from the North Pacific Ocean | lancetfish 2018-2023 | SCOHH | specimen_id |
Total mercury concentrations and size data for bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna, and longnose lancetfish from the North Pacific Ocean | Mercury concentrations fish 1971-2023 | SCOHH | specimen_id |
Total spectral count of proteins (MetZyme 0.2) | Global metaproteomic dataset for KM1128 the METZYME expedition. | MetZyme | scaffold_id, ORF_id |
TP metals sediments with no pretreatment | | Marine Sediment Analysis 31P NMR | Sample_ID |
TP sediments with pretreatment | | Marine Sediment Analysis 31P NMR | Sample_ID |
TP sediments with pretreatment | | Deep sea sediments | Sample_ID |
TPC Growth rates: 100 generations | growth at 7 temps after 100 generations | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Evol_strain |
TPC Growth rates: 200 generations | TPC growth at 8 temps after 200 generations | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Evol_strain |
Trace metal and organic iron ligand data | Trace metal and organic iron ligand data | PLUME RAIDERS | GT_number |
Trace-metals from CTD casts and underway water samples | | DANCE | Sample_ID |
Transcriptomes of co-cultured marine microbes and Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 | Transcriptomes of co-cultured marine microbes and Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 | CC_Auto_Hetero_Fluxes | Library_Name, Sample_Name |
Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) CTD Bottle Measurements HRS2204 | Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) CTD Bottle Measurements HRS2204 | Disaggregation | ID |
Trawl abundance | Epibenthic trawl abundance from offshore of Aleutian Islands, 2016-2017 | Kelp Forest Ecosystem Engineer Loss | Sample |
Trawl biomass | Epibenthic trawl biomass from offshore of Aleutian Islands, 2016-2017 | Kelp Forest Ecosystem Engineer Loss | Sample |
Trawl survey: fish and jellyfish sample data | Fish and jellyfish sample data | PelagicHypoxia | SampleNo |
Trawl survey: fish and jellyfish stomach contents | Fish and jellyfish stomach contents | PelagicHypoxia | SampleNo |
Trematode recruitment | Trematode recruitment | Parasite_Populations | snail |
trial_a | Trial A test of the dissolution method | EAGER NitFix | Sample |
Trichodesmiium field metaproteomes - sample provenance | | Cyanobacteria Warming Responses, TriCoLim, MM Saito, MM Proteins and Organics Tech | Name |
Trichodesmium AHL metatranscriptomes_AE1409 | GenBank Trichodesmium accessions and associated metadata | P Processing by Tricho | library_ID |
Trichodesmium field metaproteomes - protein spectral counts | | Cyanobacteria Warming Responses, TriCoLim, MM Saito, MM Proteins and Organics Tech | sample_id |
Trichodesmium GBR growth rates | Trichodesmium specific growth rates based on in vivo fluorescence | Enviro variability and phytoplankton growth | sample_name |
Trichodesmium GBR Thermal Curve | Trichodesmium thermal curve | Enviro variability and phytoplankton growth | Sample_name |
Trichodesmium sequence accessions | GenBank Trichodesmium accessions and associated metadata | P Processing by Tricho | sample_name, sample_title |
TriCo Lim Particulate Organic Phosphorus | Particulate organic phosphorus experiments | TriCoLim | Sample_ID |
Triple oxygen isotopes of respiration and photo-oxidation of DOC | Triple oxygen isotopes of respiration and photo-oxidation of DOC | Microbial isotope effects | Sample_ID |
Tubeworms | | Costa Rica Seeps | Tentative_ID |
Turbulence microstructure profiles | Turbulence microstructure profiles HRS2204 | Disaggregation | Deployment_ID |
Turbulence settlement: fig.3 Royal Soc. Open Sci. (2015) | Fig 3 data from Hodin et al (2015) Royal Soc. Open Sci. - sand dollar settlement and turbulence | Turbulence-spurred settlement | batch |
Turbulence settlement: fig.4-6_Batches A-B - Royal Soc. Open Sci. (2015) | Fig 4-6, batches A&B data from Hodin et al (2015) Royal Soc. Open Sci. - sand dollar settlement and turbulence | Turbulence-spurred settlement | batch |
Turbulence settlement: fig.8 - Royal Soc. Open Sci. (2015) | Fig 8 data from Hodin et al (2015) Royal Soc. Open Sci. - sand dollar settlement and turbulence | Turbulence-spurred settlement | num_juv_tmt |
T_pseudonana_growth | T. pseudonana growth under varied Zn, Mn, Cu availability. | Pennate Diatom Genomics | sample |
Uca pugilator: behavior change with carapace marking | Uca pugilator: search space behavior due to carapace treatment (control, nail polish, and food dye) | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
Uca pugilator: field spatial position | Uca pugilator: Assessment of individual's position within a herd at 3 min. intervals; for proportion of time found at edge of herd | Variation in Metabolic Processes | crab |
UCSB Mussel Growth - Lipds | UCSB Mussel Growth - Lipds | OMEGAS-II | sampleID |
UCSB Mussel Growth - Mussel body size data for RNA-Seq project | UCSB Mussel Growth - Mussel body size data for RNA-Seq project | OMEGAS-II | sampleID |
UCSB Mussel Growth - Raw Shuck Data | UCSB Mussel Growth - Raw Shuck Data | OMEGAS-II | sampleID |
UH_ICP-OES_MVBS_2012 dissolved ions | North Pond CORKs dissolved ion concentrations from samples collected using the MVBS system during ROV Jason-II dives | North Pond Microbes | sample |
Ulva: Carbonate chemistry pCO2 | Carbonate chemistry of Ulva lactuca culture pots testing the effects of pCO2 variability | Seaweed OA Resilience | Culture_Pot_ID |
Ulva: Chl a | Chlorophyll a per unit biomass in Ulva lactuca under ocean acidification (OA) conditions | Seaweed OA Resilience | Label |
Ulva: CHN and stable isotopes | Stable isotope ratios and mass of carbon and nitrogen in Ulva cells under OA | Seaweed OA Resilience | Sample_ID |
Ulva: Growth | Ulva growth rates | Seaweed OA Resilience | Label |
Ulva: pH Drift | Carbonate Chemistry over a time course with Ulva in pH drift experiments | Seaweed OA Resilience | Label |
Ulva: Photosynthesis and respiration | Ulva photosynthesis and respiration | Seaweed OA Resilience | Label |
Ulva: seawater delta13C | Stable isotope ratio and concentration of carbon in seawater, Ulva expts. | Seaweed OA Resilience | Sample |
Underway Data | Underway Data | OA - Canada Basin | Sample_ID |
Underway Discrete | Underway Discrete | OA - Western Arctic | SAMPNO |
underway T S fluor pigments | Underway data including T, S, fluor, pigments | CORSACS | sample |
Urchin Respiration Rates | Pencil urchin respiration rates | Temperature and Herbivory | Species_Site, Organism_ID |
USVI Time-series | USVI Time-series | Coral Chorus | sample_name |
V3-V4 16S rRNA sequence accessions from whole larvae and juveniles of Gigantidas childressi and co-located water samples | V3-V4 16S rRNA sequence accessions from whole larvae and juveniles of Gigantidas childressi and co-located water samples | SALT | Sample_ID |
V4 amplicon sequencing of coral tissue | Accession numbers and locations of species analyzed. | Coral Microbial Relationships | coral_colony |
V4 SSU rRNA gene primer validation for reef seawater | Partial SSU rRNA genes of bacteria and archaea from reef seawater samples produced using 515F/806R and 515F/806RB primers | Coral Microbial Relationships | sample |
Vanadium isotopes | Analysis of high-precision vanadium isotope ratios by medium resolution MC-ICP-MS | Vanadium Isotopes | Sample |
vent chemical composition-Crab Spa | Chemical composition of diffuse flow vent fluids collected from Crab Spa, 9N on the East Pacific Rise | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | sample |
Vent chemistry | Concentrations of anions, cations, and trace elements/metals from vents near Milos I., Greece. | Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation | sample_id |
Vent fluid chemistry: AT26-10 and AT26-23 | Vent fluid chemistry from AT26-10 and AT26-23 | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | sample |
Vent Parasite Dissection Data | Species dissection rom the 9°50’N deep-sea hydrothermal vent field. | EPR Functional Diversity, Vent Settlement Cues | HOST_ID |
Vent_CSP_SAG | Single amplified genomes (SAGs) of microbial cells isolated from Crab Spa, East Pacific Rise | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | SAG_id |
Vertical Plankton Tow - VPT | Vertical Plankton Tow (VPT) data from 1997 - 2003 | NEP | sample_id |
viable cell counts | Viable cell counts on the bacteria in the seawater collected in the Niskin bottles during Leggo drops 1 and 3 | Mariana Perspectives | drop_name |
Video transects (Wood Fall project) | Datasheet provides information for all video transects taken with the remotely operated vehicle. | Wood Fall | transect_number |
Viral Consortia in Stony Corals | Viral Consortia in Stony Corals | Multi-Species Coral Disease | Sample_Name |
Virus dPCR assay primers | Primers used for Pleurochrysis carterae virus dPCR assays | Marine Chronic Viruses | primer_id |
Virus production at a hydrothermal vent site | | Vent Underworld | sample_id, subsample_id |
Visual Bleaching Scores Summer 2018 | | Heat Tolerant Corals | Tank_Number, Reef, Colony_Number |
Visual monitoring of A. cervicornis | Bleaching, disease, and mortality on an individual basis 2014 and 2015. | EMUCoReS | genet, sample_number |
Vitacopss: eukaryote abundance by taxon | Eukaryote plankton abundance and composition with nitrate and B vitamins from San Pedro Ocean Timeseries (SPOT), 2015 | B-vitamin plankton succession | sample_id |
Vitacopss: nutrients and microbial cell counts | Nutrients and picoplankton cell counts with nitrate and B vitamins from San Pedro Ocean Timeseries (SPOT), 2015 | B-vitamin plankton succession | sampleid |
Vouchered specimens | Vouchered specimens | Costa Rica Seeps | catalogNumber |
VPR AR29 | Video Plankton Recorder environmental sensor data, April 2018 | SPIROPA | cruise_transect, vpr_transect |
Vulnerability of coral reefs to bioerosion | This dataset contains calcification rates for Porites coral 751 from Dongsha Atoll from 1954-2012. Calcification rates were collected by analyzing the CT scan of the coral. | Coral climate effects | Sample_ID |
Warm Core Ring Census (1980-2017) | WCR census | GLOBEC_PRS_Freshwater Inputs | WCR_Name |
Wasting Disease and Seagrass Field Experiment | Wasting Disease and Seagrass Field Experiment | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | shoot_id |
Water Column Be-7 | Be-7 from water samples from the Arctic collected on RV Polarstern ARK-XXVI/3. | Be-7 Tracer Method | sample_id |
Water Column Chemical and Biological Inventories | Water Column Chemical and Biological Inventories | ArcticNITRO | Sample_ID |
Water column Chesapeake Bay 2017 | Water column Chesapeake Bay 2017 | Manganese3 | sample |
Water column Chesapeake Bay 2018 | Water column Chesapeake Bay 2018 | Manganese3 | sample |
Water column geochemical composition | Water column geochemical composition | Pacific Porewater Nd | sample_name |
Water Column Nitrate d15N Cocos Ridge Upper 1000m | Water Column Nitrate d15N Cocos Ridge Upper 1000m | CDISP 2021 | Station_ID |
water nutrients | Florida Keys - Water Nutrients | Sponge Holobiont DOM | SampleID |
Water temperature data | Water temperature data from stable isotope labeling experiments. | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | sampleID, bucket |
Water temperature for Palau corals | | Heat Tolerant Corals | Colony_tag |
WaterChemistry_OA_Expt2017 | WaterChemistry_OA_Expt2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | tank_id, jar_id |
Water_Column_AE1409 | Water column data from cruise AE1409 | P Processing by Tricho | Sample |
West Antarctic Isoscape Data | C and N isotope data for zoo- and phytoplankton from west Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | Sample_ID |
Western Pacific Cruise Data | Western Pacifi Cruise Data | North Pacific Atmos | Sample_Number, Duplicate |
Western Pacific Hawaii Aerosol Data | Western Pacific Hawaii Aerosol Data | North Pacific Atmos | Sample_ID |
Western Pacific Precipitation Data | Western Pacific Aerosol Data | North Pacific Atmos | Duplicate |
Whelan_2014_T3: toxin genes identified in Nemertean species | Toxin genes identified in Nemertean species | Antarctic Inverts | identifier |
Whelk size distributions: counts | Whelk counts from 4 sites relative to tidal elevation from coastal Oregon, 2014-2015 | Sea star wasting | quadrat |
Whelk size distributions: individuals | Whelk sizes measured from 4 sites relative to tidal elevation from coastal Oregon, 2014-2015 | Sea star wasting | quadrat |
Whole genome sequence data for Pisaster ochraceus | | PoGOMO | sample_name |
Whole Genome Sequencing of Eelgrass Bodega and Tomales Bay | Whole Genome Sequencing of Eelgrass Bodega and Tomales Bay | ZosteraEcoGenomics | sample_name |
Wild copepod pool-seq data | Pool-seq data from wild populations of copepods in the North Sea | Evolutionary genomics of a copepod | Sample_Code |
Winam Gulf Metagenomic Time Series | Metagenomic Time Series of Winam Gulf, Lake Victoria from 2022-2023 | ASI Lake Victoria | SampleID |
winter nitrate isotopes - hydrocast | Wintertime nitrate delta 15N and delta 18O from hydrocasts in the Southern Ocean south of Africa. | Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes | sample |
winter nitrate isotopes - underway | Wintertime nitrate delta 15N and delta 18O from the surface (underway) in the Southern Ocean south of Africa. | Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes | sample |
Woodfalls (Wood Fall project) | Datasheet provides information for individual wood falls including size and deployment information. | Wood Fall | tag_number, tag_color |
WS1209 strains | Microbial culture collection, strain IDs, locations and depth from cruise WB1209 | CEMSB | sample |
X-ray diffraction from seafloor sulfide deposits East Pacific Rise 9-10 North | x-ray diffraction, East Pacific Rise 2019 | Hot2cold Vents | Sample_name |
yawzi point and tektite | Coral community structure at Yawazi Point and Tektite in St. John before and after five hurricanes from 1988–2017 | RUI-LTREB | Quadrat |
Year 1 orbitrap MZML files | Raw proteome mass spectrometry data (.mzML files) herring embryo's 2022 | Herring Proteomics | Sample_ID |
York River Flow Distance Weighted Averages | Distance-weighted data flow averages for the York River estuary in 2018 and 2019 | LYRE | Segments |
YOY chem | Young-of-the-year Baltic flounder otolith chemistry analysis from 2014 to 2017 at Baltic Sea sites in Sweden and Latvia. | OtolithHypoxia | otolith_id |
ZEN 2015 ECO Experiment: Crustacean Survival | Amphipod and isopod survival in global eelgrass habitats | ZEN 2 | Tether_no |
Zooplankton Densities | Zooplankton densities by species and life stage in a seasonally hypoxic fjord. | PelagicHypoxia | sample_code |
ZooProcess and Ecotaxa Output Along Physical Gradients from OAPS | | Zooplankton Gradients | sample_id, sample_barcode, process_id |
ZooProcess and Ecotaxa Output for Zooplankton Mediated Aggregates | | Zooplankton Mediation | sample_id, sample_barcode, process_id |
Zoo_DMC_2007-2011 | Abundance and composition of the zooplankton community at the Darling Marine Center Monitoring stations. | DMC | sample_id |
Zoo_DMC_2007-2011_Columns | Abundance and composition of the zooplankton community at the Darling Marine Center Monitoring stations - Columnar view | DMC | sample_id |
Zostera experiment community biomass | Diversity and biomass of eelgrass inhabitants | ZEN | plot |
Zostera marina whole genome resequencing | Zostera marina whole genome resequencing | ZosteraEcoGenomics | SampleID |
[DEPRECATED] AT37-13 Hard Substrata Sampling Locations | Locations of hard substrata collected during AT37-13 | Costa Rica Seeps | dive_samplenumber |
[DEPRECATED] AT37-13 Push Core Sampling Locations | | Costa Rica Seeps | dive_samplenumber |
[DEPRECATED] GN01 Dissolved Mercury Species | | GEOTRACES Arctic Mercury, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |
[DEPRECATED] GN01 Particulate Mercury | | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Mercury | GEOTRC_SAMPNO |